What one thing do you miss from each side?

For example, I miss old Dead hard despite it being busted. Yes, it was hella busted. But also fun.
I'd say something akin to a regression perk or something as killer, but I play Trapper, and none of my perks have been touched, so lucky me!
What about you? Hoping to perhaps have fun discussions about 'If you had X back as killer, would it be worth if survivors got Y back?' type of things lol. Thank you!
edit: grammar
I miss old pain res. It at least helped slow down my killer matches lol and still left some room for some other fun perks to be used
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Old dh
Old iron will
Old self care.
Ability to use any exhaust perk with iron will was chefs kiss.
Endurance stacking and great wiggle skill checks giving bonus wiggle speed and lesser hooks. OK I know you said one thing but friend there definitely is more than one lol.
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Would love a 1 regression perk meta lol
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Well, if we're gonna pine for old busted stuff that has no business in the game, I miss the old moris (when you could kill someone before their second hook).
Or maybe old Ruin/Undying
And from the surv side I'll actually say old medkits. Like soup up your green medkit and get multiple 8 seconds heals. Paired with Built to Last? Dirty.
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Tbh, the old mori system was more in line with the 'horror' side of things. The Entity doesn't like it when a killer Mori's prematurely…. but that sure as hell shouldnt stop them lol. Ah well, good days.
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Yes, old moris were hilarious. My favorite thing to do was hook someone with Trapper, hide behind something nearby with Insidious then run out and mori the guy as soon as his feet touched the ground
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I miss the old sabotage mechanic where you could 99 the hooks, it was so good to see them fall one after the other.
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I miss 5 sec DS stun.
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I hope the FNAF killer and Singu get to have a bot arena style fight lol
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I am the true robo around here. No mechanical teddy bear will change that 😏
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I miss the original Freddy.
The current version is much better than the first rework, and currently my second favourite killer, but his original power is still my favourite power that they've made. I miss my old main :(
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Like old, old Freddy? Man its been a LONG time…
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Everyone's saying Old Dead Hard, but I can't say I miss it cause I never really used it, lol.
I do miss old DS (Because it shut down tunneling to some extent.)
Old med kits (Cause those were nerfed unnecessarily and I STILL don't agree with having a slowed self-heal with a MED-KIT)
Old Self-Heal. (They gutted the HELL out of this perk.)
Iron Will did not need the nerf it got.0 -
This may not be related but old portraits and some characters faces. Example I remember when Mikala had a pretty cute smile in lobbies until they bug her face, Felix face and Jakes face and never fixed them to this day and time. During twins scrap rework patch they bugged Leon and Chris and have not fixed it back to what it was just barely.😒
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For killer we'd say old Freddy, he was the most unique killer before being reworked and we miss true jumpscare Freddy.
For survivors we'd say instant up medkits. Utterly stupid, deserved the nerfs, but we won't deny we miss the bs we could pull off with them.
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I miss OG Freddy. Playing him with class photo was great. I'd tag everyone, then just sneak up with his small TR to do some hit and run.
For survivor, I'm gonna say spinechill. It gave you a pretty good indication of the killer's intentions without ever SEEING them. If I'm in the TR, but it's turning on and off... the killer is getting looped nearby. If it DOESNT turn off, he's checking my gen.
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I miss Deathslinger's old terror radius 😆
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how absolutely ridiculously foggy you could make the map.
og maps and keys because it just made everything absolutely chaotic.
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I miss one gen regression perk being enough for all killers.
I miss moon offerings.
I miss dark maps.
I miss being able to blendette
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Skybilly amd Medkits being unique.
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Skull Merchant :(
Chucky's legs :((
Unlimited gen kicks :(((2 -
My take on this is the following: - Yes it is more than one thing per side, but these are my top 3
Killer side:
- Old Ruin (Red skillchecks)
- Old BBQ - with stacking BP for unique hooks (anti-tunnel incentive right there)
- Old Iri Head on Huntress 😇
Survivor side:
- Old medkits, unique from eachother
- The old sabotage mechanic
- Flashlights could burn killers out of their power.
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Should just be permanent-1 -
As a killer: Stbfl with the ability to keep stacks by using m2.
Using the ambush on Pig as means to build up stacks and prevent them from going down felt like a secondary objective to my killer matches.
I still use it every game, its just not as fun to play around the obsession anymore.
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Yes, I miss old Botany + Self-Care + Green Medkits.
And ngl, I miss the old DC's (the ones with no bots).
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og premonition
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I miss Boon: Circle of Healing on Survivor and I miss my Dream Pallets that couldn't stun me and weren't obvious to Survivors.
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I miss having fun
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gone too soon. we finally had it back but it only lasted 1 patch. It’s an anti tunnel perk that works once a game, it SHOULD have that nice long 5 second punishing stun. Ever since the nerf to 4 seconds when I use DS on killers they’ll just power through it and still chase after me within a couple seconds.
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Would be great if they had a change of policy with the game to put fun above all else.
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I could go on and on but here’s my most notable ones:
-Old dh (not even og dh but when dh was an actual exhaustion perk that could be used an infinite amount of times as long as u were injured and not exhausted)
-5 second ds with it activating during endgame
-adrenaline before 7.7.0
-200% ruin
-flat 25% pop
-old spine chill my beloved💔
-old iron will (bhvr PLEASE get rid of the exhausted condition, it wasn’t even a OP perk it was more of a qoL and comfort perk)
-50% self heal self care
-bbq and wglf bp aspects
-Billy before the 4.1.0 and 8.3.0 nerf
-blight hugtech and old speed addons
-old corrupt
-og pain res and dms
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- wglf and bbq BP stacks
- old iron will
- old DH
- old medkits and healing speed
- deathslinger quick scope
- old haddonfield was amazing
- old coldwind farm maps with dark colours, new coldwind its scary at all and on top of that terrible for surviviors, espacially with new tiles
- spine chill + resilience combo
- botany knowledge before 6.1.0 with 33% healing speed and +33% medkit efficiency
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Insidious Bubba for survivor and killer. I liked this tradition.
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Mostly I just miss bugs that were really funny. Broken animations, models distorting in weird ways, incorrectly sized props, survivors flying around in mid-wesker-throw pose. My favorite was the one where if someone went down in deep wound their model got HUGE and distorted for like one frame.
Obviously that stuff needs to get fixed but it’s always funny when it’s happening.1 -
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I should also add the old Prove Thyself with a 100% bonus to co-op BP
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We know you said only one thing per side but we wanna add some of the old visuals like at coldwind as seen in warp1die's picture. We miss seeing some of the spooky maps.
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Noone’s said it yet so I have to, you know it was coming everyone:
Oh, and also red Borgo.
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1 thing I miss from both sides is the ability to play a match without someone DC or go next at the slightest thing. It's almost every match these days, rare I have a match where no one DC or go next at some point in the match.
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I was thinking about old red Borgo last night. I also miss the Temple of Purgitation map where the sky was dark blue before it was reworked.
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It was dark blue wasn’t it? Great memory haha 😄
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sometimes I miss insidious face camping bubba, and I say this as survivor. Just because the meme of it all. Then I remember how absolutely boring just doing gens against that was to get out.
Or memeing little ducks survivor and you just squat walk behind the killer the whole game while they would swat to keep us in line.
Slug racesRed light , green light, go at the gates with the killer.
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I feel like he should be the only killer allowed to face camp, and it has to be part of his basekit abilities, they can do it 1 time per match.