How long is Killer Lobby Q for you?

It's getting worse and worse right now for me, I'm currently at 10 minutes lobby Qs as killer on rank 1. I have a feeling it will be soon as worse as the lobby Qs back then around hallowed blight event.
I'm currently playing stupid builds to deranking, but it takes forever.
How is it for you?
Btw maybe worth to mention: I personally have the old matchmaking again.
Im having pretty fast lobby Qs tbh.
If it takes more than 1 min I just cancel it and start again, sometimes the game just bugs
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Rank 4 currently, about 1-2 minutes for my lobby to fill up on ps4
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It ranges from anywhere of 30 seconds to a few minutes. Usually depending on the time of day.
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It was around 3 minutes consistently, now it's all over the place below 3 minutes.
Which is cool, but also weird, or new rather.
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I find lobby instantly.
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Rank 1/2 killer consistently finding lobbies in about 3-4 minutes which is alright imo.
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Around 10-20 minutes today.
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I play PS4 and I’m rank 4 killer it takes maybe 2-3 minutes and as survivor I’m rank 6 it takes me 3-4 minutes solo and if I’m playing with friends it takes me 2-3 minutes
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rank 1 - forever
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Today it takes ages, time to depip again I guess :)
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Yeah, I just camp survivors with Bubba. Even if I 4k, I still depip. Not fun, but at least the salt in endgame chat is funny
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Central Europe: 10s and my lobby is full.
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Depends on the time of day.
A few days ago, I tried playing Michael in the morning and ended up switching to Survivor because it was taking too long.
In the same day, around 7:00 (not stating timezone for obvious reasons), I was getting instant lobbies for a few hours.
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Currently a minute or two at rank 11 (PC). However I haven't had a single game without a DC. Not sure if it's a rage quit or their connection dropping.
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Killer Lobby:
North America
Rank 10ish
7am-9pm usually
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Im on PS4 and it's under a minute.
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Rank 1? Hard to believe.
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Rank 1 - I waited 34 minutes and I gave up.
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Daaamn, feelsbadman. I thought I have the worse Lobby Qs
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Rank 8-10 almost instant to 2 minutes. Been nice to get low ping survivors again too.