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General Discussions

You guys having fun?


I want to know everyone's thoughts. Who plays swf only? Who's mostly solo/swf/survivor/killer mains?

I know solo q probably has the least fun. I want to know why. Let's open a dialog to see what the common issues people have. :)

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  • Member Posts: 270
    edited March 15

    i am currently having a crapton of fun, on both sides, solo

    once you find your groove this game is amazing

  • Member Posts: 586

    They really need to have better detection for creating accounts on this forum.

  • Member Posts: 572

    Nope, at this point I just want to finish rift and move on to other game.

    BTW this challenges aren't it.

    especially this one:

  • Member Posts: 28

    Lol yeah. Devs think we escape trials. XD

  • Member Posts: 10,369

    I guess I'm having fun. I just need to not face unbeatable teams as killer, and get decent teammates as survivor. Tonight, I got my wish.

  • Member Posts: 132
    edited March 15

    Playing soloq. A bit frustrated with all the server crashes of late. But I understand a lot of stuff is being worked on. I try to be forgiving of my teammates because not everyone has the experience in the game to handle some killers and situations. Everybody has to learn somewhere.

  • Member Posts: 381

    Killer main here in loving the game but I also don't have to go through solo q hell

  • Member Posts: 420

    I thoroughly enjoy killer. I dont play to win I play to jump scare and pull off weird and funny things. A benefit of killer is that they have more power over the mood of the match than survivors so I can do that still.

    As survivor…I hate it. I hate this game as survivor so much. Its not the gameplay either, like the mechanics are fine. Its the players I am paired with that make it the most miserable experience possible. The MMR in this game is so bad, the survivors i get paired with barely have a brain. I genuinely had a streamer in my lobby one time who did not know what a generator looked like. My MMR is NOT that low. I survive enough to where its pretty decent. Survivors are a blast they're so prone to goofing off and being chill. I don't even mind the bully squads because it usually results in me getting a 4k at 5 gens. The survivors I hate are the comp kids that play strictly for tournaments. But killers play like their next meal depends on slugging for the 4k.

    The people who play killer are the real source of my frustration though. They always argue that tunneling and slugging is a valid strategy to win and I'm not entitled to survive. Like yeah, you're right, but why do you feel entitled to my suffering? Why cant you play in a manner that allows everyone to enjoy the game. But then its "well survivors bully or survivors are swf". Most survivors who are swf aren't pro-gamers. Usually just people who are friends wanting to play with friends. Hell most swf you don't even know are swf cuz they're not that great. If i can win virtually every game without tunneling, camping, or slugging, why can't you? IDC about losing, I care about having fun and that aint it.

    The ONLY reason I even touch survivor anymore is to play with my friends (the ones who still play), and get the survivor challenges done. But the survivor challenges are so awful it just increases the frustration.

    TLTR: This game used to be a blast until the hyper-competitiveness took over like a malignant cancer. I miss the days when total domination wasn't a prerequisite for fun in video games

  • Member Posts: 283

    Yes, mostly. I try to force myself to stop playing when I complete the current rift until the next page unlocks. I’ve stopped doing older archives and instead play to have fun now. Sometimes the game is unfair. Sometimes I play bad. But I still overall have fun.

    Playing on comm’s ruins the appeal of DBD to me. I’ve been considering looking into seeing if silent drop-in SWFs exist. All of my hours comes from playing in solo queue.

  • Member Posts: 946

    I mostly play killer, and i have fun because i play friendly.

    But as survivor ut's misserable to be tunneled, camped, and slugged every game. There's like maybe 1-2 games out of 20 where I can have a normal match...

  • Member Posts: 601

    Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?

    On topic, I've been having alright games. It depends on the hour for me, but when I play soloq it's pretty good. I don't have as much people dcing on me when I play.

    SWF is more of a mixed bag for me at times because of the range of MMR levels, but otherwise games are alright in general. - just gotta find fun ways to keep the game from practically burning you out and just taking necessary breaks when needed.

  • Member Posts: 601

    Does the challenge work with Borrowed Time?

    I usually run Deja Vu to prevent three gens, an exhaustion perk of my choice, and two random assortment of perks to help reach the end and escape trials.

    If you find yourself tunneled out or focused on, you can bring an anti-tunneling perk as a third. I try not to have too much anti-tunneling or too much of the same type of category (healing, gen, anti-tunneling, chase) and try to make a more diverse build.

    I think for my last game I've played recently, I played with Kindred, Open-Handed, Deja Vu, and Sprint Burst on my Ace which is nice. It's information and very good for soloq or even a small SWF group.

    For the healing others challenge, it'd be good to run Bond or Empathy on Jane to find people to heal, but best of luck to your challenges. 🫡

  • Member Posts: 728

    Because we do escape trials lol I been doing fine even with useless solo team mates that DC and try to go next

  • Member Posts: 1

    I play 50/50 surv and killer. Usually I have fun but is really annoying to play killer vs a communicated team of 4. Behavior really need to add another type of game in which you play soloQ, more competitive.

    And always is the PC players, that people can’t play solo, always in team, trying to be toxic, really tired of these people.

  • Member Posts: 586

    They have made 3 similar posts that have answers to what they are asking in the last week.

    Account was just made to farm. Not a genuine post.

  • Member Posts: 1,309

    nope gen speed too fast and the gen kick limit alone ruins any gen regression

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    I'm a 100% BP main so I have no allegiances

    I'll play solo if I feel like playing survivor, and SWF when the dbd friends list rats me out.

    There's an ebb and flow to it all. Some events, like Halloween had me spamming Wolf Only Dracula, and the anniversary had me just ignoring how rich everybody was by spamming Weave Franklins. Then there's events like Light's Out and My Little Oni which caught my interest more for survivor.

    Right now I'm only SWFing because I'm not playing on my own. I've been taking a Lil break, but now I definitely am with Kaneki on the way.

  • Member Posts: 228

    For me the excitement died a month ago. I used to play daily and somehow I have 6 hours played in 30 days now. It’s something about the updates. The killer nerfs are annoying and broke my will to keep playing. Mainly Chucky and Xenomorph.

  • Member Posts: 1,048

    I play about 50/50 survivor (solo q) and killer. Survivor side is fun if teammates know what they are doing, but the problem is the non-functional matchmaking. I’ll escape several times in a row and then get matched with someone who has less than 100 hours in the game. Just complete random matchmaking.

    On the killer side, it’s usually fun unless I’m going against a coordinated SWF who cranks out the gens in like 5 minutes or I get sent to a busted map like Eyrie or Badham. In those matches there’s usually no way to secure a kill without playing super scummy.

    Overall, I guess I still enjoy the game quite a lot because I play it far more than any other game.

  • Member Posts: 198
    edited March 15

    1. Because bhvr is into making money, all the new Killers are ridiculously OP, and therefore super torture to face solo Q

    2. Solo Q teams are generally the most novice players, so you can't even count on maybe having a semi decent team, and we have no way to comms not even a quick chat, ehich MOBILE has!!!

    3. BHVR has never EVER listened to the community without at least a year gap before fixing issues

    4. I bring this up every chance I get, Leatherface STILL can hook camp just as hard as release day, even with the anti-camp features they put in, if this isn't a sign of what's wrong with this game idk what is!!!

    5. The people who stream this game are sadistic Aholes, always have been always will be


    6. Matchmaking makes it at least an hour in playing before you can get a match that isn't a MLG pro / streamer so the first hour or maybe even two is just Fing miserable. I've taken to throwing like 5 matches to lower my mmr THEN trying to play, sounds bad but it really cuts down the time to getting into an actually fun match

    Post edited by PubStar87 on
  • Member Posts: 601

    Ah, okay - thanks for letting me know. 😅 Maybe my answer will still apply to others. 😂

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