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General Discussions

I don't understand why people do this

Member Posts: 1,780
edited January 31 in General Discussions

Congrats you've downed the last survivor now mori them. Oh your picking them up? Okay gonna give them hatch or hook them? No your just moving them to another place to mori them...why not just do it where they were. I don't get it why mori a survivor in a different location then where you downed them if it's because you want to see the mori without any obstacles then just select the character then watch it in the main menu. I get it's a few seconds but I don't get you downed me congrats just do it there where I was downed.

Also to add something why slug when two people are left you hooked one and one is nearby on the ground cool now just pick them up and bring them to a hook why waste the time of yours and the other players or is it because the killer has nothing better to do my first three matches after a break were like this holy hell BHVR fix slugging in some way while the finisher mori is fine and all make it where the killer still has to work for it every killer who has some kind of second mori based on power as to work for it. So finisher moris can work like this the survivor MUST have at least one hook state for a finisher mori to be preformed on them.

Note: this is a annoyed rant because it's happened to me a lot so take it with a grain of salt

Post edited by jamally093 on

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  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Just let them get the setting right. Even I want the mori to look good when I get killed by it.

  • Member Posts: 1,780

    Listen if I realize hatch is no where to be found and I got screwed boom I'll find a spot that looks nice but like picking up a survivor and moving two feet to the left doesn't make the spot good it's just three trees and grass like RPD boom center on the first floor or at the logo

  • Member Posts: 54

    I've never even thought about doing it, but I can see moving it to a cooler place for the Mori or maybe recreating a scene from a movie (e.g. Halloween). Maybe I'll try it sometime!

  • Member Posts: 1,993

    A very 'worst case' scenario. I'd wager it doesn't happen often. This is the reason you do this? Because you always think its a hatchrat? Interesting. :P

    But Ill be honest, if this post OP put up is their biggest issue at the moment, then I'd say they're doing quite well compared to most other complaints, lol. Personally, I make sure I go down in a good spot, and try to make sure the killer knows they're getting this because I have allowed it. Gotta make your own fun in this game, sometimes lol. And I wasn't even toxic! Wow!

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    I wish people stopped being so dramatic in these forums. There is absolutely nothing wrong in moving a person before a mori. It takes a really short time and it's completely different from bleeding out or pretending to let the last survivor go only to still kill them in the end, which are things actually done to mess with the survivor and waste far more time. Seriously, a killer will rarely, if ever, carry a survivor for more than 10 seconds in this situation, because after 12 they can break free if they are dropped. This is looking like something out of the Mortal Kombat community, where many people argue that performing fatalities in multiplayer is disrespectful just because it wastes time… even though it doesn't take much longer than a standard victory screen anyway.

    Also, not only we want to be able to see the mori, picking up can also be done to prevent a survivor from bleeding out or getting up with Unbreakable/Exponential during the last few seconds before the mori option becomes available (in case the sacrifice animation from the previous survivor is still going).

  • Member Posts: 1,780

    It was a annoyed rant I post annoyed rants when I deal with something lot constant slugging, constant camping, or in this case basically waiting on the ground for the killer to pick me up move me two feet to the right just to mori me. I do this mostly to get the grumps out instead of bottling it up until everything unleashes into a massive fit of rage

  • Member Posts: 1,993

    All good! Totally understand :) This game is known for getting to the players in a very real way. You're fine :)

  • Member Posts: 1,780

    Reason why I put take with a grain of salt. This post is mostly just frustration needing to be pushed out.

  • Member Posts: 1,152

    I move survivors because I want them to have a cool background while the mori. Best excample would probably be midwich where you can put people on the pentagram and then it looks cool, or temple of purgation the middle of main is also an good example.

    Other than that I still forget it exists sometimes and drop you again when I remember, I just played without it for too long before or even without a mori at all.

  • Member Posts: 898

    or, maybe people just want a aesthetically pleasing mori without any obstacles, not everything is about ego boost yk

  • Member Posts: 843
    edited January 31

    You do not need to explain yourself to anyone here. It is a fact that its a ego thing and just a time waster doing what you described probably cause you mind game and loop them in a way they dont like indicated when they dry humping you.

    Cause I seen many times when if they hook me as the third and I died, am watching them walking right by a hook to get their best scene to see their stale mori you can easily watch in shop with no obstacles.

    When it ends up me being the last and they get hatch I just let egc take me after making some noises and boy does it make me and my 4 man laugh when they so salty they got denied their precious little mori via coming into our streams to bohoo about it. Sore winner much? You got your 4k still.

    Post edited by buggybug on
  • Member Posts: 27

    I always thought something like:

    "HA, got you, stinky toxic survivor, now I'll hook you and watch you die"

    two seconds later:

    "Oh wait, he's the last one! MEMENTO MORI"

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Well, I had a Haddie crawl to the fireplace on Bloodlodge where I moried her, the light effect made the Mori look 100 times better.

  • Member Posts: 1,919
    edited January 31

    In that case they may have just forgot about the mori and then remembered about it after picking you up. I still often pick the last guy up out of habit and forget about the mori.

  • Member Posts: 3,380
    edited January 31

    Thats nothing, but this. I’ve been laying here since 4 gens….so boring. Everyone waited the full timer and bled to death.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    It' would be a bad game decision for the killer to hook any of those survivors, because they all have 0 hooks, and therefore have a chance to self unhook and pick up their teammates.

  • Member Posts: 181

    I wish I could skip the part where I get killed. There is enough salt in the wound from the fact we lose the games cause one person gets tunneled at 5 gens and killed most of the time anyways.

  • Member Posts: 542

    I really wish that they would have made a Mori system because it's honestly so boring seeing the same Mori over and over again.

    I still do not know why they have not implemented one and it would actually spark interest in the game to see different moris. But no, seeing the same Mori constantly gets a little boring — at least to me.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    There is still a risk that some of the survivors could escape, if the killer tried to hook any of them.

    3 gens in a 3v1 isn’t a guaranteed killer win, especially if some of the generators already have repair progress, and especially if the other 3 survivors have 0 hook states.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    God forbid a killer doesn’t want to watch an animation blocked by a wall or tall grass. Get a grip.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    I'm sure new purchasable moris are probably in the works and will be in the store one day. Adding the finisher Mori was just the first step.

    If I'm grumpy and I don't feel like watching the Killer mori me, I'll just get up to go get some snacks or make a drink. It's not a big deal.

  • Member Posts: 3,380

    She started slugging at 5 gens. She didn’t hook at all.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    That doesn’t make a difference. If all the survivors are slugged, and they have 0 hook states, it’s a poor game decision to hook any of them, because they might self unhook and save their teammates.

    The bigger question is “why doesn’t the game automatically end after all the survivors have been slugged for over 60 seconds”? Clearly none of the survivors can pick themselves off the ground, and the killer clearly isn’t picking anyone up, so the game should recognize this and either teleport them to 2v8 cages, or just auto-sacrifice all the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 542

    Yeah, I just recover most of the time and either crawl away or just stay if it's a slugging killer.

    I don't mind the mori (I do find more killers slug for it), but other than that I don't get upset when people pick me up to move me elsewhere. I don't even get upset about the humping thing, I just find it funny because they're wasting time humping — I try not to let DBD get me tilted though. 😂

    Hopefully it comes in the game, instead of being attached to specific skins. Should have just announced it and waited on the mori system mechanic, imo.

  • Member Posts: 843

    Do you carefully think about what you type before posting it? Your literally talking about the old mori system about all 4 survivors down everyone dies which was scraped

    Oh but we cant get base kit ub right wince your asking why the game does not just auto kill all the survivors? The chance of person getting off hooks is 4% and even if a person gets off a good killer can easily just down them. Goodness then yall complain about swfs or 4 bots games.

  • Member Posts: 542

    It's more so the argument that the killer is fundamentally bypassing the hook stage process by choosing not to hook.

    But to each their own, it's hard for solo-queue to combat slugging and easier for SWF to do so. Just pushes more people to play with friends as it's easier to communicate and coordinate, especially if the killer is running Knock Out.

    I know people make the argument that gen regression is weak (Pain Res and Pop are still the most used perks), along with avoiding unhooking and second chance perks but it really curb stomps people who primarily play this game solo.

    Regardless if a killer is excessively slugging with Knock Out, survivors can jump into a locker to avoid being on the ground and their solo-queue teammates being blind (still think it needs a timer). In this situation in Mech's picture, the best thing to do is separate and not be near one another but obviously I don't know the full context of what happened to get to where it was. I won't be surprised that more people play with one another to compensate for the amount of slugging. Luckily, I don't see it as often as it can be annoying to deal with and many people do not know how to counter it as they have to think outside of the box to handle this playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    That auto-sacrificed the survivors the split second after the last survivor was slugged for like 0.5 seconds. That's not the same thing at all. Survivors might have unbreakable or exponential, or they might be able to self-unhook, or they might be able to crawl out an open exit game.

    But if all the survivors have been slugged for 60 seconds, then there's like a 99.999% chance they're going to lose if the killer leaves them all on the ground. So auto sacrificing them after 60 seconds wouldn't actually change anything, besides speeding up the process.

    Alternately, just auto-teleport survivors to a 2v8 cage if they've been slugged for 60 seconds, because that would remove the prolonged slugging problem. It would also make slugging for the 4k weaker, and knock out weaker.

  • Member Posts: 99

    Now i understand to some extend where you are coming from but a finisher is a finisher and is supposed to be highlighted in the best possible angle. And usually the one who get treated this way is the one who abandoned his teammates so i am doing the other survivors a favor when this happens. Sometimes people even thank me in the post game chat saying good job Shredder, "Glad you got that selfish Bstard"

    So with that in mind you cant compare my posts as the other one is cheating and i am leaning more towards the altruism spectrum here where i turn wrong into right.

    Good evening to you.

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