Idea to buff Wake Up

aarongai Member Posts: 155
edited March 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Nobody uses this perk, so here's a buff / rework idea.

To keep Wake Up in line with being a semi-counter to Freddy, I thought this was a nice idea:

  • While afflicted by a negative status effect, your aura is revealed to all other survivors, and the speed of healing / cleansing actions performed on you are increased by 15/20/25%

This will make the perk actually useful when going up against killers like Freddy, Legion, Plague, Doctor, etc. And it literally fits into the theme of Wake Up, since it allows survivors to find you and wake you up.


  • WaffleFalafel
    WaffleFalafel Member Posts: 384

    Assuming you aren't talking about exposed, this perk will now affect Sloppy Butcher, Thanatophobia, Hex The Third Seal (like anyone uses that), Dying Light, Overwhelming Presence, a lot of killer add ons no one uses (except maybe Huntress), Coulrophobia, and Unnerving Prescence(?). A couple of uses could be made like with Thanatophobia and Sloppy Butcher, but nothing else. It is a good counter to Dying Light.

    By the way, what do you mean by cleanse speed? No more Ruin with Sloppy Butcher? And the Legion thing. Look, no one likes going against Legion, but no one also likes using a perk exclusively for the chance of 1 killer. Who even uses Slippery Meat in case of Trapper?

    As for Freddy, Plague, and Doctor, just no. No one cares healing when in the Dream World, they just want to escape it, effectively ruining this perk. Fountains are for healing against Plague and she gives the broken status. And finally, this perk is a huge nerf to Doctor. Always afflicted by madness means always using Wake Up. Snap Out of It, SWF with Wake Up, easy game.

    Hope this didn't come off as me insulting you, yet instead just trying to be real with you. I don't like writing objective essays on a forum meant to express opinions and ideas is all. Good thought, but could use those tweaks.

  • aarongai
    aarongai Member Posts: 155
    edited March 2019

    Could make it trigger exclusively to status effects caused by killer powers, not perks or add-ons.

    What I meant by "cleansing" was actions that remove negative statuses from you.

    So only when your character needs to:

    • Wake Up
    • Snap Out of It
    • Mend
    • Drink from a fountain after becoming fully infected
    • Remove a Reverse Bear Trap

    Would the perk activate.

  • WaffleFalafel
    WaffleFalafel Member Posts: 384

    That would be a much better choice, especially for solo survivors. I do think Bear traps should also apply to this, though that's just nitpicking. Survivors only in tier 3 should be allowed to have Wake Up active though and survivors who are Mend should also keep Wake Up active for 30 seconds.

    The rest of it is pretty neato and would make it a usable perk.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited March 2019

    I like the idea, Wake Up could use the buff. Just maybe scratch healing off the things included, so just all those cleansing effects.

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,123
    edited March 2019

    I actually had a buff idea for this perk in a general Nightmare on Elm Street DLC perk buff post, but I'll just say the Wake Up! idea here.

    Wake Up!: Your past experiences with Freddy have taught you keep yourself up and forced yourself to be at peak performance; you receive a 5%/10%/15% boost to all actions. However, should you be hit by the killer, you will become tired and have a 15% decrease to all actions, until you are healed. Wake Up! will also show survivors your aura when opening exit gates.

    “Wake up, Nancy, wake up. Nancy Please.”

    -Quentin Smith

    The idea around this is that Quentin can keep himself up and perform at his best as long as Freddy doesn't get to him and hurt him, because when he does Quentin loses energy and starts to be less effective with what he's doing. It also makes sense because you want to stay "awake" in order to help support your team and "falling asleep" would be kinda like a diet Freddy because of the decreased action speed. It's almost like a reverse resilience in a way, but the killer has to hit you in order for your perk to be countered. When I say there is a 15% decrease, I mean that Wake Up! will make your actions 15% slower, I'm only clarifying this because some people think that being injured will make you just do actions at normal speed, which is not what I meant.

  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

    Great idea honestly

  • aarongai
    aarongai Member Posts: 155

    I shall bump once in hopes the devs see this idea since I like it that much.

    It's certainly more exciting than the current version of Wake Up.

  • Panduh
    Panduh Member Posts: 51

    I like it! I'd love to see similar discussion from people like you, if you'd like to take a look at my document on this thread too!

    IMO just over half the survivor perks in the game are unappealing/unattractive. Let's all get some discussion going on how to shake up meta/viability and perk usage by talking about the underpowered and niche ones.