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General Discussions

What happened to Survivors ????

Member Posts: 9
edited January 29 in General Discussions

You know.. I used to be really decent at this game.. so did those i play with.. now?. not so much. The Game has become 0 fun… Tedious even. The Killers were already over powered beyond measure… We always felt like DBD was a 70/30 game.. Killer at 70 and Survivors at 30.. but more recently.. 90 to 10 most days. We have seen some killers come into the game and wipe out the whole team within 5 minutes of the start. They will come in and slug and slug until theres nothing that can be done.. If the killer slugs a player.. they can camp right on top of them… and nothing.. In the beginning the Anti Camping power bar was amazing.. until they updated it and not only made it way slower.. but also stalled it everytime the killer comes into range and made the camping area very very close.. The killer can literally almost be within in lunging distance and the bar doesnt move. I get it.. Toxic play is permitted in DBD.. Toxic play is even celebrated some.. Camping, Slugging, and Tunneling are 100% legit by the Dev rules.. No matter how hated they are by those writing checks that pay those Devs. Killer Mains take full atvantage of it as well.. I mean what are you going to do.. even if someone listed the Toxic vermin theyd just change their name for free.. I am beginning to HATE DBD like so many others.. but i have a lot of time and money invested in this Game and it is what my viewers want to watch me play.. They will put up with Fortnite some evenings, maybe a little CoD once in a while, but they prefer DBD. Even with the Toxic killer mains and the many many running cheats in the game unchecked.. It feels like DBD is a class room and the Teacher… The Devs etc have left the room so it can be ran by the Bullies.. i mean this is what this is in the end… It is a form of online bullying on a digital scale. You give one group the power, then take away any recourse or form of defense from the other group and then give the first group even more power… Group A.. The killer main now hav double the power and group B, Survivor mains have been relieved of whatever recourse they did have.. and they've been lied to about it with such things as the anti camp bar and the Fact that a survivor can no longer wiggle off the killers shoulder anymore no matter what build they are using… Unhooking yourself has also become impossible.. and killers are so petty and narcissistic they know this but wont admit to it.. They can honestly carry someone across the map even though that survivor hits every skill check.. with 0 effecting perks. They can move toward a hook only to have someone drop the hook and still make it to the next one. I honestly feel there are more hooks and they are closer together as Ive been hooked and could physically see two other survivors on hooks near me struggling. The Devs will not admit to this.. but it is true. There are just a few things that could set this right.. throw the survivor mains a few bones anyway.

  1. Slugging is an issue. Now with the FREE Mori at on the last survivor, Killers will almost always slug the final two. There should be a time period.. Once you've been put into a death state and just left… you should have an option to get back up in some form..skill check.. power bar.. something.. I'm tired of wasting time to "Bleed out" . 5 to 6 mins sometimes doing nothing… cant leave the game because that is illegal.. just gotta stay and wait..
  2. The Wiggle… If you're seriously not going to address this issue… just get rid of it and the perks that go with it. So dumb to have a game action that literally does nothing beneficial for the person using it. Killers have gotten so used to this they show off… they spin.. the random attack nothing to show the survivor its useless and futile to even try. They laugh because they know they have it on lock and that Devs have made it to where it is actually futile to even try.
  3. Get rid of the anti camp bar if your going to render it uselss.. its a damn lie to even have it. Ditch it, or take it back to how it used to be when it worked.. Devs are going to say.. it hasnt changed.. but thats also a damn lie and we all know it has.. its slower and has a hesitation and the distance has changed as well in benefit of the killer.
  4. For Gods sake… Face and accept the cheating you are allowing in this game. Banning someone for an hour or 6 hours is not enough. You know its happening and yet you are so light about it. Do something useful for the DBD community as one. I mean all the cheating.. Killer and Survivors. Your game is becoming worse than Call of Duty. Cheating Videos all over YouTube and TikTok. I personally clip everytime you notify me we caught one. They are on my Twitch for all to see.
  5. Streaming. A lot of us Stream DBD because the audience is massive. As Survivors, we cant see the name of the killer until the end. Why ? Make it so the killer can't see our names either. The Stream Sniping has gotten out of hand. Now.. Youll say.. you can always go into settings and fix this so no one can see your name and this is true, but many of my followers have become my followers from seeing my Name on DBD. I want other Survivors to see my name so they can come into my chat and say GG etc and possibly follow or more. What is good for the goose is good for the gander… If Survivors cant see the killers screen name until the end.. then the killer shouldnt be able to see Survivors Screen names until the end either. This is an unfair advantage to an already over powered character in the game and you know it is.. I beleive you made it this way and leave it this way on purpose as many have reported that a lot of DBD Devs are Killer main streamers.

This would indeed make sense if it were true. That means the Devs are running the game for killers in general to benefit themselves personally.. If they play this game with the rest of us.. you know those who use money to buy the game… buy character skins and buy new outfits etc etc.. THE PAYING CUSTOMERS.. and you know they do, and they majority are killer mains.. then it makes sense.. they are tilting the game even further for their own benefit. We are not asking for a lot.. were not asking for more speed.. or weapons.. or really anyway to fight back.. we are asking for a chance to play like we used… to at least stand some kind of a chance in this game like we used to.. We are asking for a slight amount of fairness and we are asking for a little equity in the end. Something to deter the slugging, the camping, the tunneling.. something to keep the game going and keep it fun without us just bleeding out in one spot for 10 minutes at a time waiting for it be over…. something to keep us from just disconnecting or out right just giving up.. Something to save this game before everyone says to hell with it and leave and all you have are a bunch of killer mains waiting hours in lobby hoping for 4 survivors to join. You know.. the way it was in 2 v 8… If survivors just quit… the game quits as well..

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  • Member Posts: 584

    I heavily agree with number 4 and 5. Easy anti cheat is garbage and they need to get with a better company.

    As for the names, I do think survivor names should be hidden behind their character names until the end screen. Killers can see what items survivors bring into the match which allows them to adjust their builds to counter survivor items and possibly loadouts in the last minute. Due to it being a 4 v 1 there’s an argument that maybe that’s fair. I don’t know. But I do know that if survivors can’t see the killers screen name until end screen they shouldn’t see survivors either.

    As you said, people who have ttv in their name have it for the purposes of promoting themselves but that doesn’t mean you should have to sacrifice promoting your stream by taking it out of your name, just so that the killer doesn’t get an unfair advantage of watching your every move in the match.

  • Member Posts: 706

    According the last stats I think the game is 60/40 which is what the Devs where aiming for this whole time. I know there are some issues as there always has and always will be (no game is perfect) but some people really don't do themselves any favours by intentionally making it difficult for killers to hook like the oak offering, flashlights, sabo ect.

    You say "toxic play" but what you mean is efficient play. It's all part of the game, killer is there to eliminate players. Survivor has to avoid being eliminated long enough to escape. If you don't like being eliminated fast by being tunneled then maybe survivor isn't for you? It's crazy how many people complain about being a survivor, don't like being tunneled, slugged, camped, don't like noed, don't like Myers, blight, nurse or any killer they go against, don't like sitting on gens because it's boring. This is the role you choose to play. Every time someone complains about how my playstyle is "boring" and takes no skill, I remind them they are survivors and their objective is to sit on gens. That's boring and takes no skill too. Killers don't find being looped fun, going in a circle like scooby doo isn't exactly thrilling but it's part of the game and they accept that when they play the killer role.

  • Member Posts: 898

    1. bleeding out is problem, slugging in general is forced by various changes to mechanic and perks related to hooking, as well as new perks implemented. Hooking is more of a punishment than reward.

    2. Wiggle has it's use, and that use is to prevent killer from placing you on a hook in very strategical spot.

    3. Anti-facecamp meter is meant to improve experience against those killers that just stand next to hook, look into your eyes and eventually hit you, it has nothing to do with camping in general.

    4. Agree, game is swarming with cheaters atm, people are even openly selling cheats and BHVR does nothing about it. However, enjoy new skins i guess!

    5. Not much can be done about stream sniping from BHVR perspective, there are ways to handle it individually. Anon mode needs to go tbh

  • Member Posts: 706

    Would also like to point out survivor do have a chat in the lobby. You can make your name anonymous and just type your stream info in the lobby. That way killer can't see and your teammates can.

  • Member Posts: 1,914
    edited January 29

    You've got a "TTV" in your nickname and you complaining about stream snipers? Understandable. (not really)

    If you want to keep this "TTV" in order to get a bigger audience - you need to face and consider the side effect.

    1. I'm personally not facing too much of a slugging, but I'm not going to argue, because I know that happens.
    2. The wiggle is not meant to be a "constant grasp escape". It meant to be a tool to prevent the killer to hook you where ever they want. If you want it to work - you need a teammates who would make a successful sabo play.
    3. What for? Anti-face camp mechanic is working as intended, why do you want to get rid of this?
    4. Agree, there are cheaters here and there.
    5. (I answered about streaming)
  • Member Posts: 295

    Slugging is the new meta because it nullifies so many survivor perks (especially second chance perks) body blocks, pallets saves, flashlight and flashbang saves and sabo on hooks.

    It's no longer in the killers interest to hook but survivors brought this on themselves by crying and moaning about gen regression perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,993

    1: So by your words, slugging is indeed a problem with the game if you feel it is 'forced.' Everyone knows the purpose of hooks and if the game says 'hooking will screw you more than not', thats a problem. HUGE problem, and BHVR needs to really look at this.

    2: But it is useless. And doesn't do that. If you mean it keeps the killer from walking across the entire map to basement, then I'm done here.

    3: Improve the experience? Of.. getting camped? The experience isnt something that can really be improved lol. Camping shouldn't be axed, but man what an experience lol.

    4: Yup. I think the community will always agree with cheating being abhorrent.

    5: There's plenty of things they can do. OP literally listed one.

    Nothing flaming you here, Narko. I just felt you casually slung up some words without much thought compared to your usual, robust posts. OP has points.

    Yes, you are a ttv so you have no right to complain. (not really) Come on, Griger…

    Its easy for someone to dismiss things when they aren't affected in the slightest. Pay no attention to these types. It will offer nothing, or in some cases, less than nothing.

    1: Agreed.

    2: Correct. Or body block. Or breakout. I believe the wiggle only works when other survivors play as a team. Its good deisign imo. Its non-existant in solo'q.

    3: Is it working as intended? As always, this is subject to perspective: Killers will defend it since they are basically unaffected by its implementation, and survivors will complain because it doesn't really affect anything. Its the same playbook.

    4: Yup, cheaters need to go. Community agrees!

    5: (Poorly and somewhat bigotted. It should be disregarded honestly.)

    There's a lot dbd could do to make things friendlier to any and everyone, they simply wont do it. There's lists on the forums with QoL things for both sides that just get lost in pages of complaints about the game. Which I think is funny. I've not had any other game who's forums are mostly complaints. Just my experience though. Im sure there are some lol.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I play the game casually when my friends call me. I used to play solo. Today I can't handle it anymore, lol. It's a bizarre show of stress. Tunnel after tunnel. I think they should add the 2v8 modifier cage to combat this. Or create a casual mode without perks, with a cage, or with nerfs to both survivors and killers so the game is balanced, less repetitive and more dynamic. But what the owner of the post said is true. They don't care about that. They created mechanics to avoid these player vices, but they are insufficient. In their view, if you are being tunneled, use perks to combat it. The game has a ton of perks and you can only use 2 slots because Off the Record and Decisive Strike almost always need a slot. I love the game's looping mechanics. But unfortunately, I have less and less desire to play it because of the excessively competitive spirit of its players. Unfortunately, streamers are partly to blame for this. No one is streaming their game to lose. Especially killers. Losing and still creating interesting content is for the few. You need to have charisma. So most people play tryhard because that's what they have to offer. Then they desperately take someone out of the game because they want to kill at least 1. And if someone is tunneled and taken out of the game at the beginning of the game, it's an easy and lazy victory, in my opinion, for the killer. But anyway, everyone plays their own way and what I'm doing to combat this is playing other games when I'm tired of the same thing.

  • Member Posts: 898
    1. slugging is a problem forced by another problem yeah. And it will remain problem as long as that other problem remains too.
    2. no, basement was not my thought, my thought was denying hook inside killer's interest zone (usually 3-gen). This is why you'll see good survivors directing the chase as far away from that zone and then forcing a down and a hook in a zone completely away from killer's interest zone. Wiggle mechanic is there to prevent killer from doing this in such circumstances aka. it also has a bit of...skill aspect into it.
    3. it is working against toxic intention of camping, BHVR wanted to punish it while not really willing to punish camping as a legit strategy.

    I'm not really slamming up words, it's just that everybody has different experiences, for example i spend 10s on the ground between down and hook on average, which is nothing really bad for me. In my matches, it seems like average killer player...kinda avoids playing in the way average survivor hates.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    And now they're gonna complain about slugging and get it nerfed, instead of looking at what led to that meta. It's always the same.

  • Member Posts: 30

    With all the "just go next" responses i keep seeing around the forums, I think people also forget the matchmaking lock. This now needs to be adjusted to a reduced time, completely gotten rid of, or only happen after 2 back to back DC. If I don't wanna play with a slugging legion running knockout then let me find another match in peace.

  • Member Posts: 706

    I do see your point but on the flip side if a killer doesn't want to go against a pro swf on a particular map or a bully squad then the killer should be able to go next without penalty? At least survivors have the opportunity to go next penalty free even if it's 4min slugged. Killer doesn't get that.

  • Member Posts: 880

    don’t queue up for DBD if you’re not willing to play DBD 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 438

    I just came back to the game, and I realized that I can't Dead Hard for distance, there aren't any infinites anymore, and my insta heal didn't heal me immediately. Don't tell me that Mettle of Man isn't a free health state anymore too?? This game sucks!!

  • Member Posts: 706

    Or is it turn brain off? = Sit on a gen and press a button now and then and if things go south go for hatch

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    You're gonna get snipe if you address ttv in your name. Anti camp meter is working due to working on face camping. It taught killer how to proxy camp the hook. Maybe take a break

  • Member Posts: 1,164
    edited January 29

    The first sentence alone is a total self report.

  • Member Posts: 706

    Send a PM? Or get a PC to stream? PC has always had more upsides like keyboard and mouse that console players don't get so the ability to chat is just another part of it I suppose

    Nothing stopping people streaming, don't need to announce it to people. If they want viewers and put TTV in the name to get more viewers then they can't really complain when they do actually get more viewers (killer viewing).

  • Member Posts: 1,164

    You can't advertise that you're live and then expect only the positives of that.

  • Member Posts: 557
    edited January 29

    When did I say that should be the case? I agree that if you are advertising your stream, you should know that there are bad actors out there. Either way, that does not justify the actions of the bad actors.

    Besides, if you want a really simple solution to that problem, add a "Hide Username during Pregame" option, which can have toggles to hide your name for everyone or just the killer. That could be implemented in a week tops if the resources were allocated for it.

  • Member Posts: 706

    Console players can't use keyboard and mouse. Fact is console players don't get the same as PC players. If they want to stream and use chat and only say their stream in the chat so killer can't see then until they add chat to console they need to get PC. Otherwise they are stuck with the billboard. To my knowledge console players can't use keyboard and mouse so if they want to take advantage of the mouse 360 turn that alot of survivors do then PC is the way to go.

  • Member Posts: 557

    Input methods have nothing to do with overall game functionality. Consoles have on-screen keyboards that pop up for console players to type messages. This has existed literally for DECADES. People could send messages back in the xbox 360 era using this exact method. There are people that use a controller ON PC. Sure, keyboard and mouse has a slight advantage, but literally in today's age of dbd, nobody is 360ing anyone, decent killers just aren't falling for it anymore.

    All of that to say: there is zero reason that BHVR can't use the console's own on-screen keyboard and enable text chat for console players. The reason console players do not have access to chat is not from a "is it possible" standpoint, but something else entirely.

    And all of THAT to say: no matter what platform you want to stream on, the game shouldn't go out of its way to make it harder on a specific section of the player base just because they have chosen a specific console.

  • Member Posts: 522

    Or is it turn brain off? = Sit on the ground for several minutes and repeat

    Fixed your sentence.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    What happened to survivor? Survivors.

    They give up too easy and complain about the dumbest things. Like wiggling.

    The survivors you used to play with. They're gone. Replaced with a new set of survivors that know nothing about the game but everything is the killers fault.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    You're right, since from my experience the average streamer is actually playing on Playstation

  • Member Posts: 542

    I haven't seen many survivors or at least survivor mains talk about gen regression in the few months that I routinely get on the forums.

    The only complaints that I've seen are perks like Off The Record, Windows of Opportunity, and Shoulder The Burden.

    Behavior decided to nerf gen regression as it typically holds its place in the most used perks and I myself, as someone who has played killer relied on gen regression and even Sloppy Butcher before its inevitable nerf.

    Instead of us vsing them in this specific post, recognize that Behavior seems to nerf perks based on usage rate or the incompetence that they have (Calm Spirit and Wake Up nerfs). Behavior nerfs both sides and I haven't seen much complaints for gen related perks - I've even said Pain Resonance is easy to work around by simply letting go before a survivor is hooked. Killers deciding to slug more due to the mori system that Behavior decides to implement, along with killers not wanting to work around second chance related perks. It has nothing to do with gen regression - Pop and Pain Resonance are still strong perks to this day.

  • Member Posts: 99

    I played a few survivor games last night due to the new Rift for the first time basically. I think it was a fun experience, tense but not impossible. I have spent all my 800 hour ish on killer now and prestiged all of them to 1 and ghostface to level 60 , needless to say i am a surgeon with him.. but i never faced him during my games , it was mostly blight , nurse and spirit. I decided to buy the Legendary Spirit skin to sort of motivate myself to learn her and play her and also tomie does not have that disgusting howl sound and my god am i good now , I kill at will and crush my opponents , not really because MMR is lower its just so much easier.

    Maybe if they tuned up some other killers a little bit there would be more variety as a survivor because why would you play Trapper,Mayers, even my main although i think he is fun when you got Nurse, blight m spirit literally flying through the maps killing everything in sight.. As i played alot of M1 killer you do learn human behaviour so when i stand there with a survivor on the other side of the pallet as spirit now i already know what they gonna do before they even know what they going to do so momentarily it will be a sword in the face..

    And perhaps this is the issue, or a part of it. During a game i face 4 survivors and i get to learn from all 4 how they do play the game, where they are likely to run what x do in y situation so perhaps the killers are simply just better players and not just that. There is no chilling at a gen as a killer, We have to listen to every noise every breath every detail of the game while you relaxing in some basement looking at your heartbeat smoking a blunt. Could be a facto… I also think Survivor people are the type of people who cant take a loss without someone to blame it on so they choose survivors so they, for themselves can blame the loss on someone else while as a killer they would have all the pressure on themselves so maybe , just maybe Survivors attract lesser players than the ruthless killers out there.

  • Member Posts: 404

    The Game has become 0 fun… Tedious even.

    Take a break. Check in on the game in a few months, skim to see if the changes you want are added, and only come back if they are added. That's the best way to ensure the game's in a state you want it in.

  • Member Posts: 9

    Notice the killer main reactions… They truly feel the game is either balanced or lopsides for Survivors… You know it not.. but if you totally suck ass as killer youll try and convince the general DBD community otherwise.. You see when i play killer and I do.. i am surgical with Legion, a nightmare with Tiffany, and have a habit of making people DC with Skuli.. and i see how lopsided the game really is when i play killer.. I catch EZ 4K's within 3 Gens.. sometimes 2.. I would make a Great Killer Main.. but my Twitch Audience prefers Survivor so they can take part and play alongside me… So many Killer Mains truly think they know everything.. You realize Devs can make many many changes in this Game without announcing they made the changes.. and to think they dont it stupid on your part.. It simple.. Go research all of the Changes announced for 2024.. They are indeed listed.. 78% are Buffs for killers.. with very few Nerfs like the supposed nerf to Skuli which in no way hindered her at all.. Nerfs seem to be centered mainly toward Survivors.. its listed on this site if you dont believe me and want to go check it out.. but its prolly easier to believe how you want to believe because it benefits you and the way you play..

  • Member Posts: 542
    edited February 1

    Yes, I played Onryo literally like a week or two ago because my friends wanted me to play and watch me play via screen share and I easily 4ked.

    The only time I struggled was when I played Knight for the first time and I only got one kill. Does this mean I think Knight needs to be buffed or that survivors are too strong? No. I'm not skilled at Knight, it was my first game, and I don't expect myself to magically be good at Knight like I am with Onryo.

    People get so wrapped up in games and think because they get a 3k/4k, all games need to be like that and when it doesn't go their way - they blame SWF.

    Same thing on the survivor area - you completely obliterate a killer and get a 4 man out and when things go south, you see some people advocate that killer is too strong.

    You're not going to win every single game you load up into and people need to be more realistic about stuff. If I can take months off of playing Onryo and come back to a 4k, it's because I put in the time to know how to play her.

    Post edited by CautionaryMary on

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