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General Discussions

What is public opinion on Singularity?

Member Posts: 1,725
edited February 21 in General Discussions

I've been seeing an increasing number of Singularity players lately. Quite curious to know what players on both sides of the aisle think about this Killer.

Denied Requisition Form (Survivors start infected) appears to be a must-pick for the Killers I've faced. Seems like it provides a strong early game for a Killer already known for a strong late game.

From what I've seen, he is a huge noob stomper.
With perks like Hex: Plaything and Hex: Pentimento, he can slow the mid-game to a painful crawl as Survivors juggle totems, 3D printing, deactivating cameras, and going down in chase quickly (for those unfamiliar with it's power).

Unfortunately, I feel that if I saw this Killer every 3rd of 4th game I would tire of them very quickly. Their lockdown and game delay makes for a dull afair. Counterplay seems to be playing slow and safe.

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  • Member Posts: 1,238

    Increadible fun but also exhausting to play, I can't play him nearly as much as other killers back to back because his power needs so much awareness of survivors positions, my own position, gens, hookstates, management of the cameras, direction they are looking at and so on. He uses a lot of brainpower to actually use his power for what he does xD

  • Member Posts: 6,373

    Despite his last round of changes he still feels clunky and unresponsive with a controller. The frustration of the tiniest branch or leaf blocking shots remains.

  • Member Posts: 10,404

    He's trash. Even before slugging became popular, the only way you should* have been able to win with him was by slugging. Obviously you can go against noobs and win any way you want, but I'm talking about when all players know what they're doing.

    I actually liked playing as him, as I did Hag, but they face the exact same frustrating gameplay loop which makes them the most stressful killers in the game to play. You spend the entire match setting up stuff, spreading injures, using your power, downing, using your power, and then 5 gens have been done when you've got like 3 hooks. Why? Because the survivors got free counters to your power every step of the way. But whereas Hag, you just run into her traps and waste them, Singularity has EMPs. The EMPs are easily the most broken killer-specific items in the game. They cure infection, on you as well as ALL teammates in range, and they disable ALL cameras in range for like a minute, AND both of those are done in the same action, AND they're infinitely respawning. As if that wasn't enough, you lose infection FOR FREE upon being hooked, literally forcing the killer to go for the more effective slugging playstyle.

    This has flown way under the radar for way too long. There was a bit of talk about Singularity with the auto-aim that "made him skilless" aka made him accessible to console players (well, there went that), and about his needed add-ons becoming base (while they also nerfed those add-ons, and he still needs them). After that, suddenly everyone stopped talking about, as if he was in a terrific state. He's in a terrible state. Literally the most work ever just to get pressure and downs. I'm shocked you've seen him more than once in a while. Nobody wants to play a killer whose power is designed to be disabled the whole match.

  • Member Posts: 10,404

    Exactly right. He's a noob stomper. And that doesn't make a killer meta, even though most people think that it does.

  • Member Posts: 614

    I've never played As, only against, but I really enjoy facing Singus. I have certainly gotten my butt handed to me plenty of times, but most of the time it feels good because you can clearly tell the Singu is skilled. I love skillful gameplay no matter which role I'm playing, and many Singus I've faced really know their killer well and I love to see the passion. The only time I don't enjoy it is probably when Singu used to 3 Gen. But thankfully it's pretty rare I ever run into them, and since you can no longer infinitely 3 gen kick anymore, even less so.

    I only wish he felt better to play. Again, I've never played as him but from those that do play him he sounds a bit clunky, and that makes me sad for those who main him. Power wise/counter wise, I really like facing him. Plus he's cute <3

  • Member Posts: 6,373

    Absolutely true, but some killer powers are even more so. The more complicated their kit the more noob you stomp.

    Pinhead and Singy and my beloved Piggly Wiggly are such examples because they have several different aspects to their powers for rookies to deal with. Trapper or Wraith for instance are simpler to understand.

  • Member Posts: 141
    edited February 21

    Larry is very strong when played by someone who is really good with him. If you have ever seen QuietKills play Larry, you will know just how nuts he is in the hands of someone who is really good with him.

    Playing him well though is tough, he has a high skill floor compared to many other killers and a higher skill ceiling than many killers too. His power has a lot of nuance, and when played right he can instantly break pallets if a survivor tries to pallet stun him and he teleports as it drops. He chews through pre dropped pallets really fast too. He is super good at applying loads of map pressure very quickly by teleporting all over the place.

    He has counterplay but a lot of survivors also dont really know how to play against him because he isnt really picked all that often since he came out.

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    His presence instills me with anxiety. He's insanely oppressive. I dread seeing my teammates tentacles start to tingle because if that chase is 5 seconds long thr whole match is probably cooked.

    I'd still take him over Wraith and Hag

  • Member Posts: 141

    If you are playing against a good singularity, he is incredibly oppressive. He has some counterplay but some of that counterplay is pretty counter to what survivors will do against most killers

    - Do not attempt to pallet stun him. If he teleports to you and you try to drop a pallet on him while he is overcharged it will instabreak the pallet and he gets to hit you instantly for free.

    - you cant rely on pallets in general. He chews through pallets so fast when he is overcharged that pre dropping wont help much. You wont gain nearly as much distance as you think you will. If you pre drop and the singularity is able to predict it and teleport to you, it will instabreak the pallet and give him a free hit before you can even move. Pre dropping can be very risky.

    - gaining distance during a chase rarely helps that much because he can just teleport right behind you. This shuts down some window loops too.

    - You have to know when to EMP and use LoS to avoid getting tagged by slipstream. There is just no other way around it.

    - Singularity is kind of map dependant. I feel he does a lot better on the outdoor maps.

  • Member Posts: 141

    oh man thats rough. Definitly not a good map for singularity. It might even be his worst map.

  • Member Posts: 296

    I do not play Dead by Daylight sober and probably never will. I do not have the brainpower to play Singularity more than once every quarter. He requires too much thinking for no payoff. The Singularity is the only killer in the game that actually scares me. If The Trapper came into my house, I would laugh because I can loop him around my couch all day long. If the Singularity came into my house, I would scream and run. When his Death Top community cosmetic is released, his play rate will skyrocket and I am sure we will read about how he can be balanced more appropriately on the forums. He is rather underplayed which is unfortunate.

  • Member Posts: 141
    edited February 22

    I would suggest you watch QuietKills play singularity. He has a youtube channel as well. He has a bit of a loud personality but holy cow does he play singularity to the effect of a nuclear weapon. I've seen him 4-5 gen 4k teams with players with over 10k hours.

  • Member Posts: 321
    edited February 22

    Denied requisition form is trash tbh. Not worth a Iridescent slot for such a small head start. He is too complicated for new players however, which has me wondering why its possible for certain killers to be played against with low hours and mmr

    Personally, it feels like these killers can harm a new player's experience with the game if they simply don't understand how to use their power/counter power, making them lose miserably and go on rage rants about perfectly healthy kits

    A fix to this and many other frustrations are the following:

    • Pre game lobbies now last 2 minutes
    • All players names are now hidden in the pre game lobby (this is to prevent tunneling the weak link, or the person with the least hours. This is a big contributing factor to the casual experience)
    • The killer is picked in the pre game lobby, and can be switched before a lock in timer of sorts
    • Survivor item types, rarities and number of add ons are revealed to all players (this is a feature on mobile, essentially being ported)
    • The killer being played is made public to the whole lobby (This change i feel makes sense since most killers are revealed at the start of matches anyway
    • When it comes to lobby dodging, a lock in timer would prevent all players from leaving a pre game lobby at a certain point, meaning that no matter who the killer picked to play, the survivors and killer must play it out)
    • Survivors who haven't played against the killer 3 times at least will get a notification directing them to the killer's power breakdown. For reworked killers, this prompt would reappear the first 3 times, for example with Freddy's rework
    • All killer power breakdowns are available in an experience journal (this would track whether you've seen a certain killer and how many times you've encountered them and your escape rate against them)
    • Bloodpoints are no longer spendable in the pre game lobby (incentivise instant readying with regards to killers being known to everyone. Survivorswho care will likely modifytheir builds to combat the killers power)
    • Bloodpoint cap is removed (compensates for no more spending in the pre game)

    Really simple fixes im suprised are not in the QOL Initiative changes. Informing players of whats to come almost forcefully is the perfect way for players to understand and improve, thus staying attached to the game. The stats tracked in the journal is more of a bonus for curious eyes, not to sure if BHVR knows an individual player's escape rates against certain killers, but if they don't, these stats can be used to make changes to killers with plentiful data

    As much as these seem like killer nerfs, the extra preparation shouldn't impact generic escape rates all too much, since survivors often don't seem to care about running counter perks and just stick to the meta.

    All personal preference, i just think this can alleviate alot of problems with the casual/new player experience. Sorry for the rant : )

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  • Member Posts: 3,644
    edited February 22

    I really, really disagree with this. I think Singularity is one of the most underappreciated Killers in the game at the moment considering how strong they can be when you play them right.

    EMPs do counter your power… that's like the whole point of them. But they are not free, since you have to take time at a 3D Printer to grab one, which acts as a mini-slowdown, and considering the time it takes to get the most benefit from the EMPs (moving to the 3D Printer, speeding up the 3D Printer, moving back to a good position, and then using it). Singularity's specialty is his macro-game, which they more than excel at, especially when you look at it from high-level play.

    The only issue with Singularity is hit map dependency. Some indoor maps can be the bane of his existence since applying Slipstream, since LOS blockers in general work against him. Lery's MI for example, is pretty much an instant loss as soon as you get it, and RCPD can be somewhat manageable if you play for the 3-gen at the center, but if you lose that, it's game over.

    Overall I think Singularity is in a good spot, but they could maybe find ways to reduce his dependency on good maps.

  • Member Posts: 427

    Same as usual, I presume. A high-ceiling (lol) killer that is "not worth the effort".

  • Member Posts: 2,933

    In my completely biased opinion, He’s very fun, but I won’t deny he is very, very exhausting to play, you have to put in a lot more effort and then almost every other killer at even the most basic level in order to get good value out of his power that it just doesn’t appeal to a lot of people, since why bother learning good biopod placements and knowing when you should teleport when you can just play Nurse and accomplish practically the same thing for free and with less hassle

  • Member Posts: 354

    Quite a strong killer in my opinion but also I can see how tough it could be against strong teams that know how to handle his powers.

    I haven't tried him since his buffs

  • Member Posts: 1,580

    I see HUX as a nurse but with cameras and more steps to do so

  • Member Posts: 918

    Does way too much and am way too lazy to explain again why as I done so in others posts ready. Overall to make it short he is annoying and not fun whether it's solo q or swf cant stand him.

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