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Reasons why the EGC mori needs to be removed

Yesterday I went against a chucky at first it went ok but in the end he had NOED and ended up killing two survivors (already two out of four is good) as he was hooking i tried opening the door but it took its sweet time with remember me when I heard him i started to run away but he followed me and downed me (still with NOED which is a cluch perk I know I should have broke it but I thought I would be able to run away in time) the other survivor was able to get the other door open and almost immediately left already I'm thinking "oh great I'm gonna get moried" the hatch opens close to me I tried to crawl to it but he got to it before i did which resulted in him shutting it in my face shook his head no at me then started riding my back over and over switching between my back and my head then proceeded to mori me I was so frustrated because I played normally we didn't genrush I didn't tbag him I don't even think I stunned him but he was being extremely toxic to me and letting him mori me just made it more enjoyable for him when I didn't do anything to deserve it there was no reason for him to act like that he already had two kills and I was the third

Too many killers resort to toxicity I've talked about this issue before and people said it was the same as survivors staying/tbagging at the gate I understand that but I don't support that behavior neither sometimes I'll stay at the gate for a short time to give the killer a chance to close hatch for more points but I don't tbag and I don't wait out the timer at the gate I don't purposely "punch" the killer so to speak

I loved that now the hard work in the mori's get seen more but it gives the toxic players more enjoyment they like it so they do it and keep doing it making the community more toxic because they know what they are gonna get out of it

Going back to yesterday I went against the twins and almost immediately she knocked someone down and used Victor to guard the one she downed using her as bait.. ended up getting two more with Victor and whenever she would hook one then pick up another I would do my job by unhooking back and forth but she followed the blood and downed them again I tried to heal who I could but she still found them somehow.. from the very beginning she turned the tide in her favor by being toxic and in the end I was the only one standing with no hooks she found hatch and stood at one door with Victor at the other door and switched between the two.. how is that fair to me? Being killed by her hand when she slugged at 5 gens it ended at 4 because I did one while they were trying to get the person up.. after she slugged them it went to sh#$ and we couldn't do anything

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  • Member Posts: 81

    My point isn't it affecting the outcome of the match my point is it brings out the toxicity even more and they don't deserve it think of it as a bad kid they do something awful like break something on purpose most people wouldn't think you should be taking them out for ice cream after that so if the killer slugs my team they shouldn't get more satisfaction by killing me by their hand and the chucky had no reason to act the way he did he literally told me to get f#$ked because he shut hatch in my face when he had two kills already and I was the third

    Another time against a legion he had one dead had me on the ground with the other two on hooks waiting for them to die just to mori me and another time before that I had a myers slug my entire team with his aura reading add-on made them all DC because of how stupid it was then came back to me and was waiting for them to die it's bots so you know they stayed alive he knew I was gonna breed out before they died so he literally picked me up to stop the bleed out

    I rather die on a hook then be moried by a troll who sees everything as a joke I didn't do anything to that chucky I was already dead so why did he have to act like that towards me

  • Member Posts: 986

    the matches you described would end the same no matter if basekit mori was implemented or not. The very cringe about basekit mori is actually slugging 4th survivor out while 3rd is hanging on hook even when you literally have a hook nearby (i hate it too)

  • Member Posts: 141

    ppl always slugged for the 4k if they want to.

  • Member Posts: 927
    edited March 1

    A better reason that it needs to be gone is there are times when someone gets down and you body block enough to know the person is close to wiggle off, the killer drops them and forced the others out the gate.

    Technically the person would surely start crawling then cause if the killer picks, they wiggle off. The finisher mori have totally remove that from survivora and that is bull ######### kills they would not get.

    Also ofc op its a chucky what do you expect? Usually chuckies one of if not the king of toxic and bm with their wierdo self. Yet strangely the Tiffanies tend to not be toxic.

    Post edited by buggybug on
  • Member Posts: 81
    1. The key thing here is no one should be toxic not even chucky I expect everyone to have manners even in a game because i did nothing to him for him to treat me that way
    2. He didn't kill anyone till EG and he only did because he had NOED So not really op he did get hooks throughout the match but he relied on a perk for backup

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