What is the dodge rate?
What is this dodge rate today, no joke, almost every lobby is a dodge now and it hurts, dodging because you are scared of survivor swf shows that you target weaker prey, which is slightly sad
It means Killers are looking for a balanced match.
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or an easy one 🙃
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Implying that SWFs are more skilled than solos, which is not the case.
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The ~25 survivor games I have played last month I havent been dodged a single time. The only dodges happening were due to steam friends not making it into the lobby or high ping.
But then we dont use toxic names and dont rely on items =)
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I hardly ever get dodged.
However, I prefer the advantages that game provides instead of outside advantages.
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I think i get about 2 dodging Survivors per lobby on average.
Sometimes they're fine, no one dodges.
Sometimes EVERYONE is impatient, sometimes leading to 10 dodges in 1 lobby.
So the average is about 2.5 for me i'd wager, but there's no such thing as a .5 human, so 2.
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Probably 1 out of 10 games I would say