Give tips survivors and killers might not know!

When using a flash light; put the battery before a low amp filament so it affects the battery more effectively. Addons on items read from right to left
Hiding in a locker will hide your aura from the killer.
Distortion is a great way to learn what aura perks the killer has.
Calm Spirit will also prevent screams from The Clown and Iron Maiden.
The Legion isn't worth disconnecting over
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you can manipulate medium vaults to become fast vaults if you press your space bar when the prompt "running vault" shows up on your screen. for example, you can fast vault through the ironworks window from the outside to the inside if you turn left when approaching it, run in a straight line towards it, and press space bar at the last second. a fast vault or a medium vault could be the difference between life and death
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How the hell does that work? If you put the amp first then the only the flashlight's charges will be more efficient and not the extra charges from the battery?
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For newer players:
Flailing your arms while hooked has always meant (and should always mean), "KILLER NEARBY"
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When entering the dying state, during the falling animation, you can still recover during that time. You do not have to wait until the animation finishes to start recovering.
When playing the Nurse, you can charge your next blink while in the blinking animation. You do not have to wait until the animation finishes to charge your next blink.
When playing the Pig, you can see how much time the survivor has before dying to the Reverse Bear Trap by the light color and pace of its sound.
Not sure about this one, but you'll bleed out more slowly if you remain still while in the dying state.
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Distressing is good on spirit and legion.
Cleanse the totems you pass please. (Unless it is on fire and no totem IE Devour hope, ruin, noed or third seal is active. It is probably haunted ground.
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You can locate gens by looking for the flashlight light.
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No, you'll not know my numerous trap spots :p
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Learn to give up chases. If you just can't get this one survivor, go for the weaker links.
Too many games of the killer just tunnelling one survivor and then getting upset they lost.
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@Nickenzie Thanks for the Nurse tip!
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When you're playing as killer and picking up a downed person, when you see a survivor run over with a flashlight trying to blind you, spam the SPACE bar to drop the survivor so you don't lose them to the flashlight blind. You're welcome.
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I feel like everyone knows this already. When using the Legion, use Feral Frenzy to catch up to a survivor and get an ez injure on them (you can lunge with Feral Frenzy, btw). After hitting them with Feral Frenzy the 1st time, catch up to them again and turn Feral Frenzy off. This'll allow you to get an ez down on them (especially if you have stun reduction add-ons).
Hiding in a locker gives you Iron Will for as long as you are inside one.
The hatch will spawn under these conditions: 4 survivors alive, 5 gens powered. 3 survivors alive, 4 gens powered or more. 2 survivors alive, 3 gens powered or more. 1 survivor alive, 2 gens powered or more.
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Failing a sabo skill check in Freddy’s dream world doesn’t wake you up!
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When you’re playing against Freddy and you have Self Care, missing a skill check while healing will wake you up
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Balanced Landing is the only exhaustion perk that does something for you even while exhausted. The landing stagger reduction is actually really useful on its own, and it means you could more freely run it with a second exhaustion perk and have a surprise in store. Surely the survivor that used balanced landing earlier won't have dead hard, right? 😃
If the killer has Thrill of the Hunt PLEASE cleanse any dull totems you see. It makes the cleansing time penalty less severe and might be the difference between getting rid of that well-protected totem or not later on. Honestly just cleanse dull totems if you see them regardless, no need to actively hunt them but better safe than sorry.
If you're working on a generator with Hex: Ruin and you miss a skillcheck, let go of M1 and just stand there for 2 seconds or so. During that time you can't put more progress into the generator, but you can get more skillchecks and chain-regress the generator.
If you have distortion and the killer has nurse's calling you can heal for a second during a chase to lose scratchmarks for 10 seconds to help you lose them. Combine that with iron will on a map like Lery's and it's an extremely situational but very unexpected little trick.
And I don't know how the addons interact on flashlights, but as a fan of the yellow abdominal dressing + gel dressing medkit with self care and botany knowledge, I'm pretty sure on medkits it does the math in the order of the items and addons.
Medkit + abdominal + gel dressings is (16 - 25%) + 16 = 28 charges
Medkit + gel dressings + abdominal is (16 + 16) - 25% = 24 charges
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Poised does not require you personally to finish a gen.
Lightweight tier 3 means the killer needs to pay close attention to the scratch marks or you need to be in their los, it’s practically invisible footsteps.
Watch out if you use mint rag on Hag. She can teleport anywhere for 15 seconds but this also means she herself triggers her own traps. Found this out the hard way.
Pay attention to your toolbox and add ons. Some specifically benefit repair or sabo, so don’t use them Willy nilly.
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No problem, the nurse is my main and she's amazing when you know how to use her correctly! 😉
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When you're being chased through corn, don't run straight. Rather, run in a wide circle, like you're racing on a racetrack, since scratch marks will become confusing for the killer to follow and you have a better chance at juking.
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Don’t get in Michael Myers line of sight when you’re running from him, letting him stalk you will make him stronger.
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Don't waste killer shack pallet it is the safest pallet try to save for end game
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Don’t rescue a survivor from the hook if the killer is on your tail or really really close by.
This will usually result in the killer grabbing and hooking you, or the killer will just rehook your teammate and you lose out on safe hook points
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Lery's Memorial Institute and The Game both have exit signs above the doorways of rooms near an exit gate. Use the signs to find a way out of a trial if you forget where the gates are.
While in T3 of Madness you cannot use items, this includes flashlights.
The best generators to repair first are the ones in the center of the map. By fixing these gens early it makes it much harder to patrol the rest of the gens. Spread out the repairs for maximum strength.
The medkit Pharmacy guarantees after a complete chest search is always a rare or green medkit. This medkit also has the fastest base healing speed for healing others.
If you are bad at chases and the killer is chasing you, try to run towards powered generators, this spreads out the killer's objectives and increases the odds they'll leave the hook.
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Seriously, these and many more tips should be shown in loading screen with pictures. But hey, let's give new players the same 3 tips everyone knows anways with a boring loading bar
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Thanks for all the exploits folks time to abuse them)
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If you use a controller and you’re searching a chest, if you wiggle the stick around rapidly you might automatically cancel the chest closing animation, even when the lid is still closing itself. Good for having to get away quickly, but I think the devs should remove the ‘close incomplete chest’ animation and just make the lid auto-close so a Survivor can run immediately instead of being stuck even when hit.
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If you stop fixing generator you will lose the progress speed
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Bright clothes are easier to spot on Blackwater swamp
99 hooks don't break them until the killer is going for that hook
Use flashlights to remove hag traps
Lockers against Doc work like calm spirit and you don't scream
Use a BROWN medkit for styptic or syringe IF you plan on an insta heal.
Use any other color medkit of you plan on healing AND clutch an insta heal with styptic or syringe but be careful you lose your item.
Don't throw down EVERY pallet you come accross others may need them.
Don't do the first gen you spawn by.
Check gens BEFORE breaking that Hex totem it maybe Haunted ground.
If you're in dream state with Freddy if you are nearby by he can't see your aura.
Wait until t3 is gone BEFORE unhooking a survivor against Michael.
Basement always has a chest.
Game map usually always has hatch on 1st floor.
Don't run in a straight line with nurse she can and will blink to you.
You can leave with the headgear out of hatch when facing pig.
Don't go in the basement with wraith he cloaks and blocks the stairs waiting for other survivors.
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Hiding in a locker gives you iron will? What exactly you mean?
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It's not exactly that but hiding in a locker whilst injured makes you very quiet
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Playing as Claudette gives a kos aura
Hiding in swf gives undeserved egos
Killers are there to kill you
Arrogance is a surefire way to get a kos aura
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Awww poor Claudette
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I would love to smash her face to bits, she has a face you just want to pulverise.
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Sabo don't wake from Freddy World
Freddy is OP and need nerf
Nurse is UP and need a buff
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Ah but that s obvious
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This forum is for killers. Survivors not welcome
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On Haddonfield you can tell which houses have unfinished generators by the porch and ceiling lights inside, they will be flickering.
Similarly on the Lery's (hospital) map hallways that lead to generators will have light up signs above flickering.
I want to say Gideon (the game) has similar follow the lights to gens hints but I never survive on this map long enough to confirm anything. 😝
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Gens are always on one side of the large closed metal doors (think the bathroom one). They open when complete.
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You can learn what Killer you are up against pretty early by paying attention:
Trapper: Look for bear traps on the ground, listen for their snap, whatever you do don't let him eat him some ginger snaps
Wraith: Listen for a bell, a ding ding ding
Billy and Leatherface: Listen for chainsaws
Nurse: Listen for a ghostly scream
Doctor: Listen for Survivor screams OR look for a static distortion on the Survivor names
Pig: Look for Jigsaw boxes
Huntress: Listen for humming
Micheal: Listen for Halloween soundtrack
Hag: Kind of difficult to see, but look for her mud markings or you can hear her teleport
Freddy: Listen for children's lullaby or see hazy distortion on Survivor names
Clown: Listen for that hearty laugh
Spirit: She screams and has that hair that reaches for the sky
Legion: Deep Wound marker on Survivor names
Plague: Look for either cleansing fountains or a sickly splotch on Survivor names
Obviously if you see the Killer you will also know what you're dealing with, but if you know what equals what it can help you have a slight advantage
Ex. See a Nightmare effect on another Survivor, know that stealth is the way to play. Or hear Micheals music play, pay attention to your surroundings.
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When playing against a Trapper with bloody coil, keep yourself healed at 99% so you can sabotage his traps without constantly having to heal. When he finds you, tap the heal button to be instantly healed.
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Clown: If you hear a scream and dont see the shock marks indicating doctor is my go to.
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Stalking let's the shape increase in power with evil within :)
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Against a doctor: crouch walking lowers your madness meter! But it doesn’t lower the tier of madness you’re in!
Against a plague: walking and crouch walking while infected doesn’t accumulate sickness
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Run Borrowed Time and We'll Make It... if you intend to do surprise, you won't acrew over teammates as much...I swear people live too much by the "Meta" and think they can bumrush a person Hooked. The amount of times I prevented a tunnel or quick re-hook because of those Perks is insane....
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I guess this depends on platform? I always thought it meant “Killer left, come get me" because my teammates do it when the Killer walks away 90% of the time. The other 10% is them just trolling, but eh. Good to know. Thank you 💜
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@Slayer When entering a locker, you make no noise. i.e. Groaning and breathing.
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@DudeDelicious Really? Whenever I get into a locker, I can't hear my character make any noise.
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@TatsuiChiyo Stealth is not the way to play against Freddy, you don't even know where he is coming from. Survivors should simply split up (similar to Legion) and push gens.
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Freddy has no real reliable way of finding Survivors outside of perks except by stumbling on them, which can be said of almost all Killers. What I meant is when you are traversing the map you shouldn't be just running around, simply cause if Freddy sees you and pulls you into the dream world, you won't really be able to hide from him.
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I always take Spies from the Shadows when I play as Freddy. Helps a lot :D
But the best defense against Freddy really is self care. Missing those skill checks while healing means he has to pull you into the dream world. It’s not terribly hard to lose him if you hide somewhere within heartbeat range and heal.
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Don't want to be the party pooper, but some stuff is blatantly obvious and other stuff is incorrect (like bleeding out slower if you don't move). Would be nice of people to check their facts first.