I Played Every Killer With No Perks, No Addons and Without Tunneling

This was a challenge I did with my friend, we competed to see who could do the best, we scored points per kill with ties allowed so if we both 4k it would be a tie. I told him he could be as sweaty as he wanted, tunnel camp you name it, and I won't tunnel in any game even if its the only way to get a kill. We took turns where one person picks the killer and the other person the map, so sometimes we picked good maps and sometimes bad ones to make it harder for the other player.
I played Freddy twice cause we originally did this before his new update came out.
These are the results of my games.
Interesting results. Killers like Wesker and Oni got zero kills but the likes of Trapper and SM got a 4k.
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Some maps and some survivors are better than others, also 39 games, some mistakes get made lol.
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Oh yeah I know. Its just such a stark contrast. Like one beam drone Skull Merchant with no perks and playing nice managed to get a 4k on pallet town. Those survivors must have been really bad.
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I also did stuff like this lol
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So is the fundamental use of this kind of test anyway?
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Very interesting experiment. Thanks for posting! (Also very neat trick with the SM Gideon's hole)
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You were allowed to camp?
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While I did not do it often, if I deemed it necessary to win the game I did allow myself to camp or slug people, I never camped 1st hook till death nor 4 slugged though.
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You did 4k as a Hag with no perks, addons, and no tunneling? Does survivors were afk? Killed themselves on first hook?
Freddy 4k before the rework? Nah.
The results are VERY questionable.
I can confidently tell - these results are indicating on how bad the survivors are playing the game.
Let alone on how often they're giving up.
If you were playing against an average team who knows how to play the game (with the same no perks, no addons, no tunneling) - most of the killer names on your results would've been painted in blue.
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And your friend's results?
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Good news for you is I have videos of all 39 games and will be uploading them daily on my youtube channel as of Tomorrow :)
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I can't remember the exact number of his wins, but compared to me, in terms of the games we gained points on each other, I won the challenge like 16 - 9 or something, so even him tunneling like crazy, I did better without tunneling. 😜
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Hag is one of the killers that needs perks the least. When Hag gets stomped it's because survivors know how to counter her power and no perks can really help you if that's the case cuz she has poor synergy with most perks. However 9/10 survivors barely know what hag does and aren't very careful so she destroys most randoms especially if you can get a basement hook and Grim Pantry can have some disgusting 3 gens especially if you get 2 gens on the dock.
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Sorry, but without a whole bunch of parameters and conditions specified, these results don't tell me anything except your personal experience without any relevance to the state of anything in the game.
Even less as a comparison to your friends experience, especially since their results aren't displayed as far as I can see/understand.
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Since you have an individual MMR for every killer, it's kinda hard comparing these results to anything (to your friends' results/ to the DBD playerbase). I mean, it's fine just as an personal experience, but these data can't be used to prove or disprove anything regarding the game balance. When i play my mains like Spirit or Wraith, i usually get very good survivors with thousands of hours, but when i play someone like Trapper, they often have like 500h because i just play him to meme with traps and let a few people escape in the end.
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These results aren't necessarily meant to be overly scrutinized, its just a fun challenge I did. Moreover, even if you were playing low skill survivors I know a lot of killer players that wouldn't excel doing something like this, especially being forced to play every killer this way. I like doing stuff like this cause I think it's fun to challenge myself, and I actually like m1 killers so I can play most any killer with a good degree of competency.
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the videos of my games for this challenge are now being uploaded each day on my YT channel if anyone wants to see my terrible gameplay against baby survivors 😄
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This content has been removed.
Playing killer without any perks or add-ons is extremely difficult. Personally, for me, I can't play killer without perks but I do not use add-ons. Your win % is pretty impressive!
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Thanks man!
I find that going perkless actually provides a benefit, for the killer you become more focused cause sometimes perks make you play a certain way that could lead to mistakes. For survivors sometimes people sweat more when they see you have gen slowdown perks and other things like that.
Overall though its about maintaining your gen spread, injuries and pallets. You gotta stay focused and make the right decisions, I love playing like this sometimes cause it provides a big challenge than just playing normally.2 -
No problem! The reason why I don't use add-ons for killer is because it does seem to make playing killer way too easy but not having perks makes it way too hard for me! That's why I think it's pretty impressive you choose to play without!
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If anyone is interested in seeing any of these games I am uploading them all on my Youtube Channel daily, there is a dozen or so up right now that can be viewed.