The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!


Saerith Member Posts: 12
edited March 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I would like to change what has become 90% of my matchs in such a way that would benefit both killers and survivors. (Not all changes I like are here)

1 - Balance between Generator and Hooks

  • The time to repair a generator at the beginning of the match is much greater and will return to its current value when X time elapses in the match.
  • Each time a survivor is unhooked, the time needed to repair a generator is reduced even if it has reached the current value.
  • If the killer doesn't move away Xm from the hook where there is a hooked survivor, the other survivors repair speed is much faster.
  • Each time a survivor enters into a struggle or is hooked for the second time (Summon Entity) the other survivors obtain 1 stack and move slower (Only movement speed). Stackable x3.
  • Survivors lose 1 stack if someone is hooked for the first time and last time (If a survivor suicide/die/DC don't lose stacks).
  • If the survivors have 3 stacks one of them will have the aura revealed to the killer ALWAYS (survivor can't hide) If you hook that survivor for last time they don't lose the stack and a new survivor will be revealed to you.
  • If you mori or slugging to death the choosen survivor you lose this effect.

With this I want to give time at the beginning of the match to the killer and that the survivors focus on other things than on the generators.

To avoid the abuse of this change by camping, making impossible to saving someone from the hook, the survivors will repair faster, so it is not interested to stay under the hook even though you know that there are survivors nearby.

In return, killers will be awarded if they don't tunneling to death a survivor, making the survivors to move slower and even reveal the position of them.

2 - Hex: Ruin

We all know that it is almost impossible to see a killer without ruin and less now with the recent change.

Why is it so needed?

It helps that the survivors do not get to repair the engines at the very beginning, gaining a random time between 12s until infinity because nobody gets to find the totem.

What is the problem of Hex: Ruin?

You need to waste a perk slot to slow down the game "just a little bit" according to your luck.

The funny thing is that the use of this perk isn't for the 5% regression but those 2'5s in which the generator doesn't advance after hitting a good skillcheck.

Changes: Increase the 5% to 15%* regression and good skill checks don't stun the progress.

3 - Decisive Strike

DS is now a anti-tunnel perk, 3s stun seems OK for me, but 1s stun if the killer have Enduring makes this perk useless so,

Changes: increase stun for default to 5s or 3s not matter Enduring.


Changes: Hook someone and only see the aura of survivors that you didn't hooked yet, for 20/30/40* seconds or until you hit someone. Of course you can't see survivors hidden on a locker.

5 - We're Gonna Live Forever

Changes: Only get stacks if a survivor get safe unhooked, if you take a hit to protect a survivor you have Endurance (BT effect) for 20/30/40* seconds. 1 time use.


I think some people just read some words together and argue over and over again the things that were discussed from day 1. Let explain more detailed then:

All these changes (except DS) are in the same pack.

Generators repair time is increased twice? triple?(OH, THIS A MASSIVE BUFF FOR SURVIVORS) the actual current value and it is reduced through the match and unhooks,  it could even become lower than the actual current value. So the killer isn't pressured to get kills ASAP and lengthen the matches where is more easy for killers to end chases soon.

As same as survivors are punishes for bad actions, killer too should be punished. So the killer isn't interested on camp the hooked one because they will repair faster. This will be abused by survivors? Is killer's decision. Just think about it, to be productive for the survivors atleast 1 survivor should be on a gen.

Tunneling with all these changes, can be made, Im not gonna dictate how the killer should play. With these changes if you tunnel you only lose the Slow movement and Aura vision of the survivors. Saying I just downed someone and it's on last hook and don't see the unhooker, IT DON'T FORCE YOU to hook that survivor for last time, slugging is a thing.

For DS, pre-nerf DS was 4'8s stun even if the description said 3s, so this is what happen now when IS actually 3s stun, Enduring make it useless, for old DS I don't care if have 1s stun but actual DS shouldn't have a counter like that.

BBQ&Chilli changes are for make the killer think over if really want use this perk AKA change meta, just make the perk powerful at the start of the match and then useless and just for BPs.

WGLF, safe unhook should be a thing right now, but why BBQ have a extra effect and this perk not? for taking a hit to protect a chased injured survivor, the user gain Endurance for seconds and only 1 time. The only thing that will happen is the same as old BT used to be, and this time has a more difficult condition to be active and only for the user.

Post edited by Saerith on


  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    You're trying to fix problems that aren't any.

    Tunnelling is THE logic thing to do as Killer if it means you can get a Survivor out of the game early on as that greatly diminishes the remaining Survivors' efficiency and in turn greatly increases your chance at winning the game down the line.

    I'm not a stupid AI, I'm a human being with logical thinking, playing a character that is supposed to get kills. If I see two Survivors running from me and one of them is injured, unless I'm in a forgiving mood or facing noobs, and playing to win, you can bet that I will go for the easier target.

    Your idea wouldn't change that. Something I realised a long time ago: having 4 Survivors still in the game by the time you are down to 2 or 1 gens, even if they are all on their death hook, is a bad thing. Unless they then screw up badly, you'll most likely lose the game at that point, simply because you can't deal with 4 Survivors at once. You chase one, the others will finish the last gens in a jiffy. It's very difficult to recover from such a situation as Killer and still get the upper hand before they all or most of them escape.

    Games in which I neither camped or tunnelled, ending up with 4 Survivors on death hook, were always quite hard to win at that point.

    As for your DS suggestion: a Perk should not be balanced around the other side potentially having a specific Perk equipped. I'd rather have it that Enduring doesn't against DS than the stun to become longer on default.

    BBQ & Chilli in your suggestion, would be quite pointless on the fourth hook.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,043

    Regarding tunneling:

    Tunneling is also something that is caused by the Survivor unhooking the hooked guy. If you unhook the Survivor while the Killer is nearby, it is not the Killers fault. Also if you directly hide after unhooking, when the Killer only sees the unhooked Person, he will go for them (there is no other target anyway).

    Prime example: I am on my second Hook. Person that was not hooked at all, unhooked me. Killer came back, Unhooker hided. So he left me, the guy who is on his Death Hook and injured alone so that the Killer can only go after me. Even if the Killer does not want to tunnel, there is no possibiliy he cannot go after me. And this is 100% not the Killers fault.

    In general, there should be rewards for going after different Survivors. This would not avoid tunneling, but may give a reason to not tunnel.

    Regarding Ruin:

    I feel the only change made to Ruin would be a fixed number of Skill Checks. If I do almost a full generator without knowing if Ruin is active or not, this is not right. Maybe let Skill Checks appear every 10 seconds (or 5 seconds, I really dont know). Then balance around those. This would actually make Ruin meaningful, because besides people hitting Great Skill Checks, Ruin is RNG.

    Regarding DS:

    As stated above, it should not be affected by Enduring. Longer Stun would only punish people who dont run Enduring, and while it is a decent Perk (especially with Spirit Fury), not all Killers are able to use it effective.

    Regarding BBQ:

    It is fine as it is. The Aura Read is not really the point of using it with most of the Killers anyway. And if one of them is hiding in a locker, you might not even see one person, which can lead to camping, because the Killer does not know if the person that was not unhooked yet is nearby or just in a locker.

    Regarding WGLF:

    Safe Unhooks - yes, please. The other thing... No to be honest. It is meant to be a altruistic Perk, you should not get some form of protection if you are taking a hit.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited March 2019

    Regarding camping penalty:

    Tested in PTB and abused by survivors

    Regarding tunneling incentive:

    Auras really dont do much in this game, it will still be more beenficial to just tunnel the survivor

    Regarding ruin:

    interesting, but im not quite sure what the result of that change would be

    Regarding DS:

    The old DS stun got reduced for a reason. If you remove enduring out of the equation, how do you coutnre DS then?

    Regarding BBQ:

    Reducing the anticamping incentive will lead to more camping

    Regarding WGLF:

    I support safe unhooks, no farming please.

    But no; of course the BT effect should be a different perk..... or otherwise we are back at farming...

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    The whole suggestion sounds like a massiv buff to survivor to me.

  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

    I play both sides but moreso survivor

    You want to make bbq useless

    Ruin overpowered

    And make wglf broken...


  • Saerith
    Saerith Member Posts: 12

    "All these changes (except DS) are in the same pack." Read better.

    If the changes for you seem like that, but don't have to be as you think 😉

  • NeaJovovich
    NeaJovovich Member Posts: 234

    I can't stand it when someone brings up a suggestion to hold the hook time if a Killer is camping:

    iT wAs AlReAdY tRiEd iN tEh TeStBuiLd aNd SuRviVoRs AbuSeD iT.

    If the Killer is dumb enough to get looped by a hooked Survivor who's progress does not go down while 2 other survivors gen jockey... then why is that the Survivor's fault?

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959


    How should that be the killer fault??

    Why should a killer drop a chase near the hook?

    He can see and protect that sacrifice and keep another survivor busy getting chased and eventually down that guy as well.

    So why should the killer make the tactical decision to NOT chase someone near the hook??

    The only reason would be artificially FORCE him to with stupid, one side favoring gamemechanics, because your "solution" would just force any killer to give free unhooks.