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Does anyone bother with Survivor Charms?

I quite like collecting charms but I very rarely tend to equip my survivor charms because they are hard to make out due to their size but also they often look ridiculously clunky.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - they should be on gens instead (a randomly allocated side for each survivor. It'd make more sense since killer charms are on hooks and look much better.

So yeah, do you guys charm up your survivors?

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  • Member Posts: 7,288

    I don't even bother with charms on most of my survivors. Survivor charms are tiny and barely noticeable, I basically never look at my teammates/opponents' survivor charms because quite frankly I never remember that they are even there due to how small they are. Killer charms are a lot more prominent and noticeable as they are a bit bigger and can be seen on any hook, but survivor charms in their current state just feel like a waste of time to equip honestly, like I don't even know if anyone else in the lobby is going to notice them. Which is a shame, because some charms are really cool looking.

  • Member Posts: 2,722

    No. Some of them can even give you away if you're hiding in a dark corner in dark clothing.

    As Killer, I'll find crouched and hiding Survivors who otherwise would have blended in with their hiding spot and their charm(s) catch my eye and gives them away.

  • Member Posts: 1,168

    Personally, I LOVE putting charms on all my Survivors. I do wish some of them were scaled a bit better to the different Survivor models. Some charms look way too bulky on my female Survivors but look just fine on my males.

    I try to make collections themed around the Survivor (Claudette, for eample, has all plant themed charms and Feng has gaming related ones). Or I theme them for whatever event is currently on. But there are also charms that I use on most of my favourite Survivors because they're goated, like the Necronomicon one.

    I'm still a bit sad that the tomes don't include unlockable charms anymore, only badges and banners. I don't personally care for those.

  • Member Posts: 983

    I don't ever bother with charms anymore for 2 reasons. There's far too many charms with no proper filter since there's a lot of charms that are just recolors not gonna scroll through 30+ pages to find that 1 charm. The other reason they are quite small and I just never notice them unless it's on the killer's hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,555

    I put the PUBG frying pan on all my Survivors just in case it blocks a hit one day.

  • Member Posts: 2,387

    survivors charms are just to tiny like others have said. The only ones I use is the perk charms anyway. If my teammates look at my waist they'll see hyperfocus, stake out, scavenger charm (which is the build I usually run)

  • Member Posts: 3,055

    I think they look goofy hanging off of survivors so no, I don't bother with them. They're mostly just a collectable to me.

  • Member Posts: 6,158

    I use only Warrior Puppers and Pocket Entity. Pocket Entity is the perfect size for a survivor, it's just like a tamagotchi

  • Member Posts: 672

    I won't lie, I don't care much for charms but I do however buy the weekly charm bundle every week for my collection.

  • Member Posts: 735

    I have spared the final two survivors before because I was carrying someone to hook and saw they had a Warrior Puppers charm equipped.

    Also, sometimes I'll spot hiding survivors because they're wearing bright charms.

    Charms can do real things :)

  • Member Posts: 354

    That would be amazing if a Huntress hatchet ricocheted off the pan 😆 unfortunately that would require much much more precise hitboxes

  • Member Posts: 354
    edited February 5

    @solarjin1 That's a nice idea to let your teammates know what you are running but I doubt anyone would notice enough to piece it together

  • Member Posts: 489
    edited February 5


    I do wish some of them were scaled a bit better to the different Survivor models

    Some charms are huuuge while other are like made for mini toys. I don't care much about charms, but different spots where you can wear the items could give more variety, too

  • Member Posts: 7,187

    I use the Puppers charm and the two Dwight ones.

  • Member Posts: 16,772

    I dont bother with Charms in general anymore, simply because the menu for them is really clunky. You cannot even see what you type when you search for them. The last Survivor who got charms was Soma, but only because of the Badge which can be unlocked when using the 3 Soul-Charms.

    I usually used a Pride-Charm and the highest Rift- and Tome-Charm on all of my characters. But overall, I think two changes should be made to Charms (on top of making searching and equipping them less awkard… But this goes for the whole customization, sadly BHVR likes to commit to things which make the game worse by adding extra steps…):

    • Survivor Charms should be bigger to be more noticeable
    • Charms should not be locked to either Survivor or Killer. Yes, it might be out of place if a Killer has a cute charm on their Hook or the Survivor a gruesome one, but this is not really an argument anymore if we get Neon-Skins, BDSM-Skins or things like Mr. Puddles…
  • Member Posts: 2,387

    yeah they almost never seem notice from what I can tell.

  • Member Posts: 324

    I like the creepy pocket charms.

  • Member Posts: 3,125
    edited February 5

    I always charm up all my characters, literally no reason not to.

    I always go for 2 Survivor/Killer memorabilia charms that are related to the respective characters that i'm equipping them on, one based on their teachable perks and the other based on their lore, then lastly a figurine of the character themselves in the last slot.

  • Member Posts: 354
  • Member Posts: 354

    They look great but much better on hooks where they are bigger

  • Member Posts: 3,987

    I actually like the idea of them being on gens... I only equip maybe one charm on each survivor, because more looks tacky... if it were on gens I'd take all 3 for sure...

    I equip bright and colourful charms on my hooks so it's easier for me to find them if I don't have their aura available to me.

    I would likely do the same for the generator, so it helps me find them in the dark... 😅

  • Member Posts: 1,781

    Charms on survivor would be better if they were big enough that you could actually see them at all. I'd prefer one nice large charm that is placed in a pretty visible spot on the survivor, than 3 tiny, almost completely invisible ones.

  • Member Posts: 568

    You can still see what you're typing, you just need to click on the charm icon again to remove the overview of the three charms you have equipped to reveal the search bar below it.

  • Member Posts: 568

    No Survivor of mine ever goes into a trial without a full belt of charms. What charms these are depends on the character and are subject to change, with one exception. In Slot 1 I have one particular charm that's present on everyone, regardless of who they are. Yes, even Legendaries. The Broken Mill charm never leaves my Survivors' side (well, one exception being that secret Soma Cruz badge).

    On some characters I have dedicated charm setups.

    1) My two mains have charms referencing each other as well as their own lore:

    Claudette: Broken Mill, Jonah Figurine, Ficus Elastica Plant
    Jonah: Broken Mill, Claudette Figurine, Stuffed Crow

    2) Alan Wake, Rose Marigold and Saga Andersson each have their own set of charms:

    Alan: Broken Mill, Typewriter, Entity-Covered Flashlight
    Rose: Broken Mill, Alan Figurine, Oh Deer Diner Thermos
    Saga: Broken Mill, Alex Casey Lunchbox, Mr. Drippy

    3) Trevor Belmont, Alucard and Soma Cruz equally have their own charm setups:

    Trevor: Broken Mill, Vampire Killer, Wall Chicken
    Alucard: Broken Mill, Alucard's Shield, Gothic Lantern
    Soma: Broken Mill, Giant Bat Soul, Foreboding Map

    Other fixed charm setups:

    4) Lara Croft:
    Broken Mill, Skeletal Crow, Climbing Axe [bloody prestige outfit]
    Broken Mill, Skeletal Crow, Mimic Chest [other outfits]

    5) Nicolas Cage:
    Broken Mill, Dramaturgy Perk Charm, Cursed Videotape [bloody prestige outfit]
    Broken Mill, Dramaturgy Perk Charm, Wrathful Well [other outfits]
    Broken Mill, two Reign of Kaiju charms [specifically for the cosmetic where he has as Reign of Kaiju shirt]

    6) The Troupe:
    Broken Mill & Kate's Guitar are standard. Depending on the cosmetic loadout slot they can have the following D&D themed charms as well:
    - Owlbear plush
    - D20 Dice
    - Bag of Holding

  • Member Posts: 2,247

    Yes actually!

    These are the charms I run on both Survivor and Killer:

    I had to angle the moon to look like a Blood Moon 😂

    Btw this is the first time I’ve ever heard about adding charms to generators. I like that idea a lot. There’s a chance that it may look too cluttered but I’d be willing to see a mock up.

  • Member Posts: 16,772

    Thank you, I actually did not know that!

    (Does not change that it is another extra click, but at least I now know that I can use the menu…)

  • Member Posts: 2,247

    Your cosmetic game is off the charts! Why always the Broken Windmill?

    Also all of your charm set ups are so good. I can’t pin point any of them being better than the others. Maybe the Nic Cage set up is my favorite lol.

    Also, I love the idea of some of your characters referencing others by carrying the figurines. How creative. So fun 😄

    Ah they’re all so cool haha, I look froward to your posts. Do you roleplay sometimes? Like when you play do you play the trials as just a game? Or does it feel the way the drama is presented?

    Regardless, always love to see your thought process behind your cosmetic choices 😊

  • Member Posts: 3,455

    Personally, I used the mlm pride charm and then two charms that are centred around whichever character I'm putting them on (if there are even 2 charms that relate to them that is) e.g. for the RE survivors I use the ficus elastica charm (looks just like a green herb) and the purple vial. For Cheryl, I use Mira and the seal of Metatron. Annoyingly however, this means there are lots of characters that I only have one or two charms on e.g. Sable and the Unknown don't have any charms related to them, not do the Stranger Things characters.

  • Member Posts: 319

    Oh yes, that typewriter from the Alan wake rift? On every resident evil character

  • Member Posts: 2,247


    So many people here have the best ideas.

  • Member Posts: 983

    I know. Just i can't remember the name of any charms and it's so bloated with recolors only wish I got for there to be an option to condense them down. Instead of having the 4 same charms with just a different colo treated as a different charm. It's all becomes just one charm then an option to pick 1 of x different versions of it. So it'll cut the number of pages down by a great deal. Haven't even looked at the selection of charms in ages.

  • Member Posts: 354

    I like the way a lot of you guys have themed your charms to your characters, but don't you agree there could be a better way of displaying them?

    If so, has anyone else got ideas for how to go about it?

    Some of them don't look too bad but overall the placement and size just doesn't look good in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 2,247

    I like the generator idea. Idk maybe even the exit gate somehow.

  • Member Posts: 6,373

    For my hooks I sometimes mess around with them, although I always keep Warrior Puppets up. For my survs I don't think I've changed any of them in like four years! 🤣

  • Member Posts: 6,373

    A charm on the hatch you have to hank on to open it

  • Member Posts: 601
    edited February 6

    Same, I recently went through my survivors and did all the charms that are respective to the character (Scroll of Toscano, Howling Fire, and A Dreadful Deed) on my Vittorio for example. ☠️

    I think it gives character and a nice little sentiment. I don't really care for hiding, so I don't really find myself being in situations where my charms give me away. They're so minute, but a nice little addition anyways. Wish they'd add more character based ones. I even got the little Martini Glass and the slots machine on Ace because I see him drinking alcohol and gambling at the slot machines lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    i only use the trans flag and the Shiba charm from silent hill

  • Member Posts: 3,644

    I use to put cool lookin' charms on my Survivors/Killers (typically ones that match the color scheme of my outfit) but honestly nowadays I just use the Pride Charms only.

    The new Charm UI is really buggy so most of the time I dont bother doing anything extra.

  • Member Posts: 352

    I have three pride flags as my charm loadout for everyone, and I doubt I'll ever change that.

  • Member Posts: 1,168
  • Member Posts: 5,925
    edited February 7

    I do out of habit, but if I'm being honest banners and icons are cooler to me.

    Charms are just too small and outfits are doing that role better since they sometimes have acessories on them that stand out. Helms, bags, instruments etc.

  • Member Posts: 91

    I love putting them on my hooks, but I never wear them whilst playing survivor as I think they look so clunky / ugly and they sometimes hang in awkward looking places. I had a funny experience recently where a TTV / well known DBD streamer killed me and let somebody else live because they had on a pride charm and I didn’t. It’s funny because I am actually gay but don’t use the pride charms as I love using the Alan Wake ones.

  • Member Posts: 354

    I always find it a little strange when players decide to spare or target others because they are playing a specific character or using charms

  • Member Posts: 601

    Yeah, the banners are cool. I like the moving ones, along with the badges. Right now I'm rocking the Yui on a bike with the glittering Crow badge. 😅

    I also like the one they came out with earlier, the dead deer laying down one. I'm not on the game, so I can't provide specific names. 😋 But another thing I would like is backgrounds, but I think that would be harder to implement for Behavior. 😔

  • Member Posts: 601
    edited February 7

    Yeah, I don't really use Pride Charms myself - even I like women as well. Once I saw that one streamer kill people for having pride charms, I've always opted to not wear them. I used to run them on Nea because Nea looks like a stereotypical lesbian to me, but now I don't really wear them due to that one streamer and only wear character specific ones now.

    A bit odd to kill people for their charms and even weirder because you have to go up to the survivor's waist line to see it anyways.

  • Member Posts: 91

    Me too! Somebody let me live a few weeks back because the other person was playing as Nea and they said they will never let a Nea escape. I think it’s so weird to dislike a character that much. From what I saw, the Nea wasn’t doing anything that should anger the killer player. Just the fact they chose to play as her was enough I guess. 🤣

  • Member Posts: 568

    This is genius and I have decided to follow your example.

    Now I have Broken Mill + Typewriter on Jill, Leon, Rebecca and Ada with a different, third charm depending on the character.

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