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General Discussions

Remove the final mori



  • Member Posts: 1,773
    edited December 2024

    Why don't we go in the opposite direction and make the finisher mori less restricted so killers can mori earlier and don't have to wait for people to get sacrificed? The biggest complaint is killers waiting around to mori while other survivors are on hook, right? Or slugging for the 4k so they can end the match with a mori? What if we buffed it to be like this:

    • Finisher Mori unlocks after 2 survivors are sacrificed
    • Finisher Mori can now also be performed if all other living survivors are on hook and in struggle phase, even without them being sacrificed

    Wouldn't this help the time waste? It's not that impactful of a buff because it would only come into play in games that were already decided.

    And being able to mori survivors after only 2 people are dead instead of 3 would actually be super healthy for the game. Because at that point, you could choose to mori the 3rd survivor instead of slugging for the 4k and feel like you got your "finisher mori" and won.

    I still think a lot of people slug for the 4k because they experience a 3k + hatch as a loss or not a "real win". Something should be done about that.

  • There definitely needs to be some kind of catchup mechanic or streamlined “die to give other guy chance at hatch” mechanic for when there’s only 2 survivors left. The Mori itself isn’t really an issue though. Killers have slugged for the 4k without it when there simply wasn’t a hook in close proximity and they didn’t want to let the survivor wiggle. If anything the free Mori speeds those situations along.

    Being bled out for 4 minutes is much more of an issue than being bled out for like 140 seconds if your teammate isn’t killing themselves on hook. And they often do when there’s only two of you.

  • Member Posts: 894

    Killers have literally always slugged for 4ks. Always. The Finisher Mori doesn't change that.

    Nobody owes you hatch or an escape. Finisher Mori isn't an issue the way generator rush perks aren't an issue or the exit gates aren't an issue. It's part of the game. If you don't like that, you don't need to play, but don't ruin it for everyone else.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I feel the mori itself is fine - Perhaps just letting the killer mori one person when there are two survivors left with one hook state would be a better option.

  • Member Posts: 726

    Um... I didn't say anyone owes anyone else a hatch or gate escape or that slugging for 4k wasn't an issue before.

    Also, I'm not seeing any lucid arguments about why it's not an issue in light of the things that have been mentioned. Do you have some reasons why you think this?

    Since I'm asking that, I'll go ahead and write my thinking again for reference: The finisher mori fills a role that's very similar to teabagging at the gate. But unlike the case of teabagging, the survivor is forced to watch their opponent show off. And it encourages slugging for the 4k, which is a very unsportsmanlike behavior. It also gives the killer a basekit ability to deny survivor perk abilities at the endgame and forces the target to watch the victory animation instead. Sounds pretty negative to me. My personal experience is also that the finisher mori is making the presence of moris more annoying in general.

    Also, why are you mentioning that the gates aren't an issue? Of course they're not. Do you mean teabagging at the gate? That really is a sportsmanship issue that I think should be addressed.

    Saying the finisher mori is just part of the game is a little disingenuous since it wasn't part of the game until very recently. Such a statement ignores that the change could be having a negative impact.

    You also indicated that you advocated for it very strongly. But a large section of the community did not want to revisit the finisher mori. In any case, we're all free to express what we think makes the game better or worse. Others are free to advocate for the removal of this feature if we find it to be extremely toxic. And you're free to express your opinion, but maybe let's not go around telling each other not to play the game.

  • Member Posts: 5,305

    sorry but there no risk tbagging at the exit gate the survivor tbagging so close to end of the exit gate you down them they escape.

  • Member Posts: 5,305

    i sometime feel that the end goal for some people survivor/killer they want people to quit the game.

    same with dcing I feel both sides try get someone to dc.

  • Member Posts: 1,412

    People just enjoy holding others hostage, the mori is just an excuse to justify it. Removing it will change nothing because power trippers gonna power trip

  • Member Posts: 894

    This is true but nobody wants to admit it.

    And also hey smurf, I'm sure if you search you'll notice a LARGE amount of posts asking for Moris to be more useful, keeping the Iri Mori, and allowing the basekit Mori to exist as a finisher. Besides, the Devs wanted this forever. They have been trying to put this in the game forever.

    Like it or not it's not going anywhere no matter how many people complain, because not only did several people want this, the DEVS want this.

  • Member Posts: 726

    I heard you the first time you said people wanted it. And some people definitely did want it. Some people definitely didn't. We've established this.

    But I still don't see any argument for why it's not having a negative impact on the game. It's worth discussing and not just writing it off by vaguely saying 'people want this'.

  • Member Posts: 894

    Smurf, stop pinging me, I know I can't convince you and you won't convince me. I don't want to argue. I stopped quoting you for a reason, because I do not want to argue.

    This change won't get reverted because this is what the Devs want for the game, regardless of what the players want. They always intended to have this. It's not going away, I'm sorry.

    Now kindly stop quoting me. I don't want to have to ask again, please.

  • Member Posts: 110

    You're probably playing against killers who think Mori is far superior to hanging on a hook. But this could also be a strategy. For example, for Try-Hard killers who do not risk attempting escape. I think it would be more logical to do mori instead of basekit umbre while there are only 2 people left (one is on the hook but has already moved on to the second phase, otherwise there would be no attempt chance for the one on the hook, and the other is the survivor on the ground). Otherwise, which 300 IQ player would slug the man in front of him, knowing that he would stand up?

  • Member Posts: 726

    I'll gladly stop quoting you so you stop getting pings SidneysBane; no need for hostilities. Maybe we'll cross paths later in threads where we'll agree more :D

    I do disagree about what you said in that last message, but I'll refrain from more talking points so we can stop this debate in a friendly way. Enjoy your games!

  • Member Posts: 710

    Not every.

    When killer decides to mori me when I play as survivor I don't cry and write -rep on their profile afterwards. I just follow my own advice.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Agree with all of this. it encourges toxic behaviour. every damn game ends the same

  • Member Posts: 114
    edited February 12

    Yep, every survivor is pity and don't show themselves(me included) so time wasting on a lot of lost 2v1 matches is insane. Some games that should end in 1min last for 10 or more if survivors pick each other from the ground. Also killer gets a kill if they had to drop a survivor but pushes every survivor out and can just mori a slug who otherwise would have escaped which is so stupid.

    Common bhvr L.

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    As a killer that still does this often, I can tell you that it is in fact not "never."

    Sure, in theory I could be the only killer left that still gives hatch, but even if that wasn't extremely unlikely, I know a few other fellow Pig mains that still do sometimes. Do we do it every match? No. But sometimes we still do.

  • Member Posts: 195

    They just need to add a "condition" to the game where:
    If all survs are currently hooked and on struggle and the last one is on the floor you can mori him/her without waiting for the others to die.

  • Member Posts: 726

    lol You're not wrong about Pig mains. I'm also one, and I also still give hatch. But I also think the finisher mori has been a very negative addition to the game, and I refuse to use it, even if it would let me take out an annoying survivor who'd otherwise escape. Honestly, I don't think I've spectated a hatch being given or watched a streamer get given hatch or received a gift hatch myself more than once or twice total since the update. Though a couple days ago I did purchase an escape with a medkit. The killer was very pleased with their new item :)

    I'm also always curious about other Pig mains. I wonder what everyone's booping policy is. I make it so survivors almost never have a chance to boop before they get hit, but if they manage to boop, they live.

  • Member Posts: 352

    Everyone gets one free boop. I'll break chase and find someone else. If they press their luck after that it entirely depends on how cute they are.

  • Member Posts: 79

    I've become more merciless, which I kinda don't like that much. Before the mori was introduced I gave hatch/exit gates to the last suvivor like 90% of the time….now not so much^^….

    Usually I had a last the chase with the last suvivor then I let him wiggle. After that i somehow communicated to him/her that we should split up to find the hatch, because that's much faster than me carrying the survivor arround. ( I did that cause I wanted to move on as faster so I can get in the next match )

    But now the fastest way is just to use the mori…. I kinda feel bad… but atleast I can see the "sometimes" cool animations.

    Now I only let the last one go, if he/she made me laugh or I can hear the hatch close from where I downed the suvivor.

    So for me it's not a big difference, but from what I heard above, it seems to be really annyoing when people BM on top of that.

  • Member Posts: 7
    edited February 13

    Just make it more stupid:

    The reason for slugging for the 4k isn´t the finisher mori. The reason is killers want the last survivor not escaping with the hatch.

    How about if 2 survivors are dead and the third one is downed the hatch spawns.

    Now 1 of three things will happen, either the slugged survivor finds the hatch, the standing survivor does, or the killer gets the 4k.

    But if the hatch is used the other survivor will be moried on the spot.

    Everyone is capable of doing stuff.

    Standing survivor can find the hatch.

    Slugged survivor has hope to find the hatch.

    Killer can get the 4k

  • Member Posts: 699

    It gonna be dramatic if they do that, Behavior is not in theyr best spotlight actually

  • Member Posts: 2,296

    there’s absolutely killers that still give hatch. Not super common by any means, but it’s not uncommon either. I’ve had killers straight up refuse to kill me, carry me through or to the exit door lever even though they had me, maybe it’s because they felt sorry for me because I was the only one doing anything. maybe it was because I don’t bm, maybe it’s because I run weird builds and they can tell I’m not running the same things as everyone else, or maybe they were just feeling like they wanted to do something nice. I know in all cases they could have killed me but I was spared, and I’m grateful. Thank you 🫶

  • Member Posts: 158

    they could add unbreakable as basekit if there only 2 survivors alive to balance with the fact that the killer can mori as a finisher it's counter balance to the whole 2v1 situation and adds a bit a counter pressure to not slug the last 2 survivors alive if played badly but is still rewarded as a killer if played right in 2v1 situation

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Oh it will but the monetisation has bit by bit started to ruin this game imo…

  • Member Posts: 1,207
    edited February 13

    Wouldn't it make more sense to make the last survivor killable once all other survivors are on hook? In case of Deliverance or Wicked in game, just don't allow the killer to mori while the users of these perks are on first stage.

    Post edited by GlamourousLeviathan on
  • Member Posts: 1,567

    Well, we in the Society of Swine usually accept boops, rules vary by member, but at the same time sometimes you have to show the survivors who is in charge and wear your black leather jacket.

    My personal policy is that if I am actually wearing the "Second Chance" Pig head, then I will accept the boop from the FIRST survivor to try. They get hatch, everyone else dies. But again, the Black Leather jacket means no mercy.

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    Neither of those perks can be used on Second Stage… there is no way other than the Anti-Facecamp mechanic to save yourself on second hook.

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