I hope FNAF and future killers aren’t compared to wesker like the last 2

housemaster is like wesker + pinhead and from his it looks ken kaneki is like legion + wesker. I hope FNAF is not comparable to anything we have gotten before.
would not be suprised if its going to be compared to nemesis/knight (if its springtrap with phantoms as map pressure/passive slowdown)
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That’s one the things I like about nemesis despite the zombies not being very good. Makes him unique and stand out compared to the copy paste killer design as of late. But I do admit that on the surface roaming animatronics like zombies sound cool but if they do do that I hope you can somehow control them or something and not just walk towards survivors and hit them like zombies. I would much rather prefer this over knight since he is unique to play but I don’t think AI being the main power is very cool but keeping them in the background like zombies are decent.
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Then you are up for disapointment.
I doubt they can create something "trully unique" like you want after 8 years. Yes, im sure you all have unique and original ideas, that doesn't mean they would translate well into DBD when you take actual Game Design into consideration.
After 8 years of creation, they have found their different achetypes for the game. Dbd is unique and a pretty new type of game with no competitors. The game structure does not allow some crazy stuff to happen.They can't even release a killer without it being bugged for years and you all expect some flying/wall crawling/structure destroying killer with crazy mechanics.
Even big genre like Mobas, fighting games or other have Archetypes. Characters belongs in categories and have tweaks and tricks to make them stand out, just like in dbd. Xenomorph and Sadako are both restricted mobility killers with 7 objects. Xenomorph has anti loop alongside it and Sadako has slowdown. That's their archetype, after that they have everything else to make them stand out from other killers.
With how many people i see saying things akin to that for the FNAF chapter, we are probably heading toward another "Alien" in term of expectations/disapointment. Springtrap can have many different abilities, they will go for something that fits existing archetype like stealth/tracking or stealth/lethality, stealth/slowdown.
Every killers have something unique to them, no matter their archetype. So Springtrap will have something akin to the tunnels, torment, condemn or the illusory footsteps. I doubt it will be enough since people are going to find any similarities for a failed design and a revamp like every chapters.
Also, the least popular killers are all the most originals/ambitious in term of design :
Pinhead, Knight, Twins, Xenomorph, Sadako, Singularity, Dredge, Hag and even Skull merchant. All hated because they have ambitious designs.
The most popular killers are all very simple killers in design, most of them being movement/dash killers like Billy which is just dash or Wesker which is dash + simple infection.
Clearly, originality is not people main focus. People want fun killers, which, while being subjective, is most of the time low skill floor, high skill ceiling, strong, movement based killers.
BHVR is not encouraged to try new things when people hate every one of their most ambitious design or anything they change in general.
Post edited by Heliosse on12 -
I still have hope it will because of how protective Scott is with his ip. Doubt he will make spring trap dash killer #987
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Pretty well said. I do hope that they will try to make Springtrap unique at least in some way.
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Springtrap will have something unique ! Like every other killers, Wesker is the first killer to grab and throw, Alien has the tunnels (they have a lot of utility/nuances compared to someone like Demo) and turrets, Chucky has the illusory footsteps and the Chuckspots, Dracula has shapeshift etc, etc.
My guess would be that Springtrap will be a paranoia/confusion inducing stealth killer with some tracking abilities. Maybe based around Agony or the Phantoms.
Whatever it is tho, im up for it, i trust the design team and especially Scott. FNAF is in my top 5 favorite IPs alongside Alien and Silent Hill so i will main it no matter what.
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Im sure they will 👍
I do hope it is a stealth/confusing killer but i respect other concepts for the characters, you can do so many different powers for such a character.
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i think the best course of action for the phantoms make them walk around or be more active/agressive the more gens get completed and if hit by one you get a certain debuff (think something like oblivious) wich you can get rid of by going to 1 of the 4 control panels and then resetting your debuff (like they work in fnaf 3)
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Yeah that sounds unique . FNAF is the first license to come to dbd that I was a fan of before playing so I really hope springtrap has unique stuff to him.
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FNAF is the first IP that was announced of something I liked before playing dbd. When I joined I legit never seen or played the games or movies to any of the liscenses. I really hope the design team and Scott cook something up
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oh same i currently main pig as im a big fan of saw but that wil change if we get springtrap for sure no matter the kit
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Fr. Me too. Looking forward to it. It’s so close relatively to when it was announced
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The last 3 killers we got have an ability that gives them 2 consecutive dashes. Dracula does it in his wolf form, Houndmaster's dog does this, and Kaneki now does it as well.
Needless to say, it is getting old, specially for me since I hate playing Wesker.
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Honestly, they ran out of original concepts years ago. I mean, there really is a killer for everything.
You wanna run around like a crack addict? Blight.
You wanna be invisible? Spirit.
Your brain goes BRRRR? Billy.
You want to tag team survivors? Knight.
You want to play a FPS? Huntress.
You want to feel like a mastermind pulling the strings behind the scenes? Hag.
You want to play the game without actually playing the game? Nurse.
You don't like survivors? Legion.
You don't like yourself? Skull Merchant.
There are only so many things a killer can do that don't require changing the entire game to accomodate for it. Of course those things will repeat and generally people like to play mechanically demanding and very mobile killers, so it's not too surprising that multiple killers do something that.
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People have been comparing new killer powers to old killer powers everytime.
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Pretty much this. And it almost feels like people are wanting a completely new killer ability as a way to (idk) balance the game. What they're really looking for, if that's the case, is a new win/loss condition. We haven't seen something like that since Sadako and her Condemned mechanic. So I understand where they may be coming from. But like you said, there's only so much you can do in this game without completely changing the make-up of it.
You're definitely right about those killers being hated. They're different, and they were universally exciting when they came out, but now people just decide they're not fun.
Pinhead had unique anti-loop and then the box for slowdown, but people abhor killers having slowdown at base, so they got everything about the box nerfed. Knight summoning guards was cool, but it got boiled down into "unfair, 2 killahs chasing you," so now his already weak guards (due to the AI) got nerfed almost to unusability. Twins did the 2 killers in 1 thing long before him, and were hated because they could slug, even though Victor gets killed no matter what as long as 2 survivors are running together. Well, any mobility killer can slug, and Twins were pushed to play like that because killer loses by wasting all that time walking to pick up and hook. Xenomorph was seriously so weak, between the free turrets and the inconsistent tail, and the reason for his further nerfing was noobs not being able to react to his tail. We've all seen that before.
Sadako and Singularity can bounce around the map all they want, but they either have to mostly ignore their power, or go full-in on their power, or else they lose. In fact I'm convinced those killers are unviable except for being forced to slug. Dredge and Hag are supposed to be to killers, but because there's so much delay between the survivors being in range and you being able to hit them, they're always safe, and Hag is more frustrating because she's a set-up killer like Singularity, whose power can just be destroyed/nullified all match long. The teleports should be instant. And Skull Merchant similarly is a set-up killer, but because people self-fulfilling prophecy themselves, they claim she's either unbeatable or is boring to go against. Seems like their problem is they don't even strategize or have patience or have team play vs a strategy based killer, go figure.
And I could guess a lot of people saying that we need a drastically new killer power want it to be weak so they can beat it, because they look at killers like Wraith, Freddy, Pig, or Doctor and say, "Wow, what great design!" Yeah, because they're always so easy for you to beat, and nobody plays them at high level.
Someone you didn't mention, look at Chucky. 110% killer, so basically guaranteed to be mediocre, with a dash attack, slide under pallets/over windows, and a bit of stealth that he tells you he has. Not very impressive, but they made him out to be the most game breaking killer of all time, even citing his 3rd person view as being way too strong. They think his stealth is too strong. They thought his manual Scamper was a guaranteed hit (it wasn't), and got it nerfed. And "high level players" were agreeing with it all! Now he's like bottom 2 killers. So maybe some of these people asking for a different kind of killer just don't know what they want, because that's what Chucky was and they ended up ruining him.
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And they're never exactly accurate. They said "Nemesis is like a mix between Huntress and Plague," or something like that, despite him playing nothing like either of them. Or "Chucky is a mix of Ghost Face and Wesker," even though he's 110%, and his 1 dash and 3rd person view are both unique to him. With wide sweeping comparisons like that, it's no wonder people foolishly say, "We haven't had an original killer since Huntress."
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We have 38 killers, soon to be 39. There are only so many things that can be thought of, and with so many killers these days, there will always be some aspect of killers that are similar to each other.
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I do not care if every other license in this game is a dash killer. I just need FNAF ( springtrap) not to be
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There are limitations to the game. All killers will have a degree of overlap.
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Yeah obviously there are limitations and there are going to be overlap. That is like the most obvious thing. I'm just saying that seeing the same killer be the subject of comparison over and over like Wesker is boring. i do not care if they reuse other powers. I don't think its controversial to say that i don't want spring trap to be another dash killer.
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True but i dont think its even more prevalent than recent. Even looking back in 2022 dredge is pretty unique, knight is too, and skull merchant was. Larry, chucky, unknown, vecna are all unique. I think that xeno, houndmaster, dracula and a little of ken on the ptb but its too early to tell are just so comparable to others. I do not mind getting a killer with super comparable powers but spring trap should not be a copy paste. I really do not want a failure of a chapter that alien was to repeat with FNAF
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I can think of 4 types we haven't had yet.
1. Survivor minic - Killler can transform into a survivor and even work on generators. This would confuse the heck out of solo players but hard countered by comms.
2. Prop Hunt - Killer can transform into a map prop, akin to prop hunt on COD. Can take position inside buildings near gens before surprise attacking.
3. Aerial reconnaissance - Effectively Twins / Houndmaster but an aerial style. Could work like eagle vision in Assassin's Creed. Fly, tag, switch back to ground based killer. Would need to be immune from indoor map selection.
4. Aerial bombardment - Battleship/motar strike style killer who strategically picks locations to attack via the map.
Imo, the PS3 esc game engine is holding the game back from having more advanced/fluent powers.
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I think giving survivors a camera system to use can be a pretty fresh idea, especially if they're placed on gens and the interaction gets redefined.
I don't think a Wesker comparison is likely, mainly because Springtrap doesn't seem like the character to get a dash ability. While the past few killers have gotten backlash for samey power designs, I think there's still more than enough room for a FNAF Animatronic to stand out. Whether that does happen remains to be seen, but it's hard to imagine Springtrap with a version of another killer's power imo
Overall, I'm not wanting anything specific from Springtrap. Just hoping the horror vibe of classic FNAF is brought over instead of a cartoony tone like Security Breach had, and the power not being something like the Fireaxe which has literally no presence in the actual source material.
Post edited by ArkInk on2