So is Freddy the new slugging king, or did I miss something?

I am curious if I missed something, because if Freddy can still teleport to a slugged survivor being healed by a survivor in the dream world, then I fear this new Freddy will become an issue fairly quickly, and simply land in the already big list of killers that almost every survivor hates facing.
I think his teleport to healing survivors that are injured is fine, but being able to slug survivors and then teleport to them as soon as they are being healed by a survivor in the dream world, just makes his slugging potential way too good. Because now he can just pressure slugged survivors from whether he is, or survivors have to waste extra time waking up before picking a survivor up, which also just increases his slugging potential, considering slugging is already a problem in this game.
Like seriously, this game definitely doesn't need another obnoxious killer to face.
Not quite. Survivors wake up when they're put into the Dying state. So the rescuer has to use an alarm clock before they try to pick up a slug.
I think the concern is how tedious the alarm clocks might be a month or two after this update. You pretty much have to use an alarm clock before you do anything. That's going to get old really fast, and players are going to stop doing it, similar to how some players would rather ignore Sadako's tapes entirely than spend half the trial messing with them.
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Today, I had a match against a full slug Freddy (Jolt, Kock Out, Infectis Fright, and Sloppy - you don't need ANC due to killer instinct). It was a miserable match but also due to the teammates because two of them dced and when I tried to kill myself on hook, the third one came for the rescue instead of taking hatch. Then we got WS. It was so miserable that it became funny again - like #########.
However, I don't think the issue is Freddy himself but rather Knock Out. Singularity is also a really strong slugger since he can also spread his infection with the slug and put a camera next to it. Pinhead is also good slugger since he has the Box as an additional pressure tool. I really hope the developers will not nerf Freddy due to his slugging potencial when the actual issue is Knock Out. I played a lot of games today with Freddy and many survivor understood that they should not heal when they sleep or at least heal when they know I cannot teleport (cooldown, chase with a different survivor ect.). From my POV, the teleport to healing survivor is good but sounds better in theory than in praxis, especially with how free the Alarm Clocks are.
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They remade Freddy into glorious M1 pub stomper with 2 gimmick powers. Everything else has only a value if you intend to slug and pressure. If you try to play him in more standard way, you'll be losing more than winning.
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Yeah, I just don't see him becoming a "slugging monster" especially when everyone's forgotten that Twins exists. He's M1. It's a struggle for him to get a down vs 1 good player, so even if he's "good at slugging", he can't get the downs to even get it started.
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The difference between Freddy and Sadako’s passive slowdown mechanics are that survivors are punished for ignoring alarms. Nightmare has anti-loop potential and can teleport on top of healing (including injured but picking up a slug) survivors who are asleep. Sadako cam do nothing of the sort.
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Downing the survivor wakes them up, so only the rescuer needs to use a clock. Furthermore, a freddy would need to teleport damn fast if the person actually recovers first.
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Which is precisely why sadako still needs some help. I don't know why they keep making her slowdown part of her power so bad that survivors can just ignore it by just turning off a TV everytime they get a chance, and then not giving her an actual chase power.
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Literally just wake up before healing.
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The teleport has a 45 seconds cooldown and now waking up has priority over healing. Just play a few matches with the new Freddy and you will realize that you have very few opportunities to use the teleport.
When you heal someone on the ground, usually that person is one touch away from being picked up and there is no option to teleport. Once standing, that survivor will be awake and will be able to heal without notification.
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I think because she can’t have overwhelming slowdown but also be a menace in chase or you end up with the second version of Sadako (slugako?) that had no counter play. She’s either spamming condemn and slugging people, or hit and run spamming then slugging people. She needs something now but I’m not really sure what. BHVR should just avoid making killers that have mandatory passive slowdown features (pin, sad, kru) as it tends to be difficult to balance them.
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Yeah, you missed alarm clock.
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It's the survivor learning phase right now.
Survivors aren't used to needing to be awake to heal since before you had to heal first in order to wake up another survivor.
Plus if the survivor who is slugged recovers, then they only need to be tapped up and then you can stop the healing before Freddy has the chance to teleport on you.
Give it a week or two and people will realize that this reworked freddy is not that threatening.
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I don't know about slugging Freddy, just a regular Freddy using his power to TP to gens and to healing Survivors to tunnel has been more than enough to destroy my average teams so far. The timer for putting you back into the dream world ticks down way too fast in my opinion (and he has his power to hurry you along as well). So you spend much time running around interacting with clocks to avoid his TP abiliy before you can really do anything, before you know it there you are back in the dream world again. A pretty oppressive experience that reminds me of the first version of Skull Merchant once she'd locked down a map and the second version of Sadako with her condemned playstyle in terms of strength level. Personally, I'm not convinced he should be able to TP to healing Survivors at all.
So I can see him getting some pretty hefty nerfs in the not too distant future. Because there's no way a basic attack Killer like Freddy will be allowed to be this strong in the game for very long. So enjoy it while you can.
Before anyone hits me with the usual skill issue stuff, I'm just giving my opinion as an average to kinda bad Survivor. I don't think it'll matter if he struggles a bit against better Survivors. So does Legion and Trapper and I don't see those guys being given a Freddy grade buff anytime soon. The main problem with Freddy was that his power was so incredibly boring to use. Now it's actually fun, I don't think it would be too much of a serious issue if he got a few nerfs.
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Not even close, that title is hard to steal from Twins…
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explain why we should balance killers around survivors playing poorly vs the killer? the gameplay is same as Singularity EMP's except it is wildly more accessible clocks. you pick an EMP to pick up slug to remove infection against Hux slugging. you get a free 30 second of sleep immunity as a bonus in the freddy version.
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Freddy is just clown with built in slowdown because you have to go to a clock every other minute now lol.
I don't think Freddy is OP or anything far from it but I feel like he's everything that makes a killer not fun to go against rolled into one.
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I wish survivors ignored my tapes/tvs. I am lucky if I get a tv to come out of. Its very frustrating losing not 1 but 2 of your 3 powers.
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What I find is that you can't really heal near gens (he gets killer instinct) or heal at hooks as much anymore. I think against a competent SWF Freddy isn't as good, but he's a curb stomper against solo-queue.
I've gotten to the point where if I know I'm not going to pop my gen when he gets a hook, it's best to walk away from it in case he teleports to the gen. I think survivors suffer a lot with him because playing against him usually is counterproductive to how most survivors play — sticking to gens, healing after an unhook, etc. He's very high in map mobility, which helps him snowball if Freddy decides to do it.
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Yeah, with Onryo - it helps because I like to play as Onryo. The usual playstyle that I like to do is grab a tape, get on a gen, and then when the TV turns on to turn it off. Onryo suffers a lot, especially against coordinated teams who do my sort of my playstyle as it hinders her map mobility. 😅
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because it wasn't designed to be slowdown power. it was designed to be mori power to skip all 3 hook-states. the first iteration did it through slugging and 2nd one did it through tapes. 3rd is survivor nerfed version that doesn't work.
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Comp players themselves are claiming otherwise on the matter but whatever floats your boat, mister god-looper.
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Great….slug king huh? That's all we need when slugging is bad enough right now…
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My worry is that even if survivors make sure that they are awake when picking up a survivor, it still makes Freddy's slugging too strong because survivors have to waste time waking up. However, you do make a fair point that if survivors recover fully, Freddy will have very little time to teleport to a survivor picking the slugged survivor up.
So maybe it won't be that bad, we'll have to wait and see.
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You didn't read the entire post it seems. I know about the alarm clocks, but having to wake up before picking a slugged survivor up wastes time, which indirectly also buffs Freddy's slugging potential.
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I know that, but my fear is that Freddys slugging would still become too good because the rescuer having to wake up wastes time. But your second point is a fair argument, so maybe his slugging won't become too much of a problem. We'll have to wait and see.
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I know that. But that wastes time, also indirectly buffing Freddy's slugging potential.
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That's what i'm saying though, if someone is slugged they are recovering. They can recover 95% of their bar, which means someone else only needs to heal them for 0.8 seconds in order to pick them up. That freddy would have to be damn quick to, hear the killer instinct, find it, target it, and start channeling the teleport in 0.8 seconds.