Recent experience as killer

I mained Myers for a long time but swapped to PH for a while. The past couple months I went back to Myers and this has been my experience....
Same 4man swf team 4 times in a row.
Matchmaking cycling through the same 12 to 15 survivors for my opponents throughout a 4 hour time period.
When I do get more variety of survivors it's 80% azarovs key offering. If I bring any other map offerings or sac ward they DC in loading screen to avoid the match and the penalty.
If I bring no offering and they get the map they want as soon as hear Myers tier up once they often give up. I'm not camping, tunneling, slugging, and still people say Myers is boring and takes no skill to tombstone.... Yet they are survivors that need to do gens to escape. Is it skillful to sit on a gen? It comes across like they want to go into a match to loop the killer on a very survivor sided map instead of actually doing gens, so when they find out Myers is stalking and not taking the bait to chase them they don't like it.
I thought 4man swf was supposed to be rare, but literally 90% of my matches are swf to some degree, either 4 man, 3 man or 2 sets of 2 man swf. And I know they are swf because they openly admit it and I repeatedly go against these teams time and time again. So much they even know it's me by the offerings I bring or the fact I'm a myers, and even know my ping off by heart lol it's crazy. It's rare I go against soloq.
Surly the matchmaking pool can't be this small all night.
Are you on the U.K. servers? Because they're about the size of a shoe box. I see the same players all the time.
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Ye UK servers. I knows it's small but it's never been this small. It's like no one in the UK plays the game lol
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There may not be enough survs around your MMR within your region to provide that variety unfortunately.
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They pick Azarov's offerings because those are all really stupid survivor sided maps. Azarov's Resting Place is just a free win for them once they split the map. And I believe you on the frequency of the SWFs. It's not every match every night for me, but I can tell when it's a SWF, and I get them quite often. Just the plays they're able to coordinate and the gen speed is so unfair, no matter what killer you're playing, what build you bring, what strats you use, they just can't be stopped or even slowed down. I imagine you get pretty bogus matches with your choice of killers, because they're about as good as mine (Deathslinger, Nemesis, Unknown, Xenomorph, etc) and none of those are simply good enough. The devs need to give killers a break and stop nerfing crap like D tier Freddy and Pig.
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It got to a point that I couldn't get a match unless I didn't bring any offering or sac ward and just played on the survivors maps because if they saw sac ward or any other offering 1 would DC in loading screen. 8 times in a row played on wreckers because it was either that or not play at all due to DC. Never been held hostage before the match even starts before lol forcing me to play their offerings or no match at all
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I was in soloQ this morning and got paired with the same survivors 3 games in a row. I'm not sure it means anything but the odds of that happening just seem so small because I know the player base is much bigger than that even in the morning. I can totally believe you're running into the same survivors for multiple games as killer, not sure if something is up with the matchmaker but it's very odd.
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Yeah it doesn't at all surprise me that there's a very limited pool of survivor players to match against & that they've decided to SWF and bring map offerings, given the state of the game rn.
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The offerings is fine but I have an issue with DC in loading screen if they see anything that might counter the map they want. I bring sac ward they DC straight away before the match starts. A new level of go next lol not willing to chance any other map or see what killer they go against.
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I'm U.S. Midwest, and I've had plenty of nights where I'll get matched up against the same team multiple times. It's getting ridiculous with the Azarov's Key/MacMillan Bones. I had four straight games tonight where the survivors burned those offerings. On the fifth game, I got some variety when the survivors decided to bring an Ormond offering. Then I finally had a match with no offering, and we got Garden of Joy. That was a bad string of matches there