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BHVR might be contributing to the issue of "sweaty" gameplay?

It seems like BHVR might be contributing to the issue of "sweaty" gameplay among killers. On one hand, they address player complaints about aggressive tactics like tunneling and slugging by implementing "anti-sweat" mechanics. On the other hand, they continue to introduce Tome challenges that encourage these very behaviors.

Perhaps it's time to reconsider these challenges and introduce more relaxed objectives that don't incentivize toxic gameplay. This way, players can complete challenges without feeling pressured to act unfairly towards the opposing team.

I think challenges like this is much better, as they dont require the killer to play sweaty

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  • Member Posts: 869

    I agree.

  • Member Posts: 2,030

    @buggybug lies! He already made 6 op ed's in various newspapers about how he in fact, does NOT agree! Do not fall for their lieeeeessss, op!

  • Member Posts: 229

    Gold isn't that hard to get. This isn't something I would consider sweat material. You can most likely get this if you play normal in 4-5 matches.

    There are some that I will say do encourage sweating like the 4k missions tho.

  • Member Posts: 275
    edited March 12

    Yes! Finally someone that understands.

    The developers control player behavior with the archives.

    Edit: OP included some more tame challenges. Page 4 of the previous tome began with iridescent killer challenges. Iridescent = play sweaty. I ONLY slug for iridescent gatekeeper challenges.

  • Member Posts: 5,976

    idk, I never really had to go out my way to get any emblem challenge. Didn’t feel like I had to try particularly hard, I mean.

  • Member Posts: 746

    I don't these are good examples of BHVR encouraging sweat behavior, since I can easily earn those by playing in a quite chill manner tbh.

    But I do agree that BHVR does absolutely have a problem with encouraging either sweating, throwing, or just doing things that are deemed "toxic", for lack of a better word, by the community. And the prime example imo is that absurd achievement where survivors must open the door and escape from RPD 20 times. TWENTY. TIMES. When most people complain about map offerings, and RPD offerings at that! And not only must the survivors escape, they must open the door too, meaning that max 2 ppl can get that achievement each match! It's insane.

    Then there are some tome challenges that... Jesus Christ. There are a bunch of survivor challenges that almost ask you to throw the game. I remember there was one demanding that you remain hidden like 10 mts away from the killer for like 60 secs without them finding you. Which can sometimes be achieved by having someone looping the killer very close to your generator and the killer for some godforsaken reason not trying to get you off the gen. But most times it will actually require you to crouch close to where someone else is looping the killer without doing anything else and wasting everyone's time.

  • Member Posts: 583
    edited March 12

    I think the challenge system as a whole needs to be revamped.

    The whole "Do such and such" in a single trial.

    Playing with "such and such specific perk only" and escape. looking at you No Mither challenge.

    I couldn't even do the stun/blind the killer four times in a single trial due to the prevalence of Surge, Pop, Pain Res, and Corrupt (maybe it's my MMR) - I've long neglected these types of challenges because they do not fit my playstyle and I often feel like I am in a way throwing the game to get these challenges done.

    Should just be a general overlay of doing challenges - gold emblems are not hard to get, iridescent ones - yes.

    It's gotten to the point where I just do ones that won't impede my survivor teammates to go and do a challenge, but I might be considered "sweaty" here on the forums for wanting my team to escape. I like to take chase, do gens, unhook people and take protection hits (I literally have trauma from having randoms throw pallets in my face lol). The challenges need to be more lenient, rather than forcing specific playstyles on the survivor.

    Edit: I will say that I do not usually equip a flashlight simply because Lightborne exists, alas I just do not care to get the challenge done anymore. I tried going in with Head On, Flashbang, and Blast Mine and still could not get the challenge done as I figured slapping a flashlight on would cause the killer to bring Lightborne as I see people bring it only when one flashlight is used.

    This is not a Lightborne complaint, I don't care for LB - however, it is to highlight issues when you are in a certain MMR level - you simply cannot run perks like Blast Mine and get value to do these types of challenges in a single trial.

  • Member Posts: 869
    edited March 13

    Well to be honest even killer adept is the same which usually comes with sweaty add ons and tunneling.

    Yeah cause things like use x character or use x perk is terrible.

    Post edited by buggybug on
  • Member Posts: 722

    Tome challenges are a pain on both sides, they promote a particular play style as killer and survivor. When new challenges are available the increase in survivors avoiding gens at all cost just to get X amount of blinds or x amount of stuns or even hiding just to get hatch because the challenge is to escape is crazy. That being said, I don't really see an issue with "playing sweaty". Most multiplayer games are sweaty because it's the nature of one side v another...may the better side win.

  • Member Posts: 2,134

    Challenges should never encourage throwing the match or being overly aggressive....mostly the former over the latter. Cleansing a number of totems, for example, ends up just having weeks of survivors running around doing unnecessary totems instead of actually doing the objective.

  • Member Posts: 10,357

    Toxic gameplay? What does getting emblems have to do with that? And sweating is not being toxic. I know a lot of people in this game believe that, but that doesn't make it true.

  • Member Posts: 8,901

    I feel like alot of times challenges only become an issue when ppl try to do em ASAP. Unless a challenge specifies you must do it in 1 trial, you can generally get partial progress and be good after afew games by playing normally. You don't HAVE to ignore gens to run around the map scaring crows all game. The devs give plenty of time to get challenges done, but it seems ppl wanna race through a while page on day 1.

  • Member Posts: 3,141

    I think its quite the opposite since the proposed xeno changes. What they said about xeno could be paraphrased to skill issue.

  • Member Posts: 3,141

    Not really. The OP claims they're contributing to sweaty gameplay while actively nerfing a killer for something that can be paraphrased as skill issue.

  • Member Posts: 77
    edited March 14

    You kinda missed my point, which is that when i get a "get 4 Iridescent Emblem in one game" as a killer challenge, then i have to sweat, and play dirty some times one match is enough if i get lucky, but often multiple matches if im unlucky and that is not how i wish to play killer and its clearly not what survivors want as well. - This is pushing me to play dirty and toxic, to get the challenges done, unless i want to spend hours trying to get just one challenge done.


  • Member Posts: 6

    So I agree BHVR is accidentally encouraging behaviour in killers that the community doesn't like but not with these archives, getting gold and iri emblems is not hard to achieve and hell to get gold and iris in devout you need to hook not slug. That being said I've started aggressively slugging in my games recently after I had a match where I got hit with two shoulder the burdens one deli and everybody in the lobby had DH, and too be blunt not only have my games been much more fun but they haven't even been close most of the time lately with most of my wins coming at 5 or 4 gens left. There isn't much motivation as a killer to hook anymore, it takes 240 seconds for somebody to bleed out on the ground while 140 seconds to die on hook if you don't count hook time extending perks, not to mention it actually takes longer as you have to carry the survivors to the hook three times which adds up to probably around 15-30 seconds additional in a match which is time you're not actively pressuring plus it gives survivors an opportunity to eliminate all pressure immediately by pallet saving, flash banging or flashlight saving. So you're limiting risk and only giving up 70-85 seconds in time to kill while increasing your ability to keep pressure up. This alone is enough to make it more than worth it to skip hooks but you're also removing the most obnoxious survivor perks from the game, you have somebody dead to rights at a pallet they can't just press a button to extend the loop, nobody aggressively body blocking with endurance and DS, no chance your hook state is erased by shoulder the burden. I get being slugged isn't fun for survivor but it does directly counter all the unfun elements which have been building up over the years on killer side. In order to get killers to engage with protentional unfun elements there needs to be a reward and to be frank you don't get rewarded as killer for hooking anywhere close to the way you used to and for the most part you're actively punished as it gives your opponents their strongest weapons, before BBQs nerf the bloodpoint rewards were a massive incentive to hook and to try and hook everybody, before every gen regression perk got nerfed into the ground pain res and pop would always give good value, now it's mediocre at best, I haven't been running gen regression on basically any killer for well over a year at this point because of how bad it all is. That's my take as a player with 3800 hours who has been playing since 2020.

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