How useful is self-care?

I’m asking ‘cause I’m think of putting it back in my build and tbh most people use it. Is it worth while?
Best Answers
For solo play I would say it would be useful because good luck getting healed but in SWF play I would switch out because yeah SC is convenient but when you know where your team is quite easy to get healed not worth using SC because of the slow speed but I guess that's just my opinion so idk.
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Yeah rank ten solo que is pretty unreliable in the getting healed category so I’ll probably start running it again, thanks for the answer.☺️
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Depends what perks killer is using and how he plays
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@slayer that is also true, sc will probably be a nightmare against nurse’s.
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Also helps with hitting greats eventually you will bypass ruin simply with your skill
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It is rubbish without Botany Knowledge, trust me, if you use it, you'll find your games going slow unless you compliment it with Botany Knowledge.
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I’m using Bk with it.
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It's game changing, no matter how much peoples will try to deny it.
Most of them disingeniously ommit to tell you how much their escape/death ratio drastically changed when first unlocked.
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Then it's top tier.
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No one heals you. All just running away after unhook. All stupid survs out there.
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Pretty useless without Botany.
Either SC + Botany, or do SC + pharmacy or pharmacy + botany.
Don't use self-care alone.
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The A and O, when you play solo especially.
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Self-Care is a useful perk, no matter what you say. Being able to take an extra hit is good. If people didn’t care about being healed, everyone would run No Mithr instead of Unbreakable”
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I run botany with it.
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"It's game changing, no matter how much peoples will try to deny it."
What @Nathan_Explosion said is 100% true.
It is THE most important and overpowered perk in the game.
There is a reason why 84% of all survivor across all ranks and platforms are using this perk.
Unlimited, self sufficient heals, with no need to run around bleeding and mourning, searching for teammates is a gamechanger.
Every time you manage to lose the killer, you get a free heal.
Even if only 2 survivor are left and the other get chases, YOU can heal on your own.
SC is essential to gen rush, because gen rush is most efficient if the survivor spread out and do stuff on their own.
Any single hit on a survivor with SC is basically meaningless.
So yea, pick SC.
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Use SC to heal up = ONE survivor is busy for 32 seconds
Get healed by another survivor = TWO survivor are busy for 16 seconds
So the statement that "SC wastes more time" is a LIE.
You eliminate the need and waste of time to find a mate and can run to any abandoned area of the map without objectives and the killer needs to either drop the chase to protect objectives or give a free heal and no one has to care about you.
Here in the forum only those survivor answer this question that want to tell everyone how unimportant SC is and all those that actually KNOW how powerful it is, keep their mouth shut to avoid the perk getting a balance rework.
Even the Devs admitted on stream that they do not dare balancing the perk, because they are afraid of the community backlash.
I don't run Selfcare anymore , it's just wasting time.
In The same time that u heal yourself with selfcare (without sloppy butcher), u can repair atleast 50% of one generator and with all nerf on survivor , genrushing is became the only way of playing for me. (And this is why from 50/50 now i play 20%survivor and 80%killer)
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Don't use it ever. It just doesn't suit my playstyle, I'd sooner search a chest or check where someone got sacraficed if I *need* to heal myself. Thinking of putting windows of opportunity on my build in hopes it'll help me learn some areas better because I don't want to try using self care when it's so darn slow. Especially when killers love their sloppy butcher. Also I just run with a medkit and search chests for toolboxes or vice versa.
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Self care um it’s useful, but it’s way better to bring something else imo. I often don’t run it then find myself thinking I wish I had brought it , but sometimes I’m really glad I didn’t. So it’s as useful as a lot of the other perks, but my least favorite of the healing variety ie medkit or team healing
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Are you saying that healing yourself isn’t worth It? For one, you make noise when injured and leave blood. Besides, doesn’t solidarity work with self care?
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No, just saying there’s better healing options other than self care. Iron will is life
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Make gen-> adrenaline.
Run Empathy (or another aura perk)->go to another survivor for been healed by him.
Use med-kit.
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I use Self Care occasionally and it still is extremely useful. But, if the killer has Sloppy Butcher it's not worth it to self heal. I personally use Adrenaline over self care because I find it more useful. If you want reliability though, Self Care all the way.
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Selfcare does neither need a teammate (they can rush gens in the time you heal) nor a medikit (get a toolbox or flashlight for fun) at the mere cost of healung yourself slower.
There have been many calculations but selfcare does SAVE A LOT of time for game progress even if its slower than normal healing (well maybe not when combined with mangled+thanatophobia4, but thats a selfcare-counter and offtopic), because your teammates become free to do everything else they want to.
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It isn't. It's a waste of time imo. Run empathy and find teamates and heal eachother. Or just do a gen.
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I stopped using it recently and I see no change honestly. Run Bond and your issue is solved. Much better this way.
Yeah, it's pretty good, but I have seen that a lot of people stopped using it. It's not such a big deal as every killer will tell you that it is.
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I never use SC. I like bond so I can find other people to heal me and leader to make them do it faster. And if I run out of teammates I can loot chests for a med kit or even bring my own in from the start. This might be unpopular but I've personally never found SC useful enough to justify a perk slot when there are so many options.