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General Discussions

What happened to design previews?

More than 4 monts ago, back in October, we got our first design preview that let us know about the changes planned for the Trickster. And while we have not recieved any updates on Trickster specifially, I only ask why haven't we gotten more of these previews? They seemed like a cool new way of communicating changes with the community before actually starting working on them and I just doubt there isn't anything developers wouldn't want to share with us during this time.

So, what happened?

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  • Member Posts: 59

    Honestly I would be happy if they just trow away this undo-rework plan for Trickster (maybe they did or maybe it's still in the plan but some changes).

    While current Trickster isn't perfect by any means, I still prefer the reworked version than the old ones. Main Event feels impactfull and fun to use, he isn't as slow as before (default movement speed). I am not fan of the OG trickster, too slow, main event almost useless and still suffering same issues as current reworked trickster but worse.

  • Member Posts: 331

    Honestly who knows why, I'd argue that they need to bring it back for the skull merchant rework, tell us about certain changes she'll receive before it's implemented

  • Member Posts: 331
    edited February 24

    Why though? Almost everyone (including trickster mains) despise the rework he's gotten currently

  • Member Posts: 59

    Because he is more fun now than before. Base movement speed is faster, main event having impact and feels like minigun almost every chase is cool.

    Before rework he was just worse huntress with faster hatches. Now at least he isn't so same as her (still weaker then her ofc).

  • Member Posts: 331

    I don't understand what's fun about him rapidly gaining main event

    Without main event he's way worse then his original version

    They remove his throwing speed increase bonus per knife throw, because of this memento blades is a must run add-on for how slow he throws his knives

    It takes 8 knives to hit a survivor instead of 6

    Main event activation time last about 24 seconds instead of 30 seconds

    Three of his add-ons became useless especially death throws compilation which is a worse version of diamond cufflinks because of his rework

    If you think he's fun, good for you but there are majority of trickster players that don't find him fun and want his old kit to return

  • Member Posts: 293

    My Personal Thoughts

    • Every week, the DBD community finds a new reason to raise the community manager's blood pressure with a new emergency. They probably forgot about it considering the mountain of issues we've gone through since then.

    What's More Likely

    • Freddy's rework did not get a design preview because it was such a big change that it would spoil his new killer power.

    I personally think they will come back for less substantial changes that don't involve reworking the killer's power. They've just been working on other priorities, especially with the new Quality of Live initiative.

  • Member Posts: 1,830

    I will main old trickster if they bring him back, but they should lower the required knives for main event to 18-24.

    I hope they haven’t scrapped the concept of design preview’s, it would be a wasted opportunity.

  • Member Posts: 4,206

    That’s not true. BHVR had a Reddit post to discuss the possible rework, and it turns out that many people liked the rework, including some of the Trickster mains. And the majority of the players thought Trickster was more fun to play as with his current movement speed.

    There was never an “almost everyone” consensus.

  • Member Posts: 331

    I've seen lots of trickster players that hate current trickster on YouTube comments

    As for reddit I do see that they want him to be at 115 instead of 110, but it was mostly divisive whether or not people like the idea they he'll be reverted

    But from a few comments that I've seen it was mostly their mains that prefer to revert the changes

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    This new trickster basically killed my enjoyment of him even though he was terrible before.

  • Member Posts: 4,206

    So you admit there wasn’t an “almost everyone” consensus? Because “mostly divisive” certainly sounds like many people weren’t in agreement.

  • Member Posts: 7,098
    edited February 24

    but they should lower the required knives for main event to 18-24.


    Also I feel like a partial Trick Blades basekit (1 bounce instead of 2) would not only make him stronger, but much more appealing than he currently is because of the added skill ceiling.

  • Member Posts: 331
    edited February 24
  • Member Posts: 1,830

    Having one bouncing knive basekit would be awesome if they revert him. It would also make him more unique and make him fit his name.

  • Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 25

    I don't know if 6 blade trickster is weaker or stronger than current trickster, but he certainly felt less frustrating to play against and more fun to play.

    He was pretty weak even before his rework, so I hope they partially revert him back but keep him at 115, keep the recoil removed, and lower main event requirement to around 20 or so. And adding a single bounce too like you mention seems like a no brainer that would make his skill ceiling way higher and add lots of depth to him.

    I just feel like 115 suits him a lot both in gameplay and lore, makes him a lot more unpredictable in loops and helps him be scarier in tall wall tiles where he is weakest. It's also unique since most other range killers are 110 like Huntress and slinger. Since he's always been one of the weaker killers I'd say there's room for him being 115.

  • Member Posts: 2,105

    Not joking, this would be great for Skull Merchants eventual rework.

    Get some feedback from her mains and haters, see if it would be a good idea, so on and so forth.

  • Member Posts: 7,098

    Thing is I feel like some of the changes he received was to justify him now being 115 (Mainly slower throw rate and more knives required)

    Adding a single bounce to his knives would also help him immensely at high wall loops. I myself have been using the add on for weeks now and cant play without it. Not just because it makes him stronger, but it also makes him MUCH more enjoyable.

    Also if they do end up reverting him.. revert my boys lobby music back to the PTB one (pls :3)

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