Darn xenomorph is in the top 5 least played on nightlight

I know that nightlight isn't the most reliable source on dbd data but just based on that xeno is in the top 5 least played killers and the least played license killer
1- Hag
2- Twins
3- Skull merchant
4- xenomorph
Kind of shame xenomorph is even close to being at the same play level as twins, current merchant and hag. Granted I don't play xeno often as i would like to because personally i think he is the worst designed license in dbd and plays boringly but i still play him just because well its xeno. Darn Shame.
I wonder if this data reflects closely to behaviors for pick rate.
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I mean it's not that surprising, his power is entirely controlled by the survivors
Edit: Gonna downvote me for saying turrets kick you out of his power lol?
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If they didn't force you to go into Crawler Mode, I'd play Xeno a lot more. That really bottlenecks my enjoyment of an otherwise cool Killer. Maybe one of these days Xenomorph can walk upright the entire match and we can use the M2 tail attack when we feel like it. Letting us use Crawler Mode at our own leisure would also incentivize Survivors to place the turrets in spots where the Alien is more likely to use the tail. (vaults/pallets) :/
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For me it's not about power strength or weakness etc it's just
The killer really doesn't feel like I'm playing a Xenomorph at all. The mobility aspect of the power is a bit frustrating to use since it's reliant on fixed spots that you can't decide on and it gives the survivors so many signals that it has no real stealth or jumpscare factor.
The tail doesn't really have much skill to it and that doesn't mean it's easy to use but there's not really a whole lot to it either? I'm fine with simple chase powers, but Xeno's just doesn't feel great to me.
The turret aspect to it while I don't think is a massive problem balance wise, it's def not very high on the 'enjoyment' scale either. Especially now that survivors know how to use them more efficiently (placing two turrets near each other to guarantee a power loss for xeno).
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yeah it’s not super surprising to me either. I think your assessment was pretty on the nose as it’s something that people that play killer have expressed in feedback on xeno.
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I think that would be a nice change and provide flexibility on how you want to play xeno, people usually like more versatility.
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I 100% agree it feels like they splurged all there budget on the tunnels and forgot to develop the rest of him.
i believe he was supposed to climb walls cause if you play him and go against a wall he as a strange animation that’s not seenwhen he goes up against a wall it looks like he’s trying to climb onto the wall but can’t. It seems it was a leftover of what he was supposed to be
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Would've made much more sense for the Crawler Mode to be when he climbs walls instead of crawling out in the open for no reason… Aliens don't crawl unless they're in very tight spaces.. I don't remember seeing any Alien chase someone in the crawling pose. . Similar to Nemesis, it just feels like they missed the mark with this Killer..
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I remember when I first watched the Xeno trailer before it came to the game. The hype was real and thought he'd blow up hard (no pun intended 😏)
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I’d play xeno more if the tail attack didn’t feel terrible to use
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Sidenote, but Im not surprised that Artist is among the least played.
I have only seen 1 over the past year (not an exaggeration), and that 1 person was Carniveris of all people (she used us as a mop to clean the floor with). All the others Ive seen a few times, but it's weird how Artist is the one I just never see.
Anyways (obligatory Xenomorph Queen joke).
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It's not fun constantly getting stunned out of your power
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The bottom killers are close enough that they can shuffle around pretty easily. He's not that far off from some of the others.
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All of the last Zeno's I've seen always run add-ons to deal with the turrets
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They changed him after launching and selling him, which was a primary factor in determining the trustworthyness of this company and its products. That was a bad move on their part, doubly bad because the Xeno wasn't really over powered in a game sense. He just won a lot when approaching a pallet from 0 degrees, and that made opponents unhappy.
He suffers from very poor object to hitbox relationship, failing to hit obvious shots that are rejected by invisible walls, edges and so on. His various nerfs reduce incentive to find these edges for players.
His tunnels are a total RNG nightmare. Maybe nice maybe a detriment for him to use.
It was an excellent chapter, fairly designed, badly handled after launch and forgotten by the sellers.
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I have xeno at p100. I agree that he couldve been different and more fun. But i use him anyway. My MAIN reason for not using him often is his mmr is the highest of my killers because i played him too much. So hes always against swat teams and its hard to enjoy playing as him most of the time.
I was hoping he would be more of a stealth killer in the way ghost face/pig/myers work as xenomorphs are often known for their stealth lol
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It's also one of the lowest killrate, does that mean Xenomorph could be buffed or are we still adament to say it's a very strong killer that needs nothing ?
Because having a low killrate despite being the 4th least played killer in the game should be enough to recognise there is a problem beyong "I don't feel like im playing a Xenomorph and that's why people are not playing it".
I don't know what you all expected but nothing could have satisfied it. Xenomorph lurking in vents, locating you, emerging and then being very lethal, only stopped by motion tracker/flamethrower screams Alien to ANYONE with even supbar knowledges of the IP. It is perfectly on brand with the IP and that is factual. You don't feel like a Xenomorph because you are not a 7 m/s one shotting monstrosity but that's on you for not recognizing the limits of dbd. The game isn't builded around Alien mechanics such as Claustrophobia slow paced horror and ahem, let's say giger related subjects. It's a guest and it is limited righfully so. Everyone can't have the luxury as being as simple as "looks at you" or "go very fast". Obviously the Alien in dbd can't have access to everything it is capable of.
It's almost a carbon copy of the Alien Isolation formula and funnily enough, in this game, it isn't stealthy at all, you can hear it going around in vents and when below with you, it stomps and roar so loud, you are never getting surprised by it. The Motion Tracker in A:I is also precise so it's stealth is a non factor. It's scary because it is a walking "You Died", that's what they aimed for in it's dbd kit and it's deemed "unfun". I remember everyone saying "Make Alien OP in chase but let survivors have flamethrowers", yeah, that's exaclty what they have done, and it's not even that OP in chase either, a limping guy with a chainsaw is way better at moving around and downing people with no drawbacks whatsoever in his power.
The Alien could use some changes:
In very short and without going in depth :
- Turrets deployment should be smoother for survivors, less time to pickup, less hindered to carry, less time to deploy, smaller radius to better place them.
- Flame turrets should be a finite ressources ala Wesker, survivors will have plenty enough to not run out in most of their matches but this would be a possibility.
- More control stations to better use tunnels, this is the biggest change and what separate the Alien in dbd from the one in Isolation. In Isolation, there is a vent every 5 meters and that makes the Alien very prone to drop on you at anytime. This would be beyond huge to have more tunnels as it is the true power of the Alien and what makes it unique. Right now it's the coolest thing ever but very lackluster as you don't have enough to make them more usefull that going from point A to B in most cases. Sometimes it's even good to go from point A to B as they are badly placed. That's unfair since in those trials, you lose more thzn half of your power just because of RNG...
- A hefty lingering undetectable after exiting the tunnels to play in the stealth fantasy of the Xenomorph, turrets are so god tier against stealth, it should not be an issue right ? Giving permanent stealth in crawler mode would be counter intuitive but having a 30s timer would incentivise the Alien to frequently use the tunnels to recharge it's stealth among other things, so a win-win design wise.
- Crawler mode should recharge even slower outside of tunnel.
- Tail strike should be 2.7 s with 1.6 m/s. Acceleration rate could be tweaked.
These changes would instantly make the Xenomorph better to play and face while keeping the Alien Isolation rythm and fantasy.
Being easier to play/less punishing and stronger overall would heal it's pickrate a lot more than going the Sadako/Freddy route for people that will never be satisfied by anything anyway. It will probably always be a niche killer alongside Singularity/Dredge and even the almighty Demogorgon that despite being loved is bottom pickrate since forever, such is the fate of being a monster killer apparently.
Alien is only played by it's mains and some occasional players and it's fine. Im not against buffs tho as they would make it even more awesome that it already is.
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I don't think making turrets a finite resource would be a good idea. Primarily since they're constantly being used as they're more or less required as her tail is powerful thanks to its very fast windup.
Crawler mode is already extremely slow. It's 1c/s and needs 35 charges. As anyone that played Release Ghost Face can tell you, a 30 second cooldown is brutal. Yes, she can go in tunnels, but she will also lose 1/4 of the gauge every time she hooks someone (roughly 9 seconds after hooking to get her power back). Slower means the act of hooking is more punishing.
Her cooldowns are something I'm iffy on. I do think 3 seconds is too long. I mean, look at PH and Neme with 2.25 sec cooldowns or Demo with 2.43-2.7 (depending on add-ons). But again, also very little windup to balance it.
Regarding Stealth, I wouldn't do that. Instead, I'd just make it so Turrets' motion trackers don't work unless Xeno is in the tunnels. Inside them is fine; they're the only means of tracking. Outside though? I don't think there's much reason. It makes her reduced TR otherwise entirely pointless.
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Xeno is just boring af imo there was SO much stuff they could've done with Xeno but all it is is "tail attack at animation lock" absolutely the most boring type of killer for both sides
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And it's kind of a shame too.
I play her, and she can be really fun to play. Playing against her is a different story, but playing as her is great.
I guess people avoid her because of the W sentiment she falls into.
On the topic, it's a bit sad that Xeno is so rarely played. Guess most people dislike having their power taken away from them.
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Turrets being finite is debatable i agree, i don't think it would hurt tho, since akin to Wesker, it would be very rare to run out. But ut would make it's stealth potentially potent since in theory you could run out and have a very stealthy killer. I think having the possibility to run out of turrets could make the Alien's gameplay more interesting with having some ressources management. Each turret break would feel impactful and not just "free stealth killer and bodyblock". It would add another interesting layer to the Alien i feel.
I do know about the 1/4 power lose after carry and it is a very good point ! I did not go into details with my ideas but i have an in depth "patch note". I took that into consideration when i write it and the power gauge would not be depleted to 75% anymore when picking up, it would still take 8 seconds to gain crawler back as i adjusted the percentage with the new time to recharge crawler mode that is way longer. It would further incentivise the Xenomorph to retreat after a burn and recharge all lf it's advantages while keeping the fanatsy for survivors of repelling the beast with fire. The Xenomorph retreating in tunnels after getting burned is important imo, and i don't really like being able to just ignore the flames and chase for only 35s to get back such a strong power. The retreat in tunnel is important both in balance and in theme, with turrets being finite, this would also make them more impactfull albeit they already are really strong. This is really debatable of course, but it's my vision for the character i play the most.
Tail attack is not the strongest attack in the game whatsoever and plenty of other killers have lesser cooldowns for greater attacks. I don't think the Xenomorph should be punished that much for having the shortest ranged attack and in addition to turrets counterplay. It's strong i agree, but it's not THAT strong. Slightly diminishing the punishment should not break the balance while making it smoother to use and incentivise trying and not using the m1 and being a walking bait. This could get tested in a PTB and adjusted back to the original cooldown if it is indeed too strong.
My problem with your idea for the Motion Tracker is about logic and gameplay incentivise, why would the MT only work when underground, it would be bizarre. Having undetectable upon exiting tunnels would not be harmfull and actually play into the stealth fanatsy of the killer, turrets would still counter it but allow the Xenomorph to thrive when turrets are not placed or use stealth to come from bizarre angle. I disagree with your idea because playing around the lower TR of crawler mode with turrets not beeping would not intencivise people to use the tunnels. The lower TR is nice to not get pre run like hell, but you should not just walk around on paper. Playing into the "Ambush"/stealth of tunnels is imo, a better idea as it further incentivise people to play around them while making the Xenomorph stealthier overall. Turrets being finite also gives some logic to this particular change. As at some point, if they do run out, then it becomes a true stealth killer. It create some dread and desperation for survivors, even if you rarely run out, the potential is scary enough in the same vein as Wesker.
The most important thing for me is the numbers of tunnels available, this would be the biggest change.
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They should make the tail hitbox align with the actual animation for the tail to make the killer less frustrating and I think the amount of players would increase.
Right now, playing Xeno is often just frustrating and not really a fun experience.7 -
I never found Xeno frustraiting to play againts because I probably almost never faced a good Survivors who knew how to counter my power.
But as to why I don't play Xeno more… well the power is just okay and there are so many "okay" powers in this game with so many killers I simply forget Xeno even exists. Xeno power just simply isn't that interesting or deep. Since Nemesis got nice buffs, I probably rather play him since they both have almost same chase power but Nemi has better deal with pallets.
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The problem with Xeno is you are punished so hard when you miss a swing of the tail (1.2m/s for 3s), that often you don't even want to try unless you're really sure... made worse by sometimes getting screwed by terrain.
Nemesis is 1.15m/s for 2.5s, and while that 0.5s doesn't look like much, it's basically an extra 2m the survivor makes on you.
The worst part is you're hit with the same penalty even if you hit the turrets... there is no reward for predicting and hitting turrets with your tail. If survivors place and use turrets well, Xeno is left between rock and a hard place.
- An m1 on the turret is the best scenario, but a well placed turret likely can't be m1'd.
- If they run after the survivor, and cant break turret range, they lose power from the turret, which makes them a zero anti-loop m1 killer.
- Or they swing their tail to break the turret and get this monster slow that gives the survivor insane distance.
- In the worst case scenario, they swing their tail and miss the turret and hit both problems... and that's a GG on that chase immediately.
A lot of people think Xeno is really strong, but it's the same deal as Sadako. If you don't counter their power properly and let Xeno get what they want via crap turret placement, they are very dangerous... but if you as a team do use their power to counter them properly, then Xeno gets run through the ringer.
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I agree with you, but i think there is more to it.
The fact that the tail attack is missed as soon as the hitbox collides with a structure plus the unintuitive hitbox on top of having the biggest punishment out of all the ranged attacks for the shortest one is a combination that makes Xeno feels really bad for trying fun shots or just simply missing. If it was only the weird hitbox, i think it would be bad, but okay~ish, but the combination of everything is brutal, especially the drag thing.
Being able to drag into walls makes Nemesis really smooth and fun, if the Tentacle collision stopped upon hitting something other than a survivors it would be an horrible killer to play. I understand that Xeno is different and that it working like that is intended and manageable, but it does make it frustrating to play sometimes. Numerous times when streamers miss a tail strike, it's because they smashed the ground, the window or a wall, a twig, something behing the survivors. It's incredibly frustrating to see your tail go trought their model but see the animation where it wags it's tail, implying that the hitbox collided with a structure and you missed. There is two animations for missing, the pointy end wagging meaning you hit something and the hitbox cancelled and the tail smoothly going back meaning you just whiffed.
Let's compare to Nemesis, since the two are always brought together:
Nemesis can break pallets, have a 6.5m range, a 2.25s cooldown, no turrets, shoots directly into a wall and drag itself into someone.
Yeah, no wonder why the Tentacle strike has a better feeling that the Tail strike. All that for 8 "free" hits that hinders so much they are almost a guaranted follow up hits and a mutation rate that slows you down a bit. With Marvin's blood and Licker's tongue, it's almost a non factor tho.
Vaccines are a finite ressources that gives informations and infection hits hinders a lot, having this in exchange of Tentacle Strike numerous ups feels great and fair.
Now you have Xeno with infinite turrets that kills both it's stealth and act as at best a free bodyblock and at worst a power denial for up to 35s. Hitting a turret is a net negative for you, and it's not a "they used a spray, they only have x left, i must infect them with Uroboros again, and i will have less CD for doing so", nope, whack a turret, don't worry they have another infinite numbers of them, it's fine it only demolish your momentum and kills stealth.
Now to be fair, turrets takes time to set up, so you kinda get something, but the turrets are so powerfull, having 1/4 survivors set up some turrets is much more worth for them than you.
The only real advantage of the Tail strike is the wind up of 0.2, Nemesis has 0.35 which is slighlty worse but Nemesis can fake while losing no distance. Xeno must commit to every tail strike. The thing is, Xeno and Nemesis are delayed by distance and mindgames, so the wind up advantage is not that insane compared to everything Nemesis has. I would gladly take 0.15s more in wind up for more range, breaking pallets and having way less cooldowns. Turrers are also worse than 4 vaccines and a 20% hindered "free hits".
And that is only the Tail strike issues, we are not even talking about Tunnels RNG which is far more aggravating in my opinion.
Xenomorph's kit is amazing in concept, but it needs some tuning to really shine, if drastic changes are unacceptable for people, then at least some QoL to make it smoother and less punishing.
Because the pickrate was mentionned, but having one of the worst pickrate and killrate is something that should be questionnable considering this killer is mainly played by dedicated player that should know what they are doing with the character.
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Turrets being finite is debatable i agree, i don't think it would hurt tho, since akin to Wesker, it would be very rare to run out. But ut would make it's stealth potentially potent since in theory you could run out and have a very stealthy killer. I think having the possibility to run out of turrets could make the Alien's gameplay more interesting with having some ressources management. Each turret break would feel impactful and not just "free stealth killer and bodyblock". It would add another interesting layer to the Alien i feel.
The comparison with Wesker does not really work that well. With Wesker, the Survivor somewhat has control over the infection. Or, to be more precise, it is something that Wesker himself and the Survivors can influence. If I am good enough at avoiding his Dashes and force him to M1 me, I dont even need a Spray. And if I am not good at Wesker, I will not force the Survivors to use those Sprays.
However, with Xenomorph it is different. First of all, most Xenomorphs run the Add On which makes it harder to break them out of their power, you need 2 Turrets most of the time to break them out. And second, even if you manage to do so, Xenomorph can just crawl into a tunnel, run there for just a few seconds and is back in Crawler-Mode - regardless how good or bad any of the players are, there is 0 control needed from either side.
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Since we're on an Alien discussion, maybe we should also bring the add on into the discussion.
Most are uninteresting (skin, wand etc), two of them are problematic, looking at you Star map and Emergency helmet. And some are cool and usefull like Semiotic Keyboard and Self-Destruct Bolt.
Any ideas to rework some of them ?
Also, why is the cattle prod an iri and the litteral Ovomorph a brown ?
It's like with Pyramid head, the Goblet is an iri but not the tape or the Misty Days painting ? That's bizarre.
Post edited by Heliosse on1 -
You're right they are not the same, turrets could be finite in the same way that wesker are, meaning, there is so much of them, running out is almost impossible. That's all, i implied no more in depth comparison between the two of them. I already explained my reasoning and this change cannot be taken out of a package, because it loses sense if you take things individually. It isn't a necessary change, it's an idea to try to make things more interesting and less painful to deal with.
Now if your point is to say "Wesker has to do X to have finite ressources, Alien is different so it can't possibly have limited turrets because it does not work like Wesker", then i understand, but i disagree, them being different does not warrant such restrictions, we should not limit options just because some other killer is like this or that.
I used Wesker to demonstrate how this would work, in this case, having so much ressources that it is very rare to run out, despite the fact it is indeed possible to run out, creating strategies and possibilities in the trial. I love to spread infection as Wesker, if vaccines were infinite, it would probably not impact 95% of my games but it would make Wesker way less fun for me, i am trying to replicate something like that with Alien, this feeling of "With each turrets that i break, i bring them closer to having nothing and be vulnerable" which makes breaking turrets almost nice instead of brutally painful, because you know you are working toward something great and not just dealing with somethibg annoying because the game said you had to do so.
The fact that i earned my infection with Virulent Bound is not important to me since it is very easy to land in the first place, or we could say i earned my power by breaking every turrets on my path then ? It is the base idea of the power, very strong but has to be "earned", except it's the survivors that are testing you, they can ensure you lose it and you have a CD of 35s (which is too low for me) or a return to the tunnels. Say whatever you want about recharging in 5 seconds in the tunnel but having to drop chase, find a tunnel (distance can vary a lot), enter it, wiggle wiggle wiggle, find a surv (maybe the same, if they allow you to see footprints) and then emerge and start the chase with whatever distance they have on you. If that's not enough punishment, i don't know what you could possibly want. Xenomorph has to earn it's power, but it is different than Wesker.
Further comparison is pointless, they are indeed different but i don't think it's a valid reason against potential changes.
A solid reason to not change that in my opinion would be dead zone, let's say there is 21 turrets total, 3 per stations. If i managed to empty two stations close to each other, i would essentially create a turrets dead zone which could either be exciting to play or very painfull, this would have to be tested. Survivors would have to mess up and i would have to pressure one point of the map for this to happen. This, in my eyes, could be a problem that we could discuss.
With that said, you have a great point with the add ons. Lambert Star map and Emergency helmet are problematic because they influence way too much the Xenomorph's balance. I think they should be removed and the Xenomorph resistance to turret should be consistent. Survivors should not have to guess if their turrets are going to be efficient, midly efficient or not very efficient just because you equiped a green and yellow add on.
Now, whenever these add ons should be made base kit or not is another debate, i think not, i am of the opinion that Tail Strike should be improved, making turret breaking less painful along the way. These add ons by design will create a reliance that is bad for the Alien's health on the long run.
There is so much that could be done for this killer withtout changing the fundamental kit that is excellent on paper. I have a certain idea written with add ons changes and a complete package, but that's what i said it is, a vision, an idea.
If we narrow it down to the essential, i think Xeno should get less punishment for the tail and more tunnels entry/exit point. This alone would make it way better to play, or so i think.
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I'm not surprised, the nerf to the tail attack didn't feel right and I'm convinced it's completely bugged. I'm one of those who enjoy playing a variety of killers and I've hardly touched Xenomorph since release.
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Whats worse is the killer had a bug in the PTB that made the tail way OP, then they fixed the bug, but also nerfed the tail. I really don't understand why they did that. They should have fixed the bug, waited to see how it went, and then if the tail was too strong nerfed it in a later update.
I suspect it wouldn't have been, once they fixed the bug it would have been in a fine state.
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Stop robbing him of his tail hits and people will play him. Make the hitboxes a little more generous for the power role, geez. CoD doesn't even require this level of precision for hits to land.
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well I wasnt but now Im gonna down vote you for the shits n giggles lol
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Xeno's gameplay just isnt that interesting when comparing it to other killers, and Crawler mode just feels like something thats unfinished. The original name for it "Runner Mode" (was in the PTB) also suggests this.
The tunnels and the flame turrets are pretty cool, but Xeno itself needs something more. Youre barely in your normal form, and you should have some sort of ability while in it, and you can change to Crawler mode at will while also giving it some other kind of ability (maybe even keep the tail whip, but still give something to the normal one) just so the gameplay feels a bit more interesting and not so 1 dimensional
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Thematically the xeno judt doesn't work. They are supposed to be a stealthy hunter, but it has no innate stealth capabilities, and the survivors can set up turrets that eliminates its stealth attempts even if the killer uses stealth perks. Xenomorphs are also known for their speed and agility which doesn't reflect in the game whatsoever. Essentially, it's a xeno in visual design only. The tunnels are a very cool addition, at least. A lot more interesting than doggo teleports.
At the very least, it should have gotten the ability to leap onto a wall or ceiling using the same tech of singularity pods and then become undetectable while hanging from such a position and then be able to pounce down from said location on an unsuspecting survivor.
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For me, the flame turrets are incredibly annoying and repetitive. Completely turns me off from the killer.
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Yeah turrets are so annoying that I never play Xeno and don't think I will again. It's sad but what did they think? That killers would enjoy that?
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Was the bug present on console? I'm a PS5 player, so I remember that when the Xeno came out the tail was much easier to hit, but I think I still got the slower movement when recovering from a tail attack. The difference after the nerf was night and day either way.
I feel like the Xenomorph is in a similar place right now that the Singularity was before his big glow-up. It's hard countered by the survivor items.
I feel like they should either:
A. Do numbers buffs to make the killer's experience less impacted by the turrets, similar to what they did for Singularity, possibly by increasing the stealth aspect of the killer or by tweaking
B. They should restore it to the state it was immediately after release (sans the bugged parts), where the tail is incredibly powerful and survivors need to use the turrets to get it out of Runner Mode or risk going down very quickly.
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When Xenomorph was announced for dbd, I was really hyped for it and played her a lot. I really love the tail attack because it has a high skill ceilling and you can do a lot of funny tricks and hits. But otherwise, she feels kinda meh. Her Controllstations can sometimes have really bad spawns, she feels clunky, her addons are overall boring (you always run vault + turret resistance) , and all of the sound notifications from the turrets are annoying as hell.
I hope the developers will give her an update to fix these issues.
She is really difficult to play and many players don't understand her. They play her in the wrong way (use all of the bird immediately and think "good tracking", loses distance, never get bloodlust ect), don't get any kills, and then frustrated/think she is bad. She is that type of killer who has a high skill ceiling and floor while other killers like Wesker, Billy, or Blight are easy to understand but similar difficult to master - these fast/dash killers are also more fun to play for many players. The game also doesn't tell you what you did wrong/its hard to understand. Then, you have so many different ways how to outplay tiles and things (e.g. shack alone has like five different ways how you can hit a survivor depending how the shack looks) and the game does not tell you anything - either spend many hours in her and learn it or watch an 120h video.
Artist is my main and it is really sad to never see her when I play survivor. Last week, I had one Artist and I was so excited for this match when I heard her TR but then she dced :/
I also have no good ideas how to make her easier for beginners. She can/should get some QoL changes and an addon update but these are really tiny things and nothing big since she is almost in a perfect spot. But then, it is okay to have less played killers but then she is the only killer that everyone has but no one plays unlike other less played killers.
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It was on PTB before xeno was released, i don't think there are PTBs for console.
Basically what happened was that you didn't get slowed down at all when you missed a tail strike. The original numbers were similar to other killers like nemesis where you would have:
- 2 second cooldown on missed tail attack
- moved at 3.68 m/s when you missed a tail attack(20% slower than base)
But because of the bug on PTB xeno didn't get slowed down at all when you missed a tail attack. When they released it from PTB, they fixed the bug (which was good) but then also nerfed the missed attack cooldown significantly, so now its:
- 3 second cooldown on missed tail
- 2 m/s movement speed on missed tail
Basically, they fixed the bug, but because the "tail was too strong" they also nerfed it, but the point of the tail being strong was because it was bugged, not because the original numbers were actually too good. 2 second at 3.68 is super standard these days and is usually what they go for. Vecna works that way, nemesis works that way, houndmaster works that way, pyramid head, etc.
The point of xeno unlike these other killers is that the power SHOULD be strong, because turrets can make you an m1 killer. They should at least buff the numbers back up to standard killer amounts and then see what that does, or massively nerf or even remove the flame turrets and just make the power work all the time with some kind of cooldown instead.
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That's interesting. When Xeno released on console, the tail was buttery-smooth to use. Most survivors didn't respect the range, despite the wonky hitboxes, so it was actually quite easy to get downs. I still play Xeno, but the patch they released a month after the DLC came out on all platforms, the one that universally nerfed the tail, really hurt its ease-of-use.
Xeno was actually a very console-friendly skill shot killer on release. I still think the main issue was people didn't learn how to use the turrets properly, as it had only been a couple of weeks. Now, people don't really have to learn how to use the turrets because the tail is more difficult. Those who do use the turrets properly are a nightmare to play against.
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There was some patch as well that made the tail feel less good, but i think that's just been a bug since that patch.
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For some reason, that patch made Xeno feel way worse to use on console. It was really encouraging when the Alien chapter released to see that the Xenomorph's ability worked well on controller. The fact that the nerf to Xeno on console wasn't even intentional is kind of annoying, honestly.
I've said in surveys that the Xeno needs some buffs, and I'm always a little disappointed when it's not on the roadmaps. Hopefully, it does get some buffs in the future, or at the very least some bug fixes to make playing it feel better.
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I looped a Xeno around it's turrets and saw his tail get aim dressed into the turret.
Xeno is fun, but man when you miss or get lame Control Points they really feel bad.
Tunnels should feel awesome, but there comes a time when the spawns do nothing for you and the survivors are too aware
From the survivor side Xeno is a perfect killer, I only wish the opposite were also true
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I didn't try the PTB for Xeno, he was okay at launch on live from the killer's side of things as I recall, a lot of people were complaining about the obliteration of survivor counter play due to the tail strike time, and its imaginary status as a ranged attack with the range of a lunge, or there about.
At some point later, as someone else above mentioned it feels like changes were made to the tails interactions with world objects and those changes were very bad. It reduced the angle available to strike while approaching an object to near 0 degrees in a lot of cases. This coupled with the already exaggerated boxes around most low objects was just too much to keep me personally working with the killer. At this point, a quick fix would be making it work like Dracula's pillars and a little longer, so it just ignores the world stuff in its range.
His map wide generator pressure is poor if you can't use the tunnels. Either a general reduction in the time taken to get into and out of them, or an increase in the number of tunnel portals might help.
But I'm not sure any of that would make him fun to play, he has outright obnoxious issues in his counter play and built into his basic design. Being too short to see anything but weeds on swamp maps is one, his hands covering like 33% of your FOV during a turret event is another.
On PTB, I suppose this was all okay, given that you could just spam tail attacks, but once finally balanced all the negative likely pushed people to less annoying to run killers. Seems similar to Chuckie, not sure why that's the MO.
But I was very reluctant to pay for Dracula based on the history.
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The xeno tunnel problem is something that happens on all killers with some kind of interactable, so like, pig boxes, onryo tvs, freddy clocks etc.
Basically the map generation will pick and choose killer power interactable spawn locations AFTER it has done everything else. This leads to situations where like, a chest might take up what would otherwise be a fine spot for one of these things.
It also can be manipulated by survivors spawning in more chests using coins that cause the killer things to spawn in really weird places.
They really should make it so the killer interactable locations are picked earlier on in the process so when we have killers like onryo and xeno who are supposed to have theirs spawn near generators, they are able to do that more reliably.
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Tail attack doesn't really feel good to use and you can get screwed up so much by chests. It really feels bad to look around the map just to see your tunnels are mostly useless.
Turrets can be also very annoying if survivors use them well.
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His tail is designed for pallets and windows. If you win the 50/50 you're guaranteed a hit.
My issue with him is his mobility. The tunnels are amazing in concept. Being able to track them from underground is his best feature. Issue I have with that is that's not the focus of his addons. He has one I think??? That helps him see them from underground.
But it's fixed locations, and gens fly to fast if you only use the tunnels to move around. Which honestly you should be... it's Alien...
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You don't need to 50/50 most of the time. His M2 just creates lose-lose situations for survivors, even moreso than PH.
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I disagree. I've played against good xeno players and while yes you don't have to 50/50 to get hits especially against noobs, it definitely is at pallets and windows.
That audio q you get while in chase when he goes to use m2 helps you avoid it while running. But like neme and pyramid head if it's used at windows and pallets it's a hit
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The Runner mode name is no leftovers or sign that there was something more in the oven, it is a winky wink at Alien 3's Xenomorph, the Runner Alien. The Runner Alien is almost always moving on all 4 due to it's host being an animal instead of a human.
Plus i guess they felt funny since going into "Runner mode" give the BP prompt or whatever it is called "On the run".
In the PTB, people misundertstood this and the devs changed it to Crawler mode for clarity.
I disagree on Xeno's design not being interesting but that's purely subjective so we are not going to discuss this further.