Dead by daylight 3.0 ?

Bliiitz Member Posts: 14

Hi there, Hi DBD fan, Hello BHVR 

I came here in peace, and I wanted you to know that I really enjoy the game, and I play alot of Dbd.

But I'm getting tired of some gameplay and I would like to find a solution with you guys...

There is definitely some problem with mechanics and gameplay right now and I don't know what BHVR is doing about this, but if you know, I would like to know.

There're adding chapter, skin and some bug fixes, great, but what about the real issue ?

There is multiple things and ideas I would like to share with you today.

First of all the "camping" of a killer next to a survivor, I would like to force or to discourage this situation.

To do that, we need to work on the mechanics of gameplay and reward or punish a situtation by the behavior.

1 - Fixing the "camping" killer

Solution A - By the punishment

\- Slowing the drain of the survivor when the killer is near. If the killer stays next (RADIUS) to the survivor hooked then the health drain speed is reduced. 

\- This will give more time to other survivor to complete the goal and punish the killer to camp.

\- Does not affect the gameplay of a killer who already does not camp.

\- Force the killer to move around.

Solution B - By the reward

\- After the killer hooked someone, the farthest generator can be sabotaged*, if this action is done, killer will gain extra point, the killer has 30 seconds to perfom this action (not combinable).

(sabotaged = generator is blocked, to unblock it survivor need to success the next QTE).

\- It will encourage the killer to move to get a reward.

\- This will provide some time to others survivors to save the hooked guy.

\- Does affect the gameplay of everybody.

Solution A and B can be combined.

Next things, let's talk about the hatch and the eye to eye gameplay with the killer... come on... this is really stupid.

2 - Fix the hatch

Solution A - Delete The hatch

\- When 1 survivor left, door can be opened if there is 2 generator or less to make (with 4 survivors at the start).

\- This will prevent the embarrassing gameplay when you face to face with a killer or survivor.

\- Leave a chance to the survivor to exit.

\- Leave a chance to the killer to kill the last one.

Solution B - Made two hatches, remove "keys" items.

\- Killer can close traps within a 5 seconds delay (the animation delay) to close, Killer cannot cancel the "closing" action and survivor cannot jump into the hatch during animation of "closing" killer made a noise when closing the traps. The two hatches are spawn randomly without spawn BEFORE they can be opened. 

\- This will prevent the embarrassing face to face.

\- Leave a chance to the survivor to exit with an extra gameplay.

\- Leave a chance to the killer to kill the last one with an extra gameplay.

\- Keys will become useless.

Now, let's talk about the most loved things in the world, Money.

This all paid DLC are gettings ridiculous, To get the full game (all dlc) you need 120EUR (in FR), 120EUR for a game ? really ? No one is shocked ?

It's like, imagine if you played Pokémon, you had only Pikachu for free and every other Pokémon you want you had to buy it for 5EUR this is insane right ?

I would like to test all killer / survivor for a game I have already bought for !

Now we have some legendary skins for only 20EUR... come on BHVR.. choose your economic plan and fix it please, "Do not play on all the boards".

Yeah, I know I can buy survivor / killer for "free" but if you mean spending +50hours to get 1 new character is free, then you have a low valued of yourself.

I cannot provide a solution for this BHVR, unless to listen to your community.

Well this could be a good start to beginning.

You may not agree with what I think.

You may find a better way to do this.

You may approuve some part of it.

Please fill free to post comment i would like to know your thinking.

See you in the game !


  • Bliiitz
    Bliiitz Member Posts: 14

    Thanks you for your comments.

    How the survivors abused this mechanic ?

    Well programed, I don't see how you can abuse it.

    Need to find the good radius, exception and cooldown

  • Bliiitz
    Bliiitz Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2019

    Thanks for your comments.

    First of all this is not a complain, it's a suggestion to a change.

    Change some gameplay to refresh the game.

    Any abuse can be fixed.

    Please consider my suggestion and give me your point of view.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Bliiitz I know it's not a complaint. As far as a lot of things go you seem like you are of the few newcomers who actually have something constructive to say, and to that I congratulate you.

    I am merely stating the rules that exist here that will prepare you for either killer or survivor mains that may disagree with you. As for your suggestions, I honestly would not mind any of the options. A little buffering and I'm sure many can get behind it. That's a foolish dream of mine though... Anyways, I wish you luck.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200


    Solution A has already been tested and was heavily abused by survivors.

    Solution B would be similar to a fusion of overcharge and that clown perk (forgot name lol), would be interesting to see what happens if this would be built in.

  • Bliiitz
    Bliiitz Member Posts: 14

    Thanks you for your comments.

    Peasant also say that the survivors abused the mechanic of solution A, do you remember how pls ?

    We need to find the good settings of radius, exception and cooldown, imo.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    I just got facecamped.

    Still I believe camping is needed for nearly any killer to win against good teams.

  • Bliiitz
    Bliiitz Member Posts: 14

    Thanks you for your comments.

    Camping is not a great gameplay right ?

  • Bliiitz
    Bliiitz Member Posts: 14

    This post have been temporarily disabled for some reason but it's back ! :)

  • ShirtlessDwight
    ShirtlessDwight Member Posts: 190

    I like it but we probably won't see any drastic changes. I remember one of the dev camping with a huntress 5 meters near the hook and he called it "patrolling" so if they would implement it then it would be probably set at 1 inch radius

  • Bliiitz
    Bliiitz Member Posts: 14

    Thanks you for your comments.

    Let's protect him or her ! :3

    Thanks you for your comments.

    Yeah we need to trust dev on this, the radius could be large and the ratio of the speed could varie depending on the radius.

    Like, more you are far away, the faster the health drain.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Looping isnt either, yet both are part of the game (sadly)

  • Bliiitz
    Bliiitz Member Posts: 14

    I agree, but we need gameplay mechanics to reduce those things, Looping is not that 'annoying' there is some little boost for the killer to help catching the looper, window are also block after a certains amont of time (which is great imo)

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2019

    Camping doesn't need to be punished. The majority of killers camp because the game is very unbalanced. Balance the game and camping goes down tremendously. Not to mention the devs regard it as a perfectly fair style of game play anyway.

    On another note, this game is insanely cheap compared to almost any other decent games on the market. The only DLC's you have to actually pay for are licensed ones and that's because they have to pay out to the license holders. ALL of the rest of the DLC's you can very, very easily buy with game time using shards. I've been buying all of my DLC's recently with shards. That's 18k shards for both killer and survivor per DLC and I've still got over 40k shards just sitting here on me. Even the licensed ones that you do have to pay money for are only like 5 bucks..that is cheap as hell. You're talking about the total for all of them added up but not only is A LOT of them buyable through game time as I've mentioned, but that's 3 YEARS worth of content. That is dirt cheap. Calling this game too expensive is quite the entitlement.

  • Bliiitz
    Bliiitz Member Posts: 14

    Thanks you for your comments @Blueberry .

    Game balance and gameplay mechanics are two differents things, balance are really based on items / perk most of the time (for dbd).

    Gameplay mechanics can interfere on game balance but balance cannot interfere with gameplay mechanics.

    Balance is a to much complex topic for DBD and i don't want to abord this topic for now.

    I would like to give a chance or opportunity to change or adapt the "camping" killer.

    Give to "camping" killer another goal more interesting.

    To talk about price, DBD is a cheap in development, but not at the cost.

    I would love to pay more for all character, and leave the market place for skin only.

    They are already making lot of money DBD is already funded since long time ago.

    You talk about shards but come on, you need to farm the game really hard to get 1 character, and the time spend to farm this is not free at all.

    They need to think about market option to gain money without prevent user who buy the game, to play the game.

  • MysticalMagic92
    MysticalMagic92 Member Posts: 123


    The camping solution was already tested and abused by survivors. The original test was not having the bar drain at all when the killer was in a certain radius. However, survivors would have one or two people stay near the hook and one person do gens. The killer would be forced to camp otherwise the survivor would be unhooked and the killer was stuck there while the other survivors did gens. Camping does not need to get resolved. The Emblem system already highly punishes camping and Borrowed Time can counter camping. Also, the killer has many perks that reward not camping (Make Your Choice, BBQ And Chilli, Hex: Devour Hope). These are just a few. And sometimes, a killer needs to camp simply because it's endgame and if the killer doesn't camp, the survivors can bodyblock after saving allowing everyone to escape.

  • Bliiitz
    Bliiitz Member Posts: 14

    Thanks you for your comments @MysticalMagic92

    Blocking the bar drain is a bad design because it's break the gameplay.

    This is why reducing (not stoping) could work.

    Thanks alot for this explanation.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    The solution A to camping has already been tested and was abused by survivors by just staying near the hook, so the killer couldn't leave without giving a free unhook. The idea is in the right place but due to people abusing things, we can't have nice things. I do like some of your other ideas though, such as rewarding the killer for leaving. I do not agree on this game being expensive and cosmetics and DLC costing money only, the DLC and cosmetics pay salaries and help support the game, I don't think they need much changing. Oh but I do like how you, as a new player has some constructive feedback and wants to improve the game, keep it up :)

  • Redcum
    Redcum Member Posts: 261

    Survivors abused the anti-camping mechanic A by having one person stay around the hooked survivor and forcing either the killer to chase him and be punished for it or to leave and give someone a free escape.

  • WolfPad06
    WolfPad06 Member Posts: 182

    I was thinking this.

    The current "incentive" to avoid camping was dramatically reducing your emblem progression if you camped, but since 99% of the playerbase don't care about rank (because there's absolutely no reward for ranking up) it isn't really a fix.

    What WAS a good idea about it though, is that if other survivors were inside a 16(?) Meter radius from the hooked survivor, there would be no penalty. We can apply this to the suggestion OP made and have it so that after, say, 5 seconds of hooking, the bar will slow down if the killer remains within 16 meters of the hook UNLESS there's a survivor inside that radius as well.

    The only problem I see is that the killer could use the entity bar as a sort of "Whispers" to determine if there is a survivor close by. Perhaps make it so the killer can no longer see the progression bar? And balance that with the "block generator" option OP said for bonus BP and preventing Genrushing.

    Just an idea.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I understand if English isn't your first language but this is barely legible.

    I also understand that you may be a new player, but " but balance cannot interferewith gameplay mechanics." is simply not accurate.

    "you need to farm the game really hard to get 1 character"

    I disagree.

    "They are already making lot of money DBD is already funded since long time ago."

    "To talk about price, DBD is a cheap in development, but not at the cost."

    Unless you actually have some data you can link on this showing their company I don't know how you could possibly know this.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    At this point in DBD with it being 3 years old now..... it needs new game modes... it needs 2v8... it needs secondary objectives ... the game to an extent still feels beta.... which no one can deny the fact that since this game is still alive is an achievement by itself

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747

    My thoughts:

    Problem 1:

    Solution A is not very viable. People are going to camp regardless of how long it takes. And it is a strategy, it sucks to be camped but it also sucks to be gen rushed. I dont see the difference between solution B and overcharge. It isnt really blocked if survivors can just complete a QTE and unblock it. It doesn't even seem like much of a reward. However, incentivizing the killer to leave is definitely the way to get rid of camping.

    Problem 2:

    The hatch is there for both the survivor's benefit and the killer's. Solution A- Let's put this into a hypothetical situation. I'm playing killer, there are 3 gens left and I hooked and killed the 3rd survivor. Now the remaining survivor has to wait for an 80 second break that will never come. The game will go on indefinitely and it would suck for both sides. Solution B- has the same flaw. If both hatches get closed the survivor has to wait for an 80 second break between the killer patrolling gens that will never come. The hatch sucks as a killer but no hatch would suck even worse.

    If you dont want to spend the money for DLC's then dont get them. They aren't free to make, they cost money. The huntress one is free and any of them can be grinded out except licensed characters. It's like $7.99 (American here) for the licensed chapters anyways. That's very fairly priced. If you cant devote the time to grind them out why would you want them in the first place? You aren't playing the game very much anyways.

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  • Bliiitz
    Bliiitz Member Posts: 14

    Yep I like your ideas

    Please, tell me how many hours you need to get to 9000 sharps.

    Also I'm building some data for the money part, but this take time.

    If feels old yes, this is why we need some refresh.

    Thanks for you comments,

    To response to your problem 1 : 

    Finding a way to punish or reward the killer not to camp is the way we need to find, my suggestion can't be adapt, modify to be the most effective possible.

    To response to your problem 2 :

    I can agree with you on Solution A - He need to wait 80 seconds, but this is already the case if two people left.

    But for Solution B I didn't understand your point of view why would it wait 80s after both hatch close ?

    About DLC, licensed or not, this is not the point. 

    The point is how the money is made. This is really frustrating to buy the game and not be able to play all the content you buy for.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    Okay, I don't really know about all this hatch nonsense. If I'm survivor, and the killer's camping the hatch, I just do gens to bait them away from it. If they don't, guess who's going to get the exit gate escape, as well as more bloodpoints? Me! If I'm the killer, and I want a 4k, I let the other survivor bleed out until I can find the other one (typically, I don't do this, I'd rather just finish the game). Otherwise, I'll just try to find the person before they find the hatch. If a hatch stand-off takes place, I usually wait maybe 10 seconds before smacking them and moving on. It's not that big of a deal. I'm okay with a 3k. I'll still probably end up 2-pipping and getting 25k-30k bloodpoints.

    As for the dlc price, I am perfectly fine with it. It's only $8 for a chapter, (which is a much better deal than many other games have for dlc). They also allow you to buy original survivors with Iridescent Shards, which may seem like a grind, but if you play regularly, and get your daily survivor and daily killer matches in, you'll have the Shards you need in no time. And regarding licensed survivors and killers, BHVR has to pay royalties for those licenses.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2019


    "Please, tell me how many hours you need to get to 9000 sharps."

    Well since Plagues release I've already made around 6 or 8k shards. That's like 10 days. I wasn't really looking at my hours during that time but it gives a rough idea.

    "Also I'm building some data for the money part, but this take time."

    That's fair, but if that's the case then don't make that as an argument in your post until you do actually have that data because otherwise you are just making assumptions.