"We did a pretty good job so far" - Revived #2

Ok, so askip we can't talk about things on this topic, but i'm not gonna let you stop me from speaking. You just banned two of people who supported my opinion about my thinking of this game being more and more killer sided for a supposed discussion that not had to be. All of the discussion can be, with respect. You created forum, and let us create new discussion so we can talk with other people, but you can't banned people for beeing supporter of a thinking, because it's not forbidden. So let me tel you one thing. You can ban me, i don't care about what you're going to do for me. I just want to say that yes, you have a preference. Yes, you are actually killer sided and all of your updates from years ago boost and buff killers after killers, and survivors get their perk nerfed, perk after perk. You are creating a significant equity difference that lead to both side toxicity growing. Do what you want with my words, or continue you're killer in the path of killer's growing strength, and create more and more unblance.
Your reaction to my supporters clearly shows on which side you are.
Almost as if they are open about them wanting the balance to be a 60% kill rate and a 40% escape rate
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I appreciate your dedication to Dead by Daylight, but I hope you find perspective and awareness. I also hope you examine the thoughts that cause you to express anger towards a video game company. You deserve to live a happier life.
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I can guarantee you that they didn't get banned for just agreeing that DBD is killer sided
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main character moment
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Actually I have a happy life. I'm a Dbd player for the beginning of it, and the way the game is going and unfortunetly peolpe minds is really start annoying me. Before this, people had good competitive mind. Now, 100% of my games are hook, camp, focus and hard tunnel. I love this game, and I really love to play it. It's annoying to saw that, the fact that behavior are not listen to people and a big lgbt wave that doesn't have to overflow like it does and is killing the game's goal is a proof of bhv losting their game's goal. So don't worry about my life, I'm happy about that. About the game I'm not.
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I can guarantee that two of the people in my last discussion before that tell me that they're being banned after supporting me about my opinion.
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How can you guarantee that.
Saying the game is killer sided is such an astronomically out of context argument that it delivers no basis for discussion whatsoever.
Is soloQ hot garbage? Unquestionably.
Is killer easy to win with against soloQ? Absolutely, it's a complete faceroll-fest.
Good coordinated SWF teams will however win a good chunk of their games, especially if they bring map offerings.
The maps are largely #########, that's just a fact that pretty much everyone with half a brain can agree on.
Even Dead by Roblox has better map design.
Also what killer are we talking about? Is the game Trapper sided? I've seen perkless non-comp trapper wipe the floor with actual comp teams. There are way too many variables to generalize it down to "The game is killer sided".
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Your friends probably got banned for breaking forum rules. It’s really nothing more than that.
Also, the game is supposed to be killer sided 60/40. If you don’t like it then there are plenty of other games out there to play. Go ahead and try playing killer yourself for a while. Once you start facing good survivors consistently, even if they are solo queue, you’ll find it’s not as easy as you think it is.
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60/40 kill rate to escape rate doesn't make it "killer sided" 60/40 balances the game around a 50% win rate due to how the math for it works.
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do you have a link to any good forum posts that discuss this? I’ve never looked into it in detail
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I mean its just math. Basically, the game is not actually designed around a 1v4, in terms of MMR anyway, its actually 4 1v1s. And the devs are balancing the game around killers winning 50% of their matches.
So, if we write a simple python script to simulate game results assuming a 60% kill rate with say, 1,000,000 games? We end up with something like this:
Basically, we are simulating 1 million matches, and rolling the dice for each survivor saying they have a 40% chance of escaping, and a 60% chance of being killed in this script. And doing that 1 million times and printing out the results.
This is what our result will be roughly (obviously slightly different each time but over a million matches its pretty much the same every time):
Killer wins: 474744 [0.474744%]
Survivor wins: 178979 [0.178979%]
Draws: 346277 [0.346277%]
Total Kills: 2400181
Total Escapes: 1599819
Total Possible Kills: 4000000
Kill Rate: 0.60004525So basically, with a 60% kill rate, the killer wins about 47% of the time, survivors as a team win about 18% of the time, and about 35% of the time its a draw.
This initially seems unfair to survivors, but that's again, because you are looking at it from the point of view of a 1v4, when again, for mmr purposes, its actually 4 1v1s. So when you look at a draw, its a "draw" for the team, but the reality is, 2 survivors won, and 2 survivors lost. When you look at it from that perspective, the results show in total_escapes as being a 40% "win rate" for survivors (our 60% kill rate). But, the killer "wins" 47% of the total games.
It is a bit confusing, but basically, a 60% kill rate, means that the killer wins 47% of the time.
Now if you take the same script, and punch in a 50% kill rate, these are the results you get:
Killer wins: 312844 [0.312844%]
Survivor wins: 312156 [0.312156%]
Draws: 375000 [0.375%]
Total Kills: 2000955
Total Escapes: 1999045
Total Possible Kills: 4000000
Kill Rate: 0.50023875As expected you get a roughly 1/3 split between killer win, survivor win, and draw. But you can see that the killer only wins 31% of the time. But, because a draw is still 2 survivors "winning" and 2 survivors "losing" there are significantly more games where a survivor "wins".
Now, keep in mind that this is looking at a simple roll of the dice. I think we can all agree that, statistically speaking, every kill a killer gets, the probability that they get ANOTHER kill increases. For example, if the killer gets a single kill, then it is more likely they will get a second, and if they get a second, its more likely they get a 3rd. What this means is that in reality, what you see is probably lots of matches where 3-4 survivors escape, and lots of matches where 3-4 survivors are killed, and less matches where 2 survivors escape. That isn't really possible to factor in without knowing the data BHVR has, but its likely enough of a factor that it changes the results here a bit as well.
Id also imagine SWF factors into this a bit as well, but again, without data directly from BHVR its hard to tell.
Then of course there is the hatch, which also comes into play here where a survivor escapes even though they still lost.
When you factor these in, it makes sense that you'd want to balance for a 60% kill rate, rather than a 50% kill rate, as the likely leads to matches being more even.
If you actually add a simulation of a 50/50 hatch, and then if the killer closes a 50/50 of which gate they get out of, this actually lowers the kill rate by about 2.5% without changing the wins/losses either.
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I'm less familiar with statistics and probability, but i threw this into Chat GPT and it explained the actual probability formulas and came out to about the same results.
So, if we define:
- Loss as 0-1 kills (approximately 17.92% chance),
- Draw as exactly 2 kills (approximately 34.56% chance), and
- Win as 3-4 kills (approximately 47.52% chance),
the win rate is about 47.5%, which is just under 50%.
In summary, using a 60% kill rate under these conditions results in roughly a 47.5% win rate, not exactly 50%.
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There's a lot of incorrect math that kind of goes along with this.
The current issue seems to be presuming that the 40% survival rate means each survivor having an equal chance in each match. I think this was the first thread that really went on that.
Other variations are things like believing the game results occur in a bell curve or that all game results are equally distributed.
The problem with the math assumptions is that they don't reflect reality. We would need more data to know for sure, but last time I did a dive on the Nightlight stats a 60% kill rate led to a win rate between 52% and 55%, but its really dependent on killer.
You can criticize BHVR. You can call the game killer sided. I do pretty frequently. Keep it polite and constructive.
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To be fair it's possible to get banned on the forums for pretty much nothing. My girlfriend got banned even tho she has never posted anything in the forums at all...had the account for 4 months then suddenly perma banned with no explanation.
I have been banned for a month for explaining the flaws in the game design and explaining the loop holes that people can use to exploit them. (Banned under promoting unsportsmanlike play). These very issues are now being addressed in the health update which is what I have been trying to point out for months. But must not speak about them in the forums even if it does highlight the problem areas and how they could be addressed.
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Go home OP, you’re drunk
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How is bhvr losing their game's goal? behaviour IS listening to people, just maybe not you specifically. They have to take into account the majority of the player base. And what do you even mean by "a big lgbt wave that doesn't have to overflow and is killing the games goal"? They're just embracing diversity in their game, nothing wrong with that. It's not killing the game.
You may live a happy life, but it will be happier when you realise that a video game company does not care about your specific opinions, and going around saying lgbt is killing your favourite video game isn't going to have a positive effect.
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super helpful - thanks!