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General Discussions

Map you hate besides the common hated ones.

you got your classic badham, eyrie of crow, the game, RPD, midwich, haddonfield that people constantly talk crap about and it’s not undeserved. Personally (as a killer main) I like all those maps. RPD and the game can be a pain at times but as nemesis there not but as Freddy they are but still don’t loath it. I hate badham and eyries tho but every killer does. The map I don’t see to much hate for that I loath is groaning store house. I don’t like the main building. Absolutely annoying to play against. That’s why when I get that map I don’t play main, Everytime a survivor tries to bring chase there I leave.

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  • Member Posts: 2,067

    Blood Lodge. I hate the main building.

  • Member Posts: 229
    edited February 25

    I love midwich as both killer and survivor. On killer it doesn’t feel like I’m walking to Timbuktu to check a generator and as survivor it feels like a horror game again.

    however I really hate the stranger things and toba landing map. Toba looks like a 3d Jackson pollick painting and the stranger things map has annoying room design and the upstairs sucks to get people to hooks of they have boil over, or someone sabo’s/hook doesn’t spawn on the stairs.

  • Member Posts: 2,930

    All of the Autohaven maps, Especially Azarovs Resting Place, every time I play killer on them it feels like there is a pallet every 4 feet

  • Member Posts: 2,293

    We dislike the swamp maps. As survivors gen spawns are disgusting, as killers it's both easy to get downs (the open parts) and a pain (main parts and docks) at the same time. It also screws us over when we want to play artist.

  • Member Posts: 2,067
    edited February 25

    Oh yeah, I forgot about Hawkins.

    The doors are in the weirdest places, so you have to take long detours, the entire upstairs area and rift are a must-avoid as killer, etc.

    Yeah, that one is really bad.

  • Member Posts: 345

    Rotten Fields or whatever one it is now where there can be a lot of nothing to use middle of map

  • Member Posts: 422

    easy the swamp. Both versions. On killer and survivor. I think it’s the worst map in the game it’s so boring and I hate the loops on that map. I don’t like really anything about that map. I whenever I spawn into the map I always get in a bad mood

  • Member Posts: 10,369

    I hate all of them. None of them are easy for killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,279
    edited February 25

    knights ####### map. #### that map. My will to live melts away on that map.

  • Member Posts: 430

    Azarovs also sucks yeah. Very annoying to have to play the 3 Gen unless you can teleport or move quick. Demogorgon does really good this map compared to others. Which is the one Of the only killers that I like on that map.

  • Member Posts: 3,635
    edited February 25

    Coldwind, Tobba Landing, and Eyrie of Crows are the bane of my existence, not because they are strong maps for a particular side, but because I struggle to see Scratchmarks due to colorblindness, and changing my settings does not help that much with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,162
    edited February 25

    I hate all the corn maps. If a Survivor runs into the corn then forget it, because I can hardly see them. I also have a lot of difficulty tracking scratch marks on these maps as well.

    This might sound crazy, but I actually preferred the old red Borgo map over the new dark one. I feel like I swapped one problem (not being able to track scratch marks or blood pools) for another (hardly being able to see anything). It's not so bad on PC, but on Switch it's so hard to see anything. Hopefully the upcoming brightness settings for console will help with these maps a little bit.

    I also dislike Nostromo but not for reasons you might think. I do actually like this as a map, but if I get it while playing on the Switch I won't be happy. It has some serious performance issues.

    I don't like getting Dead Dog as Killer, despite its reputation as a Killer-sided map, since I tend not to do well on it for whatever reason. But I do like this map as Survivor, because it has lots of bushes to hide in and that suits my stealthy play style.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Definitely Coldwind and Swamp, they somehow feel equally bad on both killer and survivor.

    Badham is a bugbear of mine for killer specifically.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    I don't dislike any maps as killer- not even Badham or Eyrie. Eyrie has been nerfed three times and main is crap- especially upstairs. I don't get the hate for it; it's overrated.

    As far as a map that I hate that is not part of the usual suspects? Wrecker's Yard. Screw that map. Sucks to play it as survivor. May the DBD gods be with you if you get to vs. Nurse or Blight on that thing; GG.

  • Member Posts: 28

    Personally not a fan of silent hill map. I hate that rectangle layout, and depending on which killer you go against it can he a nightmare. Particularly rush killers.

    As a killer I don't mind it. But it's so dark!!!

  • Member Posts: 604

    Hawkins. If i could skip a map it would be that one. Hate it both ways.

  • Member Posts: 4,942

    Sanctum II and III are terrible. Never should've gotten variations.

  • Member Posts: 266

    I know you already listed it above but haddonfield. This god forsaken map is so bad for both sides that I would much rather it be completely reworked from the ground up. For survivor side, the map barely has any pallets and the only good windows are the ones in main but even then with rng they are awful. Huge dead zones across the whole map, it’s one of the smallest maps in the game. For killer side, the rework made the cars in the road have horrible collision to the point where if you get anywhere near them as Billy, blight, bubba or wesker you’ll just end up getting stuck on the car rather than sliding across it. The map is still horrible for m1 killers if they don’t hold the obnoxious 3 gen by main. This map has been and never will be balanced for either side.

  • Member Posts: 7,271

    I'm not even really sure exactly why, but I don't enjoy Nostromo on either side.

  • Member Posts: 28

    Ilike to add in the knights map as well. My monitor turns black. I hate that artificial "darkness" they make by turning down the colors like that. I can't see anything at all lol

  • Member Posts: 104

    Corn! But the more comments I read, the more I realize I hate more maps than that. Toba landing, nostromo, and is it the lich's map? That stupid indoor outdoor map. Okay, that one has to be the worst.

  • Member Posts: 1,308

    not a fan of the oni/spirit maps

  • Member Posts: 13,037

    Toba Landing is miserable to play on for me as that map is the living, breathing, definition of “visual noise”

  • Member Posts: 378

    Never been a fan of the yamaoka maps, those tiles seem so strange to me.

  • Member Posts: 6,155

    Rotten Fields, Rancid Abbattoir, Lerys, and Nostromo are probably my least favourites

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    both yamaoka estates were always bad in my opinion especially the times where they would have glitched tiles that don’t spawn with a pallet

  • Member Posts: 1,217

    You forgot garden of joy, absolute hell of a map. Those bushes are one of the worst things bhvr ever released, the loops are pretty insane, main is crazy and all that after it's already nerfed xD

  • Member Posts: 1,207

    I used to hate Suffocation Pit because of the middle section, but it got reworked and it is ok now. Other than that I guess I dislike Rotten Fields, as it is just boring in design and gens usually fly more than usual because they are so easy to find there.

  • Member Posts: 521
    edited February 26

    I've grown to hate Greenville Square, feel's like the original Temple of Purgation where the Generator's are spread too far out with so much in between everything, it could be given the RPD treatment and get cut in half. Theatre as one map and the Statue centre as another.

  • Member Posts: 420

    As survivor and killer i adore RPD and midwhich. But my least favorite map is crotus prenn asylum. disdain that map so much especially as killer

  • Member Posts: 49

    i despise ormond idk why but the variations are just filled with save/long loops and there is clutter everywhere + its an indirect nerf to stealth

  • Member Posts: 59

    I don't like the most recent snow/ormond map, feels hard to play on for killer. Main building is annoying to deal with.

  • Member Posts: 2,339
    edited February 26

    Badham School (Freddy map)

    Alternatively any swamp map.

    I love Suffocation Pit personally.

  • Member Posts: 351

    Hate Hawkins as both sides.

    And as survivor, Azarovs is just stupid. There's nothing worse in solo queue then being hooked on one side of the map and the other 3 survivors are at the opposite side all leaving the rescue to each other. The killer has BBQ or something else that tells him all three survivors are at the other side. And once the other survivors do realise, the killer is just waiting around in the middle to scare anyone off trying to get across to help. A massive win win for the killer as one person gets one hooked while the others are shutting off one side of the map and helping creating a big fat three gen at the other side that they will never break with 3 people.

    And Forgotten Ruins is just dreadful. Hate it.

  • Member Posts: 2,383

    i hate sanctum mainly because the main building is full of weak windows that connect into nothing. I actually like sanctum 2 because there way more tiles near the main building from every direction.

    for killer azarovs

    basically feel like a 2v8 map! pallets everywhere and big as $hit. 3 genning is mandatory so the game just me dropping chase constantly. Zzzzzzzz

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    S T O P sending me to Azarovs! I know nobody is sending me there because they legitimately enjoy the realm like how I love Toba Landing.

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