I’m getting tired of the same modes.

chaos shuffle was fun, 2v8 was a neat idea. Lights out was cool. But really, do we need to play the same 3 game modes every few months. I wouldn’t mind if they where annual or semi annual but it is getting boring having them keep re-introducing the same modes will make them boring.
Surely they will add some new game modes at some point but I bet devs have something else planned. Re-introducing the same modes is a good idea since the cost-to-return ratio is pretty reliable.
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Honestly? I cant get enough of 2v8 ^🐽^
The more, the better.17 -
And every time it comes back it comes back with additions to the mode! 🎉
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Im not a fan of any time limited game modes really. Usually comes with something I don't like such as body blocking snowmen or random perks. And they always seem to split player base between both modes making q times longer. Especially in 2 v 8. I just do the tomb challenges then go back to regular mode. Although 2 v 8 was fun when I eventually got a match.
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Well they did try once to be different with My Little Oni and never again.
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Delete the base mode for the 2v8
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As much as I enjoy the modifier and event modes (I play them pretty much exclusively), I don't enjoy the way they split the queues. The quality of the match making goes completely out the window whenever this happens in my region. But I do welcome the way they allow me to take breaks from the regular mode and help keep it feeling fresh for me.
And with no game play changes to the last Chaos Shuffle and not much to unlock in the Tome, I think the mode out stayed its welcome for a lot of players. Although I'm looking forward to 2 Vs 8, with the hope that my Killer main is finally added, I'm not looking forward to the 20 minute queues. I know many people are completely against the addition of bots in live trials, but for 2 Vs 8 it might be the only way to deal with the ridiculous queue times.
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I only really like Chaos Shuffer honestly…I have never liked 2v8. Unlike most killers on this forum, I find 2v8 miserable to play. 2v8 is unfun for me for two reasons, long 15 to 30min queues that leads to me not being able to play much at all since with those waiting times I can only get few matches in before I have to call it a night. Two, I HATE having a random teammate as killer, Im sorry but I don't want some useless deadweight as my teammate as killer. It only leads to unfun matches where survivors will gen rush and stomp both of us.
I do want more fun modes tho. Just not 2v8…I wouldnt mind never seeing that ass mode again.
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I hope Lights Out never comes back.
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I agree! 100% Also we ate pretty good as duo killers :D
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My Little Oni was a huge amount of fun. But now that we've had 2v8, I honestly wanna see regular survivor sized 1v8 MLO.
MLO was such great loop practice for survivor, and there was no tunneling or camping. It's a shame that mode wasn't given a chance because of the queue times and the inability to read Event Mode details telling you you can't vault.
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Even after all these years the game is still fun to me, it has no competition and I love the goofy aspects of it. That said, 2v8 was a lot of fun too.
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The problem with the gamemodes is the objectives stay the exact same really
Do 5 gens hook survivors but now its dark
Do 5 gens hook survivors but everyone's perks are random
At least 2v8 changes up the gameplay by having 2 killers and 8 survivors but the objective is still the same the most boring part about this game is doing gens and every single gamemode is just "do gens but something else happens" or "hook survivors but something else happens" which just leads to the same boring gameplay loop of "do gens as fast as possible kill survivors fast as possible" which leads to tunneling
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I think the point of My Little Oni was for April Fools, we'll probably get another iteration of it again in April, maybe with a different killer, maybe still Oni
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Prop hunt is the mode this game could use and support multiple players on killer side.
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Prob hunt probably would be alot of fun. Honestly would love to try that in dbd
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Fingers crossed that they bring back 'My Little Oni' on April 1st!!!
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Lights Out can just stay away. It is so bad. Those other modes are nicer. But I really just want them to fix the core game. If we get those other two modes over and over every once in a while, so be it. I just see more complications from adding more modes at this juncture. Let them fix the core and the two decent modes they've got.
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so let me get this straight MechWarrior.....
u and @radiantHero23 betray pig/sadako by playing other killers in the 2v8. nah That team up sound crazy though. y'all gotta tell some stories of y'all epic matches
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We destroyed. The end. Oink Oink :D
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I WISH there would be other game modes.
Lights Out overstayed it's welcome.
Chaos Shuffle stayed the same for the 3rd time and it's starting to get really repetitive.
And 2v8 is coming for the third time in a span of a year.
Anyway, Hide and Seek mode when?
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Absolutely. We crushed them all no exeptions.
(just imagine the terror we would spread if we could team up as Piggy and Sadako. The kill rates would be legendary. The mmr astronomically high.)
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lights out was meant to be the hide and seek mode. Unfortunately it was not done correctly.
I think it could be fun if they tweaked a few things to keep the darkness but still make it fair.
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Unpopular opinion. I'm a 1v4 mode sweatlord (the good kind).
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It would be horrifying……(for them) 🤣
But so much fun to be had for sure! 🐷
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I honestly don't think I like 2v8 much, it really feels like the same DBD but MORE of it, everyone's OP, and you wait ages for it. I've heard rumors about more additions to the mode for the Survivors but not really for Killers, again, supposedly to fix the queue times. I got really bored after one week the first time, and played for three days the second time - didn't even finish the tome. It's just not worth it to wait for a 5 minute game, that's barely a game - and for what? Either both Killers stomp and sweat, or the Survs all just win, as was my experience? Not impressed.
Now there's bots in queues, so what incentive is there for me to play it? Is DBD Lite really worth it if nothing different is added and they just keep trying to bribe one side with boosts more than the other?Lights Out has its own issues. I like it, but it clearly is not popular enough to sustain like 2v8 is. Then you have Chaos Shuffle which people try to sweat in anyway.
Could BHVR please just find a way to remove those elements in the modes and events, or mitigate them? Nobody likes playing with sweats.1 -
I thought I as the only one. I just don't really enjoy 2v8.
The exception is I kinda like Lights Out, I genuinely like DBD hardcore. But even I admit my baby Dredge shouldn't be allowed in that mode.This isn't bait. I would genuinely rather a month of Lights Out versus 2v8 ever again.
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lights out rocks but it does need some tweaks.
But if they find a way to add dredge and other more horror focused charecters I would play dbd nonstop the entire time.
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I hate lights out, I play it just until I get the rewards then drop it like it's hot.
2v8 I really enjoy, except for the killer queues, which leads me to only surv.
Chaos Shuffle I didn't like at first, but it really grew on me. I kind of miss wondering what perks I'll draw every match, and knowing meta builds aren't in play.
As for the OP, having and extra game mode every couple months is boring, but having only one isn't somehow? Seems like the solution is just to not play the event mode and go about your life (though I recognize the 2v8 does screw with all queues).
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Everyone saying lights out was bad… I don't understand why.
I wish DBD was like the lights out modifier but with lights on. What I mean is I would like to play DBD without terror radius, red stains, auras or scratch marks. Call me crazy.
I think DBD would really be a horror game if it was like that.
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No terror radius would be so cool
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Don't get me wrong, I love the game but the horror theme is almost non existent. It's more of a mouse and cat game. I can only feel it's a horror game when I go against stealth killers.
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Well I have to ask if you get quickly bored to limited modes how you are not bored to regular dbd mode?
2vs8 never gets boring for me and is more fun/casual mode and I would play it a lot even if it became pernament.
Chaos shuffle and lights out I can see getting boring eventually as they are modifiers. But seeing them in every few months does not do that. I would like to even see them bit more often or new modes at least.
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At least for me, the reason light out was bad was because the lights were out. I know that doesn't make much sense, but when the maps are that dark, it gives me a massive headache to play more than like 1 round. Not to mention it's like 90% Bubba's and Myers playing in the most boring way possible because they're basically the only 2 killers that are good in the game mode.
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I unironically want this. But I'd need certain Killers to be changed/buffed to make it so.
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To be fair that was an April Fools thing, and April is not that far away.
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it would definitely take some thinking but something akin to GMOD deathrun for those that know what it is would be interesting in dbd
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I was meaning they did try something difference once but now it just seems the same modes come back and nothing different.
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2v8 is cool, but they need to get rid of the bots lol.
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Chaos Shuffle stayed the same for the 3rd time and it's starting to get really repetitive.
I mean, that's to be expected that it stays the same every time, as there's quite literally almost nothing else to change about the mode as the whole point of it is randomization of the game.
At most, you could randomize characters and add-ons as well, but that's about it.
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Perks should randomly change mid-match.
When I describe DBD to someone who hasn't played the game, I describe it as 1 cat vs 4 mice, and the 4 mice get three chances to get caught by the cat before they die. Never once have I ever, and I mean ever, described Dead by Daylight as a horror game to people. Reading your post made me realize that.
I play Dead by Daylight a lot — and I no longer even describe the game as being in the "horror" genre.
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I'm generally not a fan of anything likely to split the queues.
I feel like the quality of my games really take a dive whenever there's a mode or event on since the player base is so split, which is why I won't touch the regular game. I wish DBD had Fortnite numbers to support more than one mode but I just don't think that it does.
People say FNAF is a big deal and will bring a huge influx of new players (I don't know about that), so perhaps if DBD can retain a lot of those players then extra modes will make sense and could become a regular thing. But to be honest, I think Chaos Shuffle is the only fully successful new mode and the only one I'd like to see return semi-regularly, probably because it's similar to the main game but without over reliance on meta perks. With a few small tweaks, it would be perfect.
That said, I don't think we should have two weeks or more of these modifier modes. They could return more often, but should be limited to a weekend (say Fri - Mon), with a single page mini tome (But only if it's a themed modifier. It's just banners and badges anyway, so nothing worthy of anything more than that).
Or they should come back much less regularly, but return with bigger changes and more improvements.
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Rather than randomly, perks should change for every gen that's completed or every Survivor that's hooked, makes the randomization condition during mid-match more consistent.
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2v8, the game mode is fun, but queue times and pre game setup is very flawed and takes ages
Personally I've never found Chaos Shuffle or Lights out to be super fun modifiers, they do one thing and thats it. They're so simple that they could be made into options in custom games, lights out turning dbd into a horror game again, no matter the killer, actually was a good idea at the time. Chaos shuffle sucks though, no one wants to play a completely different, unpopular queue, just to be forced to run random perks. You can do that in the base game with a perk randomizer, and the game already being survivor sided, you'll likely still lose on majority of killers, no matter a survivor team's perks.
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Thats the thing that seperates modifiers from gameomodes. This way of playing the game actually changes alot and has way more complex machanics then simple lights out and chaos shuffle
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y'all gotta tell some stories of y'all epic matches
I’m waiting for your stories 😊😈😎
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Oh interesting, I never noticed. Even then I’m still a slave to them 🥵
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Maybe we can get the 5v5 mode from the past survey next
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now that sounds ridiculous. Very bad queue times I'd predict. Killer would be way better than survivor