Change the Emblem System for Surv's now...
I hope they trow the stupid idea away or add a 2 Objektiv soon.Because this pipping system is mostly killer sided.As a Survivor you can't do everything everytime!
Expacially as a Solo Survivor.
As a Solo Survivor it is quite a contest vs other Survivor's and take away the Teamplay...
I mean srysly I don't have the Motivation to run and safe the hooked one any more because even in green Rank's they doing Hook swarming like hell...
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Game is balanced around swf
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Only swf but the most time you will dodged...
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Pipping is fine, why are so many people crying that much?
You are probably just not as good as you think you are.
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Yeah beeing chased or tunneld the whole Game and depip because I'm not as good as I think... And yes People still tunnel even after the DS change and no I dosen't running DS always.
I was at this point that I asked me why I running BT if the Killer is gonna camp and some Surv still stick at they Asses to unhook the poor hooked one.
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@HavelmomDaS1 I can't understand how players can say the current pipping system was fine. Do you know the requirements for a pip as a surv in the red ranks?
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No I don't know the requirements to pip because I don't give a damn ######### about pips, it's meaningless. However, I went from rank 5 to rank 2 the last night without issues. So you guys are probably not as good as you think you are, simple is that.
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Being tunneled or camped on your first hook would cause a de-pip even before the ranking system changed. So that's not an excuse.
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Just watched truetalent (killer main btw) playing solo survivor in red ranks and he pips just fine
And actually, SWF should be the only ones who get to rank 1 if the ranking system worked properly (at least as long as there are no ingame voice comms)
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You don't know how the Emblem System works but you still feel the need to discuss about it?
That explains your previous statement. The pip system punishes efficient and skillful playstyles while it rewards inefficient playstyles. That's probably also why you have no problem pipping. Good players will struggle pipping because they dominate so clearly that they won't have enough time to farm the emblems, because they win too early.
That's my problem personally, I have no problem winning matches but I'm forced to farm the last two survivors to get those Chaser points, otherwise I might end up only safety pipping in Rank 3, even though I 4k.
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I haven't changed my playstyle, I play the same like previously. I run the killer long, do gens, save my mates (hooks, flashlights, bodyblocks) and I'm usually the MVP who can turn a 3 slugs and 1 last standing survivor (me) into a situation where everyone is standing again.
If you and others are stealthily in corners of the map, don't risk ######### and get downed within 20 seconds it's not my issue, it's your issue beeing bad. Simple is that.
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I noticed truetalent went MIA from dbd during the match making update. He played for like a day or two. Then played something else. Now that it’s reverted he’s back...sooo. I mean he’s playing from basically before the new mm, and picked back up once it was reverted.
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It's pointless to discuss with you, you don't know the requirements to pip. If you dominate the Killer, it's impossible for all Survivors to pip, that's a simple fact because your points as Survivor are very limited. You have to hope for incompetent teammates that allow YOU to get the points. If they're good players, it's going to be a race for the points and only 1-2 players per team can pip, even though everyone played flawlessly.
I already explained (or tried to explain) the flaws of the system countless times here in the most logical and understandable way possible but if people refuse to read / understand how it works, it's a waste of time.
The Matchmaking has absolutely nothing to do with the pip system...
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Here's how you pip as a surv in high ranks: You need at least 13 emblem points. Since survivors split their work, you need at least one surv who isn't working properly so you can do their work as well for the emblem points.
At the same time, you need a killer who is so bad that they don't put enough pressure on the survs despite one survivor not working properly.
There's more to it, but these are the basics. The problem with the current system is that pipping is kind of out of your hands. If everybody else knows what they're doing, it won't be more than a safe pip.
There are also issues for killers, but that's not the topic of the thread.
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Quick reminder: it's not meant to be that everyone pips in a match. Imo only the best 2 survivors should pip. That's how ranking should work. Otherwise you will get swarmed with a lot of rank 1 survivors who doesn't deserve to be there (potatoes).
And everyone knows that the majority of survivors are potatoes. So if you struggle to be better than your 3 random potatoes, you should ask yourself what really the problem is.
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@HavelmomDaS1 Also, out of curiousity: You wrote that you ranked up last night from rank 5 to 2. How many hours did you need? Solo or SWF?
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@HavelmomDaS1 You're putting me in a dangerous state of mind and I don't want to risk a ban, which is why I am leaving this discussion before it triggers me too much. Someone else may want to take my place.
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its just a fact they have to do something. no need to spread toxicity. Red ranks are empty and killers cant find lobbys anymore so they have to change something.
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I agree that they need to fix the pipping system. I never complained about the old one. You did have a few potatoes here and there but that happens. As of right now I've went from a 2 to a 4 . The system f**king sucks a** right now. Killer DC's I lose a pip. Survivor DC's or suicides on hook well I lose a pip.
Why should people like myself and others suffer because of someone else's bad game play? 😔😔
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if you think that mm had 0 effect on survivors pipping you’re wild Bc I was farmed so many times over and over by incompetent teammates that were in yellow, brown, and green ranks. Sooo it kind of does. Kind of hard to pip when you’re farmed. I had to pick swf back up Bc the farming was getting out of control. I’m pipping now, Bc I have teammates I can trust. Coincidence?i think not.
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Oh you're totally right, in that regard I agree it had lots of impact. I thought you meant that with the Matchmaking reversal, they also "fixed" the ranking system.
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We’re cool <3
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I suspect you are watching old videos.
Tru3 has been playing Sekiro past 5 days - I'm watching his live stream now since he came back to DBD and his survivor rank is purple 5. The match I just watched he barely pipped in purple...after the killer gave him the hatch.
And he also couldn't seem to get any killer games with his rank 1 killer.
Only SWF get to rank 1? lol, this isn't even worth commenting on how wrong this thinking is.
EDIT: Update that match I mentioned earlier pipped him to red rank 4, after a series of several games where he safety pipped ( one was an impressive 3 v 1 safety) he de-pipped twice in a row, second one he was tunneled to de-pip so back to purple rank 5 worse off than when I first watched 2.5 hours ago.
Post edited by darktrix on0 -
Multiple hours (maybe 4ish? Don't know), I always play solo. Why does it matter?
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In case anyone is interested, I created an excel sheet a while ago to calculate the emblem progression for Survivors.
I'm well aware that it's poorly done and I solely created it for myself to test and tweak around but feel free to test it, the yellow / red cells can be modified, the others you can't.
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@HavelmomDaS1 yeah i never have much issue. You just got to be really on top of things now. I might make a thread about builds to pip soon if people are still upset about their sides. I've got quite a few builds. Also some killers are seriously rising up in tierlists with the difficulty to pip. For example, Hag, whereas Nurse is falling lower (still second to Spirit) because if you end a game quickly now, you depip. Killers who have amazing map pressure and stall potential like Hag and Billy are really good for this system. I'll be making a thread anyway though.
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Billy is not good for that system because his chainsaw hits are only counted as one hit and he therefore only gets half the points for Chaser and Malicious compared to basic M1 Killers.
There are 4 Survivors, each Survivor can get hooked 3 times so assuming we're not camping or tunneling, that leads to 24 hits in total. 12 hits for Billy, assuming you're chainsawing people all the time to not end up as "Baby M1 Billy".
12 hits, 12 hooks and 8 heals results in SILVER Malicious Emblem.
12 Survivors found, 12 hits with <30 second chases leads to SILVER Chaser Emblem.
And there we are. Even if you get Iridescent in Devout and Gatekeeper, you won't be able to pip. Impossible. Simply because you're a crazy Billy that mastered the chainsaw. That's where I am, btw. I have to farm the last 2 Survivors to farm those Chaser and Malicious points and what can I say? Those Survivors are not happy about it but the system forces me to do so.
The lack of knowledge in this thread... 😔