Ptb issues I'm having

jasonq500 Member Posts: 318

This is my first time joining the ptb, since I just move to pc and I'm having technical errors joining in

It says I have a save game error: 130

I've been told to wait about 15 to 30 minutes and have waited a whole hour, and it's still giving me the error prompt after waiting

So I have no idea what to do


  • ThatRyanB
    ThatRyanB Member, Administrator, Community Manager Posts: 99

    Hello there! We're currently investigating this error. To confirm, this is the error banner that says, "Save Game Error," correct? If so, and this might help, I've seen players find success rebooting the game a few times.

  • jasonq500
    jasonq500 Member Posts: 318

    Yes, the banner says save game error, and I'll give that a go and hopefully it'll work

  • Madmillennial
    Madmillennial Member Posts: 31

    Told me I was logged onto another account and couldn't connect me. I had to reboot the game, and then it said I was logged on somewhere else, and asked me if I wanted to log into this one instead. I said yes and it fixed the issue

    However, this is my only dbd account so should I be worried? Can people hack player accounts?

  • xCooperJ
    xCooperJ Member Posts: 3

    I have the exact same issue as him. Just moved from Xbox to PC and wanted to try the PTB and I get the same thing no matter how many times I open the game. I am opening through steam and have the PTB selected. I have already synced my Xbox account and can play the live game no problem. This only happens on the PTB. Please help!