New Pipping System for Survivors Limits Individual Play-styles

I'm a PS4 player.

So yesterday I playing a handful of survivor games with my preferred style of play, and despite getting 21k plus blood-points and outscoring everyone else in the game, I still only safety pipped. My play-style is a distractor, taking the brunt of the killer's aggro so that the other survivors can get stuff done.

So after about six games of only safety pipping despite having 21k blood-points, I decided to instead focus on doing the objectives. In that game I still got 21k blood-points and escaped but this time I pipped but at the price of my own enjoyment.

So from my experience it seems that for you to pip with this new system you have to play with a very limited play-style. Players shouldn't be punished for playing in a way that have enjoyment from the game, some survivors like me enjoy getting chased by the killer, others enjoy being stealthy or being the gen jockey etc.

While the rank system needed to increase in difficulty as there were survivors and killers at rank 1, who had no place being at rank 1. I think there should have been a different way of doing it.

Comment your opinions.


  • PunL
    PunL Member Posts: 136

    I totally agree, usually my favorit playstyle is sticking to the gens and use Bond to see if the rest is doing and if i should help should go for this unhook or focus on objectives.

    But with the recent update i tend to end with a black pip because i lack the chaser emblem.

    Then there are games where you get cought outright and chase for half the game just to see that there are 3 gens allready done and you dont even have the chance to get a silver Lightbringer emblem. So what now? these are the game that make me toxic and lose the will to play surviver anymore...

  • JLew
    JLew Member Posts: 160

    I like that it is harder to pip thats all good..but man 25k points you would think would be a pip...playing altruistic and everything doin a little bit of everything and nope...20k pts isnt even a safety pip anymore its -1....not sure if i wanna complain though because if im playin like a rank 7...i should be a rank 7..not just rank 1 cause im pussin around the entire game...but new pipping is making players much more selfish and only rushing gens to get out...there is no team play with randoms anymore so swf is really the safest way to go...and with that happening every killer is loaded as toxic as humanly possible every single everyone and goodbye to many ^-^

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220
    edited March 2019

    Survivors now have to work hard and compete with each other for the limited points available. This is as it should be - As a Killer i have noticed less braindead altruistic behavior than previously, which is fine because survivors are not a team, they are four individuals with the same goal. But nobody wants to hear that.

    But if it makes you feel any better, pipping is just as hard for Killers now. Moreso, even; i black pip more often than not and have sat at rank 10-11 since the emblem changes, steadily climbing as i adjust my playstyle to the new emblem system.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    I feel like the dev is forcing the Chaser emblem too much on survivors. Not all of us play in coordinated SWFs. I shouldn't be forced to expose myself to the killer in order to rank up. I'm supposed to avoid the killer, not dry hump his leg into the void.

    Due to DCs, killers can actually derank due to it and it's not fair. Quitter bonus or not.

    The solo players are really arsed out more with DCs from rage quitters early and game crashes which are kind of obvious to everyone at this point. I hit someone with a hatchet with Huntress and the game force closed. lol it wasn't even an Iridescent Head! sheesh.

    People throw a tantrum about immersion but this "Cat and Mouse" game actually lacks all forms of rewarding Stealth. Which IMO is really sad. Combined with the forced Chaser in order to pip, if you have stupid teammates or a really sweaty killer, you aren't going to rank up.

    Suggestion: Survivors and Killers should be getting both Bloodpoints and points towards pipping. Ive been in too many games where 3 people DC'd or it only started with 1-3 people total.

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    @BigBlackMori Why "should" survivors have to compete with one another? This new ranking system is obviously made to handicap SWF further but doing that only helps to slow down the matchmaking system by unbalancing swf ranks and make the game much harder for individuals, and give swf or selfish players in general more reason to farm off of individuals. I don't think survivor needs to be team oriented, but it shouldn't be survivors competing against each other with such limited time in a match and killers who could possibly treat certain individuals as their main target over being a good player or just being obsession.

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220
    edited March 2019



    Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught and killed.

    Know what i don't see in that description? the word 'team'. But i do see 'savage killer' and 'escape' and 'avoid being caught or killed'

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    With this pipping system, I never thought I would ever say "stop gen rushing" as a survivor.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Avoid being caught or killed is the win condition in your statement. However merely escaping is not enough to pip. The actual win condition. Same goes for killer you can wipe a team at the start but you still will only safety pip if its too fast.

    There are merits to drawing out the game but survivours pipping is dependant of excellent play in all categories and red ranks has the bar so high up many excellent players are just stuck at rank 4. A killer who dcs can de pip you as well imagine that.

    You should be able to pip without relying on all categories and forcing survivours to compete messes with team play which is at the core of winning a game of dbd as survivour. Its fine to argue the genre constraints of horror and how teamplay is often absent but in gaming espicially dbd there is no room to be a lone wolf screw your teamates focus on your success mentality.

    Allow a player to get additional points past the existing emblems so even if you are chased all game ypu can still pip if you play well. Tone the rank requirements down by a bar or two.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    I think they should go back to the first ranking system (pipping based on how many points you got), it was still hard but it didn't punish a survivors play-style. I enjoy seeking out the killer, and just getting chased for the majority of the game.

    However, if I stick to my play-style, I'll just keep getting rank 10 killers which isn't fun nor challenging.