Slugging in chaos shuffle.

I keep getting games where the killer keeps trolling, and slugs all 4 survivors down, and we are left there to bleed out. I keep getting a dc penality cause I keep running into these games only in chaos shuffle where the killer likes to troll. It's making me not enjoy DBD when I am being punished for leaving a match where the killer likes to troll. I guess I shouldn't play chaos shuffle then.


  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 647

    It depends on the game situation. If you see a survivor working on a gen around a downed survivor, or if you know you will be able to fix it while hooked, you may want to slug it out. This game has an element of reversal for the killer if it is before the 5 gen is completely fixed.

    As for the tunnel, if the killer fails to pull the gen regression park by shuffling, the greatest pressure on the survivor is to cut one person from the field, so it is no surprise. As for this, the game's system is at fault, as tunnels can be completed even from above the tunnel countermeasure, and the survivor-friendly act of spreading hooks can easily complete the gen.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,555

    Report the ten minute bleed out in the bug reports, it shouldn't be that long.

  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 408

    Maybe next time they bring back chaos shuffle will be better.

    Remember that we probably will have access to anti-slugging and anti-tunneling features.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,987
    edited March 19

    Which killer(s) are we talking aboit in this thread regarding 4 man slugging and hardcore camping/tunneling?

    Cause if it's Nurse, Blight, Hillbilly, Spirit, Twins etc... fair enough.

    If it's Myers, Legion, Clown, Bubba, Pig, etc... then skill issue.

    Slugging the whole team to death with a none mobile m1 killer doesn't work unless the survivors mess up and allow it. Same for hardcore tunneling, if you use the 70s hook timers fully to your advantage you can completely mess up basic killers.

    However yes, the highly mobile, highly lethal killers can do these things and are kinda lame for doing so... so context is important in this discussion.

  • joeyspeehole
    joeyspeehole Member Posts: 194

    Yeah, I mean, there is a significant difference between slugging everyone and hooking them versus slugging everyone and spinning in circles or ringing the bell for four minutes. I'm not trying to support slugging with this comment; I’m simply agreeing that there comes a point where reporting the behavior to Behaviour is necessary.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 920

    Kudos to yall playing this mode, unless it was a tome challenge, am not wasting my time on it because I do not like it.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 985

    killers have easier time tunneling, survivors have easier time splitting gens

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 289

    BHVR really needs to do something about this.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,206

    Does this mean that we care about bully SWFs that purposely try to make killers feel miserable? Or do we only care when survivors feel miserable?

    Because if we care about survivors being bled out on the ground, then we should also care about bully SWFs.

  • Orvarihusklumpen
    Orvarihusklumpen Member Posts: 166

    Completely randomized perks + a lot of the perks you get are not in synergy with each other nor are they good in the first place. Killers tunnel or slug to create pressure. Majority of the killers that do this don't do this outta spite, it's to create pressure and force a 3v1 quickly or force someone to pick up the slugged survivor.

  • Glaive
    Glaive Member Posts: 111

    You wont want to hear this, but slugging is viable careless to what the game type is.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 295

    Just a note: Openly admitting to a DC here can get you warned or temp banned IIRC. You might want to be careful about that 😂

    But, main topic, I whole heartedly agree with you that it's egregious on how they're behaving.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,314

    I haven’t played it yet but was planning to, but after reading this I don’t think I will be playing chaos shuffle. Shame it could have been fun to see both sides working with whatever was dealt and seeing if it was feasible.

  • THE_Crazy_Hyena
    THE_Crazy_Hyena Member Posts: 416

    It's the same in every "fun" mode these days. It's always the sweatiest and easiest way possible, and that goes for both sides.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 899

    Wild that so many people here just get slugging killers for dozens of games in a row and yet I never have it happen to me or see it happen to any of the streamers I watch. Wild, just wild.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 824

    The curse of high MMR, maybe?

    I'm grateful that I haven't seen a whole lot of tunneling or slugging. I didn't get a single escape this morning without the Killer using those tactics. I came back to regular mode and got one escape...through hatch. :\

  • LordDeathly
    LordDeathly Member Posts: 13
    edited March 19

    You mean admitting to my whole team being slugged out on the ground while the killer watches us bleed out at 5 gens? No this isn't a strategy. This wasn't some 3v1 scenario. This was at 5 gens a killer has my whole team on the floor while he is standing there bleeding us out. If this wasn't a issue then why are they adding in a surrender option in the next update for this exact scenario? Hmmm I wonder. 🤔

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,206

    Why should people care if killers are purposely trying to annoy survivors, if the majority of players don't care when literal SWF bully squads are purposely trying to annoy killers?

    We should care about both or neither.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,206

    Complaining about SWFs is a good way to get massively downvoted, and complaining about being slugged is easy upvotes. That's the difference.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,314
  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,314
    edited March 19

    it’s against the rules, and stated on the forum homepage. People get it that it sucks, that’s why something is being done about it, but don’t be that person when someone was trying to go out of there way and be nice and warn you in case you don’t know by saying “hey you can’t do that on the forums” just take the note that you can’t do that, try not to do that in the future on here. and express your frustrations that made you want to on here @LordDeathly

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 295

    I'm trying to save you, lol. I've been where you are and i've done what your doing. I used to make forums and posts about how solo q was bad and killers were being scummy, trashy, always playing sweaty for 4ks, being overly toxic.

    I made the same mistake of admitting (Years ago.) That I DC'd on a match because I ran into the same huntress 3 TIMES IN A ROW ON CONSOLE and caught a temporary ban of like 2 or 3 months by a certain mod.

    I still and will NEVER agree with how that situation was handled, but it's happened and I'm trying to prevent it for you.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,425

    Just a reminder that the Obsession status had to be made random because killers were metagaming who had anti tunnel perks and who didn't

    This mode is terrible

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 614

    I understand it feels like comparing apples to oranges. But sometimes conversations sortve trickle into others. It’s like someone complaining about lightborn. But you can’t talk about why lightborn is important unless you bring up flashlights/flashbangs. So then the conversation goes to flashlights, to saves, to hooks etc. Sometimes the conversations sortve branch out from the roots but it’s all still connected to the same tree. Still though, sorry if my conversation annoyed you. It wasn’t my intent.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,206

    That's not the correct analogy. When killers say they are having a bad day because of gen rushing, survivors will say "your definition of gen rush isn't valid. You're not having a bad day".

    How is that empathic? How is it empathic to tell other people their complaints aren't valid?

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 967

    As a killer, I go for the 4K, but i dont slug camp or tunnel...

    So far the games have been entertaining, only 2 hackers (i think they were hackers, faster than bloodlust 3 the entire game), the rest were fair matches, even when 75% of fhe perks are usually trash

  • PapaEmeritus69
    PapaEmeritus69 Member Posts: 29

    A team getting 4 man slugged at 5 gens is not the fault of the killer, like ever. But any killer who maliciously bleeds out 4 people is pretty lame.

    That said, you always have to take in consideration the perspectives of the players. Tunneling and camping can be pretty obvious sometimes but other times it's simply because the killer has no other good option. I'll try to spread my hooks out as much as possible, Win or lose. But if I happen to only see the injured guy that just got unhooked, I'm going for him sometimes. But it can look and feel like tunneling to them.

    Either way. I'm enjoying the mode for what it is on both sides. Haven't had any 4 man bleed out sluggers yet lol.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,206

    I’m not saying killers have it worse. I’m literally saying we should care about BOTH sides or neither side.

    And the fact that slugging takes away player agency, isn’t a valid reason for it to be changed. DBD is a freeze tag game. It’s normal for survivors to be stuck on a hook, which removes player agency. Being slugged on the ground, isn’t less player agency than being stuck on a hook, (except for hook ragequitting, which is against the game rules).

  • ChuckingWong
    ChuckingWong Member Posts: 683

    Regular que is no better.

    First game of the day.
    Slug fest, even had a bon expo build didnt matter.

    3rd game. Tunnel out at 5gens and slug the rest.

    Back to playing killer. Since you cant play an entire half of this game anymore

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,988

    Yeah, as expected.

    The game is balanced around survivors taking anti-tunnel perks, and killers taking gen defense perks. What happens when neither side can do those things? Killers hard tunnel because gens fly without gen defense, and survivors hard gen rush because killers hard tunnel survivors out as fast as possible.

    Its a horrible mode and i don't understand why people like it.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,988
    edited March 20

    I agree with that. Saying its because it "takes away agency" is not really that valid.

    The reality is the game is designed in such a way that survivors play a game, and the killer actively takes away the survivor agency by putting them on a "time out". Everything a killer does to a survivor takes away their agency.

    The idea of freeze tag is a good analogy.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,206

    People don't actually expect both sides of the game to show empathy. This is proven by the upvote/downvote system on these forums, where the majority of the time, it's very survivor sided.

    This means that a lot of survivor players are voting in their own self interest, instead of voting out of empathy. It also implies that killers show empathy for survivor problems, way more often than survivors show empathy for killer problems.

  • upsideinsanity
    upsideinsanity Member Posts: 122

    and guess what, there are already killers that have made comments like "I cant wait for the surrender option so I dont have to look for my slugs anymore and will make the game end quicker"

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 614

    I’m trying to understand the goal of this discussion because every time I address a point, the focus shifts.

    First, you said people don’t care when SWFs annoy killers, so why should they care when killers annoy survivors? I pointed out that plenty of people do care about SWF, and it’s widely discussed.

    Then, you shifted to saying SWF complaints get downvoted while slugging complaints get upvoted. I explained that this isn’t proof that one side is ignored, just that there are more survivor players, and the issues of gen rushing and slugging are viewed differently.

    Next, you argued that survivors dismiss killer frustrations by saying, “gen rush isn’t real,” and that’s a lack of empathy. I pointed out that both "sides" do this. Killers tell survivors to “just loop better” all the time. And ironically, you started this conversation by dismissing OPs frustration in the same way you're accusing others of doing to you.

    After that, you pivoted to saying slugging doesn’t need to change because survivors already lose agency on hook. But that contradicts your earlier complaint—if dismissing killer frustrations is bad, why is dismissing survivor frustrations fine?

    Now instead of addressing that, you’re arguing that survivors lack empathy because of forum upvotes. But upvotes don’t measure empathy, they measure agreement. More survivor players means survivor-favored opinions get more engagement. That’s not a lack of empathy, it’s just math. That’s like saying Blight has less empathy for survivors than Wraith does just because his kill rates are higher.

    At this point, I don’t know what we’re actually talking about. If the point keeps shifting, how can we make progress? Discussions work best when both people engage with each other’s points instead of replacing them with new ones. So, what exactly are we trying to resolve here? If the goal is fairness, then dismissing the other "sides" frustrations, like you did at the start, doesn’t align with that goal.

    If you want to discuss killer frustrations, I encourage you to make your own post about it. There are plenty of very frustrating things that killers have to deal with. And if you're really frustrated and just need to vent that's totally understandable and I'm sorry you're dealing with that frustration. But hijacking someone else’s post just to invalidate their frustration and insist yours are worse isn’t the way to do it.

  • imabakedpot8o
    imabakedpot8o Member Posts: 37

    Ego-ers gonna ego. They get off on "punishing" survivors and taking advantage of the lack of anti-slugging. The jokes on them though they might win but everyone in the lobby looks at them like they're an embarrassment. Also they're the reason we're getting anti-slug (of some kind) in the future. So lets thank them for making out games a bit easier in the long run. :) Also if you encounter someone like this just know they're probably really miserable.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,708

    That's assuming that the issues are of equal validity or concern, otherwise you're ascribing a lot of tribalism to a difference of opinion.