Iridescent Lightbringer Emblem

Tiyr Member Posts: 52

OK so i just scored max blood points (8k) in objectives and only received gold as my emblem is this a bug or can this happen normally , i didn't loot any chests only gens and 1 full door open

Best Answer


  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    Here's the answer to your question :
  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523
    edited June 2018

    Emblems are totally different from the old system. They are not based on bloodpoints. Each category is based on stuff you do in the game. I'm pretty sure you can just mouse over them and it'll tell you how to get more points in each, but in case I'm just imagining things, you could also check here like @Khalednazari said.

    In your specific case, my guess is that you got a lot of objective score from co-op points. Those don't contribute towards your emblem, just bloodpoints. You actually get less technically speaking because they are distributed between the survivors working on the generator, rather than all the points going to one person.

  • Tiyr
    Tiyr Member Posts: 52

    thanks guys