Pyramid Head Torment.

Should Tormented Survivors have a timer or a way to remove it other than rescuing other Survivors from Cages. Torment could last 90 seconds or there could be something similar to Fountains where Survivors could remove the Torment. This could give Pyramid Head some new add-ons or abilities such as being able to Torment environmental objects like Plague or like the one PTB inflict Torment with the Special Attack Punishment of the Damned. We all know that Pyramid Head needs an addon pass the most. Other addon ideas could be to make the Trails last longer or to have more of them on the map. Another could be that Survivors who take Protection Hits are Tormented or that Survivors suffer a Hindered penalty after becoming Tormented. So many possibilities.
I always thought Pyramid Head should have to choose between sending a survivor to a cage or putting them on the hook. I believe it would be more fair for the survivors since he has a big tunneling potential.
Hooking a tormented survivor should automatically lose the effect.
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The Tormented status is not a passive threat like Fully Infected, where you are broken.
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I don't feel like Torment itself really needs to be nerfed, it's more just that he shouldn't be able to tunnel straight out of a cage with no basekit BT. Perks not working with cages is fine since they don't work for both sides but I don't think an uncaged survivor should be completely vulnerable like they are now. Fix that, leave Torment as it is, and give him a range addon basekit that PH mains have been asking for for years. (And give him an addon pass too.)
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It wouldn't make a difference since the bt only lasts 10 seconds.
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Maybe Pyramid Head shouldn't get a loud notification when a Survivor is uncaged.
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I'd like to see something implemented similar to Pig's jigsaw boxes, where you have the option to get rid of it, but it costs precious time to do so.
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>you stepped on his trails
>you should face the consequences of it
And also
>hold crouch to avoid getting tormented on his trails
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you want to make the weakest killer even weaker? #########? Whatcs next? nerfing trapper?
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Pyramid is not a weak Killer. He's probably in top 15. No what I'm saying is he definitely needs an addon pass and honestly that's all he probably needs.
But his Torment is unremovable unless you get caged or rescue from cage. There could be another way Survivors remove it but there could be other ways he applies it to such as with his special attack that they had in that one PTB. You are able to remove other Killer effects/abilities such as Plague sickness or Onryō condemn.
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the best way to remove torment when playing vs pyramid head is to NOT step on his trails
Getting your perks denied? Yeah that’s on you