Oni flicks are staying

I don't know what an Oni fluck even is, but I know this is a concern among players and so I thought I'd share this response from Twitter/X
Maybe they can make it available on Console's too.
Maybe some controller settings, pretty please?
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they definitely should. It's better that every platform is able to do it than having everybody constantly play against most optimal Oni players who would usually just walk you down with power and go for turbozoning
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Chucky sends his regards...
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This would make more sense than removing it (rightfully) and then backing down when a few people complain. It is clearly not intended that he can do it so they either remove it or make it intended. But just having it available on PC and keeping an unintended feature in the game is dumb.
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Omg guys the exploit that a majority of the player base (console players) can't even do is staying!! We love BHVR consistency and balancing 😍
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saying majority of players are on console without any proof is wild
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Makes sense given it wasn't mentioned.
pretty please bhvr?
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Globally the vast majority of the playerbase is on the consoles. The PlayStations are the largest portion, and they outnumber thosw on Steam for example. For exact figures we cannot know due to the various UEA's among the consoles. Steam numbers are easily found.
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If people honestly care about console players and their struggles, then survivor 360s should be nerfed, because it’s not fair that survivors can spin around a killer faster than a controller player can spin their character.
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Am I missing something? Nothing about their response seems to suggest that they're not going to change it, they literally said it's not intended and they're fixing it on release.
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Actually you're right, the language in the tweet is kinda vague. I interpreted it as the change being unintended and it'll be reverted by the time it hits live, but one absolutely can read it as the flick is unintended and they plan on going through with the fix for it. Might need further clarification on BHVR's end.
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I think they are saying fixing it was unintended. So the unintended fix to an unintended exploit...is being fixed. But not the actual exploit that has been abused for years.
Thanks guys, can't wait for the next 4 man slug Oni match with no counterplay. Because skill expression means "my opponent's input doesn't matter because I can use an exploit to hit them regardless of what action they take".
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Mandy posted this earlier:
Here is the link to the thread:
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ngl I have a feeling this was definitely intentional but the backlash was too strong so the devs had to keep it and say it’s unintentional. I guarantee if no one found out the flick was gone in the ptb it would’ve went to live and they wouldn’t have reconsidered it.
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Missed that, thank you.
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Because it is like that.
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just goes to show how much of the whiny crybabies the community makes up and who the devs listen to.
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Dbd was free on PS and is available for anybody to play on Gamepass. I myself don't even own dbd
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So some killers get to keep exploits while others don't?
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How are survivor 360s fair for controller killer players, since it allows survivors to spin around a killer, faster than a controller killer player can turn their camera? A killer being able to follow a survivor that is doing a 360 around them, is a PC only thing.
So if we really cared about controller players, then let's nerf 360s.
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how is it off topic? You weere literally the one trying to pinpoint PC advantages over controllee by acting like 180s are such a big deal.
Additionally, Oni doesn't constantly get his power like Blight and Chucky do :)
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How about we just keep the advantages and disadvantages (to a certain extend) of every plattform and just accept it? as far as I remember mouse and keyboard is coming to consoles anyways, so there's not even a need to invest a huge amount of money to switch then.
Controllers are especially for games where you want to look around quickly or precisely very bad, so I don't think we should nerf killers for all because the obviously worse way to controll a character can't do that. We should simply make the controls with Controllers as good as possible and try to get as close to m&k as possible (in this case would mean simply make it available for consoles player too), but I don't think we will ever get it 100%, because controllers simply are at a disadvantage because of how they work.
Balancing after controllers inability to do certain things would only make the game more boring.
(Btw this is kinda meant as an awnser to you, but I wrote it as awnser to you more because it fits pretty much for what I wanted to say. Just so you're not confused xD)
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Good I don't even have to discuss more with you because I even reasoned my point and you ignored it lol. Welp, they won't balance for controller fully ever anyways, so you do your thing ^^
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It wasn't in the patch notes.
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They already did that years ago. It was most obvious when slugs could 360, and now you have to crawl in a circle.
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- A Dev has tweeted about it being intended. (Tweet is now deleted)
- This would not have been the first undocumented change.
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360s are still in the game, and they still unfairly punish controller killers. This is an objective fact.
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This wouldn't have been the first time a dev was misinformed about something, either.
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They were even set to fix this at some point too, by giving survivors new running animations. But too many people complained and they didn't go through. "I can't 360 anymore!" "It's too hard to 360!" "The movement feels awkward!" Imagine all the terrible stuff in this game that's tied to how survivors currently move. Like when people say, "Huntress shouldn't have hit me! Broken hitboxes!" Yes, hitboxes which you didn't want fixed, and instead want to stay with the hunched forward running animation where your character's heel has an invisible giant hitbox.
The 360s are a serious problem. If they weren't so effective, survivors would never do them. But if they get a hint that you're a console player, they'll start doing it, and get absolutely free dodges when they should've got hit. Then they call it skill and/or the killer being bad. And it literally encourages what the most popular survivor content is, which is bullying baby killers, like "Look! 360ing a killer 8 times in a row! Lol!"
I've managed to counter 360s, mostly, like spinning my camera, as they spin around me, to hit them. But other survivors know how to do the full 360s which are actually uncounterable, because they force the aim dress. They say "Just wait for the spin to finish and hit them," but then they're still running at full speed and actually make the pallet/window, because you had to "step back" as they tell you to do to hit them. Except it doesn't lead to a hit, because they if they do it anywhere even close to a loop, they make it there safe.
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Yeah, they had a real chance here to do balance and give actual counterplay. They chose not to, the one time their spaghetti code led to a good change.
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There are two 360 scenarios…
1: The survivor 360s in a way to help exploit a bug in aim dressing, where the survivor will be in range of the proximity check, but then out of range of the hit validation check. This problem affects M+KB and controller killers pretty much the same.
2: The survivor 360s in a way to help exploit the hardware limitations of controller camera turning, because the survivor does the 360 around the killer. This is the scenario where aim dressing actually helps M+KB killers, because if they hold M1 and quickly spins their camera in a circle, then aim dressing will functionally auto-aim on the survivor because the proximity check will trigger even if the killer doesn't actually know where the survivor is. However, controller players literally can't spin their camera fast enough to trigger aim dressing, so they are at a severe disadvantage.
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I'm really looking forward to the kb/m support update. I've been asking for this FOREVER.
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That's good I can't say much to that myself, but I hope for you it works as good as you hope :D
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I USE to play on PC, so I can feel the difference. It's agrivating when I just can't turn fast and accurate enough to get a hit I KNOW I would've hit before.
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Ah yes I agree, I played it maybe 3 times on controller. Especially switch was bad, but that's his own thing with the 10 fps it feels like xD
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Which platform do you play on now? What do you set Killer Camera Sensitivity to?
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Oh right, because survivors never managed exactly same thing, right?
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Praise be.
Consoles are set to be getting keyboard and mouse support, so that argument isn't all that compelling (never was to begin with, as you are not playing Oni against other Onis), and in general I think Oni's 180° flicks are a desireable aspect of his kit. Without them he becomes much more boring as cancelling the dash close to a survivor and then just following and demon-striking them from up close would much more often be optimal. And on shorter loops you would basically be forced to just walk after the survivor. At the very least Topknot (or a substantial % of it) should become basekit if 180° flicks were to be removed.
I would also note that Oni being a pure M1 killer for long stretches of matches (and particularly in the early game of course) calls for a very powerful ability to make up for it. Flicks also open up counterplay for survivors, who can anticipate and dodge them, punishing overeager killers.
While there are things I could see changing about Oni (such as stuff to do with passive charge rate), as somewhat of an Oni main I'm perfectly content with the state he is in now. Pick and kill rates and tournament performances are also all testament to how balanced and well-designed he is. So yeah, 180° flicks are something BHVR will hopefully leave in the game, like they have for many years now despite announcing they would be removed as far back as when Oni was released.
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exactly, but i would especially like to point out this part:
I think Oni's 180° flicks are a desireable aspect of his kit. Without them he becomes much more boring as cancelling the dash close to a survivor and then just following and demon-striking them from up close would much more often be optimal. And on shorter loops you would basically be forced to just walk after the survivor.
people don't even realize how boring optimal way to play Oni is. Dash is basically used for map traversal in 90% of cases and he just walks you down on any slightly tighter loop.
Logic behind acting like "omg 180s are boring" would be the same as saying Huntress orbitals are op while most of your matches are gigaboring Huntresses who just turbozone you by faking their hatchets.
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I was playing on switch for awhile, now I'm on PS5. My camera sensitivity is just the default. You kinda have to trade speed for control when you ramp it up, which makes it hard to play some tiles when you have to do things like turn 180 degrees as huntress while quickly focusing on a window to play killershack or something. Didn't have a problem doing that on PC with a mouse. I play alot less Huntress now.
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I increased the killer sensitivity a bit from the default on PS4. When I tried to change the Switch sensitivity to match, the framerate couldn't handle it and it felt like the camera was always swinging wildly out of control. I have to keep sensitivity on Switch much lower than on PS4, so killer is either unplayable because the camera is unhinged or it's unplayable because survivors move faster than I can.
Analog sticks just can't compare to the precision of a mouse. Even in games with dead zone and response curve settings, the precision isn't mouse-level. DbD can't be bothered to have those settings despite no aim assist, no optional crosshair, and multiple ranged killers.
I can't stand Huntress on console. I tried playing her on PC for a minute when I had a chance and my lord, the difference. Not just being able to aim with the mouse but also the lack of input lag. It felt lovely.
People always talk of sensitivity, but the input lag difference between PC and console becomes very noticeable and impactful with things like skill checks and Huntress hatchets.
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Even simple things is just SO much slower. Doing the double vault mindgame is slower because while I can turn 180 on a mouse in no time at all, it takes so much longer on controller. It's mindblowing why there hasn't been kb/m support for this long. I can use it on OTHER games...but not DBD.
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I wasn’t making this an us vs. them argument. I was stating that the complainers and whiners make up a lot of the community and the devs tend to cater to them a lot.