This game is way to rigged for killer success. Survivors haven't a chance.

Another update. Killers again get it all. Survivors almost nothing.
It has become way too hard to be a survivor in this game. Unless you enjoy never ever escaping.
The way they have this game set up now it allows for killers to win every time. The generators are way too close together. They've moved the exit gate, so they're just about on top of each other. The killers seem to be moving faster and their abilities have been amped up to where it is almost impossible to overcome them. The crows literally travel across the whole map. Pinhead chains are way longer. The gunslinger now shoots his gun across about a quarter of the map. Hooks are so close together and good luck, wiggling off, that's never going to happen.
Killers camping a hooked survivor has become an everyday occurrence. They never are far enough away from a hooked survivor for anybody to unhook them successfully without ending up on the hook themselves. So you're basically playing a game of everybody on hooking, there's survivor and then everybody dies, and you don't even get a generator started.
You guysYou guys have made it impossible to be a survivor and get out. The game has become no fun to play.
Last night I played for over six hours and loaded in with some pretty good survivors and we didn't get out at. I understand sometimes you load in with survivors that there's no chance at getting out of the map, but I loaded in quite a few times where we should have been able to get out.
I find myself playing with keys in order to even have half a chance to escape. That takes all the fun out of the game.
Survivors often have to play with AI, but if it was easier to be a survivor maybe you wouldn't have to have artificial intelligent players to complete a team. we'd have normal everyday players this game is beginning to make no sense. The way it slanted for killers always to win.
Truthfully, I hope the developers do something and do something sooner. I will have to move on to something else which will make me really sad.As I really love this game.
The crows literally travel across the whole map.
They have always worked like that. The range has never been changed.
Pinhead chains are way longer.
No they are not. The range has never been changed.
The gunslinger now shoots his gun across about a quarter of the map.
No he does not. The range has never been changed.
You are making things up to complain about them.
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And yet the survivors escape rate is about 40% which is what the Devs were aiming for. The nature of the game is that it's supposed to be challenging for survivors to escape. It's not supposed to be the looping frenzy that it was becoming, where survivors feel comfortable to literally run circles around a killer with no fear or urgency at all.
I played a few survivor matches earlier and I escaped couple times. Died more than I escaped but that's to be expected.
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it is doom day post. I imagine he is correct. a new player/novice player playing survivor will very rarely escape because skill-difficult for them to escape is too high compare to challenge that they are facing. The killers would need to be massively nerfed for bronze/silver/gold survivor player to escape.
For someone that is middle of road, like plat-diamond, the game is probably fairely balanced where they escape a bit and lose equally. that is usually the 2000 hour survivor player that is averagely good at the game but not amazing.
For SWF/Very high-level soloq player, a 4000+ player that knows every loop by the back their head, the game is survivor sided, especially for SWF. it is very easy to do 2-3 mediocre chases and gen-rush over 50% if not more of the cast.
I do not think BVHR will ever achieve balance for 3 levels of skill for survivor because killer will always be too strong for one group or too weak for veterans. I also do not agree with approach of trying force results like nerfing skill so that killer player cannot use their skill to compete vs better players or soloq having poor gameplay macro due to inability to make optimal gameplay choices.
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Mind you this data does not include matches with DCs or hatch escapes, which could change the data.
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Yes. Developers treat all players as energetic 21-year-old teenagers, and all survivors will work together to quickly achieve their goals. In fact, I am just an ordinary player who is old and slow to react. My success rate in escaping is less than one-third. I can only quit the game when the killer knocks me down and chases after others to avoid a long and boring game.
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One of the updates, maybe two or three updates ago, literally updated how far the crows can travel across the map. And there's definitely not a forty percent escape rate. I have played this game going on five years and i'm telling you now I will play for hours and hours a day, and it's getting a lot more difficult survivors to escape. Look at this last update, they literally took a really nice survivor perk, and reduced it. So maybe if you're some pro player and can run circles around the killer, that's great for you and you get out, but for the normal average player you seldom, if ever escape.
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Im an advocate that it's impossible to escape unless you have some form of Swf.
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It definitely gets easier with SWF than solo-queue. It's not impossible to escape with solo-queue, but you definitely need people who can carry their weight. They need to know basic information like when to commit to a gen, when to unhook a survivor, how to loop, and gen placements for gens to get done.
All four are objectively easier to communicate when you play in a SWF.
You get pushed off of a gen, you can tell your teammate what gen you're pushed off on.
You need to navigate a rescue? All you need is one person to say, "I got it, don't worry about it."
For looping, you have people saying, "I dropped shack pallet, I dropped cow tree pallet." and that helps people do loops better.
People in solo-queue can be a mixed bag. I started back to playing solo-queue and I got two randoms dcing on Forgotten Ruins against a
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I dont mean it literally, just feels that way some days.
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Exitgates are on top of each other: No they are not. you were just unlucky because it's random on most maps, or pretty much at oposite sides at maps where they are not random.
Killers move faster: No they don't. yes they changed tricksters speed ages ago, but that was it.
Powers got stronger: yes, because they didn't perform as wished for the devs. There's nothing wrong about buffing killers that are too weak.
- Crows: Yes they are, but good luck hitting both crows to injure. You need good prediction for that so it's deserved.
- Pinheads chains: they didn't get any longer as far as I know.
- Deathslinger: he doesn't even close cover a quater of the map, also he would lose a struggling survivor after around an quater of pulling on maxrange then lol xD
- Hooks: yes they spawns sometimes closer, sometimes there are just 3 hooks on the entire map it feels like, it's depending on the map xD
- Wiggling: You were never supposed to wiggle off on your own, it's just to give other people a chance of saving you, AND make it that the killer can't drag you to the basement from everywhere ^^
If your entire teams dies while trying to unhook you heavely missplayed, just do gens, the killer has to do something at some point. Also people apparently also don't like being slugged, the preassure has to come from somewhere, so choose what you like more xD
Just because you should be able to get out, it doesn't mean you have to. The killer just played good enough to win and that's it.
Survivors don't get bots from the start. Survivors that leave are replaced for a bot, but that's the only way to get a bot in your lobby currently.
At least half of the things said in this post are simply wrong.
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I am so proud guys... I escape over 33% of the time as a console player (damn you great skillchecks), without running exhaustion perks or strong toolboxes/medkits…
Imagine what I could do if I ran meta and 20% of my games didn't have some dork throw a hissy fit and quit/throw the game for no reason! 🤘😁🤘
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Good job, I think people that kill themself on hook instantly or dc are the reason many games are lost. A lot of people don't want to try if they actually have to think to win xD
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I find my escape rate as a solo player way better than when I play with my friends because they are not that experienced as well as just simply not very good at the game and some of the randoms I've had have been way better than me
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100%. I understand. I've had many games where I seems like it will be a ######### show. I'm thinking "I just want out" and tempted to go next. Many times I've stuck it out and the game has turned around in our favour.
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When there was no anti-facecamp meter, no base-kit Borrow Time and Hook Grabs where a thing there was no problem to make a succesful rescues, but now it has mysteriously become impossible despite all that and everyone is left to die on hook… Well, that's what happens when you treat someone as useless, they end up becoming useless. Survivors are currently in a very comfortable position where they expect the game to do everything for them, which causes them to become progressively worse players.
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It’s the opposite for me. The game is definitely more difficult for solo q. I can tell because whenever I play with @solarjin1 I’m getting carried by him every time. I escape way more when we play together than when I play by myself.
I guess that makes me the inexperienced player… Hahaha
Sorry @solarjin1!!! 🤣 Thanks for your sacrifice 😏🤣🤣🤣
Edit: Maybe I just wanted your item 🤣😉
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See? My killrate is pretty okay I think, but I'm gonna be honest, I wouldn't win as many games without random people killing themself or dc. But well, I'm not complaining as killer at least, was very handy for my adepts xD
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That because solo q in this game is complete garbage @HerInfernalMajesty. Most of the time it don't even come down to your looping/chasing skills... it just come down to is the team coordinated enough to break whatever tactic is currently happening.
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Gates: map reworks are shrinking maps, that does push gates closer together. Beyond that, I’ve noticed peculiar spawn logic with exit gates in otherwise untouched maps as well.
Killers are faster. They get bloodlust faster, complete their wipe animation faster, and survivors lose distance after a hit making them slower and killers faster.
Weaker killers should be improved for sure but every killer—every single one of them—has a kill rate above 50%. That means every single killer on the roster is killing more survivors than they’re losing to.
BHVR has stated they will be placing bots in special game mode lobbies to alleviate long queue times. My suspicion is that if long queue times affect other queues (including normal), bots will be used. There’s no reason why they wouldn’t do that. Could be blind trials happening with it now. You dunno, you aren’t a developer for DBD, and blind trials aren’t usually announced until much later.
The one point you’re right on is the survivor’s fumbling a save.
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survivor escape rate is right where the devs are targeting, at least according to the extremely limited (and outdated now) stats that BHVR provides. If you are escaping at a far lower rate, that indicates an individual skill issue. This isn’t meant to be a “git gud” comments, it’s just a reality of the overall skill distribution of the player base. There are players that are really good, there are players that are really bad, and everything in between. The devs should not be balancing the game around players on the low end of the skill distribution curve. That applies to both killer and survivor players.
A lot of these types of posts are coming from people who never play killer. I highly recommend people actually try playing killer for a while before demanding killer nerfs. It’s not as easy as you think once you start going against experienced survivors who know what they’re doing.0 -
Gates: doesn't change the fact they are not always together like op said, sure they might be closer even in best case for survivors but still random in the end. Also from my experience as a killer I can say that you can only defend them effectively when you have 1-2 survivors, after that it doesn't matter even if they are besides each other. (Of course I speak about survivors that use their brain, but they wouldn't get to that point otherwise I guess).
Killers are faster: still wrong, not a single thing you listed is increased movementspeed on itself. You just get the speed you already had faster (as in it takes less time) in case of bloodlust. You wipe your weapon faster therefore you get your speed back faster (as in it takes less time). Less distance for survivors doesn't mean killers are faster, yes they get you quicker but just because (yet again) it takes less time. The movementspeed is the same since I started to play this game actively. (Around 21)
Killer buffs: And under 60 is still under the wish of the devs, so they need buffs.
I still don't think it will happen in the normal gamemode. They can only do this in event-gamemodes because they don't have any mmr and it therefore doesn't matter if they use bots or not. In the normal gamemode you have mmr so they have to search for real players, otherwise their entire system would be doomed to kill itself.
Are you trying to tell me that ANYONE in this game wouldn't be able to see that they have a bot in the round? They move so increadible inhumane that it even ignores dbd's own movement-design, they are able to flashlight you while running almost instantly, they don't save like they should, they vault into you sometime if you're close enough to the window on the other side. There's no way you wouldn't see that even if they don't announce it.
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It also hasn't been updated in nearly 1 year
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Sole Survivor, Low Profile, Left Behind, Overcome
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How can people even say this stuff? Literally every time I hop on killer, including tonight, super sweaty matches that result in settling for the draw, 1ks, and even 0ks. What was my misplay? What was common between all those matches? Simply facing survivors who knew what they were doing.
Doesn't matter if you're tunneling, slugging, detaching from bad chases, going for the weak link, etc. none of it matters, because the game is advantage over skill, and survivors have all the advantage. It feels like any chase where you have to break a pallet, or one that doesn't result in a down, is a complete waste of time and momentum. And having to get to Bloodlust every single chase, if you do choose to try and ignore the pallets, is equally bad and sometimes isn't even enough. Sometimes Bloodlust 3 isn't even enough, because of how stupid the pallet/loop design is. There's constant stupid loop design in these maps, with buildings that have check spots which allow for a free 20-40 second lead before you even get close to the survivor, meaning you either don't chase there at all (because killer having to RETREAT from tiles is indicative of good design, right?) or you hard commit to the chase even if it's a bad one to take, every time. Some of those same building loops are so badly designed, like on main in Dead Dawg, that you lose Bloodlust going around it, because the survivor is out of sight for too long.
Don't even get me started on the downing potential on these killers, because it's like nothing. No good survivor is ever gonna let you Hillbilly chainsaw or Wesker infect unless it's literally point-blank range, and even then they've got crouch techs and fov techs to rob you. Trapper needs 1-2 pink add-ons just to play, as do several others. The hitboxes, and easily executable dodge counterplay, on all the ranged killers bar Clown (because it's literally a massive gas cloud) are absolutely pathetic weaknesses, especially with Deathslinger. How specific does one's shot need to be? The mobility killers really show you how fast survivors move around loops, and move fast in general. You can go to body block people with Wraith, and they still beat you to the infinite vault spot beforehand. It's almost impossible on Legion to get more than 2 hits with Frenzy without the Never Sleep Pills combo. Blight, I feel was purposefully made worse on console, because his turn rate without both add-ons is non-existent, and he always seems to slam on oversized nonsense obstacles. And Vecna's a clunky add-on dependent mess. Just to name a few.
How y'all lose so often to so many of these weak killers, I'll never understand. Now I see why the complaints make a little more sense. Why complain about Nurse/Blight when you get 4k'd by a no add-ons Wraith, Clown, Pig, or Chucky every single time? It's not on the devs to entertain this. They need to be contending with real balance, not what happens at bottom level. I'm surprised there's as many people on here who have the sense to go to the forums to complain about this stuff. Imagine the tens of thousands who don't, because they don't engage with the community much, period, and who still conclude with their 50-100 hours of playing that "Every killer I face is so OP!" They don't even understand what's hanging in the balance, what's being discussed with this game. Again, even those who are into balance discussions often have the weirdest takes. "I'm casual, and care about fun with friends more than winning, but you'd better nerf those killers so that they're easier to beat!" You know you're not really supposed to be in serious balance talks as a casual, right? No other game's community does that. That's like me, who isn't into football at all, telling people how the game SHOULD work.
But because the devs listen to casuals for balance (an oxymoron of the highest order), what you've said here will be taken as gospel. So you can either wait for them to nerf whatever it is you're mad at, because it will happen, or take my advice: change games. If you lack the patience and commitment to get good at the game, or at least see the game's problems for what they are (bad matchmaking rather than bad balance), then invest into a different game that respects your time a bit better. This one doesn't. But if you're stubborn and still want to proceed with this game, take my other advice: get good with killer. There is no single thing you can do in this game that is more experience enriching, more skill-developing than playing killer and getting good with it. You have to juggle and understand so much, but once you see both roles, both sides of the coin, you understand, "Oh, the killer is limited to doing this much, so I can take advantage of that as survivor." And once you understand the counterplay as survivor, you can re-counter by developing killer counterplay to that. At a certain point, it becomes less and less about the results, and more about understanding how good you did personally.
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SoloQ Survs don't stand a chance, SWF have slight chance. The game is overtuned for Killers so they can deal with sweaty SWF, but Surv gameplay is constantly nerfed into the ground. At a certain point there's going to be AI Survs to alleviate queues since Killers are going to have no one to vs but SWF and those aren't plentiful enough to quell the queues.
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Come to the dark side… Find your mouse and keyboard, and become one with the
forceEntity.5 -
120 FPS skillchecks? Oni/Billy/Blight flicks? Reshade? Actually being able to see vs. Dredge or on Decimated Borgo? A genuine aim on Xenomorph rather than hoping the hay bail doesn't have a wayward straw sprue to block you? The actual ability to look around basement for Insidious Bubba's without feeling like you have to swing a bus round?
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It is the way to ascension. Uplift your gamer spirit for the glory of the
EmperorEntity! And yes, all those things are at your disposal. You wouldn't want to play without such things as the heathens do, would you? (kidding, <3 all my roller fanatics)3 -
those dam gunslingers lol
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I agree as a Killer and Survivor… Killer Mains will tear you apart though… The issue is Narcissism.. The 4K is their world.. anything that might level the game out or cause them to miss a Survivor cant be spoken about with meeting heavy resistance from the Killer Community.. Very few killers will admit that all killers have become super over powered.. Dropping you after you clear a window and are feet away from it, dropping you after you've had time to not only drop a pallet but turn and run a few steps.. Picking you up after you have fully exited a locker…? They will lie and lie telling everyone nothing has changed and them claim its a skill issue on the Survivors side.. I used to be one to try and set records on how many back to back escapes i could pull.. and i was decent at it.. now.. a team of 3 or 4 can play all night… 6 to 8 hours and never catch a W.. Because all the "Benefits" created for Survivors are 100% bullshit and there to shut people up.. its a "look what we did for you.. we care" when none of that is true.. Anti Camp bar, The Wiggle, the now uselss windows and pallets.. you think its for you.. there to help you.. but its just false hope..