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General Discussions

(To Killers) How do you deal with Survivors that surrender?

Note that I don't mean "give up" i.e. inting on the hook. I mean survivors who surrender (walk up to you and give you their item, become passive and submissive, etc.)

I'm a very aggressive Killer but I'm gracious with surrenders. If you surrender to me I'll let you go, even if there's 2 of you, I'll just go stretch and get some water or something while you guys do the gens.

What about you guys? Do you accept Survivor surrenders? Why or why not?

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  • Member Posts: 10,418

    95% of the time I just kill them. I don't owe them anything. Occasionally, if I see they were the only one on their team who had a clue what they were doing, I'll let them go. But usually hatch drains my desire to give free escapes, because win or lose, rain or shine, hatch gives it to them anyway. I also don't like that it would slow my MMR gain or deny me of BP.

  • Member Posts: 2

    It's your job as killer to kill them. If they give up just get their game over with and kill them so you don't have to waste the other survivors and your time

  • Member Posts: 740

    Depends. If I'm in a chilled mood I will play around a little, let them live so they can do a gen or 2, maybe a totem for extra BP then kill them. If I'm in a particularly competitive mood then I just kill them lol. Mostly because as previously pointed out, hatch is there for them at the end which I allow them the chance to get by not slugging for the 4k.

  • Member Posts: 3,218

    If it's before the endgame, I'll kill them like 99% of the time; don't come at me like that if the game is still up for grabs. If nothing else, it's disrespectful to your teammates.

    If it's endgame, they're the last one alive, and the played well and didn't BM, I'll almost always let them go. I don't owe them anything, but I also know what it's like. At 3K I've already won and the fourth kill isn't a big deal to me.

    Now if they do it because one or more of the team just went next while the game was undecided, it's a coin flip. Hell, I've let 4-5 go just tonight because of that.

  • Member Posts: 132

    That's fine in your trials. But not everyone thinks like you do, and it's narcissistic to believe otherwise. The way you play your trials as Killer isn't the way everyone else enjoys. Every Killer has their own Trial and the way they prefer to run it.

    So speak for yourself.

  • Member Posts: 736

    It depends on my mood. I refuse to outright sacrifice someone who gives up though. Usually if this happens, I'll either down them or maybe be goofy if I'm in a playful mood.

    Downing the survivor forces them to stay in the game and sometimes gets them back on task. I don't want survivors giving up from the killer or survivor perspective. It also gives the other survivors some sort of chance to keep playing the game without missing a teammate.

    Sometimes I'll just play around. I'm also a Pig main, so it's easy for me to get them to boop the snoot if I want to be playful :)

    Having said that, in Pig matches I actually follow a kind of eccentric interpretation of Pig law. I try to not let the survivors get a chance to boop the snoot. And most get too scared to try as soon as I go at them. Boops from across pallets aren't accepted. It must connect with the snoot to count. But every survivor who boops lives, (except bullies; anyone participating in a bully squad is not permitted to boop... they get slugged and hooked). The reason I said all that Pig stuff is this extremely rare exception: if a match becomes all farming and goofing off, I'll sacrifice people who ask for it, assuming they just want to go to their next match. But no abandoning your team when they need you!

  • Member Posts: 2,302

    As most others have said, depends on when and our moods. I know we generally give a "freebie" (we'll go and maim someone else before coming back) the first time, but wont lie that your flipping a coin whether or not it works (or how they'd expect it).

  • Member Posts: 410

    4 minutes slug. Sometimes surviviors add tbags to it.

  • Member Posts: 701

    When I was beginning into this game, when I was playing survivor, I got some killer who, sometimes, go more easy, become friendly, goof around, being "nice"

    I think that's probably an element who make me stay into this game, because not everyone is a douch playing this game, so when I play killer, and see I overperform and the survivor want to give up (like you said, walking slower to me, giving me theyr item), I become in general more friendly, kicking the gen and waiting near them (in general, they are only two at this times, it help I think) making point with them like hiting them, let the other heal and doing the same with the other, all this kind of stuff

    But, if they make it harder at the beginning, or doing some stuff like bodyblocking for no reason or playing strangely enough, there's no mercy

  • Member Posts: 4,189

    Why should I accept their metaphorical rolling over and puppy dog eyes?

    I can say from experience the vast majority of survivors (admittedly 2 or 3 years back) won't show even a shred of courtesy to a killer that was outmatched and gave up. They dance circles around the killer and often take their sweet time finishing gens once they know that they are no longer in danger.

    And then survivor expect me to either let them go when they come at the end of the match or to give them the penalty free exit to go next, in case they already give up mid match?

    No, I ignore them and go for everyone else first. Either they can keep playing or be bored for all I care.

    (But I also stopped playing this game years ago.)

  • Member Posts: 10,418

    Same thing with them losing really bad off the bat. Survivors will argue, "Why don't you let up on them since you're winning so badly?" I argue, "No. It would be BM, prolonging their suffering, to not end the game ASAP after that." It's all a matter of perspective, and keeping emotions out of your arguments.

  • Member Posts: 3,759

    I am new and bad player friendly. I let them go almost every time.

    Only exception if they tried bullying before then maybe not.

  • Member Posts: 5,251

    I follow a golden rule while playing Killer

    If you make me laugh, you get to live. Usually

    People take this game way too seriously sometimes, so seeing people having a bit of a goof and joining in myself is always nice.

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    I enjoy letting survivors escape, so long as I haven't noticed them BM anyone or try to hide for hatch.

    …but I also want to play the game. I wish survivor would still take chase when they know I'm chill—I don't want to stand around and watch people do gens, or hook farm.

  • Member Posts: 28

    It depends a lot on the context of the game. Did someone I know you're in a party with just give up on hook? You're gonna be eating a slug for a bit at least. Did you lose two teammates on 5 gens? Understandable if you want the other person to get hatch. Are you a newer player that I notice I tend to beat very easily in chase? I'll let you live so I can give you hatch later, or even spend a little time trying to help you improve.

    The golden rule of "treat people the way you wanna be treated" absolutely applies here. If you're a bully survivor, you're getting bullied back. I also tend to be way more ruthless if a map offering was used.

  • Member Posts: 198

    I slug all of them.

  • Member Posts: 1,360
    edited March 6

    I mean survivors who surrender (walk up to you and give you their item, become passive and submissive, etc.)

    Is this not giving up? I don't want to farm for 20 minutes for 100 extra bp if they're the last survivor sure I'll trade an item for gate otherwise I'm trying to move onto another match. Maybe if I vs someone who is actually good and gives interesting chase I'll go out of my way to make sure they're the last alive.

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