Legion in 2v8 isn't bad, you are

I have played 8 matches against legion now and constantly I am seeing survivors full mending while they are still in their power, pre-dropping pallets instead of baiting and not tanking hits for healthy teammates.
Stop complaining about a killer you have no idea how to play against! It has to be at least 50% of the players I am matched with that do this which probably includes you if you complain about them.
If you just don't like legion in general just say that but keep this in mind though, he's easy to go against so what does that say about yourself as a survivor if you are struggling to face them?
I will say there are issues with 2v8 such as how survivor IS boring, they need to make it more interesting for us and there are many ways to do so.
It seems to me by what you typed out that your problem with the gamemode is bots not legion lmao
Also you can't blame the moderator, they are doing great. They get enough grief from people like us bickering and whining in this stupid forum where people just say stupid crap.2 -
Well I guess playing since the first Legion was cursing the queues abusing moonwalking, I am just bad then but I will say I like to play the medic role in this mode and that role is completely countered by Legion who gets free injures back to back.
It is the same as when you bring in a medkit and discover the killer is Legion or Plague, except this is my entire build countered and rendered useless.
Legion by themselves isn't an OP killer, sure they get cheap free hits but after that they are just an M1 killer with nothing else going on. But they completely break this mode as injures are far more consequential in this mode and when Legion gets essentially free cheap hits with a second killer in play, it is just plain unfair and breaks this mode completely.
I am not playing for this reason, it is ruining the fun
Post edited by MaTtRoSiTy on16 -
Huh thats crazy cause I have 10k 8 years on this game, it seems that your hours don't matter at all about your opinion including my own. As I said in my post it seems like you have a problem with legion not legion being in 2v8. I was there when legion sucked and he still kinda sucks but not as bad of course cause YOU CAN DO STUFF TO COUNTER HIS POWER! The reason why his power is coming into play so much is because survivors suck usually, nothing wrong with sucking something wrong with complaining when you suck
Edit: Also moonwalking wasn't even the start of why old legion was bad, there were other problems
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If you don't understand that Legion getting free injures and rendering the entire medic role useless in this mode is a problem, there is literally no point attempting to reason logic with you.
Legion alone is annoying (nobody likes mending constantly) but that is all Legion has in regular matches and they are just an M1 killer with no power after the free frenzy hit - a noob stomper basically.
But if you add this to 2v8 where another killer is in play, this become a massive problem. Period.
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It's not a matter of being good or bad against Legion.
Mending Simulator is annoying AF in EVERY GAME mode.20 -
I mean, that too for sure. Nobody likes mending over and over and over…
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Don't heal, loop legion cause he is an m1 killer, easy win. Only time you have a threat is when the teammate comes by with actual chase ability.
Also when you get injured and are over a pallet (Which you should be because you SHOULD have pre-ran to one) you drop it to stop them from injuring more for another 20 seconds. A useless killer for 20 seconds.2 -
Mending sucks yeah, just go to a pallet, stun em when they hit you and they don't have power (Or outplay them a different way)! It is actually that simple
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When BHVR announced that they would change something on the Deep Wound status the only thing that popped in my mind was "Will Legion become less annoying".
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Lol… unfortunately not. Thankfully Legion is not strong and after they get cheap free hits they have nothing.
It is just that this is a BIG problem in 2v8, particularly if you play medic (which is my fav role) as it renders your entire build all but useless.
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Can you explain why it renders it useless?
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I'm still inconclusive on him.
A lot of players don't play the Legion game correctly, which is true... but Legion with this extended ability tends to make breaking gens in the middle of the map difficult, and once you get down to a low number of gens in a small cluster it has become hard, especially against someone like Wraith or Spirit, who really thrives on injured Survivors, to crack the last few...
However in the same breathe… Guide class exists, and I have beaten quite a few Legions.
Also the Medics heal super fast... so Legion doesn't seem THAT oppressive to me, you can kinda undo his injuries on 3 people in like 15s flat...
Soooooo, I really dunno... 2vs8 even with 2 bots is still just as fun for me.... so still playing games and trying to work out what I really think right now.
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I feel like they should remove Deep Wound from them in this mode, as the injuries and information are excellent already.
They would still have to stab everyone to get the downing hit, but they could get some additional buffs as compensation.
Also, the Legion should be able to play with other Legion members.
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It's also simple as Legion to respect pallets. Acting like stunning them is a given by just going to a pallet is being disingenuous. It's not that hard to avoid a pallet stun.
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I agree with others who say that the deep wound mode is the problem. If the healing "F" power does not work with mending the deep wound, then Legion possesses something that completely negates an entire inventory class. All this talk of skill vs whether or not a killer may be a bad addition to the 2v8 is just a distraction.
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a killer being boring and zzz to vs isn't necessarily tied with them eventually being op. It's boring to play a match where Legion just comes, slashes and leaves
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it's just 6 seconds...
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and killer having 0 interaction with you
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I'm wondering how the legion can hit without interacting with the survivor? Your argument indirectly applies to the plague, but not to the legion
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I do wonder how people keep forgetting the 2 in 2v8 means there's TWO killers. - Legion doesn't commit to you. If Legion (and esp. the other killer) just play casually it's all good and dandy. - But if the two actually play together and/or take the match seriously? Every killer is basically turned into an insta-down killer .. just without drawbacks. It doesn't matter that Legion is "just an M1 killer". Wesker isn't. Nurse isn't. Huntress isn't. Blight isn't. Wraith technically is but he's exceptional at hit n run and if all you need is one hit….
8 -
Legion in this mode can be a little annoying, but they are just as weak as in the normal mode. They can be sometimes be favored by the chaos of survivors not knowing where all the others are and grouping up by accident, but that same chaos might also bite them in the arse when they start a feral frenzy only to notice there are only TWO survivors near. What survivors complaining forget is that, besides more survivors to hit, this game mode also has HUGE maps, and survivors have a sprint burst effect they share among each other. So Legion often spends a lot of time to get to survivors while on a frenzy, and when they finally get to the survivors, they can just sprint burst away and waste even more time from the power's duration, potentially making the Legion lose chain hits. The maps are also full of pallets that can be repaired by scouts, and every time a frenzying Legion catches up to a survivor on a pallet, they may want to wait for the survivor to drop the pallet first in order to not get stunned after the hit, which can also waste one or two seconds. These stuff combined allow survivors to deny chain hits from the Legion, without which they are just a basic M1 killer. The only 2v8 map where Legion consistently thrives is Dead Dawg Saloon, all the others are a coin flip on wheter or not the Legion will have many oportunities to apply a lot of pressure. Even Trapper can get value in this mode more consistently than Legion.
"B-but… but.. they can easily injure people and that is very dangerous in this mode!"
That's very dangerous specifically when the Legion is paired up with a, overwhelming chase killer like Nurse or Blight, but solo Legions don't get to choose their teammates, and besides these limited match-up situations, getting healed in this mode is EASIER than in a normal game. There are so many people around to heal you, a class that heals faster and instantly delivers an area healing, chests that can contain med-kits, tunneling people off cages happens less frequently than off hooks (giving you time to heal), and now there are even herbs that heal you faster than med-kits too. Frequently a Legion starts a Feral Frenzy and, by the time they are over, many of the injured survivors have already mended and some are even already healed!So that's how you counter Legion in this mode, spread across the map, waste their time while the power is active, deny chain hits and heal quickly when they are away. And that is besides all the other ways of countering Legion in the normal mode, which also apply. Not that big of a deal when you do it right.
2 -
While there are the counterplay opportunities of trying to stun Legion out of Frenzy and taking Frenzy hits for others and while the average player is definitely not even trying to employ these tactics or bad at it, those are far from easy or reliable counterplays, nor is the Legion player without means of playing around them.
First of all, there simply isn't always a pallet around. In fact, with how fast Legion is in Frenzy, survivors regularly will not make it to pallets. The Legion player can also decide to only activate Frenzy when they know they can for sure get one or two hits before they have to worry about dealing with pallets, which is commonly possible. It can additionally be noted that due to the terror radii being the same and not having an overlapping effect (and Undetectable being a thing), it's often not even possible to pre-run from Legion to a pallet, all the less so of course without communications, i. e. when you regularly have no idea where they are coming from. And the more hits they get, the faster and less feasible to at all avoid they become.
And then even if you do make it to a pallet, stunning Legion out of Frenzy is not actually that simple. For starters, you have to react to their lunge with the drop, if you do it too early or too late you just wasted a pallet for nothing and do not get the stun. And they have 12 seconds to play this game with you, baiting the lunge, going around the pallet, breaking line of sight, and so on. Plus the faster they are (i. e. the more hits they had gotten prior to this interaction), the more difficult it is to try and get the pallet stun, as they can bait and mindgame around the pallet more effectively as well as brute-force swing through it so fast that the average player won't be able to react in time. Plus with how many players there are around in this mode, it's also possible that if you camp a pallet Legion may just leave and go for someone else first.
Taking hits for others is even more difficult in this mode than stunning Legion out of Frenzy. The first issue is that there's so many players around that even if you can position to take a hit for one, there's usually multiple others Legion can easily go for. The increased speed (with stacking hits) and duration of Frenzy here obviously make things more difficult as well. And without communications, it's rather difficult to even tell whether someone is trying to take a hit, or wherefrom it is that they are. In order for someone to be able to take Frenzy hit, you have to run around a structure such that the player even has a chance of getting inbetween you and the Legion, but if you don't immediately know where Legion is coming from nor whether someone is there to try and take a hit, running around the first structure you have often prevents you from making distance or making it to a pallet, and even then you may be running around in a wrong direction where the bodyblocker cannot manage to get inbetween fast enough. So it's an unreliable gamble. And the Legion player also has means of playing around bodyblocks, such as trying to get around the bodyblocker, quickly changing the direction around the structure, or manually cancelling Frenzy if they really don't think they can get around the bodyblocker or go for someone else, in which case Frenzy will be back much faster (depending on how far ticked down it was to begin with of course).
On top of all of this, even if someone actually manages to pull Legion out of Frenzy, it's not like a 20-second downtime before they are able to try again (and during which they are still an M1 killer that can also guarantee downs simply by sticking around their teammate) is all that detrimental.
Players should absolutely try to constantly stun Legion out of power and to take hits for others. And they should never fully mend until they have to (you can stay in Deep Wound until Legion is out of power/until it is clear you won't be getting chased anyway, and then you can still 99% your mending and only fully mend once the Deep Wound timer is ticked down to the last seconds). Spreading out should also be done as much as possible, even if that's also much easier said than done in this mode. But to say Legion poses no issue in 2v8 is patently false. Even if every single player in a group is aware of the counterplay tactics and trying to employ them to the best of their ability, they are far from reliable or guaranteed. Even if they are on comms. And that spells disaster for the vast majority of groups where players are not aware of these things or good at employing them, nor communicating with others. Which then also goes into the "ease of playing as vs. against" argument, that even a bad Legion player stomps many groups simply because they are so easy to do what's necessary with for the other killer to mop up fast or easy downs left and right.
Mending constantly also doesn't make for the most fun of gameplay experiences.
One quick adjustment that I think could make Legion more engaging in this mode is if they were to have Never-Sleep Pills basekit, so 4.6m/s starting speed in Frenzy and 20s Frenzy duration. This would make it much more feasible for survivors to try and take hits for others, stun Legion out of Frenzy, or make distance away from them early enough. As an additional trade-off, reduce Frenzy fatigue to 2 seconds, such that Legion is more threatening as a chaser and not mostly a "support" for the other killer. The "BFFs" add-on (with a higher token requirement) could also be basekit in this mode.
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Plague has an actual skill aspect implemented into her power, Legion is literally just run around and slash, 0 skill floor, 0 skill ceiling. Basically nothing but an M1 killer that just has killer instinct in their power and is just meant to be annoying compared to Plague that actually has strategic counterplay and strategic gameplay from her side.
Those two are literally incomparable
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the plague literally just spits on the generator and now anyone who touches it will spread the disease and expose everyone to an uncurable status, while the plague itself can be on the other end of the map, at this time the legion must run to you, must outsmart you in the pallet mind game and still there is a huge chance that the survivor will simply drop the pallet after the hit and stun him
With all this, the plague has a red liquid that gives power while the legion is just M1, it looks like you're making it absurd like "Trapper is OP and he has no counter game" or you're really that bad at understanding killers5 -
Big map and Legion. Two things that shouldn't work well together but here we are.
How to counter Legion's "free hit"? ######### run! Don't sit on a gen while in heartbeat. Run away from everyone else. If Legion chases you, you want them to be as far away from others when you get hit.
My friend loves Legion, and we only had one team that scattered like roaches whenever she came close. That match she could barely get any chain hits. But please, keep complaining.
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so I main both of these killers..
Yea…. you are crazy if you think legion requires any game sense to even start playing it. You are literally told where your targets are with your power and movement.
What you are describing with playing around pallets you have to do the exact same thing with plague, only the survivors can see you around loops easy because you are tall. And your red puke is limited and RNG where/when it will be available. As well as dependent on your opponents. You have to know when to use it as well.
Both have higher ceilings as well but plagues is way higher, some matches you only get your free fountains as red puke. Which depending on apples used can be only 1-3 times a match.
The floor for legion is almost the easiest in the game.3 -
the plague literally just spits on the generator and now anyone who touches it will spread the disease and expose everyone to an uncurable status, while the plague itself can be on the other end of the map, at this time the legion must run to you, must outsmart you in the pallet mind game and still there is a huge chance that the survivor will simply drop the pallet after the hit and stun him
the Plague at least interacts with survivors and survivors interacts woth her, has a kinda low skill floor and significantly high skill ceiling + her power is not just about vomiting on gens and making survs perma broken.
And let's not try to present some basics of M1 chases on pallets against a killer that won't really do much no matter if you stun or not stun them as something power related that actually requires some skill. Legion has 0 skill aspect in their power. It's just hit n' run slasher power.
With all this, the plague has a red liquid that gives power while the legion is just M1, it looks like you're making it absurd like "Trapper is OP and he has no counter game" or you're really that bad at understanding killers
where did i try to present Legion as broken killer or anything similar to that? They are literally one of the easiest killers to vs. and so one of the worst killers in the game, they are just a massive skillless snoozefest to vs., and in my opinion even to play as.
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The mending is much quicker?!! I don't see the frustration.. I really don't. Can't please everybody. Legion was OBVIOUSLY coming to 2v8 at some point. Go ahead and picture every other original Killer power that hasn't been introduced into 2v8 yet and get the whining over with.. -_-
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Yea nothing i love more than playing hit validation roulette every 30 seconds in 2v8. At least in normal mode you can generally counter him by spreading out
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You can also do that in 2v8. Yeah, there are twice as many survivors, but maps are huge too. Just do gens separately from other survivors and run away when you see Legion running from afar trying to get to you. Not that big of a deal, specially if you're playing escapist.
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You can't control the other 7 people stop saying this, stop telling people just do this just play this class, it's the same as saying killers just dont play legion because it's not healthy for those who want to enjoy 2v8.
No it needs a fix.7 -
I'm trying to understand what people find oppressive, and it seems like it's mostly that Legion interrupts a lot? Which, I guess could be true. I find the interruptions a lot more disruptive in 1v4, personally. I feel like, in 2v8, where it's really easy to heal and reset pallets, you have a lot more choices about how to respond.
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You can't control the other 3 people when you are in a normal match either, so there is still no extra hardship for facing Legion in 2v8 in comparison to facing them in a normal game. Consequences for bad team play are an integral part of survivor gameplay.
Also, no, it's not even CLOSE to the same as saying don't play Legion. One is telling someone not to play the character they want to play, the other one is pointing out there is counterplay. You see? Big difference. People should learn to counterplay a killer before asking for a "fix" on a weak killer that works basically the same in one mode as they do in the other.
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the title giving me sanees peak eruption level vibes
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I do know how to play against Legion. I still hate them because it’s boring AF.
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While we are on the topic of Legion in 2v8 Deep Wound bugged? I was being chased by Legion while in deep wound and the meter continued to go down.
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It is, you're Apathic that's all there is to it lol
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Legion needs to be removed or heavily nerfed. This killer is basically in every 2v8 match for how stupid he is to use and gets free injuries for the other killer
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All the Wraith players moved to Legion after Wraith got the nobrainer uncloaking speed bug fixed.
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6s that happen, like, 50 times per match and per surv.
I hate this as well.
5s chases.7 -
This guy nails it. Legion by themselves isn't all that bad. But adding another strong killer to a game where everyone is pretty much permanently injured or no gens getting done breaks it. Everything else was incredible. Sans the legion they did great with this mode. But I've moved to other games because this got old real fast. Hopefully next run of it is without them or plague
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Exactly, you get it.
Legion needs to go, for me it is the thing that completely ruined this mode and it was so disappointing as I was looking forward to 2v8 for months :(
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The bar is just set really low these days, for what survivors need to do to win. So when a killer like Legion comes along who takes a mere semblance of strategy or brainpower to beat, everyone loses their minds. I'll concede to them that knowing to body block his power or 99'ing your mend is a bit high level, but anyone can be good at pallet stun timing with a bit of practice. They can't even do that.
They don't understand to stay injured vs him either, because spending 30 seconds to heal per person, and then him re-injuring you in 2 seconds is clearly giving him max value on his power. So stop doing. I know it's a bit more complex in 2v8 because you're now injured vs a second killer, but if Legion is going around mostly injuring instead of downing, there's still 8 of you, and you're going against 1.5 of a killer instead of 2, and Legion is M1.
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Mending is easy, legion is no threat by themselves, gets progress undone by medics.
I don't see the issue. Calling Legion a mending sim is truly hyperbole
Playing as Legion, you see that people give you value for free for no reason.
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It's not against the rules to make a general statement on skill. It's when you get personal, or too many insults/not enough constructive criticism, that it becomes a problem.
The thing that's been happening these past few years is survivors claim a killer's OP, justify it with some vague noob-speak like "He's way too fast!" or "It's impossible to hide against him!", and then the nerf just happens.
This, on the contrary, is telling you step-by-step what to do as a counter. What's being asked seems simple enough to me, and if not then you can always ask what they mean. After that, if you still don't want to learn it or say it's still not enough vs the killer, the only logical option left is to say that "you're bad," or rather that you've got room to improve still.
And I have no idea what Mythic Quest is. You might want to find a more known equivalent for your comparison to work.
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Except it doesn't make the medic role useless. This was the same argument made to defend CoH/attack Sloppy, or defend Adrenaline/defend NOED, Schrodinger's perk: the survivor perk is useless because the killer perk counters it, but simultaneously it's a needed perk because it counters the killer perk. And the justification always makes more sense the other way around, the one that takes the killer POV into account. Sloppy was used to slow down ridiculously fast heals because killers injuring people, and then leaving them, no longer mattered. NOED is used to counter the newly healed Adrenaline survivors, because the gens keep getting done no matter what due to injured gen rushers.
So now I'm arguing the same, that Legion counters the medic class, not the other way around. Have you seen how fast people heal when there's no Legion in play? There's like 6 people healthy at all times. If you want to remove Legion, you'd better expect for them to make injuring easier otherwise. But I don't think it will come to that because Legion does not in fact ruin 2v8.
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Peak Eruption, which with a slight tweak would've been completely balanced. More regression/less Incapacitated, or something like that. Not a complete removal of a status effect that makes the perk. What that perk's nerf really showed us is that people can argue scenarios in a complete bubble, and not have to back it up with anything concrete or refer to high level play.
With old Eruption, the killer's wasting tons of time going around kicking all the gens, giving up free hits in the process. That alone gives survivors the edge they need to win, because the killer simply doesn't have time to do that and still have time to kill everyone. But then what happens is survivors like to be inefficient and throw games, so they don't heal, they do gens slow so that they can even be hit by Eruption, they're hit by it and now can't do anything, and they're injured. It's completely preventable bad situations which survivors blew way out of proportion. They responded to the perk's presence so badly, it allowed even weaker killer players to beat them. Just heal before gens, do the gens quick so it's done before Eruption even hits, and you can even guess, when the killer's chasing an injured person, when your teammate is gonna go down.
People still complain about the perk, because it's gen defence, because it actually does something for the killer. It shows aura too, very bad news for survivors who can't handle a sliver of challenge.
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The "mending simulator" buzz word argument gets so old. Like @sanees says, it's like 6 seconds. Would it still be a mending simulator if it was 1 second? Because at this point it seems like anything with ANY amount of slowdown is considered a "simulator."
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You can say that all you want but I very much doubt Legion will be in the next 2v8, thank god. As they ruin the whole thing and as a medic Legion does render that role redundant. I cannot heal everyone instantly as it is obviously on cooldown and Legion can immediately negate every single heal I did in a matter of seconds since they get essentially free injures.
My opinion isn't an outlier, Legion seems to be almost universally despised (I am sure there are a few who don't care) in this mode and I doubt BHVR will self sabotage the success of this mode in the future, just to include Legion again.
-2 -
It's not just the mending.
The 3s chases and the fact that you can't counter killer instinct in any form also contribute for Legion to be annoying AF.2