Are you guys at BHVR including this in Operation Health?

Changing the EAC for something that works.
It's clear at this point that DbD is a well know game, which makes more cheaters wanting to do their funny business in this game, therefore we need a better anti cheat because EAC is clearly a very incompetent tool for dealing with these bastards.
Also I don't see anywhere in the road map of Operation Health anything regarding cheaters.
Does nothing since you can get a new injected account pretty much instantly for very little money and effort.
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True, but BHVR should make as difficulty as possible for cheaters.
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They try. It’s an ongoing battle back and forth.
BHVR upgrades their protection, hackers upgrade their injections. It’s back and forth.-1 -
Hackers will always win at the end. It's an arms race they know they will lose.
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I'm just hoping future game dev teams can take BHVR's blunder of offering unlimited free epic accounts as an example of what not to do. The faster the industry realizes that offering free unlimited accounts will cause a mass infestation, the better.
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I know hardware ban can be bypassed, but I'm sure it's not every hacker who can do this.
Adding hardware ban would certainly help.Agree ∞%
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Given the rapidly dropping IQ of the general population, I would not bet money on that.
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Changing the anti-cheat system won’t suddenly fix the issue. Cheating in video games is a persistent problem that will never be fully eradicated. While switching to a new anti-cheat system may help, it's important to understand that no solution can completely eliminate cheating in a game
All anti cheat system have limitation, none of them are all perfect, the cheaters can easily adapt quickly, as they're always constantly developing ways to bypass the measures, so cheaters will adapt and exploit just like they did with EAC, changing anti cheat systems takes significant development work, time and money to make it sure it's actually stable.
Behaviour is doing a good job from active moderation and player reports. You report these people in game or through their ticket system and they're banned in a week or even less.
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Hardware bans do exist, if your account is banned three times then it's an hardware banned. It's always operated that way, but as you said it can bypassed, thanks to spoofers.
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There are things they could do that would help. Offering console only crossplay. They could institute server side that verify that the anon profile Steam player is actually going 110% around the corner of the loop and there's no in-game reason that should be happening
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Not necessarily a problem in and of itself. They have to put some guardrails around them so a bad actor can't use an API to get thousands of accounts in minutes. Force a captcha, 2FA, etc to get a free account. The main problem right now is that people automate the account generation.
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The free account problem could be easily solved if BHVR and/or Epic would simply deactivate any unused account from that free giveaway.
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Watch them accidentally nuke the progress on all active accounts while trying to do that.
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I don't understand why it's so hard to add server side checks for cases where not even high ping can cause someone to teleport from one side of the map to the other, or move at speeds not even possible to achieve in game, or instantly heal someone. This would curb the blatant cheaters considerably, leaving the subtle ones which sadly are harder to detect.
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If they add another 'if' case to their code, the entirety of dbd will collapse.
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yeah, I don’t get it either. I can’t believe that it’s not technically possible to have the game be able to automatically detect when a player is doing something that should not be possible in the game. This should be able to catch even subtle cheating. For example, survivor is running at a higher than their base speed and doesn’t have any perks that would allow them to do this. Game should be able to detect stuff like that.
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Right, and then if detected instead of banning them immediately (because there's always false positives), just kick them out of the game and replace them with a bot, giving them a DC penalty. They'll eventually be forced to wait forever to get a match, if they're really cheating.
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Console only won't stop a hacker, they can and do find their ways into console lobbies
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It's a technical impossibility when your code is so spaghetti that changing one line here has consequences in a completely separate area that is seemingly unrelated. We've seen it time and time again.
If only you knew how bad things really are…
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yeah that’s a good point. Trying to put auto cheat detection in the existing game code would probably break a thousand other unrelated things
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Thank you all for replying and sharing your opinions.😁