Doctor seems OP

Whenever he zaps I cannot see anything, It screws me up constantly because I can't see the generator timer skill check and of course it causes me to fail the check. It is really annoying in my opinion and feels like an extra leg up than other killers. I would advise reducing the area that the zap covers on screen because it is very hard to complete objectives when I can't see and I am constantly having to relocate because I gave my position away.
Please don't say something is OP because you don't understand the game.
That's like saying Wraith is OP.
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in my opinion he is balanced. yeah he can be annoying sometimes. but remember he is just like any other m1 killer.. plus he has no lethal.
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Skill checks are client-sided though.
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He isn’t OP.
Doctor is a fairly weak killer, but good in the right hands.
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He's a good newbie stomper since he overwhelms them with gimmicky effects.
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The madness snap out of it skill checks are the same size as regular generator skill checks, and i can hit those in games with 300+ ping. So most likely you just suck at skill checks and want to blame it on the ping.
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If Doctor is op then Hillbilly must be more powerful than the entity itself.
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Play more and you'll see why he's not strong
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To be fair, if you’re getting zapped, you have bigger things to worry about than a skill check.
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Try playing more, then you'll see he's not as bad as you think ;)
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Play him yourself and you will understand that he is one of the weakest killers
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He's the third worst killer in the game. Git gud.
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Besides finding people his power is garbo
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But Wraith is OP...
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If you have any sense in your head and have basic looping skills, the doctor is not difficult.
What amazes me is that you believe that his “zap” screwing with your skill checks is a leg up on other killers.
You have clearly not gone against a good nurse, billy, hag, or spirit. You want to see a leg up on some of the other killers? Look no further.
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I've only played 30 hours so I guess it's safe to say I didn't know what I was talking about.
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Sadly you are getting in to this game during one if its peak "toxicity" moments so it can be difficult to learn. In all honesty I would advise you don't use the forums for a good while as the energy here can sap even the most veteran of players from wanting to play. Sure you will see/meet great people here but as someone who is already facing the uphill battle of learning the DBD ropes I would say keep the forums as a back-burner idea.
I also highly recommend playing both killer and survivor to see each match perspective, especially the killers you find annoying to face. Good luck to you.
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Hahaha play him and see how many times the shock robs a perfectly timed one