Killer vs Killers role

dbd900bach Member Posts: 796
edited March 8 in General Discussions

I wasn't sure how to really phrase it, but after seeing a lot of the comments on the health update patch notes, there was quite a few people who generalized the post to killers got buffed and survivors got nothing. The game is killer sided, the devs favor killer. The killer role is separate from individual killers and most changes were individual character changes.

So, if an individual killer gets buffed, that buff has nothing to do with other killers and going off these patch notes alone, the killer role as a whole caught nerfs in the form of mending being shortened. All killers can inflict deep wound either naturally through their power, their add-ons or as a result of the survivors perks.

Yet, they're so quick to generalize and ignore what the changes actually mean. All killers are unique, but survivors are not. Every single survivors has the same stats and have access to the same perks, so when individual killers get buff, they somehow expect their entire role to get something in return when it's the killer role that got nerfed.

Tangent, yes. Makes sense, I don't know. I'm personally just tired of people generalizing and criticizing when they even try to understand what they're reading and make comments based on their first instinctive emotion. Do I fully understand? Maybe I don't, but at least I'm trying.

Post edited by dbd900bach on


  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,438

    Survivors got nothing?

    An entire killer perk was nuked from orbit and survivors got nothing?

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 444

    The devs balance the game around a 60% kill rate, which, when factoring in hatch, amounts to around a 50% win rate for killers.

    Wrong and Wrong.

    Killers win 50%, but survivors win only 37%, so this is imbalanced (the rest is draws). Presenting this as "50% winrate for killer" without presenting 35% for survivors is pure manipulation and you know it because I've already quoted you several times.

    Second, hatch escapes increase the winrate, not the other way around. Because a hatch is a win for killer, even though it's 0 kill.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,642

    Knockout was objectively a poorly designed perk.

    It only worked against SoloQ, the weakest role in the game, since the lack of informations and comms made it easy to slug the entire game with minimal effort. Paired with MMR being loose enough to result in your random teammates being of varying qualities further making the issue worse. Compared to SWFs that just easily counter Knockout just from using basic communication.

    The new versus works against SoloQ and SWF, since it's a static effect that can proc in a chase. The new version solves the issue of "pre-dropping and holding W" that is often complained about, since it punishes Survivors for doing such. It also has synergies with many Killer powers that makes it insanely flexible to use (as a Demo main, I am going to enjoy this perk, it will be amazing on them).

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,438

    The new perk effect only triggers if the survivor moves away within a few seconds. How does one delay a killer? One way is to be extra annoying a blind at every pallet where the hinder doesn't come into play.

    While knockout wasn't useful, it had its uses. Even against a SWF, without prior callouts you still need to tell someone where you are. The Doctor's map being the nightmare scenario.

    They could of easily made the survivor aura return after a few seconds or cause blindness until they are healed. You know, something other than survivors hate this perk, lets scrap it and replace with a rejected idea some intern had.

    But, as to what I stated, survivors campaigned to change the perk. So much so that one would believe it was an S tier perk if looking from the outside. The Devs, like always, gut the original intent of the perk and put in a half ass effect to please the mob.

    Then to complain that survivors get nothing and the game is killer sided when it took years and several revisions just to make DS fair while keeping with the original intent.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,642
    edited March 8
    1. It's 6-meter range which is really small. There are many loops where you will get hit with the Hindered effect just by playing around the loop because of the range.
    2. Play a Killer that instant breaks pallets after they are dropped, like Demo, Bubba, Billy, Blight, etc. The forced instant break forces the Survivor to leave the area and eat the Hindered.
    3. If they drop the pallet and try to play around it to avoid getting Hindered, they are actively losing distance by doing it, thus putting the pre-dropping Survivor at a lose/lose situation.
    4. It stacks with other Hindered effects.
    5. It has no cooldown, unlike other perks/effects that inflict Hindered.

    Ive seen people say that it is "bad" but honestly Im going to completely disagree, I think this perk can be useful, I think people are trying to be intentionally obtuse about the change because original Knockout only served to make SoloQ more miserable and did nothing else.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,121

    Minor correction, the hatch does count as an escape as far as kill metrics.

    The only time hatch is treated differently is that hatch is considered a draw for calculating MMR. But hatch is never considered a win for the killer.

    Everything else though is completely true. I've never seen a PVP game push so hard for "balance" where one team wins nearly twice as much as their opponents. I get that it's asymmetrical, but since they're going for more "competitive balance" not "casual fun", having 50+% wins vs 35% wins and 15% draws is an insane spread.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 444

    I'm not sure what you mean here but here's an example to make sure we're talking about the same thing: say a killer gets 3K and the last survivor always escapes with hatch, they would have 75% killrate, and 100% winrate. So the hatch is actually lowering the killrates in that sense. If the devs were to use "winrate" as a metric in reality it would be even higher than 60%.

    (Note this is assuming the community definition win = 3K/4K draw=2K loss=1K/0K which I don't think is a very good balancing metric but it's not me who keep bringing "winrate" into these threads)

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 444

    At highest levels of play, this game is blatently survivor sided

    • If the game was blatantly survivor-sided at high level then there wouldn't be people who achieve a 2000 winstreak on Blight, 1000 on Nurse, 800 on twins, 600 on Onryo, while the longest survivor streak is only around 300.
    • If the game was blatantly survivor-sided at high level then Otzdarva's No Limits tournament would have ended up with killers getting destroyed. Yet killers still won 60% (link).
    • If the game was blatantly survivor-sided at high level, then BHVR also wouldn't share this:

    You're also assuming that I'm against the 60% killrate philosophy, but I'm not even saying that, I just say we need to be honest about the facts. Personally I think killrate is a rather low-priority thing to focus on and there are much more important issues in this game than balance, like the unfun gameplay mechanics, hook suicides, and technical issues.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,121

    Yeah I agree with that.

    I think I was referring to this line:

    Because a hatch is a win for killer, even though it's 0 kill.

    Maybe you meant a win for survivor, since it does count as an escape for kill rates. It counts as a draw for MMR purposes only.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,978

    Let me ask you a question.

    Which killer is the best in the game?

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 444

    At high MMR: almost certainly Blight & Nurse. At average MMR, probably Onryo.

    I have a draft about this topic, never published it.

    And yes I know you were going to say "Nurse is the worst killer statistically" because of her 53% and yes she is the worst killer FOR THE AVERAGE PLAYER, which aligns well with the fact she's harder to play than other killers especially for console players. At high MMR, she has a statistically outstanding pickrate combined with higher than average winrate.

  • xGodSendDeath
    xGodSendDeath Member Posts: 459

    The latest update is definitely survivor sided other than small buffs for Legion who is a terrible killer. Xeno got nerfed. We get a new Eyrie map just what we need. A killer perk changed. Surrender option for survivors but not one for killers when 3 or 4 gens get done for 1 hook

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,768

    Can you repeat that again when the PTB goes live? Because I dont really see how another version of Eyrie of Crows is survivor-sided. The last times they added map variants those were way better for Killer than for Survivor. Plus you see on the pictures they provided that some of the old tiles got smaller, which is also good for Killer.

    Also dont really see how the Surrender Option has anything to do with that. If my 3 teammates are Bots because they decide to DC is completely different from me playing so bad that the Survivors get 4 Gens done while I only get 1 Hook.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,161
    edited March 8

    To help clarify your point that others might have a hard time understanding, MMR adjustments are disconnected from win/losses as a concept very intentionally. For an example, a grandmaster in chess winning vs a brand new player wouldn't increase their rating even though they won, and that new player wouldn't downgrade their rating even though they lost. MMR don't care about wins or losses, it just cares about trying to balance the next match better. Some games might even lower a rating even if it was a win. Ranking/ratings/mmr do not necessarily equally match up to wins/losses/ties. The same applies in DBD but to a lesser extent. A hatch is MMR neutral, but it has no bearing itself on wins or losses. A survivor escaping via a hatch won their match, but MMR stays the same. For example, if the killer got a 3k, and the 4th survivor hatches out, then both the killer won and the survivor won. However bear in mind hatch opens under any circumstances of there being one final survivor, even if all the other survivors escaped out the exit gate. A win for survivor is escaping by any means. A win isn't when mmr is positive, though a win can be gained when it's positive - it's just not the defining factor of a win.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,334

    ds is fair? it's got buffed back to 5 seconds enduring doesn't counter it and it is used offensively most of the time so i can't tell

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,438

    Yes, 5 second DS is fair for a one time use perk that only activates after a win condition from a killer, ie a hook state. What was unfair was DS could cancel out the effort it took to down that survivor with a push of a button. So yes, the current state of DS is fair.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,438
  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 9

    I don't know where you got these stats from because they certainly don't look official, but the OFFICIAL stats from BHVR usually show nurse being the lowest kill rate or one of the lowest in the game. When looking at high MMR she's usually in the bottom half to middle of the pack:

    These are the "top MMR" for example from BHVR.

    Now, as a nurse main with 4k+ hours, i agree, she is by far the best killer in the game, its pretty obvious and no contest really.

    So my point i'm making here, is i think that what is ACTUALLY high MMR and what BHVR SAYS is high MMR are very different things. I suspect that when BHVR releases stats and they talk about "High MMR" they are talking about the highest MMR "bracket" in terms of matchmaking.

    Are you aware of how MMR works and how matchmaking in general works? I suspect not, but that's ok. Through some people looking into this matter we have a pretty good idea of how MMR works.

    MMR is broken up into 4 "brackets" you have the low bracket, the lower mid bracket, the upper mid bracket and the top bracket. I don't know off hand the level of MMR in each bracket below the top, but i do know one thing. The top bracket is 1400+ MMR.

    Now, MMR systems typically use Glicko which is just a derivation of Elo. I play chess, a lot. And my current blitz rating in chess is 1428 as of writing this. This is my rating after playing around 10,000 games, so its probably pretty decently representative of my current skill level. In an average elo distrubution, this puts me around the top 15% of players. Pretty good right? Well, not really. You see, here is a graph of the distribution of those ratings:

    Now again, looks pretty good right? Well, the problem here is that anyone in the 1400+ MMR bracket in DBD, can be matched together. So now imagine me playing a game with say Magnus Carlsen, best chess player in the world. If i played him 100 times, he would probably win 100 times. After a few thousand games, maybe i get lucky once and he was drunk and i land a draw.

    The point i'm ultimately making here. Is you should not look at the stats BHVR releases as "high mmr" and take that as what people actually think "high MMR" is. When people say "at the highest levels of play" i'm talking chess grandmaster level of play. The top of the top players in the world. I'm talking about the titled level chess players, of which there are around 20,000, in a total pool of around 8 MILLION rated players. The TOP MMR.

    So again, i reiterate my point.

    • At the lowest skill levels, DBD is massively killer sided
    • At the below average skill levels, DBD is slightly killer sided
    • At average skill levels, DBD is evenly balanced
    • At the above average skill levels, DBD is slightly survivor sided.
    • At the highest skill levels, DBD is massively survivor sided.

    When i talk about these things i'm talking about people who are world class, like thousands upon thousands, tens of thousands even, of hours playing the game.

    Go take a look at comp level play, and look at the rulesets they have in place. If the killer is not player nurse, they generally have very few restrictions on killers (outside of obvious stuff like myers mori addon). And if you are playing pretty much every other killer, they have MASSIVE restrictions of what survivors can bring, what map is played and so on. And they do this for a reason. Almost every ruleset is in place to make the game more favorable for the killer, by putting them on their best map, and heavily restricting survivors. And they do this for a reason.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 444

    "Unofficial" stats? The table comes from the same page you quoted.

    It is LITERALLY BELOW your graph…

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 1,070

    If you want to know who on the forums has never played killer before, just check the downvotes for this very reasonable and balanced take on the killer vs survivor balance

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,978

    For some reason i thought the numbers looked different. Either way, the point still stands, care to respond to everything else in that post that mattered instead of strawmanning? My argument doesn't hinge on that data being official or not, it was mostly an off comment.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 444

    You've got it backwards. The topic is not about MMR or Nurse, it's you who brought these topics in. You brought these topics in, because you know that your initial claim of "50% winrate" is dishonest, and now you'd rather talk about MMR or other vague stuff.

    But allow me to insist.

    Simple question: do you think a 50% - 37% winrate is balanced yes or no?

    And do you think it was honest to present this information as "Killers have a winrate of 50%", omitting the 37% of survivors?

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,272

    Ties dont work in dbd. Theres no survivor team that loses when it's more than 2 kills. Its 4 survivors that each escape or not. On a 3k, the escaped survivor wins despite all others losing, for example.

    A 2k is a loss for the killer and 2 survivors, while 2 others win. Its just as dishonest to count these escapes as "draw".

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 444

    Luckily, we don't have to count anything as a "draw".

    We can just use killrate, which is the official metric the devs use, is very well defined, and doesn't have any problem with draws.

    Sadly, "killrate" is not easy to manipulate, and reaches an embarrassing 60% - unexplainable for these people who told us 24/7 that the game is very survivor-sided. That's why they insist so much on bringing an abstract "winrate" into the discussion.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,978

    No the claim was about it be survivor sided vs killer sided. I said that at the highest levels of play the game is massively survivor sided.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,130

    I'm one of the few whose actually kinda happy about the new knockout, since I run Brutal+Fire Up+Enduring on Xenomorph. Now I can even slow the survivor down as I disintegrate the pallet