Devs Please Read this

I just want to say that this is not a good Change to this character.
Xenomorph Players already avoid playing this killer because of Flame turrets. The main issue is Survivors double stacking the turrets to get the Xenomorph out of his abilities rending his abilities useless in most cases. The tail changes are fine just that the ability is the most frustrating abilities on the killer side. There are moments that the tail rather hits something that I wasn't aiming at or do to crawing on the ground it's hard to use the ability. Making it so that the flame turrets fames linger for 15secs is a long time and will make looping with turrets much much harder for Xenomorph players because I seen you wanted to make survivors stop using double turrets but this only makes this method stronger.
I would make it so turrets can't be placed next to each other and shorten the turrets range. Because that's why people rarely pick Xenomorph is how frustrating it is to play this killer because ur 90% of the game tunneling or M1 chasing. I do love the other changes but this change is gonna ruin Xenomorph is this goes through.
I agree. Make it so turrets have to be placed a certain distance apart at the least. Also make it so we can actually choose when to enter Crawler Mode. The fact that we are forced into Crawler Mode is stupid. I still say we should be able to have the freedom to use it when we want to..
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I would also love it so when around a turret let's say it's behind a wall in the RPD map for example and we are able to hear it like thr Xenomorph can in the movies and games. Also make it so you can go into crawler mode at will but make it so when crawling you can only use ur tail and standing makes it so you only use ur basic attack to help balance. Because I want Xeno to be fun not only for Survivor but also The Killer. @biggybiggybiggens
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Yes exactly. If they ever let us switch forms at will, that's how they'd do it. You shouldn't be able to use the tail except when you crawl of course.
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With it taking 15 seconds to dissipate, and with 2 charges per second at that when it does finally start… you won’t even need to place turrets next to each other anymore. The survivor has more than enough time to reach a second turret further away before it starts to dissipate.
In addition to that, the wind up time of your tail attack is also longer so it will take you longer to actually BREAK the turret, meaning that you’ll gain more heat when trying to break the turret as well.
Just to put in perspective how ridiculous this time is, it currently takes 4 seconds to dissipate from essentially 100 heat. At that same amount after this change, it will take 50 seconds to do so. AND it takes another 15 seconds before it actually starts. At the new 175 mark, it will take 87.5 seconds plus the extra 15 before it resets. Over 100 seconds!
You’re basically guaranteed to be kicked out of power mid chase as long as turrets are up now. And if you don’t, you’ll just be kicked out at the start of the next chase. In which case… isnt it better to in scenarios where you are close to being burnt out to just get burnt out so you are at 0 heat for the next chase?
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I can't agree more. Everything that they are doing to this character will only make things worse. Xenomorph is already the lowest picked killer and this only made what is frustrating about this Killer worse. This is only going to make both lower Class and Higher class survivors better while Xenomorph players suffer.
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I won't be playing him after the change comes out. That tail attack is gonna feel beyond horrible to use. It's already bad now! What were they thinking?
Best to just get your Xenomorph matches in now, and never again.
These are such baby catering changes. "Too hard to dodge!" as it's the hardest projectile to hit in the game, bar Deathslinger shot.
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Charge your phone bro 😓
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I had a losing game where they just put 3 turrets, all near each other, near a No Way Out blocked exit. Dumb play, using up all their turrets in 1 spot, but they could afford to, because they had the time and they knew it'd burn me out.
Nobody wants to play a killer who gets stunned out of their power all match. I thought we learned this with Wraith.
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@clevarz I did charge it after I took the screenshot 😅
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They need to change this Crap because this will only make this Character more frustrating to play
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If turrets can't be placed next to each other you shouldn't get your power back faster in the tunnels, without double turrets there's zero excuse to be knocked out of power
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Haven't you seen the terrible nerfs to general killer players/perks and specific killers?
I honestly think they are meme killers now
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If anything how about they remove crawler mode altogether and just have the tail while standing. I understand the crawling is more of a source material thing but nobody enjoys having their view lowered like that, and you only occasionaly get to see the xenomorph standing, like the queen being the tallest model in the game
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I mean, I prefer the crawler mode just because it's just thematically more creepy, but I'll admit, I'm just simply used to a lower view considering I avp1 and avp2 competitively as a Runner Alien class. I miss those days, so this xeno is the closest thing I have to those days, ha!
That being said, we have almost every kill being some upright humanoid - it's nice to see a killer on all four's…it's just far more interesting.
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I played avp 1/2/3 a hell of allot lol i know what you mean. Didnt really notice the lower camera tho due to always being all over the walls. (I dunno why the multiplayer facehuggers in 2 made me think of a new red addon that releases 2 instakilling facehuggers into the map after a certain amount of generators or something, that can be killed with turrets but respawn like zombies)
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Having both the 15 seconds before the heat comes off and the slower heat decay is overkill. Having one of them would be better, but not both. With both doubt you'll ever get any heat decay again and be forced to either go in tunnels or just eat the fire and wait on a long cooldown fire crawler mode.
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Oh no. They are adding the slightest fraction of counterplay, what will killers do?
Xeno players that are good, using the same oppressive builds will still be 4King all their matches.
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If you didn't notice most good killers with slowdown perks are going to 4k their matches. What an argument…
Doesn't change the fact that Xeno has one of worst both kill rates and pick rates, which is not that easy to get. Doesn't sound as something to nerf imo.
Turrents were already a counterplay if you knew what you are doing, this is just trying to fix skill issue by survivors, who don't know where to put them.
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Thanks for actually admitting killers have the game completely in their favor.
Whether it is a nerf or buff, it is obvious killers need nerfed all in general.
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Xenomorph is already one of the least played Killers. Survivors have more of a Advantage against this killer. If people think that killers have more of a Advantage then they one Dont play killer or don't understand. Playing Survivor can be frustrating I can admit but if Survivors can communicate with eachother and play it right they actually have a higher Advantage then the killer does because of that communication that Killers cant use like Survivors can. As for Xenomorph there are more times that the entire map is covered in Turrets rendering the Xenomorph to have to M1 most the Games. I do like that the tail takes longer to swing that isn't the problem. We are talking about players who are good at taking Advantage of crap which isn't rare for players to do
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Not really, most players are not good and those who are good usually don't use 4 slowdowns…
Good SWF is also going to clear the floor with most killers. The game balance is same as always was.
it is obvious killers need nerfed all in general.
Well, they are going to bring anti- everything features to fix skill issues… But doubt it will help that much.
Also doesn't change the fact that currently Xeno has below 50% kill rate and 5th lowest pick rate. So nerf to that specific killer simply doesn't make sense. It's another nerf "survivors don't like it".
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Pick rate has nothing to do with whether Xeno is good or bad, all it proves is there are even more OP killers to choose from. Currently there is no penalty for missing a tail attack, Xeno can just spam it repeatedly over loops with no windup and thus no hope or reason for survs to even attempt dodging, it's beyond stupid. You might say "Just use turrets" well assuming you even have turrets close by, there's a good possibility unless the loop you're running and the turrets placement is absolutely perfect Xeno can just walk right through it without even having to destroy it, with no penalty to movement and not losing crawl state. 100% deserved nerf for a killer that has 0 chase counterplay, aside from mostly ineffective turrets.
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currently there is no penalty for missing a tail attack
How to tell if somebody has never played Xenomorph 101.
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This is a lot incorrect.
When Xeno fires its tail, if it misses OR if it hits a turret with that tail strike he slows down. Its a lot of lost momentum.
If the Xeno is using the tail over a low loop object, the tail is short, step back from the object, practice this with a friend to find the step back needed and incorporate that into your object looping distance. If you don't like that, learn to listen for the audio cue(which they are buffing) and crouch, its very hard to drag the tail down over an object, the Xeno will miss most of these hits due to object collision.
The part about the killer being able to work around turrets is correct. You should always destroy them but a Xeno can ignore it in the moment to grab a hit or down, and I understand that can feel unfair. If he does let the turret go and it removes his power later, he has nothing but M1, and that is so bad.
Honestly, if you really struggle with this killer and your team is at all on generators, Xeno is very weak against holding "W" and predropping.