Are killer wait times the same as before?

Pretty straight forward. Are killer wait times in 2v8 the same as they were in previous iterations, or are they worse now? I've seen people say some pretty crazy times, but curious if those are exaggerations.
In my experience so far about the wait has been around the same (too long still)
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The big issue that the developers aren't seeing that I feel a lot of players are seeing is that, the reason queue times aren't going down is because they've made 0 changes for survivor gameplay between the iterations of the mode where killer gets changes every time. The 1 change they did make for survivor though, was immediately met with backlash on the forums and alright responses other places creating a net neutral. If they're really interested in making changes for the better of queue times, they need to stop focusing on it as a queue time issue and more as a survivor gameplay issue. Why would I queue up for 8 gen simulator and getting downed in 2 seconds from being double teamed when I can just run around as Legion stabby stabbing at the speed of light while my teammate gets hook after hook after hook? One sounds so much more fun and interactive than the other.
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Last time I could wait anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes, now my wait times are roughly 10 to 15 minutes.
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I've only played 2 killer matches, and both were between 10-12 minute waits
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I got into few matches during day quickly in under 5 minutes. But other than that they feel same now about 10-15 minutes.
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Yeah but in 2vs8 you can escape much more than in 1vs4 but that does not seem to matter to swfs who probably rather play killer with their mate. 2vs8 improves killer experience tremendously for those with friend to play with or who have anxiety to play alone. But survivor experience is qutted in many ways. You can't take items to matches and many enjoy using flashligh. You only have small chance getting one from chest.
Many survivors want to interact with killer and that is more limited. Sabo saves aren't thing either. I think class which has dead hard ability would be good. Devs should definetely add classes with popular perks as abilities or make new ones more.
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It is definitely true you can escape much more in 2v8, but survivors tend to care less about the end goal and more about the steps that bring you there. As a result, the devs have basically stripped survivors of everything but their main purpose and survivors have always had a problem with that. It's why everyone loves a good chase meta and not one focused around the actual objective of the game. I think more classes is definitely the step that is needed for the survivors role and I'm hoping by the 4th iteration of 2v8.
I hope we have that because more bots is clearly not the answer since they didn't even fix anything THIS iteration, they just annoy everyone. They fail at the survivor objective, take the herbs even when not needed, and for killers they're not mind gameable which most killers live for the chase aspect and getting to outplay survivors, which bots aren't ever outplayed, it's just run from pallet to pallet until they decide to go and hug the outer wall. That's a separate issue and I know a little off topic, but I think the blandness of the bots is also an issue surrounding why survivors don't want to play, they don't like the idea that is essentially guaranteed to have at least 1-2 bad teammates, before even looking at the humans in the lobby and how they act.
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The only Killer game I've queued for took around about 12-15 minutes. I think that's probably lower than it would have been by about 5 minutes.
So the bots are probably doing something to lessen queue times, but it's not enough for me personally to want to queue up for Killer.
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Nothing changed. I hope to see those queues we got once we're killer was literally 5 minutes consistently. I think that was during 400% BP but my memory's hazy
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I had one killer queue that lasted almost 30 minutes (I know, because I started watching a 37 minute video when I entered the queue and paused it when the lobby loaded). I haven't timed my others, but they've been in the 10 to 15 range.
That was my general experience last time around.
Maybe things have gone down a couple minutes. That seems the best case scenario on the times. It certainly doesn't seem worth the tradeoff. If killer queues were under 5 minutes with the bots I could see the argument, but this seems to be the worst possible outcome.
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slightly quicker
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Longer, way longer. Because the bots are pretty much garunteed each game, more people joined the killer bandwagon thinking that queues would be way faster. In theory they should be, but too many people jumped on the bandwagon
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Mine have been about 10-12 minutes on average so far; I keep track with a timer. Last time mine were around 7-8 minutes fairly consistently.
The queue times will likely drop as the event goes so I wouldn't be surprised if they end up around 8 minutes or so again for me. The first iteration for me also had queues around 8 minutes as well.
Queue times will vary quite a bit depending on location I'd assume though.
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My personal experience is that it's still long, but not as long as it was last time.