What is considered 'winning' to you?

The game's win conditions are usually enough for me; kill at least three survivors if I'm on killer, or escape if I'm on survivor.
I don't usually tie my satisfaction in a match to whether I won or lost, though. Doing archive challenges, successfully getting value from a gimmick build, or even just getting one kill against a really good team can be enough for me to be satisfied with the match even if I lost.
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Have fun on both sides. There are matches that are so intense that you are anxious to know how it will end. When you manage to turn around a game that seemed lost, it's so good.
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3 kills. Simple as that, and works for me since I don't discriminate and just attack whoever I find first.
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Any game where my survivor teammates aren't buffoons.
a ridiculous but amusing person; a clown.
"they are simply incompetent buffoons who have no idea what they are doing"
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If my heartrate tops 110 or if I laugh/smile at all in the match.
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As long as 2+ of the points are filled we feel like we've won.
As killer:
7+ hook states
Killed the most annoying survivor/ Object of Obsession
Finished a rift/achievement
Had fun
As Survivor:
Finished a rift/achievement
Died a hero
Had fun
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As a survivor if you escape you won, as killer anything above 2 kills is a win.
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I don't consider escaping or killing as a win. For me, winning is all about how much fun I had during the trial. I'll often die during the EGC to get my teammates out of the trial or let survivors finish generators if I feel like I'm getting too many downs / hooks within a short amount of time. I don't really consider curb stomping a team of solo players or being a gen jockey all game whilst the killer proxy camps / tunnels my teammate(s) a win as those matches aren't engaging at all for me. I think when I started prioritising fun over trying to 'win' I started having way more fun with this game and it takes the unnecessary pressure off.
Now don't get me wrong, when I play I don't intentionally throw games or anything like that and I will try to escape a trial or kill 3/4 survivors. It's just not the be-all and end-all.2 -
Survivor, for me, I don't even have to escape! I just want a good amount of Killer interaction (chases, hiding, escaping chases) and Survivor interactions (saving, healing, protecting).
As Killer, I am a little harder on myself and I need a 3K minimum to feel like I've "won".
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With Survivor, either escaping or having at least one really good chase.
For Killer, I often play ranged killers so even if I don't get many kills if I have a really really nice down or two, then I'm happy.
Mostly, a "win" is just a game where I had fun.4 -
Funny moment
Being a hero.
2 or more of the following
3 kills
Killing an annoying survivor
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4k with no opened gates
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More than two kills or more than two survs escaped works for me. Hatch is ehhhhhh.
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A win for me is if I had fun and feel like I haven't wasted my time. That's all. I'm simple.
Whether I'm a killer or a survivor, I don't have to escape or kill the survivors to see it as a win for me.
I want to feel like it's worth my time. I want good interactions with each other without toxicity. I want to feel good while playing, not miserable. If I had a good time it´s a win for me.
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Having accounts created to farm removed.
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3 kills as killer escaping as survivor anything less isn't winning
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I consider a lot of different things as win.
- Killing an annoying survivor
- Having a fun match
- Escaping
- Killing all survivors, but only if they played well
- When friends escape
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Same for me! Maybe except the heart rate. Excuse me but if my heart rate is not at least 115 then what am I even doing? Jk 😂🤣
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Being in a healthy enough mindset to not get tilted, or at least knowing when to stop playing if I do.
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Any chance a discussion might widen your narrow margins for victory?
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Killer - kill at least three survivors.
Survivor - escape
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fun chases. both sides
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killer: 3k + hatch (hatch after all gens have been done = loss, 3k+gate escape is also a loss) or 4k.
survivor: soloQ=escape; SWF=3-men escape at least
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Boy you're strict with your win cons, Narko and a few others. Hmmm. I might try this for a few days and see how it goes. Maybe it will change me a bit lol. I need something new, I suppose.
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yea i'm strict but honestly, i don't play for my wincon often, usually i end up just throwing matches for clips T_T
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I've often wondered how some players here had 'fun' in matches. Now I know yours! And honestly, throwing when a ridiculously awesome play can be made is worth imo lol
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Kills. I am a man of the old faith, when killing survivors was not something shameful. I am not tired of playing like that. The only thing is that I have a gradation of how much I want to kill. Depends on the killers and builds.
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when I play as killer it’s 3 kills, a 4k is a bonus. For survivor it’s long chases which is the fun part of playing survivor regardless if I survive or die.
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Getting a bit of everything done - winning chases, saving or hooking survivors, completing or preventing gens.
Also getting value out of perks is satisfying
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Killer side:
- Getting at least 8 hook states
- An even and tense match against the survivors
- Taking out the most annoying survivor. Bonus point for a mori.
- Landing epic skillshots, or getting a near impossible hit.
- 4K'ing a bully squad
Survivor side:
- Escaping by any means.
- Having a fun and interactive game
- Not being the target of tunneling
- Having an even match against the killer, where it comes down to the wire
- Sacrificing myself for the greater good.
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Majority of killers: 3k
Weak killers: 2k
SWF: 3 escapes
SoloQ: 1 escape (with finished gens)
and just have a good chase0 -
I’m winning in every match I finish not feeling like crap afterwards. Win or lose.
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As survivor : Escaping myself
As killer : If a survivor escapes through the gates after completing the gens i find it to be a loss. Everything else i find to be a win, including if they open the gates but then i stop them with blood warden or something.1 -
- At least a 2k, 1k if the Survivor team is difficult - I aim for killing as many as I can, be that 1 or all 4; I have no ambitions to winstreak over here, I just don't care about wins that way anymore.
- I have fun
- Get a Mori
- Get enough hooks to pip even if I lost
- Didn't have to sweat too hard
- Finish a Daily or Challenge
- Pipping
- Get fun chases or interactions
- Manage to tame Survivors into lightening up
- Not getting people who just want to make my game misery all round
- Escape by hatch or gate
- Made some really good plays
- Really good chases
- The Killer actually scared me
- My friends and I do some dumb stuff and it somehow works
- I have fun
- Didn't have to sweat too hard
- Finish a Daily or Challenge
- Pipping
- Manage to tame the Killer into lightening up
- Not getting a Killer who just wants to make my game misery all round
Any of these. For me the endgoal is not even really escaping or getting a 3-4k, I just wanna have fun, man. I could kill everyone or 4 man out and still not find it fun if it didn't feel like a fair fight. I could lose and find it fun as long as everyone wasn't being a total jerk during the round.
The only things I find to be losecons, in fact, are:
- I got a team that makes it clear they want to stomp all over a weak M1 or just wants to play bully squad (I will forfeit, I refuse to play with these people)
- I get a Killer that likes to HARD Tunnel/4 slug from the word go (Again, I will forfeit, I refuse to give you a game for playing this way)
- I don't have fun
- I get 0k or am not allowed to play hardly any of the round because the Killer goes that hard
- Bad Survivor teammates1 -
for survivor, I consider it a win if either I escape or if at least 2 others escape and i die in the endgame
For killer, 2-4 kills. I honestly think 2 kill games are the most fun/tense matches so I'm not mad if I only get 2 kills
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As Survivor, I want my teammates to escape if we're at endgame. If we made it this far, they deserve help and I'm happy to be the sacrifice.
This is the last 3 minutes of a match I was in yesterday (normal SoloQ, not chaos) and the best game I've had in a while.
Ggs to my teammates and ggs to Myers, I had such a good game, and I love these down to the wire matches where it can go either way.
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I could write a whole bunch of things here that wouldn't really be true. Ultimately I have to admit to myself that I'm too competitive to consider anything other than a 3K as Killer (2K on Switch) and a personal escape as Survivor as a "win".
Those are (as far as we know) the "official" win conditions as defined by the MMR system. But I'm not a win at any cost kind of person. I'd rather lose with style than win a cheesy victory.
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What I consider a "win" is really subjective.
Like as a killer, generally speaking it's a 3K (for an average match).
But if I'm playing say, Myers on Red Forest vs. a SWF, a 2K feels a whole lot like a win, lol. On the other end of the spectrum, if I'm playing as Spirit on Haddonfield versus a grab bag of solo survs, anything less than a 4K (or 3K and a hatch/mercy) feels like a failure.
And everything in between. In my personal calculus, if the team I am facing is clearly a strong SWF (and I don't think these are common), I factor in that I am playing at a disadvantage. I also consider the map and the killer I am playing when self-assessing.
Or if the team I am facing is clearly a bag of potato sprouts and I just toy with them and let a couple go, I consider that a win because I had total control of the match (though a waste of everyone's time due to bad SBMM).
There are just too many variables in this game to have an iron clad win condition, imo.
Survivor is also subjective (disclaimer: I play strictly solo queue). If I play really well, make some plays, get 3-4 iri emblems (or score the highest) and die, that still feels like a win. Especially if 2-3 of my teammates escape.
If I could have escaped but go back in to help someone and die in the process but they escape, I also feel like that's a win.
If I don't contribute much (either because I played like cheeks or I just didn't have the opportunity) but escape, that doesn't feel much like a win. Feels pretty meh, really, like the chips just happened to fall my way.
If I escape and my teammates die but I feel like I did everything I could (within reason) to help them, I feel like that's a win.
But more than anything as a surv, it's down to the fun, as cliché as that is.
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11 hooks and mori is winning as killer, anything less is a draw or a loss. Survivor to win is escape through exit gates.
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I don't view this game in terms of winning and losing. For me, there's escaping and sacrificing. My goal is always to do those things, but as long as the game was fun, I don't care if I get a 1k or get sacrificed.
So as killer, my goal is to give the survivors a good match and make them feel like the killer is a threat. I have to admit that if a team gave me a 0k, I'd probably feel a need to go again and do a better job, but I still don't view a 4k as a win or a 0k as a loss. The biggest win for me is when I perform well and my opponents didn't hate the game. We get to the endgame lobby and people are doing alright :)
As survivor, I want to escape, but I'm happy to take wild risks for myself to get a teammate out. However, I avoid situations that will make more survivors put themselves at risk to save me. As long as a killer didn't hard tunnel, slug for 4k, or send me out with a mori, I'm happy. But a significant number of my games have at least one of those things, so although I don't feel that I win or lose, I don't find those matches rewarding.
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Survivor: Escaping or helping my friends escape.
Killer: 3 kills.0 -
pulling clutch moments or plays
popping a gen in the Knick of time that otherwise would of cost the match
Saving the other guy in 2v1 to give us both a chance, because while I respect the killer , ultimately I have never leave a man behind if I can help it behavior; it’s really awesome when they return the favor if I got hooked because I risked it for them instead of waiting for them to die, it’s more fun to at least try than stand around.
confusing a killer so much at a loop that I can just basically pull a magic trick and get out of dodge without going down because I made their head spin because I won the mind game,
if I’m laughing because I’m just clowning with the killer or other survivors on my team, and obviously gates, hatch does nothing for me and I hate it to a great degree because the environment interactions on both sides. The only time I want to take it is when the killer straight up gives me the pass to go through it, after I’m the last man standing and offered myself to the hook. Idk I feel some kind of weird debt from how much they got straight up bullied in the past because I was on the 4mans and just didn’t really like the way 4mans treated a single player, it’s another reason why I mostly solo now, plus I just like earning mutual respect I guess.
When people risk their neck for me because I body blocked and successfully made myself the target while the killer was trying to tunnel them, even though I had to give them a free health state, because they like to pick on the weaker person and won’t consider anyone else unless they’re a one hit, they usually suck at chase because they’re taking half of them from playing off unhooks. Imagine getting your ankles broke by Dwight running prove thyself, leader, and bond , no fourth perk, with a brown medkit no add ons, not even trying to give you a hard time. You honestly can’t consider buffing some of these killers without buffing soloQ, they’ll get absolutely ate up once they go higher from the helping hand if there’s not something there to cushion that. I mean or you could consider buffing them and not touching solo, but I wouldn’t recommend it. That’s just my hot take though I guess. Sorry getting off topic.
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2 kills is a draw since there are 4 survivors. 3 would be a win and 4k is possible but your more than likely not going to get it. for survivors it's escape or die so escaping is a win
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Killer - 3K, quite simple. Anything above (4K or no Gates open) is bonus.
Survivor - either if I escape AND at least one another Survivor escapes as well (so 2 Escapes including me) or if I die and the three others escape.