Killer main who took a year off...

Is it worth coming back? How is the balance now. Anything to watch out for if I do return?
still pretty easy to win against solo queue and still very difficult against coordinated SWF. So basically the same as it has been for years
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Well shouldn't be anything new, but flashbangs can still blind you while you look at a wall and don't make a sound if dropped behind an object or wall. Outside of that toolboxes sabotage faster now.
I don't know exactly what changed in that one year but that's what I had in mind spontaniously xD
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Killers are in a good spot right now. If you don't know about shoulder the burden, keep in mind that survivors can take hook states from others so if you were one to tunnel in the past it isn't as effective now. Also I'd recommend looking at the known issues since there are some bugs rn that are disheartening (e.g. Dark Lord (Dracula) can get locked out of the bloodweb)
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Thanks….I'm getting the itch to return. I don't think I have been around for the new Killers so this will be interesting.
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Houndmaster is super fun but she has her problems for sure. Dark lord is good too but like I alluded to, you might want to avoid him until after the next bug fix. The best 2024 addition is without question The Unknown so I recommend giving them a try before anything else. Either way welcome back!
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Basically everything you had is gone, to where now people are considering slugging as a full-time playstyle. And even that sounds like it's getting nerfed soon.
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😂 Such a good spot, despite have less in every area than before! That makes total sense!
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What do you mean by this exactly?
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What exactly makes you feel like killers have it so rough right now? Gen kick limit? Shoulder? Chucky's broken legs? Genuinely curious.
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Games devolved and I see people abuse broken nonsense almost every match, so no.
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Survivors have an overabundance of endurance and offhook/unhook perks. Maps are also a point of contention, although that's not exactly new.
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I suppose things could be better but they could also be a lot worse. Not a bad time to return to the game even if things were worse. 2025 is going to be a huge year for dbd. 🤷
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If you are the type of players to slug the 3rd Survivor for 4 minutes in order to guarantee the 4k, well you're in luck.
BHVR decided it was a great idea to reward this by giving a free Mori on the last Survivor (yellow Mori essentially became basekit).
If you were very dependant on gen slowdown...well that took a serious hit since essentially every slowdown perks were nerfed (most are now basically worthless on their own and a couple are still decent although still a shadow of their previous version) and there's a limit of 8 kicks (or gen explosion from perks) per gen (which means that a gen affected by both Eruption and Surge, for example, will lose 2 "kicks" in one go plus one for the initial kick).
If you like aura-reading then you're in luck since Distortion was gutted, shot, burned, and had it's tattered remains thrown into the Shadow Realm. Especially for Killers with little chase time (usually the top-tiers/insta-down like Nurse & Billy or ranged Killers like Huntress that don't need to even start a chase to down someone) this was an indirect buff as the perk is now reliant on chase time.
Hook timer was made 10 seconds longer, mostly irrelevant unless you are camping and facing Survivors that will actually use those 10 seconds effectively.
Many bug fixes, bugs created, and Freddy revival recently. Apparently there will soon be a way to freely try Killers so you will be able to test the ones you don't have and decide if you want to buy them (props BHVR, good and respectable decision despite it being a financial risk since people might not impulsively buy things they end up never using/not liking). BP is easier to earn.
Overall, could be worse.
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The game is stuttering something awful since last 2 patches. It's putting me off playing. Wait until the next one maybe.
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Lightborn, agitation, pain res and bamboozle for chill games.
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Statistically speaking, as killer you are more likely to win your games no matter which one you pick. You should be fine, as the majority of people who play killer are maintaining a decent kill rate. (According to what was last provided) If you don’t believe in statistics, then I don’t know how else to reassure you.
Maybe just give it 3 games or so and see how ya feel! 👍
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A ######### ton of perks and killers got reworked and released, try the old content that changed(New Myers for example)
Look out for Shoulder the Burden, it invalidates tunnelling but it doesnt remove normal preassure, it will be a challenge against swf if you rely on tunnelling
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Become a Vecna main. There's apparently tons of survivors who need him to get some achievements. You'd be helping a lot of people lol.
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This is like asking if you should take up smoking crack after kicking it.
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My God I came back…..this is terrible. Gens are done in 3 minutes? No ability to slow anyone down and getting smoked in loops. Terrble!
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Pretty much this. And since this is the design difficulty scale BHVR chooses for DBD, everything is working as intended with oil and polish galore*!
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This ^
And this is why SoloQ need some buffs to make it up for the advantages that the SWFs have.
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OR you could downgrade SWF to make it not an absolute waste of time to play against, then buff the solos. The idea is to find a middle ground. A decent Killer main should be able to take out 2, not get smoked in 5 minutes against 4.
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Winning your games and the game being fun to return to are completely different things. High tier killer is a simulator of the same old every game. If you played a year ago, now you get to hook a survivor 4 times instead of 3, you can't dodge a flashbang (people don't find an issue here?), you can chain otr into ds into a dh allowing survivors to take 4 hits before that 4th hook stage, Kicking gens is irrelevant as it does jack all now and in return, you as killer can mori the last survivor without an addon!
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I mean, yeah the core gameplay will always be the same. New perks and new killers and new maps that you will have to adapt to as any player in either role, but the core of killer and the core of survivor won’t change. Otherwise it wouldn’t even be DBD anymore.
In any case, many people find it easier to have fun when they win more than they lose. So, that’s why I said statistically speaking killer is fine, and still worth it, because you will win more.
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Killers have been pretty consistently nerfed over the past year. The best gen regression has been nerfed, sabotages have been buffed, hook stages have been nerfed, there is now a generator damage limit, the best Survivor perks are buffed, flashbangs are even more unavoidable than they used to be, Deceisive Strike and even better "anti-tunnel" perk has been added, hell even chests have been buffed.
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Ehhh that was a strange reply "No thats a bad idea" then posts your own idea that includes what i said
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Weren't the best survivor perks nerfed overall this past year?
Adrenaline and Distortion were nerfed in this past year, at least. Which of the best perks were buffed? I'm drawing a blank there.
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It was perks like Ace in the Hole and No One Left Behind that got buffed. You know, the really broken OP abusable stuff
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Adranline was nerfed but DS was buffed as I said. Distortion is just a mid perk and always has been. The nerf to it actually helped Soloqueue because it made the rat playstyle less viable. Shoulder the Burden one of the strongest SWF perks ever has been added, Finesse has been added and instantly became a top 10 perk and keeps that status to this day, Iron Will (currently 11 most perk) and Flashbang (currently 17th most used perk) have both been buffed.
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Worst than ever before. Only worth playing the event modes as they are not as terrible. Other than that, enjoy your vacation and don't bother thinking about coming back in the next 3 years, it probably won't get better until then.
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Iron Will, Flashbang, Deceisive Strike. Three top 20 perks that have been given blanket buffs. Made for this + We're gonna live together as the new FTP Buckle Up (they had to instantly nerf it a bit because of how much they overbuffed it and its still super strong), Resurgance is now almost a free heal of the hook, Babysitter makes the unhooked person outrun the killer at times, Background Player had its cooldown cut in half,
Dead Hard and Off the Record buffs have just been announced a few hours ago.
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killer is in a better spot today than it was last year, you will have rough games of course but depending on your killer I recommend coming back.
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Flashbang is top 20 because it's fun
The other two got buffed as compensation for being over-nerfed, and are still weaker than they were before the original nerfs. Conveniently those over-nerfs happened just outside your chosen time frame
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Flashbang absolutely is a strong perk. It is a million times harder to avoid than a flashbang save. Decisive Strike absolutely wasn't over nerfed. Even at 3 seconds it was a pretty powerful perk. They actually had to go a bit back (but not fully) back on the buff because they overbuffed it.
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i took 3 years off came back a couple months ago and the experience was way worse they added a gen kick limit so any hope of the gens slowing down is gone and now they nerfed slugging so i'll probably just quit again
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I forgot about Flashbang, that's fair enough. I feel like your other examples are a little misleading, though.
For one, Shoulder the Burden and Finesse haven't been buffed, they just didn't exist a year ago. That's a very different situation to the best perks in the game a year ago being better now than they were then.
For two, Iron Will and DS technically got buffs, but what they meaningfully got were "un-nerfs". Neither perk is as good now as they were prior to the more substantial nerfs that happened more than a year ago now— and for the record that's a good thing, both were pretty unhealthy prior to those changes. It's just worth pointing out that the buffed state is still weaker than where they were before and weren't the best perks in the game prior to their most recent buffs.
They're also, y'know, balanced. Both perks are pretty balanced now. I don't much like Iron Will at 100% but I don't think it's unbalanced, just kind of not great for overall perk design. They're not really perks to "warn" returning players about.