As a soloq survivor, I'm happy as heck with having bot teammates

And let me explain why. I've never had a bot refuse to do gens, creep around the map and hide in lockers all game, wait for me to die so they could get the hatch, sandbag me so that I get hit and not them, become besties with the killer or send me a salty message after a game. In fact, I can think of multiple games where the addition of bots would have made the game more enjoyable to play. The truth is that in soloq, especially for newer and casual gamers, a bot is often a far more reliable teammate who can keep the killer occupied longer in a chase.
I can't help but think that some of the people who hate bot teammates the most are higher MMR, and are used to the strongest survivors bringing the strongest builds with the strongest add ons. So their experience is completely different than someone still struggling through low MMR hades. When you've had multiple games of soloq teammates playing like they just started the game five minutes ago on dial up internet on a toaster, the idea of playing with bots isn't all that upsetting.
Thanks, Behavior. With bots actually doing gens, unhooking before I go on death hook and taking chases longer than two seconds, the game might actually get a bit more enjoyable for me.
I’m so glad you like the bots too. I’m also grateful for them. I’m not new by any means, but I absolutely would fall under casual. It’s a lot better than before we had bots that’s for sure. Are they perfect? No. It’s so much better than it was before.
Also I have a sneaking suspicion they’re self learning to a degree so when you have the chances to go back for the bots try to because I think it will make them better teammates. IE they pick up good habits and bad habits. I am very curious if I’m right, because I try to train the bots with good habits when they are in my matches(because I’ve genuinely been playing this game so long that I think the newcomer experience is the best and worst part of it, and think the bots benefit them the most) and wonder if that’s all for not and it’s strictly just machine learning.
Anyways if I was BHVR I would discretely put in bots in higher mmr(as in they come into the match with everyone else, evil choice?maybe, but utilitarianism and what not) to subject them to higher learned patterns(probably 3 man teams for tactics or with duos for the ability to go back and save each other in times that other people wouldn’t risk their self for like endgame) I think it will keep them from just getting subjected to lower ended learned patterns in solo q and improve them if they are self learning. Making it a little more controlled for variables. I’m just thinking out loud, and ultimately know nothing and it could all be machine learned ai, of course 😅1 -
This is true, at least bots don't DC or SoH.
They also don't unhook you while the killer is chasing them, or looping near the hook in general.
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It's hit or miss; I've seen bots juice pretty good killers and smash gens, and I've seen bots meandering around like lobotomites.
But yeah, it solo queue they're generally more useful than like half of the people you get teamed up with.
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This entire thread is insane. The bots in DBD are completely useless at everything. They cease to function the moment a terror radius appears. Any game with a bot effectively turns into a 3v1. They were bad when they were released and became even worse when they were nerfed for no real reason. Is this some sort of low effort gaslighting? You'd have to be at the absolute lowest possible MMR for a bot to be better than one of your teammates. Lowest as in you just installed the game and have nowhere to go but up. I complain a lot about solo queue and I have never seen a bot outperform a human player.
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I've witnessed bots doing idiotic stuff. Beyond stupid things.
Most recently I was on hook with everyone still alive at 4 gens. The bot had glitched out and was slow vaulting backwards and forwards over a dropped pallet, where it stayed constantly doing so until the killer found it a bit later.
Alsi I've been sandbagged so badly by a bot that the killer felt sorry for me and let me wiggle out of his grasp while he stood still. Happened on blood lodge. I was running a Wraith through the main building and the bot slow vaulted the window and just stood there not moving and blocking me in. The wraith just tunnelled the bot afterwards and let everyone else leave because the bot was so bad.
Also countless other bot "moments".
Now imagine this with two killers running about. Will be absolutely awful. Do they even know what to do vs a Legion?!
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Guess the Killer! 🤭 1 Went down.. they all DC'd.
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I'd prefer a bot as the 4th team mate over continuing the match with only 2 others because a crybaby decided they wanted to go next on hook and die...... Remove the DC penalty so they can let a bot take over. I cannot take the sufferring anymore on Solo Queue of 3 vs Killer + 3+ gens!!!!!!
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Just don't let the bot open the exit gate, your robotic friend will turn tail and leave you in the wolves den.
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Post edited by TheSingularity on0 -
Ive most likely never seen a bot being useful to the other mates. Theyre are even programmed to leave instead of resuing the real player. I really doubt this is meant seriously.
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I'm feeling like this original post might be intentionally misleading, but I could be wrong. I've had multiple occasions where bots wouldn't jump on generators or stayed away from the hook, refusing to rescue me until they are healed. Plus, causing queue times to increase puts pressure on the developers to keep the game active. If you use bot-fills, there's litterally no need reason to balance anything. If the goal is to create a killer-only game, then I guess this goal would have merit... unless they also bot-filled the killers too.
I am always skeptical when I read posts that use 'solo' or 'SWF' to support their argument. For instance, when someone mentions that players are hiding to find the hatch, is this during the endgame with only two survivors left? Is the Killer proxy camping? Is NOED active? If you can cleanse the totem, unhook the survivor, and finish three generators, that's impressive, but details matter.
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I played back when bots didn't exist and thought the addition of bots would be good. Now I would rather just be down a teammate. I've spectated a bot trying to walk up a hill from the wrong side for over 2 minutes. I've had bots teabag at me to let them heal me when I'm trying to finish a gen. In every game with bots the killers just ignore the bots because they're not going to waste their time chasing a bot when they know bots are helping the team about as much as a person locker hopping. A bot is more likely going to run around doing nothing trying to avoid being in a killers terror radius than actually do anything useful. I've seen multiple killer mains refer to 2v8 with bots as 2v6 because even they know how bad the bots are for survivors.
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If the bots they're putting into 2v8 lobbies had random gamer tag-esqe names no one would notice. There's literally 8 (6) of you mfs. (my friends) But since they're going to have the BOT tag people are gonna kick and scream "I got bots in all my 2v8 lobbies, I thought it was only supposed to be sometimes" yadda yadda. Even I will admit that if instead of playing against Ada Wong: BOT I was playing against XSilenthunterssX (BOT) (SHH it's a secret that's why it's in these Parentheses) I wouldn't bat an eye until it started mirroring me perfectly through walls at a loop lol.
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I've never had a bot refuse to do gens, creep around the map and hide in lockers all game, wait for me to die so they could get the hatch, sandbag me
Really? I've had bots do that.
I remember getting really pissed in a match because it was down to 2v1 and the Mikaela bot Urban Evasioned around the map and did nothing. I got killed trying to do gens, and it got the hatch. After that I really did not want to play in matches with a bot ever again.
I've also had bots teabag at me relentlessly because I wouldn't heal them, and I've had bots I couldn't get to heal me when I needed it.
taking chases longer than two seconds
Had a match just the other day where Hillbilly repeatedly put the bot down in practically no-time flat. If he were lethal rather than farming, oof. He was all, "No, don't unhook the bot," and it's like dude, we still have 5 gens left and you are pwning this Megbot, you'll be fine. I guess a Meg is a Meg no matter what.