How is chaos shuffle treating you so far?

Because i played 3 matches and so far 2x nurse and 1 deathslinger
I wonder why i should play it.
Normal incentives , no event tome, no badge, no banner.
So its normal mode just you escape even less because you have no control over your perks?!
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Did anything change? Because if the addons aren't random, and you can take offerings, then it's not real chaos. Again. For the 3rd time.
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nope, still the same.
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Easy pass from me then, I need to read the Tokyo Ghoul Manga anyways
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my ping is 140
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I hoped people would be more chill, but no :(
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I have games all the time where the killer sweats like crazy and slugs all 4 survivors. Maybe I should hop on survivor for awhile...
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Horrible. Killers are taking advantage of the fact that there’s no guarantee anti tunnel or anti slug perks so most of my matches have been the killer hard tunneling off rip and then hard slugging when there is 1-2 gens left. It’s miserable…
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i'd really love a random character select as an option at least! 100% agree with items, offerings and addons. I know killers have different mmr, just select a killer for us and don't show it to us in the lobby (with the randomized addons obv).
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Random Characters goes a little bit far. If I want to play Billy, I want to play Billy and not suddenly be on Freddy.
I also dont even think that Add Ons, Items or Offerings would need to be random. Just disabling them would be enough. I just hate how people sweat in Chaos Shuffle, which is supposed to be a fun mode by bringing 4 Medkits, the best Add Ons or a Map which benefits them the most.
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Discordance + Make Your Choice + Franklins + Deathbound on Oni vs. StB, Vigil, DS and OTR in enemy team
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we are playing it, but done with this mode. Got 5 gen tunneled out most matches, while queues are 10 minute long at least. I spend basically all my6 time in queue. Or you get slugged. Its really isnt fun. Most killer perks are good, while surv has way to many meme perks. So as a surv, you are just screwed with a random loadout. Its basically a free pass for anyone that wants to slug or tunnel.
Cant recommend this mode at all, we are going back to normal mode. Not touching this ever again.
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Surprisingly, most of my games have been incredibly chill so far (but perhaps not so chill for the Killers because my lobbies are chock full of TTV SWFs right now). Despite this, the Killers I've had haven't played "sweaty" at all. Not one has returned to hook to tunnel or proxy camp or any of the usual stuff, so I've escaped quite a bit.
Of course my luck will change and I'll no doubt have my fair share of sweaty trials. Such is the way of all things DBD. Chaos Shuffle is my favourite modifier though, so I'm more inclined to take the rough with the smooth regardless of how the trials go.
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I tried playing Leatherface, Ghostface, and Clown….. It sucked ass. tons of flashlights and BNPS. Really shows how bad most killers are and how badly needed gen perks are.
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Yep, just went on to play a few games and incentive was higher on regular mode. Saw no point in Chaos Shuffle. Not even a tome? Lazy.
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First match me and one other survivor had no mither
Second match well… im writting this as im slugged at 4 gens.
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So far so good. No issues here. I have gotten a different killer each time. So that was nice.
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I'm having fun. I've said this every time chaos shuffle has been available but it is so nice to be able to just play the game and not see the same builds every single match. It's genuinely refreshing on both sides
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I refuse to play chaos mode. Purely because I have worked hard on my collection of perks to be able to select whats needed for what killer. Why would I optionally have random perks? Certain killers need certain perks. Myers with no play with your food or any stealth on a autohaven for example is going to get looped for most of the match
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Chaos Shuffle going the same way it did last time purely killer sided concidering mist survivour perk are completely dog ######### bad and killer over her getting pop and pain rez and grim every other game seems to be pre determined loadouts for killers and for survivour it seems like they took out all the useful perks and put them on a verry low change to spawn as your build and increased the potential of getting just completely ######### perk like yesterday I play 5 game in a row all game were totem cleanse build. Out 8 game 2 of my perk were rolled from this verry small pool of mabe 15 usless perks just to make the build bad plus the pure fact that most killer perks are god at their job with just 1 but their are mutiple perks that do the exzact same thing and by a quite fat margin even if the survivour debated an entire 4 perk build to counter 2 perks
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I do not play it as there is no reason to.
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Bloodpoints incentive would be also appreciated! As it still is event mode
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Even last time, there was at least the tome, now it's nothing.
I wonder why did they even bother with it atm.
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I personally find it a fun mix-up of the norm!
A test of my knowledge of the perks based on icons alone without having to check the pause menu, and also a challenge to try to get some value out of perks I wouldn't typically choose.That said……
If I get one more game when I get either No Mither or Scene Partner! 😤
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every game swf with 4 iri medkit addons or bully with flashlights, it feels like if the survivors don't win in fun mode game they will die in the real world
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Every game? Thats some bad luck lol.
Or they've been slugged every game and medkit iri's are the counter.
Most things Ive learned are reactionary in this game. Maybe they had a bad game prior to meeting you. Im trying here lol
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I go in expecting casual since its randomized with no meta. But end up with the whole team slugged or whoever touches a generator first gets turbo tunneled. 95% of the rounds ive had.
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Well for some reason I only got one 4 maps in 12 games, also there are a lot of teams with 3 sometimes even 4 flashlights with maps offerings. So randomness in maps isn't really there and flashlights are a little bit brutal sometimes xD
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And teams with 3-4 flashlights and map offerings are better? Gens are also super fast because there's no slowdown, chase or sometimes even anything you're working with. If you're not playing a higher tier killer but something like legion, you're especially losing gens fast xD
Both sides take advantage of the absence of anything usefull on the other side. But that's kinda the point of this gamemode - if they wanted to give you the things you normally have as a baseline, they would've done it.
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”Gen rushing” like there’s other objectives to do as survivor. When killers snowball and get hook after hook it’s not called “hook rushing” it’s called doing their objective. I’m sorry but just because the game isn’t built around not having slowdown doesn’t mean survivors are Gen rushing. Maybe the survivor you’re chasing is just good enough to hold their own and keep you away from gens. I do agree that the lack of slowdown causes the killer to panic and tunnel but that doesn’t mean survivors are Gen rushing. What else are survivors supposed to do? Twittle their thumbs for 40 seconds while the killer chases another survivor?
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Chaos shuffle's going great for me had one match as trickster on rpd got 11 hooks and a mori with 1 gen left.
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Please show me the exact row where I wrote "Gen rush"/"Gen rushing" even once, I'd be really interested to see that.
Also I didn't say that survivors should do anything else - I simply said that both sides don't have slowdown or chase/anti-tunnel, so gens aswell as kills are pretty quick. Also except ghostface and I think one more killer I don't remember exactly, I won every single round yesterday - so my chase is not the problem. The game simply isn't balanced around not having slowdown/anti-tunnel.