Xenomorph PTB Testing Affirms That Nerfs Cannot Go Through

theMrHeadache Member Posts: 3
edited March 12 in 8.6.0 PTB Feedback

Hello everyone, I am Bran, more widely known as theMrHeadache and I wrote the Xenomorph Guide featured in Otzdarva's guide list! I made a post here earlier when they initially posted the number changes, and unfortunately, I've found the PTB version to be even worse than I initially thought it would be based on the dev notes.

I am making this post in hopes that BHVR sees this, because the changes to Xenomorph cannot hit live. Even through brief testing, I've been knocked out of power as Xenomorph 13 times in 4 games as opposed to the usual handful A DAY of play. Turret counterplay used to be a fun skill ceiling to climb on Xenomorph, now turrets almost get guaranteed value no matter how well the Xenomorph plays.

In addition, the charge time for the Xenomorph does NOT feel accurate, feeling far longer than the 0.35 second nerf you gave. Not to mention the vignette for being burned stays for the ENTIRE duration, being distracting and for some, nauseating.

Please reconsider these changes as they make the character feel overall awful to play as and against. The main reason people avoid Xeno is dealing with the flame turrets and the sensory overload, which you have more than doubled with these changes.

Please walk it back!

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • SkyNetEternal
    SkyNetEternal Member Posts: 1

    The developers said that they wanted to buff inexperienced players on survivors, so that their turrets would also make an impact.
    But they incredibly overpowered SWF with Discord.

    How the game against SWF happened before: I got out of the tunnel, broke the turret and started chasing one of the survivors. He ran to the next structure and there was already a new turret there, which his teammate had placed and reported on Discord where to run. I broke the second turret, and the survivor got time to run to the next loop, where the third turret was waiting for him. And so on until I broke all the turrets on the map and finally dealt a hit with the tail.

    Now after these 4 turrets, I almost certainly lose the tail and try to hit the survivor in the loop by m1 without killer's ability, or I am forced to exit the chase, climb into the tunnel and get my tail back. I lose a ton of time, lose the chase, and the survivors without my pressure on the map just start genrush.

    The developers did not just buff random inexperienced players without Discord. They made experienced SWF players with Discord almost invulnerable to the Xenomorph's ability.

    Xenomorph's ability is not so strong compared to other high tier killers to make it SO dependent on the survivors' counterplay and at the same time so that the killer can't counter it.
    Basically, now Xenomorph plays not against survivors, but against turrets. Not PVP, but some kind of PVE.

  • xenoandme
    xenoandme Member Posts: 1

    iv not tried the ptb as im on console , xeno on console as he is, is really difficult , but with these changes coming to the tail strike, its going to be near enough impossible to hit any survivor. secondly from what i have seen on streams the amount of time you spend without the tail is way too extreme . double turrets are already strong , but now they are going to be really op. your players are your customers, please listen to us and revert the nerfs that will make this killer unfun to use, and virtually impossible to use on console

  • VibranToucan
    VibranToucan Member Posts: 264

    I agree, these changes are like the twins rework, just in the other direction powerwise.

  • ButterFlee13
    ButterFlee13 Member Posts: 273

    And Also, let the turrent has the cooldown that it wont stay active forever.

    let say 60 sec after set up and it will run out of battery and destroy itself.

    We should not have infinite counter like this

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,721
    edited March 12

    The thing is I'm not even sure there's going to be a dedicated Xeno playerbase after this. Xeno gets compared to Nemesis quite a bit and if you like how Xeno plays currently on live, I see no reason why you wouldn't jump ship to Nemesis.

    Skull Merchant and Chucky both currently have something unique that makes it hard to just jump to a similar killer.

  • jasonq500
    jasonq500 Member Posts: 318

    I've watched your video on the matter and I have to say, xeno really shouldn't have gotten those changes that they have currently

    It only made things way worse than it needed to be

    Like surely these changes won't go through right?

  • piplup55
    piplup55 Member Posts: 75

    Not here to play devil's advocate, but maybe things like "only getting out of power a handful a day" is one of the reasons why it needs to be nerfed, cause it's its counterplay after all. I don't play Xeno so I can't exactly give a fair critic, but I would guess that getting it out of power SHOULD be a given and SHOULD happen more than once in a match. Also I checked your video and you were doing well even with the nerfs. The tail attack delay even helped you in situations where survivors tried to dodge, but the delay let you reposition the attack and hit anyway, so maybe you are overreacting a bit. I think the most aggravating thing I saw was that heat builds up really quickly with the changes, even though you have almost double the "tolerance", for how slow dissipating it is.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,275

    Did some testing with Xeno yesterday and yeah, I agree these are not good changes at all. The tail feels much worse now and getting hit by 2 turrets in a short timespan is almost guaranteed to remove your power now, kinda like how double turret setups were before except the turrets don't even need to be close to each other anymore, just anywhere within 15-20 seconds of running distance will do the trick. It doesn't really matter how well the Xenomorph plays, previously you could avoid losing your power most of the time if you were good at Xeno but now you can't really. Turrets need to be impactful against this killer given the strength of the tail attack (at least before this PTB), but 2 turrets shouldn't be guaranteed to remove crawler mode either. At the same time, the tail attack needs to be strong given the existence of the turrets. The PTB changes remove a lot of the survivor skill expression in good turret placement, they make the tail attack far more clunky and difficult to use than before (making the killer feel bad to play), and overall these changes severely dumb down the killer to a degree where they are no longer fun to play as or play against.

    Some of the addon changes are okay, but pretty much all the basekit changes should be rolled back (both the buffs and the nerfs), I don't think any of it should go through to live. Revert the tail charge time, revert the miss cooldown, revert the tunnel buffs, revert the turrets, revert everything except for the addon changes. None of this is good.

  • MrRetsej
    MrRetsej Member Posts: 68

    Another voice in support of reverting the suggested PTB changes to Xenomorph.

    BHVR, you already killed my girl Adriana. For the love of the Entity, don't nuke my Ultimate Weapon from orbit as well!

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 375

    Boosting this as well. These changes are so bad.....

    I'm scared of what changes they have planned for plague and pinhead

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 779

    Sadly unlike Twins fail, this is not negative for survivors. So I am quite confident they will do it anyway.
    Being terrible changes for the killer didn't stop them with Skully, or Chucky.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,159

    These changes are effectively removing xeno from the game without actually removing it. It's already one of the least killers played in the game - this will effectively make it extinct.

  • Lionheart778
    Lionheart778 Member Posts: 3

    Just wanted to add that I agree with this post. I understand that Xeno can be a noob-stomper, but these changes will make their already low pick-rate become non-existent at higher levels, and miserable to play.

  • CLHL
    CLHL Member Posts: 241

    This is an example of wasted resources. Xenomorph was one of the least used killers and these changes will only make the situation worse. So why bother? I thought that with Singularity they already understood that you can't leave a power in the hands of the survivors, no matter how strong the killer may be no one wants to play such annoyance.

  • Thane_JZP
    Thane_JZP Member Posts: 1

    I came back to DBD, after years away, for the initial Xeno release. The Xenomorph and Alien movies are extremely important to me personally. One of the main reasons I’ve stuck around to learn all the other killers I play (survivor as well) is because of the Alien licence and introduction of Ellen Ripley and the Xenomorph.

    I normally don’t make posts, or chat in stream chats, but I’m there lurking and absorbing knowledge and loving the character. I go to Bran for much of my Xeno knowledge, and stand with all that is said here by THE Xeno main TheMrHeadache.

    Sure there are things I would have liked to see different about the character, but I think in terms of the limitations of a multiplayer game BHVR did a pretty good job with my favourite movie monster of all time.

    Please consider rethinking these changes. I have fallen in love with many DBD characters and kits (namely spirit, Vecna, and Oni) but the loss of The Xenomorph being decently playable may be the last straw for me.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,976
    edited March 12

    Because the point is that the turret still requires the killer to effectively go out of their way to either avoid it, or destroy it, thus giving the survivor more distance so that they can run to another turret. The point of the turrets is not to knock the killer out of the power, the point is to force the killer to deal with them or be severely punish for it.

    You have to remember that without being in crawler mode, xeno literally has no power. Its like an oni for example.

    Its similar to pig's traps for example. Good pig players aren't using the traps to get kills, the point of the traps is to force the survivors to get off of gens, and remove the traps, and if they don't, they risk just dying outright. So when you trap a survivor, you don't tunnel them, you ignore them mostly (sure you can harass them a bit if you run into them, but you aren't going out of your way to go after them)

  • Krait33
    Krait33 Member Posts: 1

    These changes are an insult to any xeno fan. It would be better to outright remove her from the game than to disgrace her like this. Some of us spent hours and money into this killer and even with all the problems she had we still played her. Xeno wasnt as good as top tier killers but we still had fun, a small yet loyal playerbase. These changes feel like a kick to the balls for no other reason than pure spite. Tail attack was ok-ish, we can get used to that. But this heat dissipation change is equal to hate speech.

    I wish the person who made this would speak openly why and how did this get into his/her head. Im really interested in seeing which drugs are you using.

    If you really wanted to change something about xeno but you didnt know what exactly, you could ve just found some objective top tier players and ask them about their opinions, since they know more about your character than you do, instead of listening to tons of mad survivor mains complaining about every killer that isnt an M1. These ppl have no credibility to speak, hell, they dont even wanna learn the counterplay, yet you consider them to have a valid opinion. If these changes go through you can expect a lot of your fanbase leaving dbd.

    It seems to me that you ppl from BHVR care more about what survivors think than what is objectively good for the game. MAYBE Im wrong, but only MAYBE. Its up to you to show me if Im right.YOUR MOVE BHVR.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,415

    Thos is what boggles my mind most; Xeno is already a killer designed purely for survivor enjoyment; the turrets act as basekit WoO with the cherry on top bring a chase breaker.

    IIdk How much easier or perfect a survivor friendly killer could be, but here we are.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,970

    it’s surprising he’s not popular cause besides FNAF and F13, Alien was the 3rd most requested character to be added to dbd

    I see why he’s not popular though. A boring un fun and uninteresting power that’s annoying for survivor and killer. It sucks cause alien is such a cool character stuck with a mid power. Compared to Vecna and Dracula it’s like they didn’t even try

  • DrRiku
    DrRiku Member Posts: 19

    i agree! please reconsider the PTB changes.

  • HoopyFroodJ
    HoopyFroodJ Member Posts: 24
    edited March 13

    It's almost like the devs don't play their own game. Or when they do, they're embarrassingly bad and make changes based on that.

    I also wholly agree with being disturbed by the trend of killers getting nerfed based on feedback from baby survivors. This needs to stop and reverse course immediately. I know you guys want new players to stay, but nerfing killers every patch is not the way to do it.

    I'm also very scared that you plan to change pinhead in the same way (right after getting the final payout.)

    If only they had a dedicated group of experienced players to get feedback and suggestions from. 👀

  • TheSingularity
    TheSingularity Member Posts: 669
    edited March 13

    My comment has been deleted & edited for being inappropriate and written in a negative frame of mind.

    Post edited by TheSingularity on