Billy is so fun

Solo experience is great, once you hear that billy zooming around the map and instadowning lowrank survivors all day long because they can't handle him.
But hey, let's nerf freddy and the plague who are nowhere near his powerlevel.
Totally makes me love the game esp when I play other killers that don't come near his power level, the feeling of imbalance is what makes games great in the first place.
Thanks devs being afraid to shake up the meta for 2 full years because of some minor review bombing that nobody reads anyways.
Hey, don't you dare telling them to touch my Billyboii. They can buff the others but DO NOT touch my Billyboii!
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Nerfing the viable killers is not the solution. Devs should buff weak killers to his lvl.
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If Billy were released right now, he would have EITHER fast movement speed while chainsawing OR a 1 hit down, but not both.
Change my mind.
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There's no physical way possible to buff the other killers to his level unless you like removed their ######### terror radius and red stain or some extreme ######### like that.
Even if you buffed freddy by making his transition instant he'd still not have mapwide mobility and unlimited instadowns.
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As long as billy and nurse are on this level we cannot possibly ask for more survivor nerfs or killer buffs that affect everybody, altho nurse is not such an issue for most ppl since most ppl suck with her.
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So much this, the devs basically admitted it themselves that they will never release anything close to these 2, so they also won't buff the other killers to these 2 levels so basically nurse and billy keep the game ######### broken right now because devs are afraid of backlash.
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It's funny my friends always joke when we play with randoms we meet saying if you suck at killer just become a metaslave and play billy with spirit fury enduring plus ruin and bbq and there you go you have an op billy build on one of the easiest killers to pick up with the ability to get across the map in a second alongside with the ability to insta-down
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Billy would not be an issue at all if Survivors would not suck in first place. That's where we're drifting back to the other topic:
You need balanced matches (regarding skill) to be able to tell what side is broken. Most high rank Billy players have over thousand hours experience, it's obvious that they'll destroy some unskilled survivors, that's how it should be. Play Billy against 4 skilled survivors and you'll feel as weak as a Leatherface.
The strength of Billy mainly comes from the unawareness / underrating of bad Survivors. "I'll just stay on that gen a few seconds longer even though I see Billy coming, I don't have to leave yet!" and booom the go down.
E: I'd make an exception with Enduring / Spirit Fury combo (which I have never used, ever) but that's solely because of those perks, it has absolutely nothing to do with Billy himself.
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This is not a discussion, Billy is absolutely broken along with nurse and the devs are not going to buff the other killers to their level, it's fine if you want the game to stay like this forever, I'm not fine with it. If you cannot see how other killers CANNOT be brought to his level without breaking the game completely then nobody can help you.
The devs will NEVER bring out any killers close to nurse/billy anymore and even if they did by accident they WILL nerf them because the majority that plays this game is NOT optimized like that because get it in your head: this is a casual experience, if people want to actually play and try hard they'll go to league or battle royale games.
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U'll have ppl come here and say how hard it is to hit a chainsaw that has a screenwide hitbox.
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TBH... Billy is pretty strong.. you def can tell the difference when you play a killer like Doctor.. or Bubba... then play Billy.. and have a much easier time in the match than with any other killer.
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@MhhBurgers I'm all for buffing the other Killers but to put it in the words of the devs:
Not all Killers have to be viable in high Rank.
Or as you would say:
Give up your hopes.
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Maybe I am a bit bias'd with the annoyance at all the billies I encounter at high ranks but I can't say I am any different at the same time also I play nurse at high ranks along with spirit which are 2 very high tier killers alongside billy... The high tier killers kind of turn the bullying around instead of killers being bullyable the survivors are bullyable by spirit,nurse, atleast we will only get "fun" killers now fun for the survivors to tbag at the exit gates lul.
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Oh great, so basically stop playing the game once you reach high rank and come back in the 13th of the month or so if you hate the feeling of being forced to play the only 2 killers that can compete there.
Why the ######### even spend money on this game as a killer if you cannot play every newly released killer anyways.
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They actual said that during a stream or event? That just makes me want to play nurse as my only killer again and show survivors how fun it is....
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Stop playing is one way to tell them to fix their ######### since feedbacks don't really do the job, as time has proven....
Yes, IIRC Mathieu Cote himself said that quite literally but don't ask me for the quote, I won't be able to find it.
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Why do you think I made this thread in the first place? They will NEVER buff anything to the level of billy which means anybody who plays this game is either stuck playing Billy/Nurse if they actually want to have a chance or depip on purpose or be content with playing ######### tier killers that only win if survivors screw themselves.
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Totally forgot DBD is a bully simulator for survivors and killers are not allowed to participate in winning.
Hillbilly is strong, yeah. But can be dominated in a team.
Nurse can not be dominated. Go blame her for instead.
Hillbilly is fine.
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As you said "instadowning pleb survivors". The problem is not billy, the problem is the emblem and matchmaking system that matches you together with plebs
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Im not talking about making every killer a 1 shot and high mobility character, Im talking about making them stronger at what their power is meant to do.
Some characters just need some add-ons to be base stats for them (Doctor's range, Myers amount of evil gained, Trapper having all his traps, etc)
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Billy's real power comes from the meme magic.
Play as a default Billy with "Meta Perks"?
- Misses all chainsaws and keeps bumping into props.
Plays as Mechanic Billy with Propain while blasting either Speedy Runner, GAS GAS GAS, Deju Vu, or Night of Fire?
- Easy 4k
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And with all those buffs they'd still suffer the same problems, being looped to hell while not being able to punish hard survivor mistakes.
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The issue is not Billy, the issue is (as you said by yourself) a high rank killer versing low ranks.
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Spirit has prayer beats and can basically one hit survivors off gens (grabbing) while beeing completely invisible, making no sound and having a much greater mobility on every single map.
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you just disqualified yourself, not even gonna explain to you, go away thx.
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Billy is just as loopable as any other killer...
So... You are telling me that you see no difference between a Myers with the 2 add-ons that increase the evil he gains when stalking and a no add-ons Myers...
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Myers is such a nice example btw, has to stalk for ages before even being able to get a time limited instadown with a huge "HIDE" warning sound. If we wanted to buff myers to billy's level we'd have to give him unlimited instadowns after reaching T3.
Yes billy is as loopable as any other killer except he instadowns you when you ######### up and other killers give you a second chance. How is that even an argument? We're not talking about the nurse here.
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Not gonna explain cuz you can't. Valid point. Spirit got released recently and with certain addons outclasses billys one hit + movement speed. 4head.
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The fact that you think that spirit can cross the map as fast as billy is just lol, only on lerys/the game. Also prayer beads is a rare addon.
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This. With the current power level the devs aim for on killers Billy would never have been released with his current strength. The power level they aim for on new killers nowadays is just so low.
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Tbh though, Spirit is literally the ONLY exception to this since nurse. Also were speaking generally, not with very rare/ ultra rare addons.That isn't a fair comparison.
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Not only lerrys and the game, also swamp maps, certain autohaven and MacM maps, Yamaokas aswell.
The only maps billys mobility outclasses spirit are farm maps because they are really open so you never bumb into #########.
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SWF is never going to be brought down.
Buffs to other killers will never happen.
Give it up already, they've stated it give or take words:
"Not all killers are meant to be viable at rank 1. If all you want is killing people, pick nurse or billy"
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Yes, because killers released since those times tend to highly suck.
Huntress (ranged attack) and Spirit (invisibility) are your exceptions
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That really was a terrible statement for them to make. It looked so bad.
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It doesn't make it less true, though
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So basically don't play our game, we can't even fix loading screens?
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I'm trying to stay optimistic, but yeah.
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Yet people dedicate literally thousands of hours to it. And arguably, dollars too.
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Mobility is nice to have but thats not that good as you seem to think. All killers are trying to create 3 gens strat and mobility is not required. Nurse doesnt have mobility by the way only with range addons she has.
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I guess I will take their advice and start maining nurse whenever I play killer again and let survivors have "fun" just like killers have fun when they are trying to have fun trying out builds. At least with billy you have a chance but with nurse you are at the mercy of the nurse's skill and yes I already know some may say oh but nurse takes skill to play! She is hard to learn at first but if you actually put in the work to practice for just a little bit you can get good with her very quickly and just because a killer is hard to learn doesn't mean you should be able to just make all game mechanics for survivors useless... I stopped playing her because of this for a bit but if they aren't going to make anymore strong killers I guess I will just play her...
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He EITHER punishes you hard with insta down or get a very bad game because he wanted that insta so badly . Just juked Billy for 3 almost 4 gens so insta down also rewards survivors real good . Insta down rewards skill something that competitive game suppose to reward.
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lol'd. What's the cooldown on Phase Walk? Several times longer than Hillbilly's busted chainsaw, and there's a limit on its duration. She also requires addons to make it reasonably more effective, where Hillbilly's chainsaw comes with no duration or cooldown limitations, and a one-shot baseline that can be used anywhere at any time.
The only map he can't theoretically cross is The Game. He has no issues on Lery's, even before the nerfs. He can patrol 4 generators just fine there with his chainsaw sprint.
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Its a shame that they released 10 killers under billys powerlevel that it became the new standard.
How fun would dbd be if every killer had strong, unique power to separate them? Not just 7 killers that you can summarize as M1 killers. Then the survivor nerftrain wouldnt have gone so far either
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DBD is not a competitive game.
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Speed Limiter should be based.
Change my mind.
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By definition it is.
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I actually agree, either that or a WAY longer chainsaw cooldown.
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Opponents are playing to win and compete. So it's a competitive pvp game by definition.
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Chainsaw cooldown is fine, he cannot do anything in those 3 seconds.
spirit has no cooldown, just a damn stamina system.