Knock Out Rework!!
That's not how Map Offerings will work. The effects wont stack altogether, even if a different Map Offering is used.
Let's say 4 Survivors all run different Map Offerings, it would be a 1/4 (25%) chance to get a desired Realm out of a 20% for the Map Offering going through, or a 1/20 (5%) chance of getting a desired Realm… keep in mind that some Realms have multiple Maps, so if you want a very specific map, the chances can be further lowered by that factor. They want to severely reduce the effectiveness of Map Offerings, which they have done.
The worst part about the change is that it negatively impacts Survivor achievements, since getting a specific map for the "do the Generator at the Main Building of (insert Map) and escape" is made far worse, and achievements like Hemophobia and Outbreak Breakout (which are already terrible) are made into nearly impossible tasks.
Kill Rate adjustments are sometimes literally slightly faster kicking speed, which is a zero QOL imrpovement.
We are quite literally getting Killer (and technically Survivor) QOL improvement via a Gamma slider, which people have been asking for, since not everyone has a good monitor/TV.
And again, they will probably make more changes, we just lack the information, BHVR is listening to community feedback.
Survivors sometimes get real QOL improvements, and Killers are just promised a certain Kill Rate, like it's a giant present that Killers should be grateful for, as opposed to something necessary for the game.
Maybe because Survivor lacked a lot of information and basic accessibility options for a really long time?
I have a hearing impairment, I struggle to hear certain things sometimes, the visual Terror Radius was a massive step in the right direction for BHVR, since before I would often die and feel frustrated because I could not hear some aspects of the game. Furthermore, Colorblind Settings, while not the most helpful at times, can be helpful to a lot of players.
I really dont see the point in looking at another person's plate and saying "well, they got more food then me" when earlier they were starving.
None of this is to say that Killers dont need accessibility and QOL features, but the way you go about it really does ignore how awful things were for Survivor compared to Killer prior to the updates and changes made, the game was incredibly unfriendly in terms of accessibility.
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now it's gonna be a perfect counter to predropping and holding W, momotech Blight has been buffed
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New knockout doesn't seem to have a cooldown, does it work every time a pallet is just dropped? Kinda crazy for zoning potential depending on the killer. I wonder if it works for Freddy's dream pallets as well because if so that'd be hilarious.
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Unfortunately no my friend, even against singularity, survivors with predrop always have time to run to the next palette, during these 5 seconds the survivor slows down by only 1.2m, which is not significant in the vast majority of cases, it is better to take coup and have the same 1.2 meters, but at the moment when it is needed
-3 -
They didn't say you said you said "0%"
They said you said 0 of the currently announced changes. Because they were directly quoting you. They went on to argue why some of the changes would benefit killer specifically within the context of slugging - for example, that now survivors have at most a 20% chance of pulling off The One Consistently Unhookable Situation left. Also, survivors being able to get one of the maps they want 58% of the time if they all 4 coordinate is objectively an improvement from being able to get a map they want 100% of the time for the cost of 1 offering (from the killer perspective)
If you want to reply with some stinging retort, please instead log off for a bit and practice self care. You're getting so involved in arguing that you're not actually engaging with the words that are there
Post edited by ratcoffee on10 -
Very glad Knock out is finally gone. The new version.. isn't really something i think will affect much. Knowing its in play will alter decisions and just have new avenues of gameplay. Could even be fun!
Bit worried about about this perk on Wesker and Clown though. Their slowdowns coupled with this sound kinda scary lol
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And where is the problem? If more killer can get more value from a perk, people gonna play more different killer than now
Plus, this perk gonna be a good one on a lot of them, clown, indeed, but Nemesis, Billy, Leatherface, freddy (and more if the perk activate when a dream pallet is dropped), doctor, Blight on some god pallet, …
K.O can be a pretty huge perk who can also contribute at some diversity in the most used perk2 -
Really illogical change. I guess killers just have to rely on getting lucky and facing teams weak enough to lose by hooking.
-18 -
Would this version of Knock Out not help against experienced survivors who know when to predrop and run?
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My Only problem, and I need to test that in the PTB, is…
Who get the hindered statut? The survivor WHO drop the pallet? Or ALL the survivor in the area of the pallet who get hindered?
Like, what happen if a survivor is chased by the killer, and an another survivor drop a pallet near them.. (it happen a lot of time when the survivor panic or other fact )
The chased survivor gonna be applied by the hindered?0 -
I doubt it. I've already seen people saying, "No, killers shouldn't get anything. They should just have slugging taken away." And those people have the devs' ear. Anytime survivors have a problem, it gets dealt with. Anytime killers have a problem, "Skill issue."
-13 -
Can someone explain how this might be a good perk for Blight? He's my favorite killer to go against so I'd like to see if my own assumptions match anyone who actually plays him well.
Is this Knock out version any good for Blight at all?
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It could only be used 1 way: to slug. 🤦♀️ Glad the devs accommodate people who don't even know how perks are used.
-14 -
Just a reminder. Knockout isnt being "Nerfed" Its being reworked. The rework is a healthy change, and it seems to be a chasing perk. Not a nerf.
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It potentially gonna be a good perk on him
On some loop where the survivor have to run around, it can be more difficult (don't forget that the perk have zero cooldown) to get value, but on the other side, some god pallet like the one on RPD, the survivor drop the pallet, run in the other way of the corridor, blight have just to break normally the pallet, and rush into them, they can't make another one in time2 -
I definitely want in on this. Been wanting a way for Blight to get scary again. Mid B tier at best lately. Thank you!
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It's not really only on him, all god pallet, with this perk, gonna be a dangerous tool against survivor, and more if the perk touch all survivor in the area of the pallet and not only the one who drop
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Im still excited to go against it. As a survivor, All I care about is killer engagement. Gens can pretty much jump into the void. Its a boring mechanic that hopefully will be made fun or at least interesting. Yeah, Im one of those. Wasn't always, though.
Blight will still bend the knee to me. I will not allow him to become low A tier he used to be in prime!
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They hooks shouldn't have to respawn. They shouldn't be destroyed upon a survivor death, period. It adds nothing to the game, only takes away.
And you're right about the unhookable thing. The devs have made it to where survivors want to get hooked. They can literally run to basement as soon as they're about to go down, get hooked on purpose, use Wicked for free self-unhook, take a hit with OTR, get downed again, use DS, get out of being downed again with Dead Hard. And that's a 3-gen chase, easily. What was the killer supposed to do? Know they had those perks exactly? Survivors' builds literally turn the worst possible scenarios for them into positives.
-13 -
A perk where Blight benefit and not Nurse, pretty funny
For my part, I'm more happy to see that, with this perk, a lot of "low tier" killer gonna be dangerous, and give more diversity in general in the roster1 -
@danielmaster87 Survivors' builds literally turn the worst possible scenarios for them into positives.
Without sounding like Im flaming, because Im not, isn't this kind of what builds for either side are supposed to do?
Picking up a survivor and two flashlights pop outta nowhere? Lightborne turns that worst case scenario into a net positive, as now three survivors are off gens with zero gain.
I feel this is the literal reason for builds. Survivors pack perks to give second, third, etc chances.
I guess my question is do you feel the quoted statement doesn't apply to killers? Would love to discuss if so. Ty!
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I remain of the opinion that the whole identity of the perk is now gone and the name makes no more sense. It should stay an attack-based perk, whether that is for M1 only or can count M2s as well (as it dit originally).
The most problematic part of Knock Out is the fact that Survivors cannot see the aura of a slug outside of 16 meters. So, why not just
a) remove this part entirely, and make slugs visible like normal but keep the rest of the perk as is;
b) make it so the slugs can be seen from a greater distance, i.e. 64/48/32 meters instead of the current 32/24/16, and keep the rest of the perk as is.0 -
extreme doomposting
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bhvr has made the game much better for killers over the past few years. If your asking for changes that will guarantee you wins every game, then that is not happening
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There's no problem besides the next wave of people complaining about the new thing.
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While the surviving side celebrates another victory. What's in the long term? Slug killers will become better. There are already several developments of alternative slug builds, mostly tested on Legion. Don't forget a couple of killers who can, if desired, play without Knock Out in slug games. Well, thanks to the survivors, you can finally look at the addons of some killers. I remember Onryō could make blind spots and during the first version it was my favorite build. Truly thanks to the survivors for allowing us to get better :)
The only thing that saddens me in this whole story is that Knock Out gives a rather dubious effect. Where you literally make yourself the most tasteless build. I usually call it turn off your brain and go for a ram. Mindless pursuit with eating all the pallets. A build for Killers that is so useless that more interesting builds do not work on them. I will tell you that I would rather choose Batteries Included than use the new Knock Out. Batteries Included will be more useful.
-6 -
Bah, people complain about everything, on each side…
But sometimes, when they complain, we have to put aside our side and listening with some calm attitude
In this case… Clown are not the only one "problem" in the killer side survivor gonna face1 -
and I join as further killers are nerfed…….
-10 -
Rework is great, but if we could get a kill switch until the rework goes through it would be even better
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I promise you, this is not a nerf to any killer directly. This new proposed effect will in fact be more helpful to some killers.
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Thank you for the change, was starting to think it would stay forever lol even went against some knockout team sluggers recently. Looking forword to the ptb and even trying the xeno changes as a xeno main. (Ps: please add Shanoa and Simon Belmont as Legendary character skins for Trevor Belmont someday, ive played all the castlevanias to the end and they are my biggest favorites and would happily buy them even with the cosplays)
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Thanks for the reply but those are words nothing logical.
The nerf is to another tactic away from hooks, reducing tactics for killers into a one simple use hooks.
The more helpful is a new perk with the same name which is in no way a different tactic/playstyle-12 -
It's very strange how hard the discourse in this community has shifted towards hooks not being the default, main interaction with the game. It's like if people started clamouring to avoid needing to chase survivors, or something.
"Hooking" is not a tactic or a playstyle, it's just one of the core interactions of the video game, same as chasing. There are plenty of tactics and playstyles that surround hooking, and slugging also doesn't require Knock Out to be done so it's still an option.
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Put Game Afoot in there for Haste after breaking a pallet and you're really going to rush down survivors, haha.
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100% deserved. A farewell to the most unhealthy perk in dbd. Good riddance.
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If you like to stomp the weakest role in the game with a perk that is only good against then, then sure. Your losing your power. Overall, this means, that the game is healing.
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I mean the anti-slug project is absolutely survivor sided. Killers don't need anything to help them, they can just… STOP SLUGGING. Simple as that. That is something they (you) have control of all on their (your) own and don't need help. Survivors need the help because they (we) cannot control if/when/how a killer slugs.
You all will just find another way to make this game miserable for survivors, it's what you do best.
The surrender option will absolutely help killers and will increase slugging not fix it. Imagine going into a stream for the first time and watching someone 4 man slug as billy then walk around the map to pick up their slugs while running deerstalker and actually saying "I can't wait for the surrender option to go live so it makes these games quicker and I don't have to pick everyone up and deal with a possible 4%)
Again, stop slugging and we wouldn't even be here.
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Content creators have fostered this discourse. Or rather a specific popular content creator who has always felt that skill should be reflected in hook states over kills. I agree with that sentiment but they've pushed this "hooking doesn't pay off so just slug" perspective as a means of getting BHVRs attention (imo) via their followers. I said awhile ago to one their followers that this will likely backfire and instead result in BHVR addressing slugging as opposed to overhauling their entire SBMM system. And here we are.
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Anytime survivors have a problem, it gets dealt with.
This has been a problem for almost a decade. They held off on fixing it for as long as they could, but there really is no way around it anymore. Sorry!
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Yes, address the REASONS killers slug (there will always be those that do it just to grief. Yes, it sucks but you can't balance a game around griefers) instead of what they are doing. Just like in medicine, you need to figure out and address the cause, not only the symptoms.
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I have waited for this moment for years and it's finally happening. RIP Knock Out. You won't be missed.
I'm not so sure about the new version though. You can always force it to trigger just by breaking a pallet immediately, which seems a bit weird, given the requirements.
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Just Knock Out on its own is enough to trigger it every time. That seems like an oversight. I don't think it will be incredibly overpowered but it definitely doesn't sound right to me.
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Blight is also my favorite Killer to play against. If someone else shares this opinion I'm glad it's you 🍺😏
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Like I said, it's going to really help M1s especially and give them much needed counterplay around pallets. These Killers get countered hard by predropping and holding W in a way many other Killers do not. In fact, it may kill the style altogether. Now if you want to deal with an M1, you HAVE to be good at looping or at least know how to be patient to get your stun. It will also reduce the pallet setup strategy some SWFs use to get extra stuns or bait the Killer.
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Yet more nerfs to loops is not what this game needed, do BHVR even bother to look at things globally anymore? Plus, the perk is called ‘knock out’ how is the is remotely suitable?
I commented this on the DBD FB page: im glad the perk is getting changes but this isn’t it.
To keep it in line with the nature of the perk I’d remove the block to aura reading, which is the most toxic part, but make it so downed survivors cannot heal themselves for 10/15/20 seconds due to being ‘unconscious’. Team mates would also need to complete a short ‘wake up’ animation, like with Freddy, before they could start to heal if they’re trying to heal within this time frame.
-1 -
II'm wondering who would down vote this 🤦♀️
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Yeah... and chase perks heavy loadout sounds nice til the gens start flying.
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For sure. I'm gonna try it out on Bubba and maybe Nemesis since both can shred pallets. Just saying I've already tried various chase perk combos and if your using 3 perks on chase... it's pretty easy to fall short elsewhere. I tend to try to limit it to 2 chase perks at most.
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Additionally, they could make it so that the aura of the slug is only hidden temporarily, following the same timer as the other effects: 15 seconds. And keep the rest of the perk as is.
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I can't wait to try knockout on Ken kaneki