What is one of the Underlying Problems Behind Deranking?

Numinous Member Posts: 42
edited March 2019 in General Discussions

DISCLAIMER: I know that the main reason behind deranking is mostly to bully the lower rank killers, but I'm suggesting a different problem in this post! x)

Deranking has been a problem in DBD for a long time, especially recently. But why would survivors derank, and what is the underlying problem behind all of this?

I've developed a theory (and I hope you share yours with me in the comments) about the underlying problem behind deranking in DBD, and possibly even a solution. Anyways, here it is:

A lot of survivors derank because the killers at the high ranks are extremely sweaty, and a lot of the time they are pretty bad but get carried by overpowered addons and perks and BM you if you manage to run them around longer than the average random bot. But how do all of the bad killers make it to rank 1 without eventually getting taught a lesson by a good survivor team? They don't have to face one. They can lobby dodge and cherry pick their way all the way to rank 1 and face all of the default bot survivors.

This brings up my solution, which is implementing punishments for lobby dodging. This is where you come in; What punishments should there be for dodging? They wouldn't be very severe, but I've come up with a few ideas such as putting a time ban on joining games, losing pips, etc.

I'd like to see what you come up with, and what other underlying problems you think there may be.


Post edited by Numinous on


  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    "Killers at the high ranks are extremely sweaty" That's the same reason SWF gets lobby dodged especially when there are certain killers that just absolutely get outplayed by voice comms Trapper for one easy to tell others where traps are and the trapper just becomes a killer with no power for the rest of the round. Any killer that wants to play a low tier killer is at an extreme disadvantage with SWF because of extra comms plus some of them are trying to be extremely sweaty also. I mean this would work well if every player that played killer in high rank played high tier killers but some killers want to have fun but since they are decent they get forced into high rank. And also end up dealing with sweaty SWF players also.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,064

    Yes, Lobbydodging should have a penalty. Simply longer queuetimes, Killers should not be able to cherrypick the easy games. And not all SWF are toxic squats.

    Playing weaker Killers in High Rank is not really an argument. I mean, if you decide to play Trapper, you will have a hard time vs Solos as well in High Ranks.

    Regarding High Rank Killers being sweaty:

    The most sweaty players I have seen (before the change of the Pipping System) were in Purple Ranks. Red Ranks (which should be the aim for everyone) were okish, for both sides. But especially in Purples both sides were very sweaty.

    Regarding the reason of Deranking:

    Really, it is more to bully low rank Killers. And this should not happen, this will simply hurt the game in a longrun. If a rather unexperienced Killer needs to face people who deranked to bully them, he will not have much fun playing Killer and might even quit the game totally.

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337

    @Numinous "A lot of survivors derank because the killers at the high ranks are extremely sweaty, and a lot of the time they are pretty bad but get carried by overpowered addons and perks"

    Are you by any chance one of our glorious Fog Whisperer ?

  • Numinous
    Numinous Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2019


    No, and I know that isn't the main reason behind deranking, but I believe that lobby dodging should have some sort of penalty, especially since it takes so long to get a match.

    EDIT: Nice ######### talk, now you're banned. Was it worth it? LOL

    Post edited by Numinous on
  • Numinous
    Numinous Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2019

    I completely understand where you're coming from and I understand why people dodge those sorts of games, but it takes way too long to get a match so if matchmaking is fixed then I wouldn't have a problem with dodging to be honest.

    This does bring up an interesting idea though, maybe the developers could introduced casual and competitive game modes, so those trying to just have fun and don't want games to affect their rank can play against others in an unranked mode.

    What do you think?

  • Numinous
    Numinous Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2019


    I absolutely understand where you're coming from here. However, cherry picking games is still kind of silly, especially in a ranked game.

    However, this did give me an idea; They could indroduce a casual game mode so that those just trying to have fun can do so without going against other sweaty killers or survivors.

    What do you think?

    Post edited by Numinous on
  • Numinous
    Numinous Member Posts: 42


    I know that the MAIN reason behind deranking is to bully low ranks for fun, I probably should've put a disclaimer so people wouldn't talk about that in the comments x)

    But thanks for the feedback! :)

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Well a feature of the new emblem system for survivors is you don't have to try to de-rank. It just happens now.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    I play solo and get lobby dodged all the time. Rarely do i even use items. I'm rank 8 and pretty much stuck here unless I start sandbagging my team off the hook and getting them killed. Do a gen or 2, pop totems, and bam. Safety pip or even a rank up depending.

    Playing solo, you're almost guaranteed to derank due to the overwhelming amount of players DCing both intentionally and via game crashes. Then you have people who don't even make it into the trial. This has developed into a very nasty cancer since the release of Legion.

    I don't mind low chances of survival. Not at all. I care about the hilarious lack of sportsmanship on both sides. Not earning anything. Wasting my time that I could be playing something else.

    THEN you throw in people being toxic and intentionally griefing and doing whatever they can to make their parents ashamed of them... I can't blame anyone for DCing at this point. Killer included.

  • Numinous
    Numinous Member Posts: 42


    I understand that when you go into solo matches, you depip more consistently, but then when you try to rank up by playing with friends, the killers can cherrypick their games and dodge all of the SWF's, which is unfair.

    So we're left with either depipping by ourselves or waiting an extraordinarily long time for a match with our friends.

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    Lobby dodge should have a penalty? you ok my man?

    It's up to me if I want to play against 4man toxic flashlight swf or 4 blendettes.

    "Simply longer queue times" as if queue times don't already take ages.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,064

    If you want to have easy games, I want too. I dont want to play vs Nurse, Billy or Spirit. Let me only play vs Freddy plz.

  • FeelsVeryBadMan
    FeelsVeryBadMan Member Posts: 197

    Deranking usually happens to get normal, non-tryhard killers. It's not to bully low ranks, although some people do that.

    If you play mostly solo, like me, reaching red ranks as a survivor makes you want to wait for rank reset before you play again.

    I'm really sorry, but I don't want to get 3 blinks Nurses, insta-saw Billies, Prayer beads Spirits and Frank's Mixtape Legions almost 90% of the time. It's not fun at all, solo survivors already have it hard enough.

    Playing with 3 SWF or 4 SWF in red ranks is okay though, because you have some more power and a guarantee that there will be less bot survivors in your games.

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531

    The severe problem is that Deranking does destroy the desire of the new players to play this game, both as survivor and killer.

    Playing survivor? Enjoy either a deranking troll which will die on hook or be a complete useless nuisance or a killer which will rip your butt in two.

    Playing killer? Enjoy all stuff of toxicity coming from deranking survivors. I sometimes watch my friend (which is still fairly new to the game) and I often tell him whenever he should dodge a lobby or not. Finding people with over 2000+ hours at rank 17 it's utterly pathetic.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    The problem?

    No reason to rank up, no rewards