Can nurse and Blight PLEASE get a longer cooldown?

MoZo Member Posts: 271
edited March 10 in Feedback and Suggestions

These two have been the top S tier killers for what feels like forever. We’re going on 5 years straight now. If the devs don’t want to significantly nerf their basekit to tone them down can they at least give them a longer cooldown? Blight should have a 14-15 second cooldown instead of 10 and nurse should have 5-6 second recharge per blink rather than 3. It blows my mind that nurse gets a 6 second cd and other killers have a significantly longer cooldown on their power.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,942

    I think Blight is generally fine, and adding extra cooldown to Nurse won't really fix her issues.

  • xGodSendDeath
    xGodSendDeath Member Posts: 461

    No because the number of players that can actually play these killers to a level where they're a problem balance wise is so small you'll barely even run into them!!! If that defense is good to keep 4 man SWF untouchable it works for Nurse and Blight too

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,395

    Just make the other killers better, and they won't seem so strong by comparison. THAT is what the devs should've done years ago. But they keep nerfing like Pig, Freddy, Chucky, Demogorgon, and Xenomorph. They have no idea what they're doing.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,395

    No, he was fine before all his add-ons got nerfed. Now he's just a "made for PC" killer like Oni, because those players can just flick their way out of the intended turn limitations.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,642
    edited March 9

    They keep nerfing like Pig, Freddy, Chucky, and Demogorgon

    Just wanted to speak as a Demo main for a moment.

    Lifeguard Whistle deserved the nerf. My only issue with the change is how uninspired the change to Lifeguard Whistle was, 2 extra Portals, while nice, is boring, and definitely not worth the Very Rare quality. It would have been nice to get some addon adjustments to have more addons for Shred, since currently only 4 addons actually affect Shred, and two of them (Rat Liver and Mew's Guts) are outright useless in their current state.

    Outside of that, Demo has gotten a lot of basekit buffs that are really good. But I really think the way people percieve Demo has been permanently damaged by "harmful" metas surrounding Demo. Devour Hope Demo and STBFL Demo were two awful times to play the game since they pushed players towards cheesy playstyles that were actively detrimental to learning the Killer mechanically, and still today, I see a lot of Demo players that struggle with basic Shred mechanics because they never actually used Shred as a power.

    But, yea. All I really want is an addon pass, and hopefully a set of addons that promote build diversity while not being unhealthy.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,395

    I guess I missed the patch note. But still, playing them on console, you feel handicapped. Everyone knows it.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,444

    You think nurse is really that hard? Unless a the killer play is a talentless she has a the skill floor of 4 hours max. Blights skill floor isn't that high and most players don't need his dumb skill ceiling.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,282

    Nurse's cooldown isn't the problem with her and she can't really have a long cooldown since she is forced to use her power to hit anyone. Increasing it would not fix the things that make her a problem and would mostly just make her feel worse to play.

    I wouldn't mind Blight's cooldown being increased to 12 seconds (2.4 per token).

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 2,099

    They have some idea.... but not the best, yeah.

    For example, the new Xeno nerfs, a bad idea in its entirety.

    But the TR changes are pretty good.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,157

    I can't see them changing completely reworking Nurse this late in the game. But I guess stranger things have happened

  • Linkdouken
    Linkdouken Member Posts: 353

    I feel like the only way to nerf the Nurse is by making her turnrate locked to around 90 degrees when she blinks as a big part of why she is so strong on PC is because she can blink or someone and hit them from any angle severely reducing what can be done against it.

    I don't think her or Blight need longer cooldowns

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,190

    Agreed. Years ago I used to think her skill floor was higher than it is, but I don't anymore. And once you pass that floor, you're just playing a different game that effectively ignores the mechanics every other killer has to contend with.

    And yeah, the problem is that there is no meaningful way to nerf Nurse that isn't just fundamentally changing her entire power. Basically make her different killer. But I don't think BHVR will ever do that because it would basically disenfranchise every long time Nurse main.

    Should they? Yes. Will they? No. "Nerf the Nurse" has been a constant cry for years and years, but I don't ever see it happening.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,769

    The problem is not if they can do it - because they certainly can. But they dont want to. First of all the backlash would be huge, because for some reason there are still people out there who think that Nurse requires a lot of skill to be played. And second, having Nurse in the game is the ultimate answer to any P2W allegations. People could argue that a Killer like Dracula is P2W, since he has 3 abilities with some of them better than the entire Kit of other Killers. But the Devs can just say "Nah, the strongest Killer is in the Basegame, therefore DBD is no P2W". Which is probably a big point why Nurse is allowed to stay the design failure she is.

  • coolgue1
    coolgue1 Member Posts: 139

    Be great if bight used all rush token regardless of how many rushes he does just to prevent blight from going bumb tap and again it verry boring on maps like burgo and corn and haddonfield when the map has gian dead zones right off spawn with garbage windows and mabe 2 safe pallets

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,932

    The problem with messing with Nurse's numbers any more is you have to ensure survivors can't outrun her by just holding W. She's slower than survivors while walking, she then has a charge period and a fatigue period where she loses even MORE ground. You cant put her in a state where her average speed is lower than 4.0 m/s when you factor all that in.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,769

    Which is why she should have higher movement speed and a drastically weaker ability.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,932

    Unless you completely scrap her power, you'd have the same complaints. Giving her Huntress speed with 1 blink or something would still result in her ignoring pallets.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 963

    As someone who plays nurse for fun, i think increasing her cooldown would actually be okay. For nurse i'd like that her Spasmodic Breath addon could synergize with her other speed addons tho...

    As for Blight... idk, i suck at him.

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 310

    Yes nurse has the best chase power but mediocre mobility specially on open and big maps . Increasing her cooldown will severelly hurt her mobility further and it can make or break her . If her mobility gets hirt too bad survivors can just pre run and hold W from her then never be able for her to reach.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,395

    I just think it's overblown. Like why were we not seeing Hex Demogorgon in tourney or top MMR? Because it's not that good. It preys on players not having the skill or game knowledge to counter it. But why nerf it then? Doesn't that just mean the players need to get better? Survivors have prevented killers from getting meaningful changes for YEARS by hiding behind, "But solo weak," while never ever demanding that matchmaking be fixed. I know it's not fixed now, because it's random. I go against a really strong team and beat them, I get a weaker team next match. Other times, I lose to the stronger team and then get an even more dominant one next match. This is all based off bad matchmaking. It's not consistent and it's not skill-based, but y'all want to use it as justification to get the most niche and mediocre killer stuff nerfed. And I like how you speculate that Demogorgon players just don't use their shred, because of this build. There's no link. Every Demogorgon I've faced has used shred. At the times they don't, they couldn't use it, because it was a rock loop or something. If anything, Lifeguard Whistle was nerfed because it gave info, because you know survivors hate the killing seeing where they are, because they can't loop. Those are who these changes cater to.

    I've said it about other hex builds and the "gen kick meta" as well. The killer is spending all this time not getting injures or downs, because he's too busy defending a totem, or a gen. You should win the war of attrition automatically, slowly but surely. If you don't, you're just not being efficient or strategizing. You can't balance killer around survivors not knowing what they're doing. And yet here we are.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,932

    Speeding her up, and turning her power into one that's a forward movement with collision would essentially just be Wesker. What would your ideal difference be?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,769

    I mean that Wesker exists as a more balanced version does not mean that Nurse should not be changed. In general I think that she probably would need to be reworked with a different power, because her power is broken and the goal should not be to make her unplayable, but this is probably the way you would have to go to make her current power not be broken.

    If you want to keep the Blinks, she should probably not be able to blink through Walls, but maybe be able to blink through Pallets and Windows, but with limitations so that she cannot ignore them. I have also read the idea to limit her turning rate after coming out of a Blink, but I think this would just make her feel very sluggish.

    But to be honest, I will not really invest the time into creating a Rework which might even keep the Blinks, but makes her balanced, but ideally still a strong Killer, because:

    a) I dont get paid for that and therefore will not waste my freetime for it because

    b) The Devs will not implement it anyway or actually go through with any Nerf to Nurse which would result in her not being at the top of S-Tier in every Tier List and

    c) Killer Mains would protest simply because they think that Nurse is needed for those teams said Killer Mains dont encounter anyway.

    But overall - the only thing which can make you win against a Nurse is that you hope she is not good at the game. And this is just a massive Flaw.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,986

    Do you think the game should be balanced around the highest skill level players, or the average skill level player?

    If you think the game should be balanced around the highest skill level players, then sure, nurse and maybe blight is too strong and needs a nerf. But then you also have to contend with the fact that nearly every other killer on the roster needs massive buffs, or survivors as a whole need nerfs. There's a reason that comp heavily restricts what survivors can bring, and why each killer typically gets to play on their best map.

    If you think the game should be balanced around average level players, then nurse and blight are fine, because they are often in the middle or even below the middle of the pack. In the case of nurse she's often the lowest kill rate killer in the game, so if anything, with that mindset, she needs buffs.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,932

    Alot of the times when were talking about essentially just replacing a power entirely, it just feels like they're reusing a killer skin and creating a completely different killer. It's less like Bubbas rework which just tweeked his chainsaw and more like Freddy's original rework that completely changed every aspect of his power. At that point... is it really even the same killer?

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 794

    Oni can, Blight can't

    But still getting the maximum flick and control it is way easier on PC than on console, no?

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 981

    i think Nurse could be tweaked in couple of ways:

    1. Blink recharge cooldown pauses during fatigue and during stun
    2. Blindness status effect during blink charge to prevent synergy with aura perks
    3. Heavy Panting addon getting a tweak/rework. At this state, it basically increases mistake window for mistakes in blinks and gives you far less punishment for it
  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,436

    Doesn't mean we shouldn't make efforts towards balance adjustments on them..

  • Leon_Loves_Cheryl
    Leon_Loves_Cheryl Member Posts: 125

    I agree with this 100%. The disparity between the top killers and the bottom killers is way too wide. Killer is the power role though, so instead of nerfing the best, we should bring the others up to their level. Any high MMR Survivor understands the pain of constantly seeing Nurse and Blight every single game at that level of play because they are the only Killers able to compete. The game at the highest levels of MMR is awful for both sides because of lack of variety. Since DBD is inherently meant to be a killer-sided game, it makes way more sense to buff weak killers to make up for the ridiculous disparity between the S tiers and the D tiers.

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 378

    Buff other killers to be strong and competitive and you will see less nurses and blights