More one sidedness. Fun.

So, your game is lopsided. People are dcing every other game.
But you decide to release a survivor with really strong perks, without a killer to add any perks to that side of the game and even things out. Read: i'm talking about Ash.
Don't get me wrong, the video was funny. And it would have made a pretty good vid for those video game awards you showed the legion vid at. But i want to know who's bright idea this was? Giving survivors another free chase extender (MoM) is going to make even more killers d/c.
But it's been obvious for a long time how your mind works Dev's. If those survivors aren't surviving, it isn't a game. If the killer doesn't have to overcome more odds then the survivors, it's not a real game.
Your game is no longer a real game. I'm sorry to tell you. In fact, the only reason for you to drop this info like this, is a hope that the new DLC will being back the 30% of players that have left the game already. (keep in mind, that is the ENTIRETY of last years player growth. they have lost a full years growth with this crap they are pulling)
No one asked you to stack the survivors decks more, but EVERYONE is begging you to fix the d/c meta. And you haven't. Instead you are giving us something shiny to buy.... Right after we bought dlc. It's almost like you are in financial trouble. Like Starbreeze isn't getting the money they expected (your financial creditor), Your lawsuit with Bethesda and Time warner drained your capital, and your other DBD ripoff game died horribly. It's almost like you need money, and are ignoring the state of the game, because of the state of your company.
First, calm down.
Second, Ash's perks do sound good on paper but who knows how good they will be in practice.
Third, he's a licensed character so they probably had a date by which they had to release him. And since he's a standalone character they had to give him some great perks if they want to get more people to buy him.
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What a great argument, he's standalone so he has to be somewhat pay to win it's okay.
Well they nerfed leatherface's camping potential but it's not like they can nerf facecamping.
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How would you fix the dc pandemic, just curious?
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I get your frustrations, I'm holding out and going to wait the few days to see how bad MoM really is. If it's as bad as old DS I doubt I'll be playing all that often anymore but fingers crossed it wont be.
The DC meta I feel is a mindset thing rather than gameplay, People will DC if they feel the match isn't going their way or they don't like the killer. The only real solution to this is to crack down on DCs, Investigate if the reasons are legitimate or not.
The Games in a terrible state right now, Loosing players and too many bugs/crashes to count. Business wise it's a smart move to release a DLC to stop people from leaving while they work on the issues.
Personally I think they need to invest in a larger team to help with the growing problems and the lengthy time it takes to solve them.
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I tested MoM out in kyf and it was only ok. Flip flop will be strong if you let it or swf make it, not much you can do about that but 4-man swf isn’t common and buckle up will be good for solo play.
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They will nerf if it's necessary, they're not that dumb.
Example: Leatherface and BBQ, those who buy Leatherface is for that perk usually
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What is the big deal? So many people love knee jerk reactions.
Millennials these days man... it's insane.
Enjoy life.
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*reads post*
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1: an escalating ban time starting at 5 mins, and increasing each time.
As it stands, as a survivor I can d/c a game, and get a new game almost immediately.
2: Give an incentive to use killers that are underused.
This will help (but not fix) the saturation of certain killers. Which will give the game a better feeling when playing a few in a row.
3: "Tough Game" incentives. Nothings worse then being a killer that gets rushed into getting no points, or getting hooked right after a bad unhooking. Give the people feeling these frustrations extra bp after the game.
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Buckle up seems weak tbh
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MoM isn't even that strong I've tested it out more than a few times and you have to gain three stacks of getting hit without the killer using their power before the perk activates , so a nurse is basically gonna completely negate this perk unless she's dumb enough to chase without blinking, and also once you gain the three stacks who's saying you'll even end up using it? You basically have to go down once to gain the perk and then it becomes active the next time you would be put in dying state and it's a one time use
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But logic isn't accepted by some of the posters on here when it comes to survivor perks, if it looks op it obviously is.
In all seriousness though this looks like a niche perk similar to say Deliverance in the sense it's entirely situational.
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@OrionsFury4789 How does Nurse negates this perk? Am I missing something? Is there a time period that if a killer uses her power, the next basic attack doesn't give you a token?
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I might have missed something, is Ash confirmed to be coming out soon? And is there no killer coming alongside him?
EDIT: Nvm just saw the announcement
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You can always hook camp someone if you suspect MoM aka every ash player can't use it if you can't get unhooked.
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@Delfador If you're attacked with the killers power you dont gain a stack it has to be a basic attack, so why is the nurse gonna chase survivors without blinking?
Edit: ive already tested this so it's not just a theory
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Does this work for other killers who's power gives them a hit? Like hitting out of phase walk as Spirit or after teleporting as Hag?
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so if you use MoM + insta heal, killer needs to hit you 4 times ?
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How is getting hit by basic attacks 3 times in a match situational ROFL.
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ummm a few things....
firstly, all these attacks you mentioned, are counted as basic attacks by the game, and award both brutality (basic attack points) and Cunning (killer power points) so things that trigger off basic attacks, trigger off them. Ie: Dark Devotion procs from everyhting you just said. so i call bs.
Secondly: You have to exit phase walk to attack with the spirit
Thirdly: As a hag main I have hit plenty of people without teleporting, especially in the first 2 minutes of a match.
Fourthly: Good nurses hit you without blinking all the time. Bad nurses rely only on blinks, good nurses cut off escapes.
So everything you said was all stuff you felt was right, but wasn't.
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@SmokePotionYou're on some serious ######### if you think a bad nurse blinks to catch you....ok let her chase you without blinking when she's slower than you that's a great obviously haven't even tested the perk so maybe you should hold off opinions until you actually play with it as I have
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@ClogWenchYes any killer power negates a stack it has to be a basic m1 attack
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@SmokePotion your hag also negates the stack if you teleport and hit instead of chasing to attack
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@OrionsFury4789 Are you saying that if a killer uses their power and immediately attacks it won't count for MOM? It has to be a basic attack without any power influence?
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I main spirit but used to main nurse and still play her a lot alongside spirit but yea you can get a few hits in through non blinks but most the hits I get at least are always through blinking which makes MoM useless.
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What I'm hearing is that this perk is only gonna be good against already poor killers
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Punish DCing like any other game does, queue time penalty
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@Mc_Harty yes that's correct unless it's bugged in KYF thats how it works only basic non power attacks, so phasing with the spirit and hitting won't give a stack
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Then its only useful against... what, 3/4 killers?
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@MhhBurgers because certain killers can negate the perk by using their power to attack so a nurse isnt going to chase without blinking or she's really bad at the game so a nurse will make that perk useless along with other killers who can effectively use their power to attack
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Cannibal came with some pretty powerful perks, and he didn't have a survivor.
Read: No one survives Cannibal
I know that's not true, I just wanted to make the joke.
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@OrionsFury4789 Then I am guessing that any basic m1 attack that you take as a survivor that will give the killer his/her devi points will not be counted as a token.
If you are hit after clown's bottle effect, nurse's blink, hag's trap, Freddy's sleep (dream demon), wraith's surprise attack, pig's ambush etc, it won't grant you a stack.
Killers like leatherface, billy, huntress's m1 attacks will always give you a token since it is not related to their power.
Then the perk may not be problematic, we'll see I guess.
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I'd be happy if they implemented some sort of time penalty after they fix the game kicking people out. I played the other day and in my first 12 matches the game shut down in 7 of them, I was about to give up and said if it happened one more time I wouldn't play the rest of the night. Sometimes it just happened randomly as I was walking towards a gen. After the 4th time I even shut down my PC and router to reboot them in case it was my internet. Eventually whatever was happening stabilised and I was able to play for about 4 hours with no dc's.
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Same could be said of Bill though.
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@OrionsFury4789 You tested MOM with Nurse? What about Spirit? I would imagine that when they use their power it would count as a basic attack because they use their power THEN attack with their basic attack. Like you even have to press the attack button to do it.
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you're on some bad ######### if you don't think a good nurse will walk to cut off a loop.
Im not saying she wont blink the whole game, you're dumb if you think i said that.
I said a good nurse will get hits without blinking.
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@SmokePotion a nurse cuts survivors off 90% of the time with a blink is my point, sure it's possible to happen but playing in red ranks those nurses will more than likely know their ######### and use that blink to cut you off as a surprise so it's not impossible to get a stack but it's just not going to be likely unless you're playing in lower ranks
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@thesuicidefox yes I did , it won't work unless they're flat out abandoning their power and trying to bloodlust in a chase, dont know if it's intended that way but I think it should stay because that's a good balance and it's a one time use on top of being hit 3 times before it becomes available, so you have to interact to use your perk slot
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Hmm... I kinda torn on this. I feel like, particularly against Nurse, this makes MOM useless since she will almost ALWAYS blink before she hits you. But at the same time it means the perk won't be as OP as people expect it to be.
I will lean towards it SHOULD count only because it makes sense that it would for Nurse/Spirit. And considering they are 2 of the strongest killers in the game it might be a fair trade. IDK we will have to see how it works out.